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Newslinks for 12/2/2005

We the Proletariat
Submitted by: News Director

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"In this textbook, there are no rights reserved to the states or the people. All rights reside with the federal government. ... Alone among textbooks, We the People is subsidized by the federal government ..."

"But what public schools gain in cost savings, their students lose in accuracy by using this text. 'The Second Amendment (right to bear arms) was mentioned in the earlier historical development section of the text, but there it was included only under the heading of controversial issues, and the emphasis was on gun control, not the right to bear arms,' Dr. Quist observes. 'In addition, the Second Amendment was inaccurately defined as being the right of states to have a militia, not as a personal right to own and bear arms.'"

Larry Elder’s ‘Michael & Me’ Can Change Public Attitudes
Submitted by: News Director

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"...Needless to say, Elder is pro-individual right, straight-up, original-intent Second Amendment."

"I was not only pleased to meet him when he spoke at the 20th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Los Angeles in September, but delighted to get acquainted as I sat beside him during the awards luncheon."

"He received an award at that luncheon for his DVD (video) documentary 'Michael & Me,' in which he turns the tables on Michael Moore, better known to many as the 'big, fat, stupid white man' whose mocumentaries have attacked and ridiculed gunowners, former NRA President Charlton Heston and President Bush."

Violence as a health problem
Submitted by: News Director

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"A study, whose authors include Earls and School of Public Health research fellow Jeffrey Bingenheimer, which appeared in the May 27, 2005, issue of Science, suggests that violence acts as a social infectious disease. The study looked at adolescents who witnessed or have been victims of life-threatening gun violence. ...What they found was that even after controlling for a huge number of variables - including aggression, drug use, gender, and ethnicity - that those who witnessed firearm violence were three times more likely to perpetrate firearm violence within two years than their peers who didn't witness the violence. Thus, violence can be viewed as a disease that 'infects' its witnesses."

Howard Nemerov: Gun Control: From Gun Ban to Taliban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A recent ABC News article noted that there is 'a growing number of women who view carrying a weapon as an essential part of their safety…' Like Pavlov’s dog, this led to the predictable response from a gun control organization:"

"According to the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, if you have a gun at home, it’s at least 20 times more likely to end up accidentally shooting you than it is to protect you from an intruder."

"...Brady’s conclusion is most curious when compared to statistical reality. Using the latest data available, the Centers for Disease Control reported there were 16,555 accidental non-fatal injuries (2004) and 762 unintentional firearms deaths (2002). Kleck and Gertz, in their paper Armed Resistance to Crime, collated seven previous surveys done between 1976 and 1994. The three most conservative surveys taken together result in an estimated average of 770,744 defensive gun uses annually. This means that guns are used defensively about 44.5 times as often as accidental shootings."


Liberty Belles: Guns for Christmas
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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"Guns for Christmas! Oops! I think I just said a bad word, but I'm not sure what it was."

"But seriously, firearms and firearm accessories are very nice gifts for Christmas or any other occasion. It's the kind of gift that most people don't think about largely because the firearm industry does not advertise on television or in the mainstream media. So while everyone is being bombarded with ads from Target and Radio Shack selling mostly useless junk made in China, you can give a gift that will be really appreciated and will last a lifetime."

PA: Gun ownership not at heart of being American (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"Guns are making a combat zone of our streets. Shootings wreak havoc from the inner city to the rural communities of Pennsylvania. As a medic with the Marines in Vietnam, I tried to save the victims of guns and other weapons."

"In 'Packing heat - and political punch,' I am appalled by Tammy Bruce's comment, "Owning a gun is at the heart of what it means to be an American." Many of us who have experienced the results of gun violence do not equate owning a gun with being an American."

"As a veteran, I want to see the dying stop."

WI: Gun control not as popular in Wisconsin (Letters)
Submitted by: News Director

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"Mr. Hoff tries to bait and switch majority support for the 2nd Amendment, which allows citizens the right to bear arms for the country’s defense, and implies that it translates to majority support for people carrying guns around in the streets. He even goes so far as to imply Russ Feingold supports concealed carry because of his college thesis on the importance of the 2nd Amendment. Hilarious. The University of Wisconsin Survey Center in Madison polled 511 Wisconsin residents randomly and 69 percent said they oppose allowing people who can legally own handguns to carry concealed weapons in public."

So carrying a concealed firearm is not part of the Second Amendment? Just what does "keep and bear" mean to this letter writer?

IL: Lake County officials will again swap $50 gift certificates for unwanted guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lake County officials are again offering to swap cash for unwanted firearms after a one-year hiatus in the popular program."

"A coalition of business and law enforcement groups will sponsor the fourth gun buyback program, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 10."

"First run in 2001, the three previous events have collected more than 1,000 guns in exchange for $50 gift certificates good at food and department stores in the county."

"At a press conference Wednesday, Sheriff Gary Del Re said the goal of the exchange is to allow people to safely rid themselves of unwanted weapons." ...

"Firearm Owner’s Identification card requirements for those turning in weapons will be waived ..."

Submitter's Note: Just wondering where in the IL state statutes it says that the FOID requirements (and the 10 year record-keeping requirement) are optional?

IN: Gun owners are ultimately responsible for gun safety
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"So what should be done about securing handguns? Is the answer another gun law? Is it stronger enforcement of existing laws?"

"The National Rifle Association and its supporters have consistently argued that the Second Amendment right to possess firearms should not be restricted. Personal security is a strong argument for owning a gun, they say."

"And groups like the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence have consistently argued that the way to protect personal safety is to restrict gun ownership."

"But what's needed are more restrictions put in place by gun owners themselves."

OH: Anti-gun, trash-talking Democrats consider opposing Strickland in primary
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Akron Beacon Journal is reporting that the field of Democrats interested in running for governor is expected to widen now that Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman has dropped out, leaving pro-gun U.S. Rep Ted Strickland as the primary contender."

"According to the newspaper, anti-gun extremist State Sen. Eric Fingerhut of Shaker Heights and trashy TV show host Jerry Springer both are considering a run."

OH: Despite gun-grabber claims, criminals resort to using more than guns
Submitted by: News Director

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"A convenience-store employee was cut when a would-be robber sliced him with scissors during a confrontation." ...

"An earlier robbery try Monday was successful as a man used a screwdriver to intimidate an employee at the Circle K at 1198 Harrisburg Rd., according to police. ..."

"It seems strange how gun grabbers would like everyone to believe that the world would become such a Utopian society without firearms."

OK: Lawmaker wants to replicate Florida law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Del City lawmaker is introducing a 'Stand Your Ground' law to bolster the ability of citizens to use deadly force if they feel they are in danger outside the home."

"Rep. Kevin Calvey said his bill will be patterned after a new Florida statute and will essentially expand Oklahoma's 'Make My Day Law,' named for a line in a Clint Eastwood detective movie."

ME: Maine legislators should not be afraid of tough gun laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It is too easy to buy a gun in Maine. And in New Hampshire. And in Vermont."

"Just ask the people in Massachusetts, where it is much tougher to get a firearm -- at least legally."

"Increasing numbers of guns from Maine and the rest of northern New England are turning up in greater Boston and elsewhere in the Bay State, according to police who are grappling with growing numbers of shootings and firearms arrests."

"Like New Hampshire and Vermont, Maine has become a "buying" destination for people trying to get around tough Massachusetts laws that require a state permit to purchase handguns."

NY: A Police Death in Brooklyn
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When a police officer dies in the line of duty, there is a natural desire to look for ways to prevent such tragedies in the future. Gov. George Pataki responded to the fatal shooting of Officer Dillon Stewart this week with a call for reinstating the death penalty. ..."

"Rather than increasing the potential consequence of a shooting, it would be far better to remove the gun. The rising amount of gun violence in New York City, which has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country, demonstrates a basic fact: states and localities can make rules on where and how their residents may carry guns, but the regulation of the sales and trafficking of those deadly weapons needs to be done on a federal level."

Right. Because the death penalty and state gun control laws won't stop criminals, but somehow the federal laws will put the fear of God in them...

South Africa: SA official in toy gun stand-off
Submitted by: News Director

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"A South Africa government official was held at gunpoint for over four hours on Wednesday by a man frustrated at waiting for an identity document."

"Police admitted later that the gun used in the hold-up was in fact a toy."

IN: Officer seizes gun from Elmhurst teen
Submitted by: News Director

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"An Elmhurst High School student was arrested on a felony weapons charge last week before school let out for Thanksgiving break, police said."

"A student at the school, 3829 Sandpoint Road, told a school resource officer that a boy was carrying a handgun. The resource officer, a Fort Wayne police officer, pulled the student aside Nov. 23 and asked him whether he had anything the officer should know about, police spokeswoman Robin Thompson said."

"The student hesitated to answer, so the officer patted the student down and found the handgun in the teen’s waistband, Thompson said."

WI: Trooper association supports concealed carry
Submitted by: News Director

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"The authors of the concealed carry legislation in Wisconsin announced Wednesday they have the backing of the Wisconsin Troopers Association."

"The declaration came just prior to an intense debate in the Joint Finance Committee meeting over the matter of whether Wisconsinites should be allowed to carry concealed guns, knives or billy clubs in public. The committee decided to pass the bill by a 12-2 vote."

NY: City fights huge flow of arms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"New York has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation - but weak federal legislation often blows a hole in the local safeguards, top city officials and gun-control advocates said yesterday."

We note there is no pro-gun experts quoted to rebut the absurd notion that criminals will somehow obey federal laws, even though they won't obey state laws. But there's sure plenty of spew from the Brady Center.

CT: Loophole in stun gun law allows for legal purchase
Submitted by: News Director

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"They're dangerous and you could go to jail for even carrying one around. So why is a shoreline store selling high voltage stun guns."

"This is a weapon police believe shouldn't be on the street."

"Some of these stun guns are incredibly powerful and incredibly small. While state lawmakers actually changed the law a few years ago in hopes of getting them off the street, there appears to be a loophole big enough to allow at least one local business to continue to sell them."

WA: Man takes law into his own hands: Father shoots at robbers at Kent shop while gun is pointed at son's head
Submitted by: News Director

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"For a few seconds, Frank Buell thought he was going to be shot in the head."

"One of the three robbers who burst into Kent Jewelry & Loan ordered Buell to his knees and then jammed a handgun against the back of Buell's head, hard enough to leave a knot."

"But the single gunshot that startled Frank Buell was from a pistol fired by his father, Nick Buell, who was taking aim at another robber."

"All three robbers then fled."

MA: Top cop conspicuous in her absence
Submitted by: News Director

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"While Mayor Thomas M. Menino faced the TV cameras the day after a gun battle erupted in front of frightened Dorchester school kids on Monday, the absence of Police Commissioner Kathleen O’Toole was even more noticeable considering how prominent she had been in the public eye." ...

"O’Toole may have bristled at questions about her schedule, but regardless of the Thanksgiving Day holiday, some observers say she has retreated from the limelight as she has grown more and more disenchanted with the job."

"Her absence is also significant considering how other City Hall department heads are waiting for word on whether they will still have their jobs when Menino’s fourth term begins in January."

Canada: Weapons Turned Over in Gun Amnesty
Submitted by: News Director

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Police say 261 guns and more than 1,500 rounds of ammunition were collected in November after they launched a gun amnesty.

Among the weapons turned over were 66 shotguns and 132 rifles.

Police Chief Bill Blair says the results of the amnesty have made the streets safer.

Blair has said the guns will be investigated to determine if they were used in any crimes.

There have been 49 shooting deaths in Toronto so far this year.

VA: County to Lobby State Lawmakers
Submitted by: News Director

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"During the upcoming General Assembly session, lobbyists with Fairfax County's government will push legislation on a range of issues including transportation, immigration, gangs, affordable housing and human rights."

"The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to give its final approval to its legislative agenda on Monday, Dec. 5."

UK: Three jailed for pub robbery
Submitted by: News Director

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"THREE men have been jailed for their roles in an armed robbery of a pub."

"The men were found guilty of robbery at Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester following the incident at the Harwood Arms, Market Street, Broadbottom in May this year."

WI: Gun club to build structure to cut noise
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Hartland Sportsman's Club is moving ahead with plans to build a structure that will cut down on gunfire noise."

"The Plan Commission on Wednesday approved preliminary drawings of the pavilion-like structure, which is intended to contain noise to the firing line of the club's 200-yard range. The plans will go before the Common Council at either the Monday meeting or the Dec. 19 meeting."

"Board members from the club will need to confer with city staff to make a few changes to the drawings."

WI: Committee sends tweaked concealed carry bill to Senate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"State lawmakers edged closer to allowing Wisconsin residents to carry hidden guns and knives Wednesday evening, as the Legislature's budget committee approved a Republican bill that would lift the state's 133-year-old ban on concealed weapons."

"The Joint Finance Committee's vote came after Republicans added a host of provisions to the measure in hopes of making it more palatable to police and Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, who vetoed a previous concealed carry bill."

"The revisions included giving law enforcement officers access to a database that would allow them to check if the owner of a car they stop may be carrying a weapon. Lawmakers also added more locations where carrying weapons would still be illegal."

NY: 125-year-old company sold off at auction
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Some came to Tuesday's auction looking for parts, but others came to bid farewell to a 125-year-old company they say was known for high-quality guns not often found anymore."

"It was a sad day for many gun enthusiasts as the venerable Ithaca Gun Co. sold off equipment in its going-out-of-business liquidation auction."

CA: Oakland Police Officer Injures Self In Gun Accident
Submitted by: News Director

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An Oakland police officer was hospitalized Wednesday night with a self-inflicted gunshot wound after an accident that occurred at the Police Department's administration building, according to a police spokesman.

The incident occurred a few minutes after 8 p.m. inside the administration building at 455 Seventh St., the spokesman said.

The officer was taken to an area hospital for treatment of a non life-threatening wound, the spokesman said.

The spokesman said he could not release details on the incident other than that the injury was caused by "an accidental discharge."

TX: Man fighting for closed borders loses battle
Submitted by: Mike Foshee

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"Nethercott, a one-time bounty hunter, has made it his business to try to curb illegal immigration by starting an armed militia group on his 70-acre ranch near Douglas, Texas."

"He would tell reporters that he and men were willing to step in where the government had failed. He said he'd use machine guns to monitor the border." ...

"In early 2003, Nethercott, and a couple of men from Ranch Rescue, detained and allegedly abused two illegal immigrants."

"Nethercott allegedly detained the immigrants, Fatima Leiva and Edwin Mancia, both Salvadorans, as they were crossing the border near Hebbronville, Texas." ...

"Nethercott was charged with assault and while Texas jury deadlocked on that charge, Nethercott, who is a convicted felon, was found guilty of possessing a weapon and thrown into prison."

"The couple, with the help of the Southern Poverty Law Center, sued Nethercott. And a judge recently awarded the couple Nethercott's 70-acre ranch near Douglas, Texas."

Submitter's Note: Well America has been headed in the wrong direction for a long time, and it's finally taken the turn folks!

WA: Gun Ownership and Domestic Violence: A Lethal Combination
Submitted by: News Director

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"Dr. Fred Rivara, UW professor of pediatrics, and director of the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, is co-author of the study appearing in the American Medical Association's journal, Archives of Internal Medicine. The study links the relationship of weapons in the home and the increased risk of murder and suicide for women. 'Tragically, the results of our study have played out here in our region more than once this past week,' said Rivara."

Is he honestly trying to say that guns in the home CAUSE domestic violence and suicides?

UK: Machine gun cops outside school
Submitted by: News Director

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"ARMED police cordoned off a primary school and a block of flats in the hunt for two masked gunmen."

"Dozens of officers, wielding Heckler and Koch MP5 machine guns and kitted out with bullet-proof jackets and Kevlar helmets, swamped Bath Street in Finsbury at around 10am."

"They ordered teachers at St Luke's Primary School, in Radnor Street, to lock their doors and keep pupils away from the windows."

Philippines: Barangay chair raps trader on gun ban
Submitted by: News Director

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"A barangay captain yesterday charged before the City Prosecutors Office a local trader with illegal possession of firearm."

"In her affidavit complaint, Barangay Captain Prime S. Atillo of Barangay 37-D charged one Mohammad Ali D. Barauntong, believed to be a trader and resident of Barangay 23-C, for carrying his unlicensed pistol outside residence and brandishing the gun before her and in the presence of the desk officer on duty and other policemen at the Sta. Ana Police Station."

CA: Former deputy wounded by Taser stun gun wants company to pay
Submitted by: News Director

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"A 50,000-volt shock cost a former sheriff's deputy $800,000 in current and future wages, according to attorneys representing him in a suit filed against Taser International, the stun gun manufacturer."

"Samuel Powers worked as a Maricopa County deputy for 16 years before a Taser training exercise ended his career on July 16, 2002, according to his attorney John Dillingham."

"During opening statements Wednesday, Dillingham said Powers was forced to leave a job he loved after being 'Tased,' and now earns less than half of what he did as a deputy."

FL: Earnhardt's Cousin Dies After Being Stunned With Taser Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A man died early Thursday morning after a confrontation with an Orange County sheriff's deputy."

"It happened at the Big Oaks Mobile Home Park, WESH 2 News reported."

"Investigators said they received a 911 call at about 6 a.m. about a man screaming and trying to run into traffic at the entrance of the mobile home park on East Colonial Drive, near Bithlo."

"When the first deputy arrived, he found a man wearing shorts, no shirt and no shoes. The deputy said the man was out of control and sweating profusely. He has been identified as Jeffrey Dean Earnhardt, 47. He was the first cousin of Dale Earnhardt, who died during the Daytona 500 in 2001."

NH: Freshman shows up with loaded gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A West High School freshman went to school yesterday with a loaded .32-caliber handgun tucked in his waistband."

"Assistant Principal MaryEllen McGorry — who got a tip the boy had a weapon but didn’t know it was loaded —pulled the 14-year-old student out of class about 8:30 a.m."

"School officials said the student never threatened anyone with the weapon. But the teen became “agitated and combative” in the hallway when officers arrived, Sgt. Mark S. Fowke, community information officer, said. After a brief struggle, they confiscated the weapon."

No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion. — James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775].

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