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Newslinks for 12/22/2005

The Powers of a Wartime Commander
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is the nature of wartime—of combat with an enemy—that decisions have to be made by a commander in real time. ..."

"Sometimes, you might be surprised to learn, it is not only permissible, but REQUIRED, that a commander shoot one of his own troops! For example, if that soldier is endangering the unit or the mission by cowardly or treacherous behavior. It would be the DUTY of the commander to take out his pistol and shoot that pusillanimous soldier dead on the spot—no warrant, no court, no trial, no judge—just shoot him dead and go on with the mission."

"When one considers this authorized, REQUIRED, use of deadly force, the authorization of a few cell-phone eavesdrops by the president doesn’t seem to be such a stretch to me." ...

Gun Registration Provisions In HR 3199 Stall Yet Again (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Twice, the leadership in the U.S. Senate has tried to run H.R. 3199 up 'the hill.' Twice it has failed."

"On Friday, supporters of the bill failed to garner the 60 votes needed to stop the filibuster ..."

"At issue for gun owners is a provision that would allow the FBI to obtain 'firearms sales records.' The bill extends Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act and allows agents of the federal government to get 'firearms sales records' which, in their opinion, are relevant to investigating terrorism."

"These records would be obtained from gun dealers, who are required by law to keep the gun purchase records (4473 forms). Thus, an anti-gun administration could then easily compile gun owner registration lists ... " ...

Preserving muzzleloader memories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been almost 40 years since Dave Ehrig was bitten by the muzzleloading bug."

"Since then, Ehrig has toted single-shot rifles across North American in pursuit of deer, caribou, elk, bear, turkey and other game species, with several record-book trophies to his credit."

"Ehrig's experiences and expertise have established him as one of the nation's leading muzzleloading authorities. ..."

"Despite his many accomplishments, Ehrig knows muzzleloader hunting is about the thrill of the chase — not the size of the trophy. That's why he recently helped the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association create a new program that recognizes all successful hunters, whether they bag a yearling doe or monster buck." ...

NC: Two men wounded in home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men were hospitalized -- one with critical injuries, the other with a serious wound -- after a home invasion led to a double shooting late Monday night."

"A woman, her two young children, her boyfriend and her boyfriend's brother were in the apartment when two men entered the residence, according to Carrboro Police Capt. Joel Booker."

"Both someone in the apartment and one of the intruders fired shots, Booker said. One of the intruders was shot in the head while the boyfriend's brother was shot in the abdomen."

"Investigators believe six shots were fired." ...

"[Carrboro Police Capt. Joel Booker] added that if self-defense was the motive, as it appears, then the man who shot the intruder would not face charges."

CA: Would-Be Robber Shot And Killed In Paramount
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police say a man who was shot fatally in Paramount Monday evening was a would-be robber."

"The would-be robber entered a mini-mart on the 7000 block of Somerset Boulevard around 5:30 last night armed with a handgun and confronted the employee behind the cash register, said Los Angles County sheriff's Sgt. Don Manumaleuna."

"After demanding money, the man slowly backed away toward the door when another employee came from the back of the store, Manumaleuna said."

"As the man turned to look at the other employee, the one behind the register grabbed a gun and shot the intruder, who stumbled out into the parking lot before collapsing, Manumaleuna said." ...

CO: A case of life or self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Gary Lee Hill stood on the porch with a loaded rifle, he was afraid the people outside his home would attack him again, the jury in his murder trial was told."

"That left them no choice, the jury foreman said in an e-mail defending last week’s harshly criticized verdict, but to find Hill not guilty of murder under Colorado’s Make My Day law."

"'The fact that the group was not leaving and continued to engage Mr. Hill,' the foreman wrote in an e-mail to The Gazette, 'led us to determine that it was reasonable for Mr. Hill to believe that the group of assailants might use physical force against him.'" ...

VA: August fatal-shooting case closed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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filed against a Jackson Road man in an August fatal shooting ... officials at the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office announced Tuesday."

"'We found that the shooting was justified, as it was an absolute case of self-defense,' ..."

"... Eric Ralph, 28, asked Thomas Cross, a customer at the store, for assistance with his vehicle. Cross assisted, but was unable to fix the problem and returned to his own vehicle to leave the premises."

"According to Ferguson, this caused Ralph, who had a significant amount of alcohol in his system, to become agitated, and he pulled a firearm, placed it to Cross’s head, and threatened to kill him. Cross then got his own gun, which he possessed legally, and shot Ralph in self-defense ..." ...

IN: Trooper's Shooting Of Burglary Suspect Spotlights Self-Defense Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Laws allowing people to use deadly force to stop someone from unlawfully entering their dwellings are being highlighted by this week's fatal shooting of a burglary suspect by an off-duty state police trooper."

"Police said Trooper Joel D. Wilson, 39, was alone inside his east-side Indianapolis home Monday when he fired two shots through the front door, striking Theodore E. Hixenbaugh at least once. Wilson told authorities that Hixenbaugh had first knocked on the door and, when Wilson didn't answer, Hixenbaugh tried to kick the door down." ...

"'If there are people in the residence, (burglars) are putting them at risk, and that's why Indiana law allows a reasonable person to use deadly force to prevent that,' Karlson said." ...

CO: Shooting Suspect Said He Acted In Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The mother of a young boy injured in a pit bull attack is recovering Tuesday afternoon after being shot.

Police said Thomas Taylor, 25, shot Renee Muniz and her boyfriend over the weekend.

Taylor claims he was ambushed by the couple at his apartment and fired in self-defense. He appeared in court today for a preliminary hearing.

Muniz is the mother of Gregg Jones who lost his arm in a pit bull attack in November.

Muniz was listed in fair condition on Tuesday.

AK: Robbers mess with the wrong grandma
Submitted by: William Furby

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"A 55-year-old grandmother from Seward who had her purse snatched in the parking lot of the Dimond Boulevard Costco on Monday afternoon has taken it upon herself to 'catch the twirps,' she said." ...

"Szymanski said she was unloading Christmas presents into her Chevy Astro van when a young man shoved her and pinched her kidney-bean-shaped handbag from the shopping cart, she said."

"'They are lucky I didn't have my .45 automatic. I would have blasted them,' said Szymanski." ...

What Will 2006 Bring? A Political Analysis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is not long until we see a new year. While none of us can predict the future I think I can try to predict the political spectrum of events to unfold."

"I know that the Judge Alito confirmation process will probably bring a heated battle between liberals, moderates, and conservatives over the issues of abortion, privacy, and religion in the public square, not to mention Second Amendment rights." ...

NY: Sheldon Silver's Statement On Gun Legislation
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Our three-way agreement on legislation to combat illegal gun trafficking and dramatically increase penalties for gun crimes against law-enforcement officers is critical in our efforts to help protect those who are sworn to protect us. Today's agreement also institutes mandatory life without parole for killing a police officer and dramatically increases penalties for a range of other violent and threatening crimes committed against law enforcement officials. But, it is only a first step."

"While we have locked the front door on gun traffickers, the NRA's influence in Albany keeps the back door open. Therefore, the Assembly's fight to enact comprehensive, truly effective legislation to safeguard communities across New York State continues. Our job is not finished." ...

NY: Tighter gun crimes penalties win support
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gov. George Pataki is calling on the state Assembly and Senate today to stiffen penalties for gun crimes, and lawmakers and law enforcement officials gathered here Tuesday urged the passage of those measures."

"State Sen. William Larkin, R-New Windsor, and Assemblyman Tom Kirwan, R-Newburgh, led a press conference at Marlborough town hall to voice their support for these measures." ...

NY: Firing blanks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Governor Pataki was trying his best to appear forceful last week, as he ordered the state Legislature back into a special session today to take on the issue of gun crime. Two New York City police officers have been shot to death in the past month ..."

"Only new laws require both legislative consensus and conciliatory leadership. By Monday, Mr. Pataki had made it clear that he really has no interest in doing what will be required to toughen gun control and better protect the police. It's politically impractical, at best, for the governor to embrace the sensible proposals put forth by his fellow Republicans in the Senate but ignore the equally worthwhile measures under consideration in the Democratic-controlled Assembly." ...

WI: Veto concealed-carry until flaws are fixed
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'Anyone that screws us on this legislation - Democrat or Republican, Assembly or Senate - the NRA is going to work unbelievably earnestly, taking no prisoners, on this next election cycle.'" ...

"The quote belongs to state Rep. Dave Zien, the Eau Claire Republican, as he warned lawmakers against voting against the concealed-carry legislation that passed the Senate last week."

"... we oppose the concealed-carry bill because it elevates the rights of those who wish to carry handguns and other weapons above the rights of those businesses that do not wish to have firearms on their premises."

"We have asked repeatedly that the legislation be amended to allow businesses to ban concealed-carry in their own buildings by simply posting a sign. ...

KABA Note: Given how polite most permit holders are, I would imagine if a business posted a sign saying "CCW holders please take your business elsewhere" most would be delighted to shop other places.

OH: These Democrats might help their party win by NOT running for governor (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Democrats have been making news recently for electing a pro-gun legislator to head the party in Ohio, and for considering the damage their gun control agenda has caused when strategizing on how to recover power across the nation."

"We thought we'd lend a hand to the folks hoping to retake the Ohio governor's office by mentioning a few people who would hurt their party's chances of reestablishing credibility with Ohio gun owners." ...

VA: Carrico seeking GOP nod to challenge Boucher
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia's 5th District Delegate Charles W. 'Bill' Carrico Sr. has announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for his state's 9th District U.S. House of Representatives seat." ...

"Carrico said he will also seek new ways to make the country more self-sufficient by tapping into our natural resources and through research of alternative and renewable fuels, vote to protect the flag from desecration and support those who serve under it, protect the Second Amendment right 'to bear arms,' defend the institution of marriage as being between one man and one woman, protect the right to pray and profess faith in Christ, not to support abortion, and be a voice for Christians." [emphasis added] ...

VA: Suffolk police investigating school bus gun scare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suffolk Police are investigating after what was thought to be a gun brought aboard a school bus turned out to be a toy."

"Police responded about 9:00 a.m. Wednesday to a call from a school bus ... the bus driver had pulled the vehicle over after a student called out that there was a gun on board. Another boy had shown the suspected gun to the child." ...

"His mother, who asked not to be identified, was upset."

"'I don't allow my son to play with guns. I don't purchase guns, even toy guns lead to bad things later in life, and that's why this is really hurting me,' she said."

"She said he got the toy from another family member and wanted to play with it." ...

MD: Two Md. Police Found Fatally Shot
Submitted by: David Inada

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"Two Baltimore police officers were found shot to death today in a home in the Randallstown area, Baltimore County police said."

"The suspect, a police officer with the state Department of General Services, turned himself into authorities, and police have recovered a vehicle and gun, said Bill Toohey, a county police spokesman."

"'They all knew one another. This was not a random crime,' Toohey said."

"Police said they received a call at about 12:10 p.m. that two off-duty officers, a man and a woman, had been shot in the community of stone-covered townhouses." ...

VA: Ex-Prince William sheriff to stand trial in February
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The one-time sheriff of Prince William County will go on trial next year on charges of stealing a gun and embezzling from a bank account."

"E- Lee Stoffregen the Third tried to get the grand larceny charged tossed during pre-trial motions. His lawyer claims the rifle was given to Stoffregen as a gift and that state law allowed him to take it when he left office. Prosecutors say the sheriff's department never transferred the rifle to him, and the judge sided with them."

"On the embezzlement charge, Stoffregen is accused of taking 200-bucks from a department account."

"... His trial is set for February 13th, and if convicted he could get up to two years on the other side of the jail bars, plus a five-grand fine."

SC: U.S. Justice Department reviews shooting by police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division is investigating the February shooting death of a 24-year-old Spartanburg man by two undercover officers." ...

"Aaron Clark Gray was shot Feb. 10 following a staged drug buy. The Spartanburg County Coroner's Office ruled Gray's death a homicide." ...

"Undercover officers Chris Raymond and Glen Stewart were put on administrative leave after the shooting. They returned to work about a month later after an internal investigation by the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office determined their actions were justified. The officers said they fired in self-defense after Gray tried to run them over as they attempted to arrest him." ...

IN: City, police sued over shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Escobedo called 911 at 4:36 a.m. July 19, asking for help and saying he might kill himself. Escobedo told the 911 dispatcher he had a gun to his head ...

"For about four hours, police talked to Escobedo via telephone in an effort to persuade him to come out of his apartment. When that failed, police forced open Escobedo’s seventh-floor apartment door and found him in a closet. Escobedo pointed his gun at himself and then at Brown and Martin, who fired the shots that killed him."

"Though police had removed as many residents as they could find from the seventh floor of the building, they grew more worried as employees at nearby businesses began arriving for work, providing potential targets for Escobedo. ..." ...

IL: Ex-secretary testifies to delivering bribe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ja'nerra Carson-Slaughter testified Tuesday that during a business trip last year to Springfield, she delivered a cash bribe to former Police Chief Ron Matthews."

"Carson-Slaughter said the money, including $800 to pay Matthews' girlfriend's overdue utility bill, had been requested by Matthews for his help in getting a .38-caliber handgun out of a locked police evidence room."

"She said Matthews agreed to help make the pistol disappear before it could be used as evidence against Matthews' businessman friend, Ayoub 'Dave' Qattoum, who had been arrested on an illegal weapons charge."

"Qattoum, a felon, paid the money because he faced deportation after his arrest ... for illegal possession of the .38-caliber revolver." ...

CA: Ex Cop Pleads Not Guilty in Hwy 156 Road Rage Incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired Monterey County corrections officer facing 19 years in prison for allegedly pointing a loaded gun at a female motorist on Highway 156 last month pleaded not guilty Tuesday."

"Hilton Dyar, 64, of Seaside, was charged with felony assault with a firearm and misdemeanor exhibiting a firearm after allegedly pointing a loaded pistol at a fellow driver on Highway 156 near The Alameda in a fit of road rage, according to police. Dyar's attorney, Kurt Robinson, declined to comment on the case following a brief arraignment hearing at the San Benito County Courthouse Tuesday morning. Superior Court Judge Steve Sanders oversaw the hearing, at which Dyar showed little emotion." ...

Germany: German Interior Minister Schäuble wants to lock up 'dangerous people'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (Christian Democratic Union—CDU) wants to tighten up the country’s anti-terror laws and amend the constitution to allow the deployment of the armed forces during the football World Cup in 2006." ...

"The regulations suggested by Schäuble would open the way for all sorts of arbitrary actions and denunciations by the state. They boil down to making certain beliefs a criminal offence. Not just committing a crime, nor even having the intention to commit one would be punishable, but simply the ability to commit a crime. What if someone attended a self-defence or weapons training course while on vacation? What if someone participated in a meeting where there were calls for a rebellion? ..." ...

China: UN sleuth asks China about protest shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United Nations investigator into extrajudicial killings has written to China seeking more information on the recent police shooting and killing of protesters in a southern village, a spokesman said today." ...

"China has confirmed police shot dead three people two weeks ago during protests in the Guangdong village of Dongzhoukeng about compensation for land appropriated to build a power plant." ...

"Villagers said anywhere between two and 20 had been killed, more were still missing and families did not dare approach police to request the bodies for fear of being detained." ...

"A government official in nearby Shanwei city has defended the police, saying they fired in self-defence after the villagers attacked them with pipe bombs." ...

Jamaica: Jamaican killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In Jamaica a group of police are cleared of extra judicially killing four innocent people despite a Scotland Yard investigation that concluded that the four were deliberately killed.

From immunity to impunity, one human rights group's verdict - after a group of Jamaican police officers were found not guilty of carrying out state executions.

A team from Scotland Yard was brought in to investigate what amounted to the extrajudicial killings of four innocent people in May 2003.

But the jury in Kingston rejected their evidence - accepting the Jamaican officers' claim that they had fired in self defence.

As Simon Israel reports, the Metropolitan police insist the deaths could, and should, have been avoided.

>>Watch the report

India: ACB unearths assets worth Rs 77 lakhs from cop's house
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) officials today unearthed disproportionate assets worth about Rs 77 lakh [$170,000] from Karimnagar Town Police Circle Inspector P Venugopala Rao.

According to an ACB release here today, simultaneous searches were conducted at his residence and office besides relatives' houses in Karimnagar Town, Thorru and Erraballigudem of Warangal District.

The assets include Rs 2.26 lakh in cash, 35 acre of agricultural land, five houses, nine housing plots in Ranga Reddy and Warangal districts besides 90 tolas gold worth Rs 3.86 lakh along with a pistol, bank balances and other investments.

They also found 74 scotch whisky bottles worth Rs 34,000 [$752]in the search.

NV: Highlander rifle team showing a lot of promise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even though they dropped two matches over the past week, the Incline rifle team is showing steady improvement and is performing well despite missing key members, according to head coach Sgt. Larry Porter."

"Coming off of defeats in the Carson Invitational 10 days ago and a head to head match against Spanish Springs last Thursday, Porter said the team is really showing that practice makes perfect as the season goes on."

"'The scores the team is putting up are indicative that they are improving,' Porter said." ...

NC: Local Wildlife Club Offers Range of Outdoor Activities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Members of the Moore County Wildlife and Conservation Club (MCWCC) participated in a unique program of pistol, rifle and shotgun shooting this year."

"The club, founded in 1950, is situated on 65 wooded acres ... Its members hold monthly dinner meetings that feature speakers on wildlife, environmental and conservation issues."

"MCWCC shooting events are held on the club’s four ranges, three of which have covered firing points to permit all-weather practice."

"While the Wildlife Club is not a hunting club, its 25-yard pistol range and 50-yard and 100-yard rifle ranges are popular for match shooting, as well as target practice. Shotgun shooters and archers also enjoy practice trap and archery ranges." ...

Canada: It's easier to kill with a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RE: 'A shot in the dark; No gun control legislation will provide the cure-all to gun violence. But every step helps' (Dec. 17)"

"They say guns don't kill people --people kill people. But guns are the primary way that people get killed because they are so much more suited to the job." ...

"A gun is the easiest thing for nearly anyone to use that gives the power of death and grievous injury over another person. The argument that people can kill by other means is not a reasonable one against that of restricting access to guns. The comparison of how many get killed in other ways does not rate." ...

Submitter's Note: When doing a cost-benefit analysis, you can't disregard the benefit side!

UK: Armed Raiders Threaten Sports Shop Staff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DETECTIVES are appealing for witnesses following an armed robbery at a sports shop in Aylesbury this week, Thames Valley Police revealed nine minutes ago."

"Sometime between 7.20pm and 8.15pm on Sunday a member of the public was waiting at the rear of Sports World, on The Junction Retail Park, Cambridge Close, to pick up two members of staff who were leaving work for the day."

"As the rear door opened he saw four men charge into the premises. One was carrying a pistol and the rest were armed with hockey sticks."

"They made the members of staff take them to the office where the safe is kept and an undisclosed amount of cash was stolen." ...

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