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Newslinks for 12/23/2002

MD: Glendening says he leaves office with goals achieved
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"During his eight years as governor, the General Assembly adopted some of the strongest gun control laws in the nation, voted to protect homosexuals from discrimination and increased the share of state contracts set aside for companies owned by women and minorities." ...

And, of course, who can forget his record as one of the most corrupt governors in the history of the state?

Muslim group says Patriot Act threatens democracy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The denunciation at a Muslim-American convention came days after vocal protests were held over the detention of hundreds of Middle Eastern immigrants who registered voluntarily with the Immigration and Naturalization Service under new federal guidelines. Speakers at the Muslim Public Affairs Council convention called on the public to challenge the Patriot Act, which they called an unconstitutional law that violates basic civil liberties." ...

Martha Burk Can BITE ME! or "Kiss my 3-Iron!"
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Once again we see the leftist spin and victim mentality turning the freedom to assemble into a discrimination issue. Again, never mind the fact that no court cases were cited much less any background on those cases. All that matters is that the NCWO and Burk want their way and they want it NOW - or else!"

Federal database spy site fading away
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"First, biographical information about the TIA project leaders ...disappeared from the Defense Department's site last month. A mirror that one activist created from Google's cache shows the deleted information included four resumes listing past work experience but no addresses or contact information." ...

"Then, sometime in the last week, the TIA site shrank still more and some links ceased to work. The logo for the TIA project--a Masonic pyramid eyeballing the globe--vanished..."


So Much for the Plan to Scrap Old Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Yet it now appears that the military contractors, united with allies in the Pentagon and Congress in a group known around Washington as the Iron Triangle, stood up to Mr. Rumsfeld — and won. Weapons systems that had been on the chopping block have been saved, and others that many critics say should be consigned to the dustbin of history are about to receive millions, and in some cases billions, of taxpayers' dollars."

Poll: Hillary Clinton top Democratic 2004 choice
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"With Al Gore now out of the race, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the top choice of Democrats for the 2004 presidential nomination if she chooses to run, according to a new CNN/Time magazine poll."

"When registered Democrats were asked whom they would support in a field that included the New York senator and former first lady, 30 percent picked Clinton, compared with 13 percent each for Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts."

Pentagon's "Total Information Awareness" database is step toward police state
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"A massive public surveillance system under development by the Pentagon - called 'Total Information Awareness' - could help lay the framework for a police state in America and should be halted immediately, Libertarians say.

" 'This is Big Brother on steroids,' said George Getz, Libertarian Party communications director. 'The government of a free country shouldn't want surveillance powers like these. And the fact that the government wants them is proof that it shouldn't have them.' "

NY: Gang of Homeless Men Rapes Woman in N.Y.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Yes, rapists do indeed prefer their targets to be unarmed.

"On a desolate fringe of a Queens, N.Y., park, a gang of homeless men set upon a woman and dragged her into their squalid encampment, raping her for two hours while police began a frantic search. The 42-year-old victim finally was rescued when a police dog picked up her scent, tracked her to the hobo jungle and sank his teeth into one of the men who brutalized her, authorities said."

Barbie Doesn't Play Here
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"'Kids until they are about 8 don't understand the difference between fantasy and reality,' said White... 'They believe in Santa Claus and monsters under the bed. It's not that they're stupid. Their mind works different.' "

"Melanie Killen, a psychologist and associate director of the University of Maryland's Center for Children, Relationships and Culture, backs up White's arguments. She strongly disapproves of boys' toys such as guns and the command post."

CO: Violence on the rise
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"While not all of these incidents are gang-related, they have a common thread: They all involve young people and shootings. Experts say the weak economy, the release of gang members from prison and the fact that law-enforcement officials are devoting more attention to terrorism than to street crime all contribute to the increase in youth violence." ...

CA: 10 Editorial: Gun Control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last week in a court opinion that went on for 86 pages, a federal appeals court ruled that people do not have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms."

"That decision means California's law against making or selling assault weapons can stay on the books."

"San Diego's 10 says that law is not only legal, it's right."

"People can argue the need or desire to own a gun until their are blue in the face."

"But you will never convince us there is a need for an individual to own a grenade launcher."

Someone needs to educate KGTV General Manager and Vice President Darrell Brown that the definition of "right" precludes anyone from justifying their "need" to socialist swine.

MD: With looks that can kill, BB guns banned for youths
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"The BB gun, like the classic Red Ryder celebrated in a popular holiday film, is a traditional Christmas gift that has always come wrapped in a certain risk. Now the toy carries a threat that has nothing to do with putting an eye out: a $500 fine and two months in jail."

" 'We're dealing with a different element now,' Council President Sheila Dixon said. 'If you give it to a minor and we trace it back, that person will be fined or charged with a crime.' "

South Africa: Former President de Klerk's Cousin Shot Dead
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A second cousin of former president FW de Klerk and the first woman in South Africa to get a doctor's degree in mathematics was gunned down outside her home in Randburg on Tuesday evening, Media24 reported on Thursday. Cecilia Maria Smit (58) a former lecturer in mathematics at the Rand Afrikaans University, died in front of her house in a security complex in Ferndale after being shot in the head."

Also, FW de Klerk's ex-wife was brutally raped about six months ago... rough country.

UK: Bamber offers reward for evidence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Convicted multiple murderer Jeremy Bamber has offered a £1 million reward to anyone with fresh evidence that could prove he was innocent." ...

"Bamber has always maintained his innocence after being convicted of the murders of his parents, sister and her twin six-year-old sons."

"Detectives initially suspected that his sister Sheila, who had not been taking her medication for schizophrenia, had murdered her parents and sons before turning the gun on herself."

US tore out 8000 pages of Iraq WMD Report
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitized version to the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations security council. Allegations made by US Secretary of State Colin Powell that 'omissions' in the document constituted a 'material breach' of the latest UN resolution on Iraq. Bush gave the go-ahead to double the current 50,000 US troops deployed in the Gulf."

Canada: Sask. protesters throw fake cash down toilet during anti-gun registry rally
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Firearms owners threw fake money down a toilet Saturday to dramatize their opposition to the federal firearms registry during a rally outside this small town."

"Others in the crowd of about 150 burned their Firearm Acquisition Certificates and firearm possession licenses to protest the program's cost overruns."

" 'This Liberal government is prepared to keep flushing your money and flushing your money and flushing your money,' protest organizer Bill Risling told the crowd."

MI: Man who shot wife cleared of attempted murder
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Apparently fearing her husband, Mrs. Smart had sheriff's deputy Mark Mileski escort her outside to her sport utility vehicle."

"There ...the shooting began. Mr. Smart allegedly unloaded three rounds from his gun into the vehicle..."

"The defense argued temporary insanity, saying Smart snapped after failing to get any substantial visitation time with the couple's 3-year-old child, in divorce proceedings before county Friend of the Court officials."

UK: Security boss in drive-by shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A SECURITY firm boss has survived a drive-by assassination attempt."

"Jason Dickson's BMW was riddled with bullets in the attack outside his mother's house."

UK: Stocking filler is a killer
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A TOY gun which has killed four children could end up as a deadly Christmas stocking filler."

"Thousands of the 99p guns, which fire plastic darts, are on sale despite a Europe-wide ban."

"Last night, trading standards chiefs told parents who have bought the Chinese-made pistols to destroy them."

"They believe shopkeepers are selling them despite a ban in October, a month after 11-year-old Scott West died."

NY: Putnam gun law changes proposed
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Putnam County Clerk Dennis Sant wants to follow the lead of Westchester by asking for hands-on training as a condition of obtaining pistol permits and by mandating that licenses be renewed every five years."

Canada: Decriminalization idea has little hope of success
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"First we had the national gun registration policy that will leave law-abiding gun owners with criminal records for not registering their weapons. Now we have Justice Minister Martin Cauchon saying last week the government will be able to move quickly to bring a bill to decriminalize marijuana for personal use..."

"So, people who were once in legal possession of guns will be penalized, and people who broke the law by using a banned substance will be exonerated. What gives?" ...

Australia: Instant ID of most-wanted faces
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Australia's anti-terror effort is to go hi-tech next year with the introduction of revolutionary facial recognition technology."

"Police forces and airport security agencies will begin using technology that can identify a known terrorist or criminal within seconds."

"The system is also capable of preventing unauthorised access to buildings or planes."

"It takes an image of a person and then reads 692 facial features, comparing the image with photographs on a database."

Canada: Police team tackles robbery spree
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police have formed an investigative team to try to bring an end to two weeks of robberies across Niagara."

"Formation of the team comes after a brazen heist at a St. Catharines jewelry store Thursday night."

"And early today, a lone male made off with cash at a St. Paul Street hotel."

OH: Guns apparently good for us, but not for them
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Why, if carrying guns is so safe, so necessary, such a great tool for stopping crime, and such a deep-rooted constitutional right, are some state lawmakers afraid to let concealed handgun carriers near them during the day?" -- Because they're paranoid loons, who don't trust the constituents who elected them to office in the first place? Just a guess.

U.S. airports ponder a surplus of security
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The new federal screeners corps goes far beyond what airports had hired. The need and cost are at issue."

UK: £40,000 grabbed by bank gunmen
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Shotgun-toting robbers escaped with about £40,000 after holding up an armoured van delivering cash to a West Lothian bank."

"Two men targeted the vehicle as it stopped at the Bank of Scotland in Linlithgow’s Blackness Road last night."

"Two security guards were confronted by the masked men as they approached the branch carrying a locked box containing the consignment of money."

"The victims were held at gunpoint and ordered to hand over the money under the cover of darkness."

Saddam could use NRA on his side
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Under the prevailing NRA philosophy that no amount of weapons is too many, Hussein's membership will also entitle him to resume full production of tanks, but only if they are henceforth classified as 'Light Trucks' under U.S. DOT specifications applicable to SUVs. The resulting loss in fuel economy will deplete Iraq's oil surplus, thus rendering moot any question about continued sanctions against Iraqi oil exports."

This smug dullard of a reporter tries desperately to use the First Amendment to weaken the Second. How low!

Liberal snobbery helps make Britain the world's most crime-ridden country
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Britain is now the world's leader in very little, with the single possible exception of crime."

"Recent figures published by the U.N. show that Britain is now among the most crime-ridden countries in the world. Its citizens are much more likely to be attacked or robbed on the street, or have their houses burgled, than their counterparts in, say, Russia or South Africa, let alone the U.S."

AZ: Shooting range under fire
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Bellemont and Fort Valley residents within "ear-shot" of a proposed $8 million shooting range are suing to block a land exchange between the U.S. Forest Service and the Arizona Game and Fish Department crucial to the facility's development."

"According to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court ...the Forest Service violated federal law when it approved the land swap and issued a special permit for the shooting range to Game and Fish."

Canada: Gun scare delayed flights at Pearson
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Heavily armed officers arrived at Terminal 2 after airport security spotted what appeared to be two large guns in a piece of luggage during an X-ray scan."

"But the passenger was not immediately stopped, nor was the bag searched. The suspected breach wasn't spotted until a procedural viewing of security videotape 20 minutes later."

"About 20 flights were then delayed while authorities halted all boarding, and searched for the passenger and the bag."

VT: Candidate Howard Dean, on Gun Control:
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I think Vermont ought to be able to have a different set of laws than California. Let's keep and enforce the federal gun laws we have, close the gun show loophole using Insta-check, and then let the states decide for themselves what if any gun control laws they want." ...

Yes, let's not allow a little thing like a Constitutional right stop states from enacting whatever gun control laws they want. What is a Constitution, after all? It's only the law of the land.

CA: Mother sues for suicide barrier on Golden Gate
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Indeed, suicide experts agreed it's the number one geographical suicide spot in the nation, if not the world." ...

" 'There's a parking lot and there are no barriers. It's like a gun left out in the open,' Meyer said. 'It's very convenient.' "

It's not about addressing the root cause of the suicide; it's all about suing the city for not doing more to stop it. Just follow the money trail.

Canada: Gun owner nervous about mysterious extra registration
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Edward Hatch received the registration numbers for 12 guns from the federal government in his mail last week. The problem is the Nova Scotian says he only has 11." ...

"Hatch, like many other gun owners, reluctantly registered his weapons to comply with the new registration law... But the extra registration number he received from the processing centre has him worried."

" 'There is a good chance they're going to come looking for that other gun that I do not have,' Hatch said."

RI: Police draft domestic violence policy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Domestic violence is frightening for anybody, but when the abuser is a police officer, the victim may face even greater challenges in trying to stay safe."

"That's the basis for Seekonk Police Chief Vito Scotti's newly drafted policy to establish guidelines for police officers involved in domestic violence incidents." ...

TX: Dallas Suburb's Firearms Law Takes Aim at Toy Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The city ...recently beefed up its firearms ordinance to ban minors from brandishing toy guns that look too real. Realistic toy guns are often used in hold-ups, and for years have concerned the nation's police officers. But in recent months, Carrollton Police Chief David James said, teenagers -- some of them gang members -- have increasingly been found with replicas too difficult for his officers to distinguish as fake from afar, placing them and the officers at greater risk."

OH: Cases to test change in court
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The concealed weapons suit will offer another interesting test."

"Filing two years ago in a Hamilton County Common Pleas court, Mr. Ferrier and three fellow plaintiffs convinced Judge Robert Ruehlman to throw out laws banning concealed weapons as unconstitutional."

"The high court suspended that order and is expected to hear oral arguments sometime next year."

IL: How to attack homicide
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"For our collective failure to rein in the butchery, Chicago perennially boasts the highest murder rate of the nation's biggest cities. The best, most enduring ways to cut that intolerable rate are to improve the educations, resources and job prospects of those who now are tugged into dangerous lifestyles. Tougher federal gun laws also would help, as would extensive drug rehabilitation to quell the persistent demand for narcotics."

Obviously, someone hasn't his or her lesson from the British gun control experiment.

NRA Launches Woman's Outlook
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The National Rifle Association's newest official journal, Woman's Outlook, will specifically cater to the multi-faceted needs of today's NRA woman as she exercises her Second Amendment rights in pursuit and enjoyment of the American firearms lifestyle. The premier issue of Woman's Outlook will debut in January 2003."

Pregnant woman humiliated at airport
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Original title: Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?

"Later I found out that in addition to touching her swollen breasts – to protect the American citizenry – the employee had asked that she lift up her shirt. Not behind a screen, not off to the side – no, right there, directly in front of the hundred or so passengers standing in line. And for you women who’ve been pregnant and worn maternity pants, you know how ridiculous those things look. 'I felt like a clown,' my wife told me later. 'On display for all these people, with the cotton panel on my pants and my stomach sticking out. When I sat down I just lost my composure and began to cry. That’s when you walked up.' "

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest. — Mahatma Gandhi

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