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Newslinks for 12/26/2001

CA: Petition for police board is "invalid" (followup)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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NATIONAL CITY -- Efforts by a local activist to get a citizen-elected police review board on the ballot were "ruled illegal" by the court.

Terry Hanks collected more than 2,200 signatures, hundreds more than the 10% of the city's registered voters needed, but was arrested for "carrying ammunition." (Yes, you heard correctly.)

Councilman Mitch Beauchamp said, "The problem has been the messenger."

--Inotherwords, they don't like him and are using that as an excuse.

FL: No gun for animal control officer
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Win Sell works thousands of calls as North Port Animal Control officer each year. He wrestles alligators, removes wounded animals from fire-scorched woods, captures nonvenomous snakes and traps raccoons.

While he never minds getting dirty or putting himself in harm's way to rescue an animal, even Sell realizes he needs to protect himself.

North Port City Commissioners say "he can," but not with a firearm.

Check Your Baggage
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The new "security" procedures have done absolutely nothing to improve passenger safety and a lot to reduce freedom. But they have let a few politicians and bureaucrats claim they are doing something worthwhile and so they can brag about it during the next campaign."

"The best way to combat terrorism (and other forms of random evil in the world) is to teach everyone that their duty is to resist evil wherever it is encountered — and ensure they have the tools to resist."--Charlie Macaulay

ME: DEP says gun range wastes not a hazard
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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An official from the Department of Environmental Protection assured residents that waste material from the R.D. Outfitters' gun range in Warren will not spontaneously combust, and that burying it in a quarry would reduce the fire hazard from "zero to none."

Dec. 24 Neal Knox Update
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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* Another Non-Gun Terrorist Caught -- Thankfully

* The Brady Bunch holds press conference claiming terrorists get guns at gun shows

* Utah legislative hearing on the gun prohibition for state workers

* TEC-9 used in armed self-defense

* Merry Christmas

JP: Koizumi: "Shots were self-defense"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said Sunday that Japan Coast Guard personnel who shot at an unidentified ship off Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, on Saturday night were "engaging in legitimate self-defense."

--But they don't place the same value on the lives of their own citizens, who are outlawed from having guns for self-defense.

TN: Gun permit holders want fewer restrictions
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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Gun enthusiasts hope to persuade state lawmakers to further relax handgun restrictions during the upcoming legislative session, but will face strong opposition from restaurant owners, educators and organizations seeking tighter gun controls.

John Harris of the Tennessee Firearms Association says permit holders have shown they are responsible and that restrictions should be relaxed.

UK: Police release guidelines for "gun-safe season"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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EAST LONDON -- Police here have released a number of guidelines for the safe-keeping, borrowing and use of firearms -- especially over the festive season, when robberies in which firearms are often targeted and shooting incidents escalate.

FL: Sheriff's office aims to be "fit" in new year
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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NOTE: Not gun related in any way, but shows the progression to a police state...

A new policy banning smoking in cars and requiring new employees to be nonsmokers should be in place by February.

The Florida Supreme Court in 1996 upheld the city of North Miami's policy banning the employment of applicants who use tobacco. The court said the lower insurance costs outweighed the privacy issue.

Hunter's Safety Course Not Just For Hunters
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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It won't be long before hunters will be sending in their application for big game permits for mule deer, antelope and elk.

[But] Don't think that because its a Hunter's Safety Course that you need to be a hunter to benefit from it! The course would benefit anyone, because it familiarizes the students with guns, how they work and how to safely handle them.

NY: Gun count loads up prison time
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Anthony King is the first person charged under "Project SAFE" (Strategically Applied Firearms Enforcement). The program is designed to reduce gun violence in the Syracuse area by moving selected gun prosecutions out of state court and into the federal system, where potential sentences are longer for gun offenses. (Like "Project Exile")

--And why "can't" state systems impose the same tough sentences? Why do they need the feds?

Criticism of Ashcroft is inconsistent
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The Times story left out a couple of key facts:

(1) Current law says records generated by the National Instant-Check System are supposed to be destroyed and

(2) the law bars the government from creating "any system of registration of firearms."

If federal agents can pick through gun-purchase records, that sounds a lot like a gun registry.

FL: Bullet Found at Airport; Concourse Closed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A bullet found outside a gate at Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport prompted authorities to evacuate a busy concourse Monday, delaying flights up to three hours."

--A little overreaction.

LA: Elementary school raffles off shotgun
Submitted by: kevin Novak

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A St. Bernard elementary school that expelled a student last month for bringing a BB gun to school recently raffled off a "hunting package" that included a 12-gauge shotgun, prompting a School Board member to question if the school was sending its students a "mixed message."

Some had no problem though... Celie Robin who has 2 grandchildren at the school said, "Some people might think it's awful, but what's the difference between a fishing pole and a shotgun?"

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. — Winston Churchill

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