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Newslinks for 12/21/2001

UK: London Gun Crime Up 90%
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Revenge killings among drug gangs have fuelled an explosion in gun murders in Britain.

According to latest figures, the number of gun murders in London has leapt by 90% this year, and "at least 2 people a day are now robbed at gunpoint in London."

KABA NOTE: In the "gun-free" UK? Hmmm...

Anti-gun Lobby Misfires
Submitted by: john fansler

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"The national public-policy debate was plunged to a new low by the single-issue lobbying group Americans for Gun Safety (AGS). AGS is funded solely by Internet billionaire Andy McKelvey — a former board member of the gun-ban lobby known as 'Handgun Control Inc.'

"The new group is trying to make an outrageous attempt to link the terrorist strikes against this country to a national tradition as old as America itself — gun shows."

Report by James Jay Baker, Executive Director of National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

CA: Armed Against Fear?
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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Leung explains that when people call, including grandmothers, to inquire about buying a gun, "they all get furious when I tell them that they have to wait 8 months to get the permit."

He assures them that once you obtain the permit, however, "there is no limit to what you can buy."

KABA NOTE: Has he read California law lately? There are indeed many limits on what lawful CA citizens can buy.

MD: Mayor "lashes out on crime"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Apparently "frustrated" by Baltimore's rising murder rate, Mayor Martin O'Malley lashed out at the top federal prosecutor and federal judges, saying they are not doing enough to help the city fight crime.

O'Malley, a Democrat whose crime-fighting pledge has become a barometer of his success, said U.S. Attorney Thomas M. DiBiagio is accepting fewer state gun cases for prosecution in the harsher federal system.

NV: Judge rules against Metro Police
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"A reasonable officer would understand that after shooting a citizen whose only crime was jaywalking, he should call for backup rather than fire a second round of shots at a wounded man."

Hunt noted in his ruling that there was "little evidence" to support Gentner's claim that Perrin pointed something at the officer that could "reasonably be perceived as a firearm."

Gun Ownership – Are We Fit to Be Free?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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It happened again. Some poor guy caught in a love triangle he couldn't handle went berserk and shot a number of co-workers before killing himself.

These things are happening more and more frequently, the list of victims continues to grow, and much of the blame for the deaths and woundings can be laid squarely at the doors of the nation's rabid anti-gun zealots.

Biotech: A Chip ID That's Only Skin-Deep
Submitted by: Tim Fulton

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Bodily-implanted GPS devices to alert security personnel to your whereabouts: The ultimate ID. For more information, read:

Meet the Digital Angel from Hell

Wearers' of Digital Angel® monitored by GPS, Internet

Human-tracking subdermal implant technology makes debut

Geoff Metcalf interviews scientist on sub-dermal biochips

Implant technology to be beta tested on humans

KABA NOTE: If the L.A.Times article is correct, Applied Digital has reversed it's June 2001 decision to discontinue implant testing. See:
Plans to create under-the-skin monitoring device discontinued

Gun laws called "U.S. weak spot"
Submitted by: WildWest

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Armed with a report detailing how terrorists buy guns in the United States, Democrats said that "stronger federal restrictions on firearms are necessary to homeland security."

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, said gun control advocates were using the terrorist threat to further their political agenda at a time when firearm sales are up.

Report by Melissa Robinson

SC: Gunfire ordinance may get new life
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Proposed law to regulate gunfire in Horry County has been shot down, but one County Council member vows to bring it back before the full council.

Councilman John Kost wants gunfire "regulated" in "densely populated, unincorporated areas."

Big Government Provides Safe Haven for Future Terrorists
Submitted by: Andy Kellett

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Rebuttal to Sen. Charles Schumer By J.J. Johnson

"Regrettably, Mr. Schumer has been a leader in Washington in this assault upon the freedoms and rights of Americans. He has been one of the most virulent attackers of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and upon the rights of individual citizens to defend themselves and their country.

"Few are the voices pointing out that the horrors of September 11th might never have happened if such constitutional rights had been practiced at least among the crewmembers of the doomed flights."

Life's Fundamentals (Second Amendment Sisters)
Submitted by: Charles Seitz

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Worldnet Daily Columnist Gary Aldrich socks it to the Milliom Mom March and lends full support to the Second Amendment Sisters.

Russian designers develop laser weapon
Submitted by: WildWest

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The device weighs just over 10 ounces and is fired from a grenade launcher attached to a rifle.

Officials say it could be used in the war against terrorism, but did not name the company that developed the weapon.

NJ: Gun Makers Must Face Municipality's Claims for Cost of Violence
Submitted by: John Fansler

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The first state court in New Jersey to rule on whether gun makers can be sued for the costs of gun violence has held that the case can go forward, at least in part.

MI: Michigan Agencies Announce Firearm "Buyback" Program
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"Attorney General Jennifer M. Granholm along with Meijer Stores, the Michigan Sheriffs' Association, and the Detroit Police Lieutenants and Sergeants Association today announced the kickoff of the 'Project Safety' firearm buy-back program."

IL: Ryan's Online Gun "Sting" Criticized
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Attorney General Jim Ryan had his staff surf the Internet last year looking for criminals. The sting netted six weapon sales and a single conviction but no jail time.

Since then, federal authorities have criticized Ryan's approach and the attorney general's own chief lawyer admitted 4 of the cases were dropped over fears that the sellers were improperly lured into illegal actions.

(Ryan is the Republican-in-name-only Attorney General running for Ill. governorship)

Privacy in sheep’s clothing: bill would strip privacy of legal gun owners
Submitted by: Bob Beatty

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A good take on the Schumer-Kennedy "terrorism" bill and not your normal fare for the MSNBC opinion page. By Brock N. Meeks.

TX: Search and Seizure of ex-firechief called 'extreme'
Submitted by: serinde

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Forest Hill Police took just about everything - including part of the kitchen sink - when they executed search warrants at the home of the city's former fire chief, who is accused of theft, his attorney said.

Police seized more than 20 guns, at least seven of which officials believe were purchased with Forest Hill funds, Hill said. Those 7 guns would be considered city property, City Attorney Bill Lane said.

TX: Fort Worth's crime rate falls
Submitted by: serinde

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Crime rates were up during the first half of the year in Arlington and down in Fort Worth and Grand Prairie, according to the FBI's semiannual crime report.

Violent crimes continued to fall in Fort Worth. The Police Department credits increased community involvement and citizen policing units such as 'Code:Blue' and 'Citizens on Patrol' for keeping numbers low.

TX: Arlington's crime rate increases
Submitted by: serinde

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Arlington police spokeswoman Christy Gilfour said the department might create new programs to help Arlington communities cut down on particular crimes, such as auto theft, that are increasing in their areas.

"We're going to respond to the calls when people call 911, but we're going to look for ways to involve the community to help empower the residents to work with us and help keep the community safe," Gilfour said.

Soldier of Fortune Magazine: huge boost in sales since Sept.11
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A new wave of patriotism and the war in Afghanistan has boosted sales of the adventure and military magazine Soldier of Fortune.

Subscription orders have increased from 107,000 in September to 140,000 for December, editor and publisher Robert Brown said. Orders made online for the print version have increased from about 2 or 3 daily to as many as 25.

Soldier of Fortune Magazine Online:

Canada: The world did change on Sept.11
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The Democrats and their media chums haven't quite adjusted yet. Their line is that domestically, there's a new faith in "big government" that naturally favours the Dems, and that internationally Bush has signed up to the entire Clinton/Gore agenda -- multilateralism, a big role for the UN, etc. This is, in fact, precisely the opposite of what's happened. On the domestic front, the first victim among Democratic policies has been "gun control."

Anti-Gun Groups Cite Terror War in Quest for Clampdown on Gun Sales
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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WASHINGTON — Anti-gun groups are seizing the war on terror as a rationale for tightening gun control laws in America, citing the effort in their demands for more stringent background checks on gun sales at shows and over the Internet.

In a report released Wednesday, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence said potential terrorists are taking advantage of provisions in existing laws to purchase guns.

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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