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Newslinks for 12/21/2005

Chameleon Democrats Can't Truly Change if They Don't Know Why
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Writing in the Boston Globe Dec. 17, reporter Susan Milligan noted that the Democratic Party, 'long identified with gun control, is rethinking its approach to the gun debate ...'" ...

"Milligan's well-written piece, unfortunately, did not explain that the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, nor did it say that Democrats are changing their opinions about guns and the people who own them. Not surprisingly, gun rights activists who frequent – the busiest firearms rights website in the country – were quick to pick up on this. Wrote one correspondent: 'It's always 'seeking to improve the chances of its candidates'. Notice exactly whom that serves...OK, contrast it to 'seeking to better understand their constituents' needs'.'" ...

'Democrats recast gun control image'. But is it a true conversion? (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Boston Globe is reporting that the Democrat party, long identified with gun control, is rethinking its approach to the gun debate, seeking to improve the chances of its candidates in states where hunters have been wary of casting votes for a party with a national reputation of being against guns." ...

"As the article notes has been the case for the NRA, Buckeye Firearms Association has found more opportunities to endorse pro-gun Democrats in various races in recent years."

"Still, many gun owners are likely going to have trouble trusting any new-found pro-gun positions taken on a national level, since this exact move of "recasting the gun control image" was called for by anti-gun billionaire Andrew McKelvey just a few short years ago..." ...

Cenk Uygur: What Other Laws and Amendments Does the President Feel Authorized to Violate?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've written about how George Bush is Above the Law before. But this time he's outdone himself. ... It's not that he circumvented the constitution -- he's been there before. It's his defense that makes this case stand out so much." ...

"If the President feels he has the authority to clearly break one federal law, how many others does he feel he has the authority to break? If the President doesn't need to abide by the Fourth Amendment, does he have to abide by any of the rest?"

"... If you set the precedent that a President can ignore any of the amendments he feels impede the security of this country, what will stop a Democratic president from ignoring the second amendment to take away the guns of potential 'enemies of the state'?" ...

An Interview With Tim Schmidt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What is the USCCA?"

"The USCCA is a national association that promotes concealed carry, self-defense, and the original intent of the second amendment ..."

"When you say 'The original intent of the 2nd Amendment' what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Aaron, the 2nd Amendment reads; 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' The framers of our constitution were talking about self-defense here. They weren’t talking about duck hunting or shooting trap. The 2nd Amendment simply affirms our God-given right to self defense. ... The USCCA believes that ANY infringement on the right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional!" ...

Brady Center Announces Opposition to Nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to U.S. Supreme Court; Alito's Judicial Activism in Machine Gun Case Prompts Brady Center's First-Ever Opposition to Supreme Court Nominee
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence announced today that it is opposing the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is the first time the Brady Center has opposed a Supreme Court nomination."

"Judge Alito's nomination poses serious dangers to the safety of our communities, our families, and our children, as evidenced by his troubling dissent in U.S. vs. Rybar, 103 F.3d 273 (3rd Cir. 1996). In that case, Judge Alito argued that the federal machine gun ban amounted to an unconstitutional exercise of Congressional power under the Commerce Clause. Alito attempted to erect arbitrary hurdles to Congressional efforts to reduce the availability of machine guns to the criminal element." ...

KABA Note: Actually Judge Alito precisely applied the (at the time) most recent Supreme Court precedent regarding the commerce clause, while the other two judges ignored precedent with their ruling.

MI: Retired Detroit cop killed in shootout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired Detroit police officer was killed Monday night in a shootout with a suspected robber in which both men were fatally shot outside a party store on the city's east side." ...

"Investigators said the shootout occurred as Penn left the Mack Express Party Store ... and walked toward his van."

"A witness told police that a man armed with a handgun approached Penn and announced a holdup. Penn turned around with his licensed handgun and exchanged gunfire with the other man at close range."

"Both men were shot several times and collapsed into the snow. Police said they recovered two pistols at the scene." ...

FL: Wild dogs no longer pose a threat at park, officials say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Visitors can once again stroll Wall Springs Park without fear. The roving canine menace is no more."

"Since early November, when two wild dogs were shot and killed at the park, Pinellas County animal control officers have hunted down three more members of the pack, including its elusive leader, a 60-pound male Rottweiler."

"With the Rottweiler gone and the pack's number reduced to six, the group appears to have lost much of its spunk and dispersed, animal services director Kenny Mitchell said Monday." ...

"The animals began to frustrate authorities in June. Park visitors complained of their presence and park employees were intimidated." ...

Submitter's Note: But why would you need a gun in a park?

NE: Dogs shot, police threatened in dogs-at-large incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man was charged in Hall County Court Monday with threatening a police sergeant after two of his dogs were shot by officers Saturday." ...

"When police arrived, they saw seven large, mixed-breed dogs running free, he said. The animals had chased people and cars and had bitten at vehicle tires, Falldorf said." ...

"One dog charged an officer as he attempted to get out of his patrol car. The officer tried to shut the door and trampled the dog's head. He then opened the door, believing the dog would run away, but the animal continued to charge. The officer emptied a can of pepper spray in the dog's face before using his handgun to protect himself, Falldorf said." ...

IL: Everybody gets guns but us (3rd letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Let me get this right: I was a Chicago Police officer who retired as a detective after 32 years of service to the city. Congress passed a law in 2004 that gives retired officers throughout the United States the right to carry concealed weapons. Gov. Blagojevich signs legislation in July 2005 saying retired police officers in Illinois can carry concealed weapons. But Mayor Daley, who has a security detail of 30 active Chicago Police officers protecting him and his family 24 hours a day, refuses to let me carry a weapon."

"The gang-bangers who prowl my neighborhood can carry a weapon, an alderman can carry a concealed weapon, a retired police officer from any place other than Chicago who visits or lives here can carry a weapon, but I am not qualified to carry a weapon?

Al Barski,
Lower West Side

NY: Justice can't be blind to past crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's a little known but dismaying fact about the slaying of NYPD Officer Daniel Enchautegui: The accused triggerman, Steven Armento, should have been sitting in jail instead of stalking the streets of Pelham Bay with a loaded .357."

"Armento had pleaded guilty to assault and animal cruelty charges only a few months before ..."

"Given his history of 13 arrests and three prison terms, a rational justice system would have locked this thug away for as long as the law allowed - which, in this case, was a year. But a pair of judges in Yonkers City Court ignored his novel-length rap sheet and treated the case as a routine misdemeanor. ..." ...

"And so Armento was a free man early on Dec. 11 when, according to police, he put a hollow-point bullet in Enchautegui's heart while fleeing a burglary." ...

NY: Silver's 'Controls' Don't Work
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"How do you stop criminals from getting guns? With the murders of two New York City police officers this year and two each of the two previous years, all from guns, New York politicians feel pressure to do something, splitting the two political parties in very predictable ways. The state Senate and Gov. Pataki want to punish gun smugglers with longer prison terms; the state Assembly and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer call for more gun-control laws. Despite Pataki's efforts, the most direct approach to stop criminals killing police officers seems off the table--because Democrats won't pass legislation to let the death penalty be imposed." ...

NY: Call for gun trafficking bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Local law enforcement leaders are endorsing Governor Pataki's call for a change of heart by assembly speaker Sheldon Silver, urging him to allow a full assembly vote on the legislation that has already won approval from the state senate."

"'If on one side of the legislature, you have a 60 to nothing vote, every republican, every democrat, 60 to nothing in the New York State Senate supports this gun trafficking bill, I think it's not the assembly. I think it's the assembly leadership, specifically, which has to allow its members to vote on this,' said Chauncey Parker, NYS Division Of Criminal Justice Services." ...

NY: New York Governor, Legislature Urged to Crack Down on Sources of Crime Guns (BCPGV)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sarah Brady, chair of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement:"

"'Governor Pataki and New York's Republican Senate majority have been pointing fingers at their Democratic colleagues for the past week. They need to stop grandstanding, and agree to include the Assembly's approach in a legislative package to keep illegal guns off the streets of New York.'"

"'Elected officials meeting in Albany Wednesday have an opportunity to take real steps to disable gun traffickers. They need to change the behavior of rogue and careless gun dealers by holding them accountable for their actions.'"

"'New York City residents are currently facing gridlock because of the transit strike. They don't need to see gridlock in Albany ...'"

NY: Statement from Tom King President of the NYSRPA regarding the NYS Assembly's proposed gun laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver continues to prevent passage of legislation - supported by the New York State Senate and Governor Pataki - which would toughen the laws on illegal trafficking of guns. The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association supports the effort to remove illegal firearms and those who possess them from our streets."

"We need to punish criminals who illegally own or traffic in guns, not criminalize the legal use and sale of firearms. Speaker Silver and the Assembly's proposed legislation try to shift the focus to blame legal gun owners and sellers instead of protecting our law enforcement officials and apprehending those who illegally use, possess or sell firearms." ...

NY: Assembly urged to approve Pataki gun-control bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With the state Legislature gearing up to consider tougher gun trafficking and police protection laws tomorrow, Assemblyman Vincent Ignizio did sentry duty outside 1 Police Plaza in Manhattan yesterday with a coterie of like-minded Republicans and police union officials."

"They united to call on the Democratic-ruled Assembly to support legislation introduced by Gov. George Pataki in light of the recent shooting deaths of two New York City police officers." ...

NY: Gun dealers balk at proposal to hold them liable
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun dealers could be held liable if they sell weapons that are later used to commit a crime under an Assembly proposal that's under fire by gun-rights proponents." ...

"'They're trying to hold gun dealers liable for criminal misuse of firearms,' but that's prohibited by federal law, said Jacob Rieper, legislative director of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. 'They're just doing it as harassment.'"

"Some of the bill's provisions sound like old news to Bob Lounsbury of Lounsbury's Sporting Goods in Middletown, like a mandate to show customers how to use their new guns."

"'For 50 years, we've done that,' he said. And all dealers are already required by federal law to deny a sale to someone who they suspect is buying the gun for someone else." ...

NY: State lawmakers work on gun-trafficking bills
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun dealers could be held liable if they sell weapons that end up in the hands of criminals, under a Democrat-controlled Assembly proposal that’s under fire by gun-rights proponents." ...

"The Assembly proposal calls on gun retailers to carry at least $1 million in liability insurance, affix new and lengthy warning labels to all guns, and to cancel a sale if it 'appears,' or there is a 'reasonable suspicion,' that the guns could end up being resold to criminals." ...

NY: Assembly Bill Would Dramatically Increase Penalties For Crimes Against Law Enforcement Officers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver today announced the introduction of legislation that would provide a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment without parole for the murder of a police officer and would dramatically increase penalties for a range of other violent and threatening crimes committed against law enforcement officials." ...

"Silver called provisions in the Assembly plan 'critical tools in the state's efforts to address gun violence. Getting 'cop killer' bullets off the streets of New York is an initiative supported by 143 police and sheriffs' departments from across the state. The Senate and governor repeatedly failed to act in an effective campaign to truly protect law-enforcement officers from violent criminals noted the lawmakers." ...

OH: Pro-gun Democrat elected to head party in Ohio (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that the Ohio Democratic Party elected House Minority Leader Chris Redfern as its chairman Monday night."

"Redfern is a former endorsee of this political action committee who voted for Ohio's concealed carry law." ...

"Strickland, the party's presumptive nominee for governor, endorsed Redfern soon after former Chairman Denny White's resignation." ...

"Like Redfern, Ted Strickland is a pro-gun Democrat."

"So can a 2004 endorsee of this political action committee and a pro-gun Federal legislator-turned gubernatorial candidate change the attitude of the Ohio Democratic Party toward our gun rights? It's looking more and more like Ohioans may get the opportunity to find out!"

VA: 'Bear arms' means just that
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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What an interesting and novel revelation--"that the Second Amendment might actually mean what it says" ["Amendment II: Right to bear arms," Dec. 6].

Tom Moncure's commentary was very informative and well-written.

It's hard for me to stomach why so many try to rewrite history and desiccate this mighty document that the Founders created to make this country the great, safe place that it was envisioned to be.

"It might just mean what it says" was a brilliant suggestion by law professor Sanford Levinson. It's just too simple. Thanks, Mr. Moncure.

Marc Butler

King George

FL: Can Democrats avoid gun talk?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dwight Stansel is that rare Democrat who wins elections among rural, white voters in North Florida. He has simple advice for Democrats who want to do the same:"

"'There's no such thing as sensible gun control in North Florida,' says the farmer and state representative from Suwannee County. 'If you're on the wrong side of that issue, nothing else matters, really.'"

"Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, a new national star after showing how Democrats can win over red states, stayed far away from gun control when he courted voters in depressed rural areas of Virginia: 'A lot of what we tried to offer was hope - but they had to hear me first.' If you talk about gun control, he said, 'Sometimes, they don't hear anything else.'" ...

Primitive weapons season includes modern-day change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A big seller with deer hunters this Christmas season is a primitive weapon."

"The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks said earlier this year that primitive weapons could include certain rifles that can fire modern cartridges."

"These rifles, replicas of pre-1900 guns, use a regular brass cartridge, not a bullet that is rammed on top of black power down the barrel."

"'It has been probably the best-selling rife for a season that we have ever sold,' said Kyle Pickett, a gun salesman at Big Buck Sports in Hattiesburg. 'We've sold well over 100 and have a long waiting list, of more than 60. We have 100 guns on order, but I don't know if we'll get enough.'" ...

MA: No home for the range, yet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The request for an indoor shooting range at Butts & Barrels that city staff objected to has been tabled for one month."

"Lonnie Maurer manages Butts & Barrels, 1211 Mitchell Blvd., which is owned by Dwight Zeman of Port Clinton."

"Maurer applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a conditional use permit to expand the business and offer a four-bay indoor shooting range for pistols."

"The board reviewed the request at its meeting Monday night and, after a lengthy discussion, decided to hold off on a vote until its Jan. 18 meeting." ...

"City staff members recommended rejecting the permit, citing concerns about surrounding parks, the size of the lot and safety." ...

DE: Downstate recreation: Handgun hunting to begin; New deer season set for January
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Delaware’s first handgun deer season is slated to open Jan. 7 and run through Jan. 14 at five designated wildlife areas statewide."

"Sportsmen have long advocated the addition of a handgun hunting season, which allows for use of a lighter weapon that can prove quite accurate, said Tom Whittendale, a wildlife biologist for the state Division of Fish and Wildlife."

"Many are cautiously optimistic about the hunt, citing the challenge of handgun hunting and need to thin the overabundant whitetail deer herd, while acknowledging a potential for risks in a new and untested initiative." ...

Canada: Judge tells gunman this isn't 'Dodge City'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Declaring Londoners must be protected from young people carrying lethal weapons, a judge yesterday sentenced a man to 38 months in custody for three firearms offences and two other charges."

"'This is not Dodge City in the 19th century,' Superior Court Justice Gordon Killeen warned in expressing alarm over gun crime in the city. 'The public must be protected from people like you who carry lethal weapons. This must be stopped.'" ...

KABA Note: For the record, Dodge City, in the 15 years it was a major cattle town had 15 murders. Total.

Canada: Bringing in the big guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm eating a delicious ham and tomato sandwich ... but I'm having a bit of trouble enjoying it because I'm sitting in a lounge with about 70 others, mostly men, all of them gun lovers but me."

"... these folks are here to participate in the AGM of the 12,000-strong Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA)." ...

"What I hear, however, is a bit underwhelming ... He offers a blueprint of the successful grassroots organizing plan that has made the NRA the behemoth it is today."

"And guess what? It's the same blueprint used by just about every grassroots organization that wants to effect legislative change: find candidates who support your cause who stand a chance at getting elected, and work hard for them." ...

India: Your cable guy may be carrying a pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over 2,000 people in Mumbai and Thane carry illegal guns, and your cable operator may just be one of them. According to the police, these 2,000 people have fake gun licences ..."

"The cops have so far arrested 27 people, of whom 12 are cablewallahs."

"Says Meera Borwankar, joint commissioner of police, 'It’s a huge racket and could have ramifications on internal security. We have alerted the police in other states too.'"

"The police will now keep a close watch on the approximately 3,000 cable operators in the city, who they believe not only have weapons, but also underworld contacts. The cable guys arrested belong to major cable networks." ...

Submitter's Note: Will the police also "keep a close watch" on whatever is making these people so fearful that they need to carry a useful self-defense weapon?

To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense or by partial orders of a dissolution of the government. — John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1787-1788).

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