NY: Local Leaders Want Armed School Officers (video)
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Phil Watson / SAF
Website: http://thegunmag
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BUFFALO, N.Y. - Friday's NRA response drew some spirited reaction from across the political spectrum. Some prominent local leaders actually agreed with part of it. But only part of it.
When the NRA called for putting armed officers or security guards in schools, Democrats like Congressman Brian Higgins were not pleased. |
Pro- vs. anti-gun? Change the debate
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Website: http://www.gunpoliticsny.com
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For all of President Obama’s newfound determination to reduce gun deaths, there’s a reality with which he must now reckon. It’s a matter of simple math. Republicans control the House of Representatives, and shortly after the President announced Wednesday his plan to propose limits on assault weapons and high-capacity clips, they reiterated their resistance to them. This means that with an estimated 250 million guns in the nation, and nearly half of American families owning one, changes to the law won’t come by just appealing to the firearm-phobic. Instead, it’s imperative that gun safety advocates shift the politics on this issue by expanding their coalition to include law-abiding, reasonable gun owners. |
Mother of six says school kids deserve to be protected by armed, trained guards
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“How do we protect our children?” NRA President Wayne LaPierre asked Friday morning, the one week anniversary of the horrific mass murders of 20 6- and 7-year-old students and 6 unarmed adults who died trying to protect them from the murderous rage of a coward. Parents work to protect their kids almost every waking minute. We feed them healthy food to prevent obesity and illness, we brush their teeth to prevent cavities, we give them mittens and hats to protect them from the cold, we use child seats and seatbelts make them safer in car rides. ... Let’s put guns into the hands of trained school guards who can protect our children. No more easy targets. |
History of gun control is cautionary tale for those seeking regulations after Conn. shooting
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... Now gun control has roared back into the national conversation as the country reels from the horror in Newtown, Conn. President Obama and his fellow Democrats are vowing to pass a new assault weapons ban, along with other new laws to strengthen background checks on gun purchasers and limit the size of ammunition magazines. But although Newtown has supercharged the conversation on how to stop another massacre, the history of gun control is a cautionary tale for those who push for more regulations. If past is prologue, the legislative fights ahead will be protracted and brutal — and any resulting legislation may well be riddled with loopholes. |
Should Teacher's Carry Guns?
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There are many things we ask of teachers and students. In New York, we are in the middle of a fight about teacher evaluations—the metrics used, their weight in promotion and firing. Since the shooting in Sandy Hook, there has been talk about not only what it means to stand in front of a class but what it’s like to keep six-year-olds silent in a closet with a gunman steps away ... In a press conference Friday, Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice-president of the National Rifle Association, said that children had been put in danger by “laws for gun-free school zones” and by having “unarmed principals.” (“How have our nation’s priorities gotten so far out of order?”) |
NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre Calls Assault Weapon Ban 'Phony'
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National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre fired back at his critics today, defending his proposal to put armed guards in every school in the country as a way to prevent future tragedies like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that took the lives of 20 children and six adults. "If it's crazy to call for armed officers in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy," the head of the powerful gun lobby said today on NBC's "Meet the Press." |
NY: NRA stance shows gun-debate urgency
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Mercifully, as it turns out, the leadership of the National Rifle Association took itself off the radar screen in the week after the slaughter at Sandy Hook Elementary School. When Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre ended the silence Friday, he was unbowed, unapologetic, and, ultimately, unhelpful and irrelevant. He left an aching and anguished public, and all those looking for a meaningful and intelligent response to the bloodletting, with clear evidence the gun group will stand its ground, no matter how many wide-eyed first-graders and their teachers are vanquished. |
NY: Citizens must lobby to restrict gun access
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First and foremost, my heart, thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims of the unspeakable, heinous crime in Newtown, Conn. I pray for the families who are mourning and grieving and still trying to come to terms with what happened to their loved ones and especially their little babies. God bless those special women who selflessly died trying to protect those little angels from the rain of bullets. The Journal News/LoHud.com Editorial Board recently hosted a panel of experts from various fields to discuss our gun culture, and the next steps after the Sandy Hook massacre. I am not an expert of any sort — I am just a grieving mother with a story to share. |
NY: Police Wonder If They’ll Need To Confiscate Assault Weapons In Event Of Ban
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D. Smith
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Amid talk of reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired eight years ago, police departments nationwide are thinking of ways to confiscate such weapons.
As WCBS 880’s Marla Diamond reported, among the departments considering taking action is the NYPD. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said if Congress were to reinstate the ban, police are wondering whether it will be their responsibility to confiscate them.
I think that is a big, big question,” Kelly said. “Do you engage in a buyback?”
Kelly said the NYPD’s existing gun buyback has been successful.
But Kelly said with hundreds of millions of guns out there, buybacks are just one small part of curbing gun violence. |
Republicans Voice Doubts on Gun Control
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The National Rifle Association defended its call for armed guards to be placed in schools and ceded no ground on tougher gun laws, while some Republicans also questioned whether new firearms rules would help prevent gun violence. "One more law on top of 20,000 laws" already on the books would do no good, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday. He faulted federal authorities for failing to adequately enforce existing regulations, saying that felons who attempt to buy guns rarely are prosecuted. |
Will media stay focused on gun story?
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rick schwartz
Website: http://jack-burton.hubpages.com/hub/Assault-Weapons-Evil-Black-Rifles-or-perhaps-not
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The conventional wisdom is that Newtown has just a few more days to run as a major media story.
The reporters are pulling out of the grief-stricken Connecticut town, which means no more live shots every hour. The White House press corps responded to President Obama's announcement Wednesday of a task force on gun control with the first three reporters asking about the impending fiscal cliff. And after every previous mass shooting, from Columbine to Aurora, the media's attention has soon drifted away.
But I believe this time will be different. |
“Confiscation could be an option”
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rick schwartz
Website: http://jack-burton.hubpages.com/hub/Assault-Weapons-Evil-Black-Rifles-or-perhaps-not
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It’s one of the most common refrains coming from the “reasonable discussion” crew as they pave the way for upcoming gun control legislation. Whether we hear it from the clucking tongues of guests on Morning Joe or from their legions of supporters on the web, the patter is the same. “No one is coming for your guns.” You’re all just being paranoid, disingenuous or worse. All we’re talking about is making little children safer. There’s not going to be anybody kicking down your doors.
But over at National Review, Eliana Johnson proves yet again the wisdom of my dear old Dad. Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get ya. |
How to Have an Unconventional National Conversation about Guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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... "... Here’s an idea: why not put 10 highly respected, highly diverse Americans on stage and hold a nationally televised conversation to define the problems and discuss potential responses. This could be followed by regional replications – conversations taking place around the country in cities, towns, and any community that would care to participate."
"The National panel might include: President Clinton, Jay-Z, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Ann Boughtin (Board Chair, Mental Health America), Dolly Parton, Alan Gottlieb (Chairman, CCRKBA), Whoopi Goldberg, Wayne LaPierre (Executive Vice President of the NRA), and General Colin Powell. Charlie Rose, President Obama, or even Bill Clinton could moderate the conversation." ... |
Shooting: Samuel Jackson says fewer guns aren't necessarily the answer
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The shootings at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., have stirred up a slew of gun-control sentiment in Hollywood. But an actor who stars in perhaps the most gun-heavy movie of the season says that an abundance of firearms in this country isn't necessarily the problem, and that reducing them isn't automatically the answer. "I don't think it's about more gun control," said Samuel L. Jackson, who stars as a conniving house slave in Quentin Tarantino's upcoming revenge fantasy "Django Unchained." "I grew up in the South with guns everywhere and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren't taught the value of life." |
OpenCarry.org demands end to 'make-believe gun-free zones'
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Mike Stollenwerk
Website: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=mike%20gun%20dc&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQFjAA&url=htt
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In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders, OpenCarry.org, a national gun rights group with over 30,000 registered members, has called for abolishing what it calls “make-believe gun-free zones.” In that organization’s press release, John Pierce, co-founder of OpenCarry.org, says it’s time “to dismantle the network of make-believe gun-free zones that attract and assist the sick people who attack the defenseless.” Pierce says that “[a] real gun-free zone exists only where armed men and woman secure the premises and screen all entrants. Unless states and localities are prepared to physically garrison and guard [these places], then ‘aspirational policy’ must yield to common sense." . . . |
'Crazy' Wayne LaPierre of NRA continues push for guns with lies
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So now Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association, who attacks the mental health system in this country even as he sounds like he needs to be in it, goes on “Meet the Press” and continues to double down on his notion that the only way to keep our schools safe is to put armed guards at the front door and the side door and in every home room in America and maybe on every school bus, too. The other day there was a terrific Daily News front page calling LaPierre, the NRA’s executive director, the “craziest man on Earth,” and he was clearly referencing that Sunday morning, even as he continued to sound like just one more coward made brave and tough by a gun. |
Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? — Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836 |