Why Conservatives Fear Compromise
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... "Of course, deciding where to live isn't really a matter of principle. But deciding to compromise on issues such as the right to life or the Second Amendment (or any other issues politicians confront daily) does involve principles -- for both sides."
"Conservatives frequently find themselves seeking to preserve the status quo and defend American traditions. As such, liberals are often, over time, able to accomplish their goals by continuously asking for more, and compromising for slightly less."
"And when conservatives refuse to compromise further, they are cast as the villains. The public says: Can't they just meet in the middle?" ... |
VPC attempting to link concealed carry to suicide
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"Violence Policy Center executive director Josh Sugarmann is gleefully shouting from the rooftops that concealed carry licensees in Michigan are statistically more likely to commit suicide than is the general population. The Huffington Post presents Sugarmann's latest triumph:" ... |
A New Constitutional Convention Would Risk Gun Rights, Abortion
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... "... it occurred to me that if Cantor’s friends succeed, a Constitutional Convention is just the kind of forum at which—who knows?—the high court could be side-stepped and the death penalty outlawed." ...
"I was actually warming to the idea, until I considered what other bedrock rights might be repealed or adjusted."
"The Second Amendment is an obvious target. Things are going well, in the courts, for those of us who support the right to bear arms. I wonder if Cantor has spoken with the [NRA] about rolling the dice? There are a lot more urban voters than rural ones, and Mayor Billionaire of New York would no doubt lead a sizable, well-funded delegation to the convention, intent on banning handguns, at least." ... |
More Thoughts About Home Carry and Fanny Packs
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"Br’er Kozak expresses some surprise that Fearless Leader and his wife carry 'pretty much every waking moment.' (30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 3). Well, guys and gals, I may be a newcomer to this site but I’ve been scouring the internet for firearm-related news – which I share via my own mailing list – for about 14 years now. It still pains me every time I read about a home invasion and learn that one or more family members suffered damage until one of the innocent parties was finally able to access a firearm somewhere in the home ..." ... |
Cobra Gunskins Pink Lady Gun Holster: Is Pink the New Black?
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"Long-time readers will know I had a hard-on for the infamous pink Hello Kitty AR. Hang on; that doesn’t sound right. Try it this way: I see nothing wrong with firearms in bright even day-glo colors. TTAG has a Liberty Gun (XD-M) adorned with Old Glory heading for portraiture duty at the SHOT show. At least one gunmaker—Charter Arms—owes its continued existence to the success of its pink revolver (e.g. the Chic Lady). Is it possible that gun owners are moving away from basic black? I doubt it. But here’s some more evidence that the increasing number of female concealed carry permit holders is having an impact on the color pallet of pocket pistols . . ." ... |
Armalite Offers New AR-10 A2
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"As part of its highly mnemonic December to Remember sales campaign, Armalite’s just launched its new AR-10 A2 with forward assist. 'The premiere rifles came off the line and were test-fired on November 30th,' Armalite informs. 'The first of the new A2’s with forward assist are rifles. They are also being built as carbine. Both the rifle and the carbine are available with black or green furniture.' And an HDTV. Just kidding. In any case, Miss A2 is ready for her close-up . . ." ... |
Another Reason Why the Smith & Wesson 686 is the Greatest Gun Ever Made
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"The rabbi lent me two of his Ruger SP101s for Sam. The Jewish gun guru can’t get his head ’round the fact that Her Indoors home carries a Smith & Wesson 686 on her hip, and plans on continuing to do so as and when she gets a concealed carry permit. ... The stainless Rugers sported two-inch and three-inch barrels. Sam shot them alongside her Smith ... Sam couldn’t hit squat with the Rugers, and didn’t enjoy the experience. She shot nice tight groups with the four-inch Smith and smiled that crooked little smile of hers. .357? Even better. And now survivalblog.com has the low-down on barrel length and .357 ammo that proves that Sam does, indeed, own the perfect gun. Well almost . . ." ... |
Use ballots, not bullets
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"A frequent letter writer really stepped over the line this time when he threatened an armed rebellion ('We've only just begun,' Nov. 21)."
"The author has hinted before that he might support a violent insurrection against the government, but this time he called for just that. ..."
"I thought the Second Amendment was created for 'the security of a free state.' Does the author really think it was created to allow for armed internal rebellions?" ... -------
Submitter's Note: The author seems to feel that the important concept there is the State, not the Freedom. |
GA: When the gunfights return, churches — and maybe campuses — will be in the crosshairs
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... "Believe it or not, many gun enthusiasts — the hardcore, anyway — will breathe a sigh of relief once Georgia's first Republican governor in modern history leaves office next month."
"It was Perdue who, this spring, vetoed a bill that would have explicitly given those who hold concealed-weapons permits the right to carry their firearms in unsecured areas of the terminal at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport."
"During this year’s sweeping rewrite of the state’s gun laws, it was also Perdue who insisted that places of worship remain on a shrinking list of public venues where firearms — concealed or otherwise — are not permitted." ... |
PA: 'A lost cause,' Rendell laments about Pa.'s gun issue
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"In the waning days of Gov. Rendell's administration, Pennsylvania legislators tried to trap him in a no-win decision."
"Conservative legislators attached a controversial measure expanding citizens' right to shoot in self-defense to a no-brainer bill strengthening reporting requirements for sex offenders under Megan's Law. ..." ...
"Pennsylvania already has a 'castle doctrine' allowing residents to fire a gun without fear of arrest if attacked at home. There's no need, the governor said, to throw open the castle doors and let folks take aim at any perceived threat, anywhere. Whatever happened to walking away?" ... -------
Submitter's Note: What's happened to walking away? You tell me! |
NE: Update: Dogs That Attacked Children Found
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"The owner of two dogs that attacked two 12-year-olds getting off a school bus Monday afternoon has been located and cited. ..." ...
"A bad situation could have been worse if not for an unidentified man who helped the children. 'I was on the ground and my friend was screaming 'help' and then a man came down the street and shot a gun and then the dogs start running down the street.'"
"Daja's father was grateful the man was there. 'They could have gotten killed,' said Tyrone Briggs. 'I'm thankful to the guy that shot the gun or it would have been a bigger tragedy than what it is and today would be a sad day, so I'm thankful that it came out the way it did.'" ... |
OH: Criminals now live in fear, thanks to ‘Castle Doctrine’
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"Aristotle said, 'Law is order, and good law is good order.' Although the law passed well after Aristotle's time, his quote rings very true in regard to Ohio's 'Castle Doctrine.'"
"Under the Castle Doctrine, citizens of Ohio can now welcome law and order back into their homes, instead of giving fear and anarchy a place at the dinner table." ... |
OR: City Council passes Adams’ gun safety initiative
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"Despite public concerns raised about some elements of Mayor Sam Adams’ gun safety initiative, the City Council unanimously approved it Wednesday morning."
"'This is not perfect, but it’s an important first step,' Commissioner Nick Fish said before voting in favor of a package of proposals designed to reduce the illegal ownership and use of guns in Portland, especially among young African-Americans." ... -------
Submitter's Note: The antis give away a great deal concerning their ultimate goals when they label every law they pass as a first step. |
New Jersey case sparks national outrage
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"It is the kind of legal nightmare one only imagines from a Hollywood script writer, but right now in New Jersey, a man sits in prison who should not be there and his case has so outraged firearm civil rights activists that Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, will be flying to the Garden State in several days to join in a demonstration in Toms River, N.J." ... -------
Submitter's note: A situation that can best be described as Kafkaesque. |
Man Jailed in New Jersey for Guns He Legally Owned
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... "But the case of Brian Aitken calls into question the significance of the McDonald v. Chicago decision. Aitken — a graduate student with no prior criminal record — is now in prison in New Jersey serving a seven-year sentence simply for owning firearms that he legally purchased."
"According to the Philadelphia Daily News, Evan Nappen (Aitken’s attorney) summarized the fate of his client as a 'perfect storm of injustice' — an assessment that seems quite accurate for anyone familiar with the circumstances. As the Daily News summarizes Aitken’s plight:" ... |
NH: Ward Bird Brandishing Case Has NH Gun Owners Up In Arms
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"New Hampshire home owner Ward Bird is sitting in prison thanks to a three-year sentence for 'felony criminal threatening.' ..." ...
"... today’s concordmonitor.com added its voice to the growing chorus pointing out the absurdity of the law, the ruling and the sentence, calling for new legislation to clarify lawful brandishing.""The key element of the criminal threatening law, for example, appears to be not the state of mind of the person making the threat but the emotional state of the target of the threat. If the person is scared enough, then the person making the threat is guilty." ... |
CA: Woman gets $245,000 settlement in deputy sex assault lawsuit
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"A single mother who alleged she was sexually assaulted by a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy during a 2008 traffic stop was awarded a $245,000 settlement Tuesday."
"The Downey woman said she had been pulled over after midnight in Paramount, and told she'd be jailed for drunk driving. But when the deputy returned to her driver's side window, he ... said: 'What are you going to do for me in order for me not to bring you to jail tonight?'"
"... Deputy Mark Fitzpatrick is facing a criminal trial next year in connection with the incident and two others, according to interviews and records. He had a history of sexual misconduct accusations during his roughly two-decade career with the Sheriff's Department ..." ... |
TN: Haslam brings change at the right time
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"It only took two days after the Nov. 2 election for a liberal, left-leaning opinion columnist to attack Gov.-elect Bill Haslam’s stand on the Second Amendment. Pam Strickland then went after Haslam’s integrity regarding his political approach to a successful campaign in her Nov. 5 column. Then Haslam is tagged as ultraconservative rather than what I would call a traditional conservative, entrepreneur and a pragmatist." ... |
NY: 'Subway Vigilante' Bernhard Goetz saves city squirrels, is subject of new Chelsea art exhibition
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"'Subway Vigilante' Bernhard Goetz is the subject of a squirrely new Chelsea art exhibition."
"Once a symbol of New Yorkers' anger over rampant crime, Goetz now devotes his days to caring for injured squirrels in city parks. ..."
"Goetz captured public attention in 1984, when he shot and seriously wounded four men he claimed were attempting to mug him on the 2 train. The incident sparked a national debate on crime, race and self-defense. He was convicted of weapons charges and served eight months in jail." ...
"He also was forthcoming about his life before squirrels. 'He was confiding to a number of us,' Freid adds. 'He regrets turning himself in" after the shootings." ... |
OH: White-tailed Deer Hunters Increase Kill on Opening Day of Gun Season
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"Ohio hunters had near ideal weather for the opening day of deer-gun season. Hunters took 37,805 white-tailed deer on Monday, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. The deer-gun season remains open through Sunday, December 5, and then reopens for two days on Saturday and Sunday, December 18-19."
"The preliminary figures from deer check stations throughout the state show an increase of 12.5 percent from last year's opening day total of 33,607." ... |
MA: We are judged by what we favor, not just oppose
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"A person is judged by what they are for as well as by what they are against. ..." ...
"Though the Second Amendment gives[sic] American citizens the right to bear arms, it has been established that aspects of gun ownership are a regulated privilege under the purview of federal and state governments. It neither implicitly nor explicitly confers on the citizen the inherent right to purchase and possess any type of firearm, especially concerning automatic combat-type rifles designed solely for the express purpose of killing human beings." ... |
TN: Uh-oh, The CA likes her
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... "How long had Tennesseans waited to get some relief on their Second Amendment rights, only to be chastised and belittled by this newspaper and some members of the Republican Party? Now Harwell says that is enough? She states that she feels that 'clearly we received a mandate from the public that we need to be focused on jobs and education and the economy this session.'"
"I agree that these are very important issues ... but we increased the House and Senate tremendously and elected a Republican governor after two years of working to expand the constitutional rights of Tennesseans. We do not have to make a choice of one or the other; we need to use the guidance that our forefathers left us, the Constitution." ... |