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Newslinks for 12/23/2001

UK: Gunman causes havoc in store
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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Shoppers fled for cover in a north London supermarket when a gunman ran in and hid in the aisles, claiming another armed man was after him.

The man, carrying a handgun, caused chaos in the Waitrose store...although he told terrified staff he was not planning a robbery.

He claimed the only reason he was armed was to protect himself from a second man who was trying to kill him. As shoppers fled, staff managed to call police, who arrived and arrested him.

NY: sad story of a cop who didn't teach his child about guns
Submitted by: AJ Chwick
Website: http://www.iNCNF.Org

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Though it's very sad to hear of another accidental shooting of a child by a child, the fact still remains that the NY Court Officer, whose gun it was, is fully at fault. He neglected to teach his children Basic Gun Safety, because, why else would a 15-year old not know that it is VERY wrong to point a gun at someone that you do not intend to shoot! Additionally, the people he works for are at fault too, as they beleive that Gun Safety education is an evil thing to teach kids.

CANADA: Federal government assumes control of gun registry
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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OTTAWA -- The federal government announced Friday it is taking over control of its controversial gun-control program in B.C. following a dispute with the provincial government over money.

"British Columbians support and deserve an effective firearms program that is already delivering on its important public safety objectives," McLellan said. "We will continue to work with the provincial government to ensure that a high level of client service is maintained."

MI, Detroit: City cops struggling to change their ways
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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After years of doing things the way they'd always been done, Detroit homicide investigators are struggling to find new ways to solve murder cases without violating the U.S. Constitution ... the U.S. Department of Justice is scrutinizing the arrests of bystanders at murder scenes, a long-standing practice ... the feds got the same treatment from homicide investigators that the homicide investigators get from reluctant witnesses.

Liberty vs. Security: An NPR Special Report
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"How far can the Bush administration stretch the Constitution in the name of national security?"

Big Brother bucks: the future of national ID and debit cards
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Your government, someday -- perhaps someday soon -- could know every single economic transaction you make."

Senate Passes Education Bill "No Child Left Behind" (HR1)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"These historic reforms will improve our public schools by creating an environment where every child can learn through real accountability, unprecedented flexibility for states and school districts, greater local control, more options for parents, and more funding for what works," Bush said.

NOTE: In reality, it places federal mandates, restrictions and requirements on all public schools.


The Nazi-ization of America?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Now our once great country, home of the brave and land of the free are being sold into being the world's largest warmonger. And gleefully 80% of the dodo American public have bought into this, are flying flags...So what is the problem? Where is my patriotism?

"It is simply, that just as Oswald did not kill Kennedy, the facts of September 11th are not as they appear to be as presented from the government controlled mainstream media." --Bernard von NotHaus, Senior Economist, NORFED

OH, Cincinnati: Device may "help track city cops"
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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As a federal investigation of the police division continues, Cincinnati police officials announced. The new risk management system would track a much broad array of activities, such as injured prisoners, vehicle pursuits, injuries to the officer, auto accidents and being named a defendant in a lawsuit. When officers tallied at least 20 points on the scale, they would be subject to administrative review.

(Active policing = bad points. Soon, there won't be any active cops in River City.)

CANADA: Gun owner fears registry lacking (after he got someone else's papers)
Submitted by: John Fansler

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An Ottawa man is questioning the privacy and security of the federal government's gun registry system after he mistakenly received someone else's firearm registration certificates.

--A gun "registry" that isn't secure? I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!

Chucky Schumer's DC Gun Grab (followup)
Submitted by: The Texas Mercury

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"Riding on the wave of hysteria generated by Sept. 11, [Sen. Schumer] is pushing a bill that will grant him what was earlier denied him by Attorney General John Ashcroft, a comprehensive list of gun owners, what they own, and where they live."

UT: State agencies gun rules contrary to law
Submitted by: John Fansler

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...It didn't take Attorney General Mark Shurtleff long after he was elected to offer an unsolicited opinion about the legality of state agencies' rules banning guns -- even those carried by licensed permit holders -- in the workplace. His opinion that such rules are "null and void" because they violate the 1995 law has finally ended the prohibition in state offices.

JF: We don't lose our Second Amendment civil rights when we venture onto state property.

Book Review: "Coloring the News"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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William McGowan's new book, "Coloring the News," is a disturbing account of how in the name of diversity the purpose of reporting events has changed from informing readers of the facts to advancing the newspapers' chosen causes and attempting to alter the readers perception of reality.

Another review by Thomas Sowell: "The issue is not what various journalists or news organizations' editorial views are. The issue is the transformation of news reporting into ideological spin, along with self-serving taboos and outright fraud."

Notice from police: "Your vehicle was in an area known for illegal activity"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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He received a bright yellow index card from the Hendersonville Police Department in the mail:

“Mr. Kevin Alexander Collins, it was reported to the Police that your vehicle...was recently observed in an area of Hendersonville known for illegal drug activity. We feel that you should be made aware that this area is being watched by law enforcement and also that your vehicle is subject to seizure and forfeiture if illegal drugs are found to be in the vehicle.”

HUMOR: Store Owner Kills Assailant With Trigger Lock
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Smitty went on to say that he sure was glad he had his Gun-Blok trigger lock. “I don’t know what I would have done without it,” he said as he wandered back to the store.

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. — Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

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