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Newslinks for 12/22/2012

Reducing Gun Violence By Legalizing Drugs
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"In the wake of the Newtown massacre, there has, understandably, been a new wave of advocacy of policy proposals aimed at preventing future incidents of the same kind. However, gun violence in schools is already extremely rare, with the average child far more at risk of dying in a car accident or backyard pool accident than in school. And we are unlikely to reduce the already low incidence of mass shootings by gun control or other policy changes. Fortunately, as Yale law professor Dan Kahan explains at the Cultural Cognition Project blog, we can achieve a significant reduction in gun violence by legalizing drugs:" ...

Sarah Brady says 'time for debating is over'; she had better hope she is wrong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... there are two ways to end a debate about whether or not to trample a Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right. One is for the would-be violators to admit defeat--something the forcible citizen disarmament lobby is clearly not doing--seeming, in fact, to be much emboldened by their opportunity to exploit the murdered children of Newtown, Connecticut."

"The only other way out of the debate is for talks to be abandoned as hopeless. When that happens, the only thing left is open conflict. ..."

"While Churchill's 'war-war' would be devastating to everyone in America, it would likely be rather less devastating to those of us who, as Andrew Breitbart said, 'have the guns.' So tell us, Mrs. Brady, shall it be 'war-war'?"

Random Thoughts About Being Wrong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I just returned from my local watering hole. I was more of less chased out by two gentlemen who considered my support for the Second Amendment tantamount to condoning mass murder. 'Bobby, you’re full of shit,' one of my antagonists kept repeating, no matter how much I tried to calm him down. His drinking buddy, a Brown University professor, was equally adamant. And enervated . . ." …

Anti-gunners chain the country to cornerstone of gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Betting that the gun prohibition lobby will dismiss and then savage any proposal to address criminal violence that does not start with banning some type of firearm is as predictable as rain in Seattle."

"Indeed, the Seattle Times’ coverage of Friday’s announcement by the National Rifle Association concerning its proposed National School Shield program had garnered more than 700 reactions in but a few hours. Liberals hate it and they are not being too coy about saying so." ...

An opinion on gun control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"... It is not an exaggeration when I say that I know pretty much exactly every single thing an anti-gun person can say. I’ve heard it over and over, the same old tired stuff, trotted out every single time there is a tragedy on the news that can be milked. ..."

"Today’s blog post is going to be aimed at the first group. I am going to try to go through everything I’ve heard over the last few days, and try to break it down from my perspective. My goal tonight is to write something that my regular readers will be able to share with their friends who may not be as familiar with how mass shootings or gun control laws work." ...

Firearms Policy Coalition Launches On Eve of Proposed ‘Gun Bans’
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"The Firearms Policy Coalition is set to launch 12-22-2012, on the eve of what may be a large legal and legislative fight over the Second Amendment. The coalition sent this release preceding its official launch:"

"Many throughout the U.S. may have believed, incorrectly, that President Obama had 'no position' on gun control, that he was 'neutral', or somehow took a 'reasonable' view toward our fundamental Second Amendment rights. No matter what your views prior to the recent tragedy in Newtown, there can no longer be any doubt." ...

SAF’s Gottlieb supports school security with other reforms (video story)
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Second Amendment Foundation’s Alan Gottlieb was interviewed on Al Jazeera English. He responded to new policy proposals in support of securing schools, taking violent people off the street, and a better public policy for the mentally ill."

Trends In Mass Shootings
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The trend will be your friend if you are the NRA, Hollywood,or video game manufacturers trying to deflect blame for rising gun violence in America. Per both mass killing expert Alan Fox, there is no particular evidece suggesting we are in the grip of a rising wave of mass shootings. A Mother Jones team has put together their own database of mass shootings since 1980 (timeline) and their chart suggests a similar conclusion."

"And for the factually oriented, this paper by criminologist Duwe from 2006 (hat tip to Jesse Walker of Reason) is fascinating. ..." ...

Gun Control: What Next?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Later today, the [NRA] will push back against the gun control industry’s calls for an assault weapons and 'high capacity' ammunition magazine ban, as well as background checks for all private firearms sales. No doubt the NRA will call for the elimination of so-called 'gun-free zones': schools, churches, places of employment and anywhere else where a concealed carry permit holder is prohibited from exercising their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. The NRA will also announce some sort of training program for teachers. They will go on the offensive. Then what? The left-leaning mainstream media is nothing if not predictable. The howls of righteous indignation will be deafening. Or not. ..." ...

Hoplophobes Committing Contempt of Citizen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As part of a 'conversation' about what to do in response to mass shootings, I’ve written on a series of myths about defensive gun uses. ... They’re intended to answer objections posed by some of my friends who are, to some degree, anti-gun. We’ll see how that works out. What I find very frustrating about these objections, though, is that they pre-suppose the incompetence of the armed citizen, an point of view not borne out by real-world experience. Millions of law-abiding citizens carry firearms and tens of thousands of defensive gun uses occur every year. And the fact is that accidents are relatively rare, and mishaps during DGUs are statistically insignificant compared to their success in preventing injury or death by an attacker . . ." …

Why Americans Need the AR-15 “Assault Rifle”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following is a comment from TTAG reader Josef Kozlov:"

"Just yesterday I was reading an article here on TTAG from several months ago, 'The Truth About Assault Rifles and Assault Weapons Bans.' Most of the comments were from within a few days that the article was posted, but there was one recent comment from just a couple of days ago. It was posted by an anti-gunner, with little understanding of firearms, and this commenter was basically saying that 'assault weapons' serve no other purpose than killing innocent children. Here is what I wrote back, explaining my views on 'assault weapons' and gun rights . . ." …

'Nothing Says Peace on Earth Like a Handgun for a Christmas Ornament' (video story)
Submitted by: John Boch

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"John Boch, the president of, isn't joking about his Christmas tree decorations. He and the members of the organization firmly believe more firearms in the hands of trained citizens are the route to a safer society. Based in Illinois, the nonprofit is dedicated to protecting the rights of gun owners and promoting education around gun safety. On the blog, Boch concurred with recent remarks from the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre, focusing on gun-free zones as the problem, not the solution to school shootings." ...

Was your gun banned?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Do you own a firearm that was banned under the now-expired 1994 law? Why did you buy it? What do you use it for?"

"Please share a photo of your firearm and tell us what you think about the idea of banning certain semiautomatic weapons. Help those who are not gun owners understand why owning these kinds of weapons is important to you."

Second Amendment about rights, not hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My heart goes out to the families of those injured and killed at the Sandy Hook school. No parent can learn of those young lives taken so early without experiencing sadness and grief."

"In the wake of tragedies such as the horrific murders that occurred this week, we frequently hear cries for further restricting or eliminating firearms ownership in this country. We often hear the claims that firearms incorrectly labeled as 'assault weapons' have no legitimate sporting or hunting purpose."

"Those claims fail to recognize (or, more likely are intended to confuse those less informed) the fact that the Second Amendment to our Constitution was enacted to recognize (not grant) the inalienable right to defense of self and country. ..." ...

Understanding Both Sides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 'gun control' debate has, from its beginning, been a battle fueled by emotion and symbolism on the banning side, and by logic and common sense on the side of the responsible gun owners. The fires of emotion flare brightly, but they burn down with time, particularly when dampened by logical public discourse."

"I suspect this is why POTUS is moving so quickly on his long-promised gun banning legislation, which he has said he wants to see on his desk by sometime next month. It is why he appointed to lead a supposedly impartial fact-finding commission none other than long-time gun ban advocate Joe Biden, which is rather like appointing the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church as chair of a committee to study gay rights." …

It’s the end of the world as we know it…if gun grabbers have their way
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Never a group to let a tragedy go to waste when they can exploit the blood of innocents for their own purposes, rabid anti gun zealots have been coming out of the woodwork recently to promote their agenda on the backs of 20 innocent children." …

Journalists slam NRA throughout press conference
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"When National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre took the stage on Friday to address the media about last week’s elementary school massacre, he made it clear multiple times that the organization has issues with how the press reports on guns."

"At one point, LaPierre said 'the media demonize lawful gun owners, amplify their cries for more laws and fill the national debate with misinformation and dishonest thinking.'"

"If the NRA doesn’t like reporters, the feeling is apparently mutual." ...

Put more than guns on the table
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every mass shooting has three elements: the killer, the weapon and the cultural climate. As soon as the shooting stops, partisans immediately pick their preferred root cause with corresponding pet panacea. Names are hurled, scapegoats paraded, prejudices vented. The argument goes nowhere."

"Let’s be serious:" ...

Obama/Biden's Gun Control Approach Will Not Work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama is a great communicator and strategist, but he is not a great negotiator. His handling of the fiscal cliff is a case in point."

"With respect to gun control, again, unfortunately, President Obama, a man I respect and admire, has set himself up for a suboptimal outcome. He needs to re-watch the movie Lincoln to get a sense of how hard you have to push to change something as big as the American Constitution."

"When Mr. Obama says that 'there must be some room between the Second Amendment and the nation's need to protect its kids that Congress can get done", he is engaging in wishful thinking. Without the repeal of the Second Amendment nothing meaningful can be achieved." ...

Disbelief in some quarters after NRA calls for armed guards at every school, blames movies (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-control advocates responded with outrage and disbelief Friday after the National Rifle Association called for armed guards in every school and blamed music, movies and video games for firearms violence."

"While some people in Newtown, Conn., said they supported the idea of police with guns in their schools, critics said a volunteer force was impractical at best, dangerous at worst."

"'The last thing we need are the George Zimmermans of the world patrolling our schools,' said Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Violence Policy Center, referring to the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in Florida." ...

Time for Congress to stand up to NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Congress is going to make a meaningful attempt to reduce gun violence, it will have to stand up to the National Rifle Association. The NRA's cynical and insensitive response to the Newtown, Conn., massacre is motivated more by self-preservation than public safety. President Barack Obama has provided a reasonable framework for beginning to tackle the complex nature of gun violence. It will require the courage of both Republicans and Democrats to ignore the NRA and put meaningful reforms in place that honor the 26 children and adults killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School." ...

The Right's Second Amendment Lies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Right-wing resistance to meaningful gun control is driven, in part, by a false notion that America's Founders adopted the Second Amendment because they wanted an armed population that could battle the U.S. government. The opposite is the truth, but many Americans seem to have embraced this absurd, anti-historical narrative."

"The reality was that the Framers wrote the Constitution and added the Second Amendment with the goal of creating a strong central government with a citizens-based military force capable of putting down insurrections, not to enable or encourage uprisings. ..." ...

A conservative case for an assault weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "To guarantee that there would never be another Tucson or Sandy Hook, we would probably have to make it a capital offense to so much as look at a gun. And that would create serious 2nd Amendment, 8th Amendment and logistical problems."

"So what's the alternative? Bring back the assault weapons ban, and bring it back with some teeth this time. Ban the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer and possession of both assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Don't let people who already have them keep them. Don't let ones that have already been manufactured stay on the market. I don't care whether it's called gun control or a gun ban. I'm for it." …

Turning schools into armories won't stop carnage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One week after the horror at Sandy Hook Elementary School, ideas for preventing more massacres are coming from all corners."

"U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer wants federal funds to be available to deploy National Guard troops at schools. ..."

"But if we want to keep our children safe from gun violence, we must look far beyond schools. Kids are killed by guns every day on city street corners, in suburban homes and elsewhere across America."

"The numbers are shocking. Each year, close to 3,000 children and youths 19 and younger are shot to death ..."

"With so many young lives cut short, what is the solution offered by the most powerful gun rights lobby? That's right – more guns in schools." ...

Good first steps toward stemming gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama moved with admirable dispatch in launching a process Wednesday aimed at quick action on gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The president was both sensible and specific. Yet the real test will be whether he can seize the moment while the nation is still attentive. It won’t be easy. He will almost certainly face opposition to any legislation from the powerful gun owners and manufacturers lobby." ...

It is time to revisit Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What is so sacrosanct about the Second Amendment to the Constitution that it cannot be amended or repealed? The beauty and longevity of the Constitution is enhanced by its openness to amendment and updating. Its relevancy to current realities shows the enlightenment and intelligence of its Framers. Some may think that its ideas are written in stone and are not to be changed, but the fact that the Constitution has been amended 27 times is evidence of its changing nature." ...

Gun Grabbers: Striking While the Iron is Hot (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently published a video that addressed the issue of gun control in the wake of the horrible events at Sandy Hook Elementary school. In this video I mentioned how it disgusted me that advocates of gun control quickly moved to capitalize on the deaths of children to push their political agendas forward. 

A recent CNN article confirms that this is, in fact, exactly the strategy anti-gun forces are using. Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, made the following comments in an interview with CNN." ...

IL: With courts legislating, is it 'anything goes' on guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In any scientific experiment there is a 'control.' For example, if a new drug is to be tested, half the recipients get the new pill and half get a placebo. The placebo 'control' exists to demonstrate how much benefit a new drug offers."

"Illinois currently is the only state in the union that does not permit concealed carry of firearms. In a way, it exists as a kind of 'control' in the national experiment to see whether firearms carried in public bring any measurable benefit to us." ...

Q+A: Cody Wilson Of The Wiki Weapon Project On The 3-D Printed Future of Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wiki Weapon project is an initiative undertaken by Defense Distributed, a non-profit headed by University of Texas law student Cody Wilson aimed at generating a freely-distributed, open source design for a 3-D printed firearm--an idea that has come under serious fire from proponents of increased gun control in the U.S. ... The idea behind the project ... is that technology will soon make regulating firearms virtually impossible. That is a very polarizing idea. But to say the very least Wiki Weapons is also a technologically intriguing project, one that forces us to examine some very relevant--some might say ominous--questions about new technological capabilities and where they are taking us ..." ...

Firearms Supplier Sells More Than Three Years Worth Of Magazines In Just Three Days
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brownells, the world's largest supplier of firearms, has reportedly sold three-and-a-half years worth of magazines in just seventy-two hours."

"Brownells CEO said:"

"'I wanted to take a minute to shed some insight on the magazine situation if I can. First of all I wanted to offer an apology for the situation... with magazines being 'In-Stock' and back-ordered moments later... [The] demand for magazines actually exceeded the ability for the system to keep up with the volume that was being ordered.'"

"'To shed some more light on the magazine situation ... During a roughly 72 hour period...we sold the 'average demand' equivalent of about 3.5 years worth of PMAGS, and an even greater amount of our Brownells magazines.'" …

Drool-Inducing Machining Job of the Day: Apex Tactical M&P 9 Slide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever since I took an intro to machining class in college, I’ve been in love with finely machined things. So when Scott Folk at Apex Tactical sent me these pictures last night of my M&P slide, I let out an audible giggle. All the machining is done and Scott should have it off to get the Melonite finish restored so that I can have it back in hand by the beginning of 2013." …

The Privilege of Being Anti-Gun (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Gun Lobby’s Favorite Part of the Health Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Did you know the Affordable Care Act stands up for gun rights? The 'Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights' section (page 19 in this PDF) says the health law’s wellness programs can’t require participants to give information about guns in the house. It also keeps the Department of Health and Human Services from collecting data on gun use and stops insurance companies from denying coverage or raising premiums on members because of gun use."

"The Newtown massacre renews the controversy about whether gun violence is a public health issue. Should health authorities view guns in the same category as pneumonia and car crashes? ..." ...

TX: Houston Hotel Clerk Turns Tables on Armed Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A hotel clerk in Houston, TX was facing an armed robber at the Interstate Motor Lodge where he worked."

"It was just after midnight and a man came into the office with a gun, demanding cash."

"Fortunately the clerk was armed himself and managed to draw his own weapon and shoot the would be robber."

"The suspect was hit and left a trail of blood out of the hotel." …

GA: Homeowner Uses Gun to Fight Off 2 Violent Home Invaders, Saves Family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Dekalb (just outside of Atlanta), GA was forced to used deadly force to defend his home, wife and 2 small children when 2 armed home invaders burst into their second story apartment."

"Fortunately, the homeowner acted fast. One of the suspects jumped off of a second story balcony to escape the homeowner’s gun fire. He hit a tree on the way down and was pronounced dead at the scene." …

TX: Resident Shoots and Kills Armed Intruder Protecting His Girlfriend and 2 Yr Old Child
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed man, described as being a Texas Southern University student, forced his way into an apartment near the school’s campus."

"The would be intruder was armed and the resident of the apartment used his own weapon to shoot the intruder, killing him." …

The NRA Has A Major 'Competitor' That Won Huge Fights Against Gun Control
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"The National Rifle Association has become synonymous with the pro-gun rights lobby, but it's definitely not the only game in town, NPR reported today."

"After the Gun Control Act of 1968 passed, new groups emerged to fight against gun control, including one that has been quite successful: The Second Amendment Foundation."

"'Basically, after the competition in gun rights started, the NRA was forced to rethink how to do things,' SAF's special projects director Phil Watson told NPR, which pointed out that SAF won a number of legal battles."

"Indeed, one of those victories came just a few days before last week's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school. Here's a run-down of that win and other battles the NRA's lesser-known cousin has won." ...

The NRA Isn't The Only Opponent Of Gun Control (I)
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Entering into the discussion about how to respond to last week's school shootings in Newtown, Conn., the National Rifle Association on Friday called for putting 'qualified armed security' in all schools."

"It's a message that echoes calls from some state lawmakers and other gun groups that haven't been as silent as the NRA over the past week." ...

NRA Responds to Newtown Massacre
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The National Rifle Association's 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and daughters join the nation in horror, outrage, grief and earnest prayer for the families of Newtown, Connecticut ..."

"Out of respect for those grieving families, and until the facts are known, the NRA has refrained from comment. While some have tried to exploit tragedy for political gain, we have remained respectfully silent."

"Now, we must speak ... for the safety of our nation's children. Because for all the noise and anger directed at us over the past week, no one — nobody — has addressed the most important, pressing and immediate question we face: How do we protect our children right now, starting today, in a way that we know works?" ...

Can We Talk (about Guns)?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Mark Kleiman wonders why so many of his ideological compatriots are driven to fits of rage by Megan McArdle, noting the fevered reaction to her recent column on the Sandy Hook shooting and potential policy responses. (See also here.) Though Kleiman would not endorse everything in the piece, he thinks it’s 'one of the more sensible pieces of writing about Sandy Hook,' and yet has sent some liberal bloggers into a frenzy."

"In a related vein, David Hoffman notes how difficult it is to have calm, reasoned discussions on this sort of issue." ...

The Rage Against the McArdle
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"There’s something about Megan McArdle that drives some of my fellow Blue-team pundits crazy. She’s way smarter, way saner, far more nuanced in her thinking, and a much better writer than most of her Red-team colleagues. She doesn’t fawn on the rich or despise the poor. Her ideas about how to deal with failure fit no ideological mold, and imply policy positions that won’t make her any friends at Cato. But the Rage Against the McArdle seems to run deep in Left Blogistan."

"The latest instance is the reaction to her column on Sandy Hook, which reviews a bunch of ideas about preventing spree killings and decides that most of them wouldn’t be worth much. ..." ...

The NRA Isn't The Only Opponent Of Gun Control (II)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Entering into the discussion about how to respond to last week's school shootings in Newtown, Conn., the National Rifle Association on Friday called for putting 'qualified armed security' in all schools."

"It's a message that echoes calls from some state lawmakers and other gun groups that haven't been as silent as the NRA over the past week."

"Although people think of the NRA as being synonymous with the gun lobby — and it has by far the largest membership and the biggest budget — other gun owner groups often have taken an even harder line, leaving the NRA with little room to maneuver politically even if it wanted to." ...

Transcript of NRA Press Conference: "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and daughters join the nation in horror, outrage, grief and earnest prayer for the families of Newtown, Connecticut …"

"Out of respect for those grieving families, and until the facts are known, the NRA has refrained from comment. While some have tried to exploit tragedy for political gain, we have remained respectfully silent."

"Now, we must speak … for the safety of our nation's children. Because for all the noise and anger directed at us over the past week, no one — nobody — has addressed the most important, pressing and immediate question we face: How do we protect our children right now, starting today, in a way that we know works?" ...

Can Collective Action Stop Mass Shooters?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "What often happens in these sorts of attacks is that people run and hide. Split up into ones and twos, they are easy targets for the shooters, who find it easy to pick off cowering people one by one. Unless the shooter's weapon is temporarily disabled--as seems to have happened [in Tucson]--one or two people are unlikely to be a match for a rifle or a handgun." ...

The Good Life and Gun Control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"... Like many of you, I’ve been horrified by the events in Newtown, and dismayed by the debate that has followed. ... Contrary to what you’ll see on various liberal outlets, the NRA didn’t cause [the shooter] to kill innocent children and adults, nor did Alan Gura or the army of academics who helped to build the case for an individual right to gun ownership. Reading discussions on the web, you might come to believe that we don’t all share the goal of a society where the moral order is preserved, and where our children can be put on the bus to school without a qualm."

"But we do."

"We just disagree about how to make it happen." ...

Ignore all the issues and the problem will not be solved
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The issues of guns and what to do with them exploded upon us again in a most heartbreaking manner with the wanton slaughter of 26 individuals —mostly young children — by what appears to be a crazed madman."

"Immediately, and in many respects accurately, the issues of guns and gun control entered the debate as these atrocities involving firearms have become too numerous ..."

"When we start talking about gun control, we cannot avoid the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the protections it affords to the citizenry to carry firearms."

"Today most people look at this amendment as affording citizens the right to keep guns for hunting purposes, but in reality it is much more." ...

Restrict guns while keeping intent of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The problem is to keep guns out of the hands of the crazy people, but how? We don’t know how to identify the crazy people. Even if we did, how do we keep guns out of their hands when they can buy semiautomatic weapons with huge ammo clips over the Internet or at a gun show without any background checks? The NRA is also correct that making assault rifles illegal will not eliminate mass shootings like this. Restrictions will, however, make them less frequent, and that at least would be a start." ...

Gun crackdown to backfire?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As national legislators call for tighter gun laws in response to last Friday's murders in Newtown, Conn., and the National Rifle Association plans 'a major news conference' in Washington today, sales at area gun shops are brisk and local Second Amendment advocates fear further restrictions will increase the likelihood of future rampages."

"The killings at Sandy Hook Elementary, the movie theater in Aurora, Colo., the mall in Happy Valley, Ore., and Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., 'have all taken place in gun-free zones,' said Jim Wallace, executive director of the Massachusettes-based Gun Owners' Action League. 'Victim zones are what they are.'" ...

Obama's Hypocrisy Problem On Guns
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"I just got done throwing up (again) listening to Obama opine on gun control in the wake of the Newtown shooting."

"Let's step back for a moment and look at this issue with a wide-angle lens, starting with President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg, two of the loudest anti-gun proponents." ...

NRA rips 'gun-free' zones, launches National School Safety Shield program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association came out swinging Friday morning, announcing the creation of a National School Shield Emergency Response program as Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre threw punches at 'gun-free school zones,' anti-gun politicians and the violent entertainment and video game industries." ...

NY: NRA more-guns-for-schools React-O-Mat™
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "[Assembly Speaker Sheldon] Silver’s take:"
"The NRA’s response to the tragic events in Newtown is deeply disturbing and underscores just how far out of touch they are from reality and the concerns of most Americans. The answer to gun violence on our street corners, in our shopping centers and in our schools is not more guns. The answer is stronger gun laws and a dramatic expansion of mental health services."

"New York can and must be a leader in developing a solution. I am hopeful in the coming weeks the Senate will join together with the Assembly and Governor Cuomo to pass meaningful legislation that will begin to change the culture of gun violence in our society." ...

NY: Two city councilmen who think N.R.A.'s school proposal is legitimate
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"Going seriously against the grain of local reaction to the the National Rifle Association's proposal to put armed guards in every school in America, two New York City councilmen say the idea is worth considering."

"Vinny Ignizio, who represents a district on the South Shore of Staten Island and is one of four Republicans on the 51-member Council, told me, 'The proposal to train and arm NYPD school safety officers is a legitimate part of the discussion to enhance security in our schools along with the ongoing conversations about gun control and mental health reform. It all must be on the table, not just any one side or agenda.'" ...

Limit the capacity of assault guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Clearly, it is the evil that resides within the hearts of those killers that ultimately must be blamed for the horrendous acts carried out with their hands. After all, millions of Americans own guns, even the kinds of assault rifles and pistols used to slaughter innocents. Yet, those people break no law, and they harm no one."

"That, however, is of no comfort to the families and friends of the children and teachers gunned down in their elementary school last week. ..."

"From Columbine, to Virginia Tech, to this year's mass shootings, it matters not just that the gunmen were bent on killing. What matters to the families of dozens of people is that they could kill so many, so quickly." ...

America's gun culture -- Connecticut shooting didn't stop it, just made it worse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just as the awful crack of rifle fire has faded from the tragic corridors of Sandy Hook Elementary School, so the processions of flower-bedecked little white coffins across the rolling Connecticut countryside soon will come to an end -- and, with that, our collective grief will begin to ebb."

"The lives of 26 families, of course, will be forever shattered, but most of the rest of us Americans will drift back to things as they were before that awful Friday a week ago -- slightly less than half of us appalled but impotent in the face of gun violence; slightly more than half of us shrugging off this latest body count as the regrettable, but necessary price of our Second Amendment freedoms." ...

Ambiguities of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... But [the Newtown shooter] had more than 300 million accomplices, also known as the American public. We might as well have pulled the trigger ourselves, each and every one of us. Why? Because we have bowed to the National Rifle Association and allowed the legal proliferation of military-style assault weapons within our borders. For sure-fire disaster, just add one psychopath."

"You know the drill. ... a rain of gunfire is quickly followed by: press conferences, hand-wringing, soul-searching, prayers, vigils, flags at half-staff, calls for better mental health services, plaintive theme music on CNN, teddy bear shrines, murmurs about gun control and a screeching defense of the Second Amendment by the gun lobby. In other words, nothing." ...

Semi-automatic guns should be prohibited
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We have to address a long-standing problem. We need effective gun control laws. The Second Amendment allows for maintaining a militia. When it was written we did not have the largest and most technologically advanced military in the world to protect our country. To interpret the Second Amendment today as allowing any citizen to bear arms is ludicrous." ...

Certain people must be kept from guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Are they with the angels?' As reported by the Associated Press and printed in the Herald, a question from a six-year-old child that was lucky enough to go to another school in Newtown. That child and her mother were attending the funeral of a child that had been killed in the Newtown massacre. It's time now. It is past time, to have a frank public discussion of the gun culture in America."

"I can no longer listen to the voices calling for more guns because, after all, it is guns that kill, not people. I must ignore those that say we should have armed the teachers; that solves nothing. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Well in Israel arming teachers (and older students) solved terrorist attacks on schools. Since they started carrying there has been one such attack, which was cut short by an armed student.

Open Letter to John Kline: Work to Ban Assault Weapons; Make Us Safer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I am writing today out of deep concern for the safety of fellow citizens, as well as my family and children. I sincerely hope, in light of the recent shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, that you will seriously re-consider your stance on banning assault weapons."

"There is no hunting rifle that requires a magazine clip of 30 rounds. There is NO CIVILIAN who would ever need to carry that type of fire power. The hunting argument is completely absurd. I grew up in Northeastern Wisconsin. Most homes had cabinets full of guns, mine included. There were no M-16 style assault weapons needed for hunting deer." ...

NY: Westchester mayors call on D.C. to toughen gun laws, cite lack of background checks
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The mayors of Westchester County’s biggest cities issued a joint call Thursday for tougher gun laws in response to the Newtown, Conn., school massacre."

"Leaders of Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Peekskill, White Plains and Yonkers — all Democrats — asked President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner to enact laws banning military-style weapons, stiffen penalties for gun trafficking and require criminal background checks for all gun buyers." ...

NY: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Says Gun "Confiscation Could be an Option"
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"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently told Albany radio station WGDJ-AM that he plans to propose gun control legislation during his State of the State address on Jan. 9, reports the New York Times."

"Gov. Cuomo said: 'I don’t think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, 'I need an assault weapon to go hunting.' There is a balance here, I understand the rights of gun owners.'"

"'Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun, but permit it.'" ...

NY: Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner joins call for better gun control
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Mayor Stephanie Miner today signed onto a letter sent by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition calling on President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders to develop new solutions to reduce gun violence in the wake of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The letter offers several legislative proposals, including:" ...

NY: State Dems propose closing gun loopholes
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"A package of eight bills presented by Democratic lawmakers on Thursday afternoon at a rally at City Hall would close some of the loopholes in the state's assault weapons ban, while making gun ownership more burdensome."

"The legislation would expand the state's ban to include additional guns already in circulation. It also proposes stronger background checks, regulation of gun dealers and ammunition sales, and restricting personal gun purchases to one per month. Gun permits would need to be renewed more frequently—every five years under the proposed legislation." ...

NY: Cuomo Working on More Gun Restrictions, possibly mandatory AW buybacks
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... "... Mr. Cuomo didn't specifically address whether he wanted to limit access to Bushmaster rifles. He said he didn't believe there was a purpose for such weapons."

"'I don't think legitimate sportsmen are going to say, I need an assault weapon to go hunting,' he said." ...

"Mr. Cuomo also said he would also review ways to take already-existing assault weapons out of circulation by requiring new permits, or potentially requiring assault weapon owners to sell guns back to the state."

"Specific details of Mr. Cuomo's proposal likely won't be released until his State of the State address on Jan. 9 in Albany, after the legislative session begins." ...

Bloomberg: No One Has ‘Defended the Second Amendment as Much as I Have’
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg may have risen to become the country’s chief critic of lax firearm laws, but on his weekly radio show, he argued that has nothing to do with the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, Mr. Bloomberg claimed to be the strongest defender of the Second Amendment around." ...

Democrats Pan NRA Plan To Place Armed Guards In Schools
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"House Democrats roundly rejected Friday a proposal by the National Rifle Association to curb mass shootings by placing armed guards in every school."

"'I do not believe those remarks represent anywhere near a significant portion of America,' Minority Whip Steny Hoyer told reporters. 'I do not believe they represent the views of responsible members of the National Rifle Association.'"

"'It just doesn't make sense,' added House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi." ...

It's Official: Mayor Bloomberg Needs Mental Help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since removing constitutional rights is all the rage now, I have to ask: when does dislocation from reality become severe enough to justify involuntary commitment? A good study case is NYC's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who recently uttered a real gem on his weekly radio show. ..." ...

Rep. Nadler condemns NRA proposal for armed guards in schools
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"Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-Manhattan, has issued a statement condemning the National Rifle Association’s proposal to have armed guards at every school."

"'The NRA’s response to the Newtown massacre is both ludicrous and insulting, and they are fundamentally out of step with the American people on the issue of gun violence,' Nadler said. 'Instead of making a sincere and good faith concession toward gun control reform – like enhanced, universal background checks, which the vast majority of its members support – the NRA has offered a fantasy suggestion for congressional action on a massive federal spending increase, backed by a disingenuous offer of NRA-funded training premised on that fantasy being actualized.'" ...

NY: Great Neck Lawmakers: Same Goal, Different Ideas Regarding Guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"While most local leaders agree that a problem exists regarding gun violence in the U.S., not all are taking the same approach in trying to address it."

"Some, like State Assmbly. Michelle Schimel, D-Great Neck, have signed on to large coalitions with other lawmakers calling for immediate action while demanding stricter gun regulations at the state and federal level." ...

IL: Oak Park, Illinois officials ponder concealed weapons options
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local and state officials are assessing their options in the wake of a federal appellate court ruling that set aside Illinois’ ban on carrying concealed weapons."

"At the same time, a long-time local gun rights advocate wants a state-wide referendum on the issue."

"On Dec. 12, a 2-1 ruling from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned two lower court rulings and ordered Illinois to craft new laws allowing the public carriage of guns." ...

Bloomberg: There Is Not 'Anybody That’s Defended the Second Amendment as Much as I Have'
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said that there is not 'anybody that’s defended the Second Amendment as much as I have.' He made the comments in a radio interview."

"'I don’t think there’s anybody that’s defended the Second Amendment as much as I have,' said Bloomberg. 'I think you have a perfect right to buy weapons and keep them for protection or for sport. We have tried to make sure that you have it. The Supreme Court says that there are–consistent with the Second Amendment–you can have reasonable restrictions, so, for example, you can’t buy a nuclear-tipped weapon.'" ...

TX: Trooper In Irving Body Cavity Search Lawsuit Suspended
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"A Texas State Trooper who was thrust into the spotlight Tuesday after dash camera video showing her giving body cavity searches to two women became public has been suspended."

"Trooper Kelly Helleson was suspended Wednesday, the day after the two women she searched as part of a traffic stop earlier this year sued her and another trooper for what they called a violation of their privacy."

"The Texas Department of Public Safety, the state organization who State Troopers work for, say Helleson was put on paid suspension pending the outcome of an investigation into the incident and the lawsuit." ...

NY: We’re fooling ourselves if we think banning guns is solution
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"As a father, I was driven to sobs watching the events surrounding Newtown, Conn. But as a gun owner, I knew what was coming next: a public outcry for gun control — and maybe some of which is rightfully so. Although I hunt and target-shoot, I do not see the need for 30- to 100-round magazines for civilians."

"On the other hand, politicians like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg were quick to get on the gun control bandwagon, and yet he disillusions people by doing so because crime has risen in New York City by 4 percent despite all the gun control measures. New York state and New York City have some of the toughest gun laws on the books already." ...

IL: Background checks for gun sales jump in Illinois
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Background checks for gun sales in Illinois have almost doubled since Friday's school shootings in Connecticut, according to data from the Illinois State Police."

"Gun sellers say some buyers appear concerned about self-defense, but many already own guns and appear to be adding to their collections amid talk of tougher restrictions on gun ownership. Semiautomatic rifles like the AR-15 used in the school shootings last week in Connecticut are generating much of the interest, sellers said. Those guns are being mentioned as the mostly likely target of tougher laws." ...

PA: Many school, union and political leaders say no to NRA proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A number of school, union, and political leaders in the Philadelphia region were not eager Friday to let the National Rifle Association be their guide on how to protect students and staff from the type of tragedy that occurred last week in a Connecticut school."

"A week after a shooter entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and gunned down 20 children and six adults, the NRA announced what it said it saw as the best way to prevent a recurrence 'of this unspeakable crime.'"

"The group's suggestion: Put an armed police officer or 'properly trained' local volunteers in every school in the nation." ...

MO: Prevent another tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When President Barack Obama was elected, the firearm community was in an uproar, spreading their fearmongering doctrine that Obama was out to take away their guns."

"Now as violent mass-murder gun crimes escalate, it is time to change laws and re-examine which firearms belong under the Second Amendment. By not supervising their own, the unsupervised have brought upon their own community its worst fear — government intervention." ...

CO: Jax Mercantile stops sale of assault rifles, high-capacity magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Outdoor gear retailer Jax Mercantile has decided that in the wake of last week's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school, it no longer will sell assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines at any of its stores, including the one in Loveland."

"Jim Quinlan, president of the Fort Collins-based chain, said he made the decision last weekend after 26 people ... were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14. The shooter in Connecticut used a Bushmaster .223-caliber AR-15 rifle, which is classified by the federal government as an assault-style weapon." ...

OK: Armed police in every school would cost TPS $3 million a year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's call to place armed police officers in every school would cost Tulsa Public Schools around $3 million a year, TPS Campus Police Chief Gary Rudick said Friday."

"'Wow,' he said when told of the proposal. 'Who's going to pay for that?'" ...

Submitter's Note: And arming teachers would cost $0.00 per year.

NM: N.M. Concealed Carry Law in Danger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Mexico law permitting concealed carry of handguns is in danger of being struck down by a federal judge."

"And here’s an ironic twist:"

"The threat to the concealed carry law is an unintended result of a lawsuit filed by a gun-rights group, the Second Amendment Foundation ..."

"In the lawsuit, filed in April in U.S. District Court in Albuquerque, the foundation is challenging a provision in New Mexico’s concealed carry law that restricts concealed carry permits to U.S. citizens."

"The foundation only wants that citizenship provision declared unconstitutional, but Judge Christina Armijo has raised the issue of whether she can do that without tossing out the entire concealed carry law." ...

TX: OMG! Wild West Shootouts! Reenacted For Tourists! OMG! (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You remember the horror and disillusionment you felt in, oh, fourth grade when you learned in your American History class that cowboys used to regularly line up children in one-room schoolhouses across the west and mow them down with their Colt Peacemakers? Yeah, neither do we. Which makes the tightly wadded panties and pusillanimous hand-wringing over the Fort Worth Stock Yard’s reenactments of wild west shootouts a little bit curious. But we live in a politically correct time of knee-jerk, ill-considered over-reactions. Even in Texas . . ." …

Canada: Seismic change on guns is possible (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems to me that, just as the NRA and Supreme Court have been saying for years, the solution to America's gun crisis lies in adhering to a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment — specifically the part calling for 'a well regulated militia,' the key word being 'regulated.' The manner in which we regulate the use of automobiles (another useful device whose use we collectively agree shouldn't be granted without oversight) might be a worthwhile guide. ..." ...

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — LORD ACTON (1887)

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