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Newslinks for 12/26/2012

Introducing: The Firearms Policy Coalition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation is a group devoted to bringing about positive change for gun owners through litigation, and they do it exceedingly well. Heller v. DC? McDonald v. Chicago? You’d think something as big and powerful as the NRA would have been leading the charge, but instead the [SAF] was the challenger of record. While their legal battles have been legend, their power in the world of lobbying and press conferences has been limited — its not in their charter. So, in cooperation with the CCRKBA, CAL FFL, and CALGUNS Foundation, they officially launched something that combines the best of all of the organizations to provide a new front in the fight for the second amendment: the Firearms Policy Coalition. ..." ...

Feinstein's 'assault weapon' ban would be tantamount to confiscation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) announced her intention to introduce a bill banning so-called "assault weapons" on the first day of the 113th Congress next month, the implication was that it would work much like her previous handiwork, the 1994-2004 federal AWB, in that firearms and magazines manufactured before the effective date of the ban would remain legal, and not restricted more oppressively than other firearms. ..." ...

"In a press conference last Friday with Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), however, she painted a far different picture. ... She explains that all existing 'assault weapons' would be ... put under National Firearms Act (NFA) regulation, with all the legal hoops such regulation entails." ...

Wayne LaPierre Has to Go
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a scene in The Godfather when Michael Corleone turns to his adopted brother Tom Hagen and tells him that it’s time for him to step aside. Michael needs a 'wartime consigliere' and Tom’s just not the right man for the coming battles. It’s a tough moment, letting someone know that, despite having done a great job in the past, you just don’t think they’re the right man for the job that needs doing. And that’s exactly the kind of conversation the guys at the NRA need to have with Wayne LaPierre . . ."

"At the press conference on Friday, the NRA offered a good option to deal with the problem of securing schoolchildren . . . and then promptly shot itself in the foot." ...

Tom Selleck Should Be the NRA’s Official Spokesman (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The above confrontation between actor Tom Selleck and [former] chat show host Rosie O’Donnell appeared in 1999. Tom is still a working actor and an NRA Board member. The National Rifle Association (NRA) should put the incipient septuagenarian front-and-center in the current 'debate' over gun control. Charlton Heston was the best thing to happen to the NRA in his day. Until and unless the NRA can find a younger more ethnically-appealing spokesman or woman, it’s Tom’s turn. ..."

Seattleites to NRA: ‘scum-sucking dunces,’ and other pleasantries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Saturday morning there were nearly 1,600 public comments — many seething with hatred toward gun owners — on the Seattle Times’ website in reaction to the National Rifle Association’s proposal to offer support for school security which included armed security to prevent another tragedy in a 'gun-free' school zone." ...

Gun Control: The Battle is Not Coming–It is Here!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA initially withheld comment about the horrible crime that took place in Newtown, Connecticut last week, out of respect for the families of the crime’s victims and other residents of that community ... However, President Obama and a usual cast of characters, in keeping with their longstanding practice of not letting any crisis go to waste, quickly used the tragedy to push their gun ban agenda." ...

"And, if you think the latest gun control debate will be limited solely to legislation to ban semi-autos and 'large capacity' magazines, think again. Calls have already been renewed to subject all private sales of firearms to background checks, even among family members and friends, and to end mail-order sales of ammunition." ...

Why ANY Potential Weapons Ban Will Affect You (Hunter, Sport Shooter, Self Defense)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By now I am sure everyone is aware that a new 'Assault Weapons' (their words, not mine) Ban will be introduced by Dianne Feinstein at the start of the 2013 Congress."

"You can see what the preliminary language of the bill is going to ban here."

"I know many people, including some self identified supporters of the Second Amendment, are out there right now saying, 'Who cares, this ban doesn’t affect me. It only goes after military weapons and assault rifles. I can hunt and defend my family just fine with my 30-06 rifle and my 9mm Glock.'"

"Well, wait a second, let’s look at just what could be banned under the new proposed law. ..." ...

Gun myths busted: Automatic weapons, buying guns online, background checks, assault rifles and other fictions of the liberal media
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"People who don't own guns are wildly ignorant about them, and they're easily suckered into liberal media myths that willfully repeat total lies such as being able to 'buy guns online' or the idea that you can easily buy 'automatic weapons' or 'assault rifles.' These are all complete lies."

"Let's expose the myths right here:"

"Myth #1: You can buy automatic weapons at any gun shop" ...

Encouraging community could help us avoid more senseless violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But neither magazine restrictions nor mental-health services will ensure a future free of massacres. My sense is that the solution is much more complex and will take all of our commitment in many different ways. The way forward involves strengthening the bonds between us as we rebuild our sense of community in a variety of ways."

"Many scientists are becoming concerned that our Internet usage, including Facebook, texting, games, and simply Web surfing, actually changes the structure and function of our brains in similar ways to cocaine addiction and impulse-control disorders. As we become increasingly wired, we seem to be changing who we are as a species." ...

Liberals Panic As They Lose the Gun Narrative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When you argue for a living, you can tell how an argument is going for you. The evidence and my gut both tell me that the liberals have lost control of the gun control narrative."

"Not for lack of trying – it was almost as if they were poised to leap into action across the political, media and cultural spectrum the second the next semi-human creep shot up another 'gun free zone.' This was their big opening to shift the debate and now it’s closing. They’ve lost, and they are going nuts."

"The evidence is all around that this is not going to be the moment where America begins a slide into disarmed submission through an endless series of ever-harsher 'reasonable restrictions' on our fundamental rights. ..." ...

A warning to gun grabbers and collectivist media: By calling for gun control, you are unleashing your own worst nightmare
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"By screaming about how they wish to destroy the Second Amendment and disarm the American people, collectivist media gun grabbers and "school shooting doomsday" fear mongers have managed to do exactly what they hoped NOT to do: They have pushed millions of AR-15s and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition into the private hands of Americans."

"Over the Christmas holiday, I spoke with a friend who owns the largest retail gun shop (and advanced tactical shooting range) in one of the largest U.S. cities. He told me, 'Our store sales have been $100,000 a day since the Newtown shooting.' On a normal business day, his sales hover around the $10,000 mark, so what we're witnessing here is a 1000% increase in gun sales." ...


Jesus wasn’t against bearing arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seeing how it is Christmas Eve, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the good book and what Jesus had to say about the use of arms."

"Now, a lot of people out there want to paint Jesus as some long haired hippie peacenik who was all about turning the other cheek."

"While it is true that He spoke of turning the other cheek, that was in regards to turning from vengeance and not that one should abandon the defense of oneself. To turn the other cheek from small slights but not to suffer grievous wounds a second time. Jesus never expected us to walk around like lambs waiting to be slaughtered by wolves." ...

The right to protect oneself is fundamental
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Natural rights are basic rights that government cannot rightly take away from us. One of the most fundamental rights we have as citizens is the freedom to protect ourselves from being physically harmed by someone else. It is a natural right that all of us as individuals have."

"Most natural rights are enumerated in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights. These include, as most know, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and so on. One amendment speaks to the right to bear arms." ...

Is the Second Amendment the second most important?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama asked Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban and outlaw high-capacity magazines on Wednesday. He argued that his proposal is consistent with the Second Amendment, which some Americans hold as dear as the freedoms of speech and religion. Does the right to bear arms come second in the Bill of Rights because the founding fathers thought it was the second most important amendment?"

"No. The Bill of Rights has an order, but it has nothing to do with the relative importance of the rights. ..." ...

Sauce for the goose or, home address and phone number of Journal-News publishers
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"White Plains newspaper The Journal- News, a Gannett publication, has published the full name and address of every licensed pistol permit holder in three New York counties. I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask:" ...

"Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10534."

"Phone number: (914) 694-5204" ...

"UPDATE: From reader RJS: Gannett’s CEO-"

"Gracia C Martore
728 Springvale Rd
Great Falls, VA 22066
(703) 759-5954" ...

What Gun Regulations Will the Supreme Court Allow? -- Part One: Restricting Firearms Outside of the Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Newtown, Connecticut massacre of twenty schoolchildren and seven adults may have so changed the political landscape in America that gun-control laws that could not have been enacted just weeks ago are suddenly under discussion. Most of the proposed measures are modest: plugging gaps in the law requiring waiting periods for gun purchases; re-enactment of the 'assault weapons' ban; ... and so forth."

"But what about much more serious restrictions? Suppose that the political will developed for a ban on private possession of firearms in all public places? Would such a law—enacted at the federal, state, or local level—contravene the Second Amendment as interpreted by the Supreme Court? The answer is not entirely clear." ...

If it saves just one life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NBC’s David Gregory – now being chided for possibly violating District of Columbia gun laws on live television Sunday – wanted National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre to concede a point Sunday morning."

"The point: Putting armed security in every one of the nation’s public K-12 schools 'might not work.' But if, as gun prohibitionists have often said, if it saves just one life, it's worth trying. The Tacoma News Tribune editorialized that the NRA's suggestion makes the four-million member organization 'irrelevant.'" ...

Criminals, and not guns, are the biggest problem in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I response to M. Penzone of Aston who thinks he has the answer to the gun situation:"

"Michael, I read your entire letter concerning solving the so called gun problem."

"The real problem is not guns, its people’s mentality ... especially mentalities like yours."

"All you address in your letter is what regulations should be imposed on law-abiding citizens."

"You offer no solutions that deal with criminals and mentally unstable people. ..." ...

Magpul Announces New 10- and 20-Round Magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to a press release yesterday, Magpul is running their machines around the clock to keep up with PMAG demand. But rather than simply resting on their laurels, they announced that not only are they about to release their new 20-round magazine into the wild, but that there will also be a 10-round flavor and a windowed M3 PMAG coming soon, too . . ." ...

NSSF Video on AR-15s for Hunting (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Three Reasons an “Assault Rifle” is Better Than a Handgun for Home Defense (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A while back I wrote an article stating that handguns are best for home defense. I stand by that conclusion. But there are some damned good reasons why having an AR-15 propped up against the nightstand can be a better bet than a bedside pistol . . ." ...

Dear Santa: Ernest Hemingway’s Westley Richards .577 Nitro Express, please
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Santa,"

"I’m laying out dozens upon dozens of extra cookies and milk this year because, well, I’m shooting for the stars. Santa, what I want is kind of expensive. I’d like Ernest Hemingway’s Westley Richards .577 Nitro Express double barrel rifle. While the caliber isn’t much fun to shoot unless you favor bruised shoulders and unplanned root canals, but it’s sure to deliver a smile as wide as the African plains."

"Most people ask, why a double? I think why not? Aside from the fact that they’re expensive, short of range, and impractical for a Midwestern hunter, but how many firearm aficionados actually get a chance to shoot, much less own, one of these quality two-shooters? ..." ...

.22 Caliber Conversion Kit for the Glock Pistol from Advantage Arms, Inc.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I didn’t intend to buy anything when I checked into Nova Armament Gun Shop, at 795 Center Street, Herndon, VA. I was just saying high and saw the Advantage Arms, Inc. .22 Conversion kit in the showcase. It caught my eye, like when you see a Cosmopolitan magazine in the grocery store. I asked to see it and that was all it took. ..." ...

Federal Premium 380 AUTO 90 Grain Hydra-Shok Clear Gel Test
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in the Spring, I terminal tested just about every 380 JHP load that I could get my hands on. I had just started using the SIM TEST ballistics media and was experimenting with my standard test protocol and also deciding what data I wanted to capture ... After testing over a dozen popular 380 JHPs, I started formulating some general conclusions about the caliber and how it performed in terminal testing."

"Three loads stood out as good performers. All three shared some basic characteristics. All three demonstrated moderate expansion and good penetration. There just isn't enough mass or speed behind the 380 AUTO to allow a large expanded round to push through a dense gel block to what I think is the minimum penetration depth of 10"." ...

It will take more than gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a member of the National Rifle Association. I firmly believe in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. I also believe there are enough guns and enough gun laws. and I believe the time for making apologies is long past." ...

"Clearly there is something wrong in our society. Just as clearly there are too many guns falling into the hands of people who are clearly incapable of defining what is right from what is horribly, horribly wrong."

"Even before the police had completed their investigation in Newtown the debate over gun control was in the spotlight. Congress, after years of inaction, appears to be ready to propose, if not adopt, more gun control legislation." ...

The Second Amendment Doesn't Prohibit Reason Or Reasonable Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is it possible to have a reasonable discussion about gun laws? More importantly, is it possible to enact some reasonable restrictions on the sale and ownership of deadly weapons over the fierce objections of the [NRA]?"

"The answer to both questions as an aftermath of Newtown appears to be 'maybe.' That’s quite an improvement over where we’ve been on these issues for what seems forever."

"I experienced a mini-test of the possible as a result of my December 17 column ('Bushmaster And Other Arms Makers: Don’t Send Regrets Or Flowers, Send Lobbyists to Washington to Help Control The Carnage.')" ...

Submitter's Note: Why should they send regrets or flowers when they had nothing to do with the shooting?

America knows what must be done to curb the killings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... we know the detailed bios and photos of each of Newtown’s victims. We also know about Congress’ failure in 2004 to extend a ban of the kind of automatic[sic] weapon that killed these first graders. Given what we know — about this and a string of mass-shooting murders in the last five years — we have no excuses if we fail to take action, this time, on gun reforms."

"We know the gun debate is not about the Second Amendment, which protects the right of individuals to bear arms. Ordinary people don’t need military-grade[sic] weapons such as the AR-15 Bushmaster used by the Newtown killer. As Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. ... 'I don’t know anyone in the sporting or hunting arena that goes out with an assault rifle.'" ...

ABC Gangs-Up on Gun Control (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'More guns and bullets, more dead children,' the Nation publisher Katrina Vandel Heuvel pronounces to the ABC’s This Week panel. And there you have it: the bumper sticker reasoning behind the assault on Americans’ Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. How do you argue with that? Well, you can, obviously, with rational thought and reasoned debate. Of which there is precious little in these post-Sandy Hook slaughter times. ..."

After Newtown: Gun questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Many have called for a renewed ban on assault weapons since [the Newtown shooter] used one. They evidently are unaware that (a) the characteristics defining an assault weapon in law ... often have little relation to lethality, and (b) many hunting rifles ... are just as capable of inflicting mass carnage. ..."

"Speaking of philosophical questions, here is one for gun-rights supporters. They correctly point out that many existing laws already regulate firearms. Fully automatic weapons ... are severely restricted, and gun-rights advocates are content to leave those restrictions in place. But if stringent controls on automatic weapons are acceptable, then why are similar restrictions on semi-automatic weapons not acceptable? ..." ...

We owe it to Newton[sic] to stop the madness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The massacre in Newtown is to be laid on the doorsteps of Congress and its weak-spined members who are cowed by the NRA and the lobbyists for the gun industry."

"We all know the meaning and purpose of the Second Amendment; it allowed citizens to own a musket because of the enemies of the day — Indians and the British invaders."

"We should allow today's citizens the same, one musket."

"All other guns should be tightly controlled by local, state and federal laws." ...

Dialogue on guns overdue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regardless of your opinion on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as a nation we should be able to engage in a reasonable conversation about the prevalence of guns in our society and the role those weapons play in our daily lives."

"The conversation is not unique to the Second Amendment. In fact, a walk through history reveals many instances where similar conversations have taken place with regard to other aspects of our Constitution." ...

A dialogue about gun ownership, not a debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After reading the Dec. 20 point-counterpoint columns in the Reality section, I was intrigued by several statements made by Mr. Desiderio and Mr. D’Arcangelo in their columns. We need to have a conversation, not a debate, about gun ownership and what types of firearms are reasonable and appropriate for ordinary citizens to possess. This is a long overdue dialogue in our country; it's not a politically motivated 'agenda.' The conversation starts by removing political labels such as 'liberals,' hyperbole, exaggeration of 'death by other means' statistics and the vague references to the Second Amendment of the Constitution." ...

Submitter's Note: Here's my half of the "dialogue": If you try to take our guns, we will kill you.

Your turn.

Gun violence: We need to talk, and we need to act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I am all for the national discussion about gun control. I am not for continued discussion with no action. I am not for a total ban on all firearms, but I see little reason why access to military-style weapons and ammunition needs to be had in the general populace."

"I came from a rural farming area in central Illinois. Hunting is a huge part of many people's lives. ... I have no problem with the sport of hunting and providing food for your family. I do have a problem with anyone who would ever want to hunt with a semiautomatic rifle or handgun. And I don't know of any hunters who would want to hunt with these firearms, either." ...

Submitter's Note: Well your ignorance doesn't permit you to abridge my rights.

Bring the insanity to an end
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Setting foot on American soil for the first time in 1958, becoming an American citizen, to be privileged to live in this great and exceptional country — all of that I consider the happiest events and times in my life."

"But there is one issue I never fully understood and that is the apparent preoccupation of many of my fellow Americans ... with guns, firearms and assault weapons and the whole gun culture that goes with it." ...

"It is estimated that 48,000 Americans are killed every year by 'illegal' guns. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Well whoever performed that "estimate" was obviously smoking crack, because between 1999 and 2010 we averaged less than 31,000 total deaths from firearms and over 17,000 of those were suicides.

Responsible gun storage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Holding the owners of private property responsible for negligence in the maintenance of that property is a standard practice in the United States."

"The proper way to maintain a firearm when not in use is to lock it in a cabinet with no ammunition. Accordingly, the proper storage of firearms should be the law of the land and the improper storage of firearms or ammunition should be outlawed as a form of criminal negligence." ...

Submitter's Note: Yep, just ask the Carpenter family. The ones who are left, that is.

Everything is on the table in gun violence debate but guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Less than two weeks after the horror of Newtown, Conn., we know that if there is going to be a rational conversation about gun violence in America, it will have to take place without gun rights advocates. They have apparently decided to go full-out crazy and hope that everyone just leaves them alone."

"Setting the tone was National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre, who declared that tragedies like Newtown are the result of a complicated intersection of societal factors. But the one thing that has absolutely nothing to do with gun violence, he said, is guns." ...

NRA achieves its purpose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA’s Friday press conference revealed the powerful organization to be utterly tone deaf when it comes to how to reduce violence and protect children. Do we need any more evidence of that than NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre’s comment that 'The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.'"

"The jaw-dropping performance won LaPierre headlines in the New York Post like 'Gun Nut' and in the Daily News of 'Craziest Man on Earth.' The NY Times editorial board spoke of his 'mendacious, delusional, almost deranged rant.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Okay sweetie, if not with a good guy with a gun how do you stop a BG with a gun?

Hollywood "Demand A Plan" Hypocrites (video)
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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Submitter's Note: Video contrasts Hollywood anti-gunners from a Mayors Against Illegal Guns video "Demand A Plan" promoting gun violence in movies.

Some have stretched the 2nd Amendment too far
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Newtown tragedy illustrates a very sad truth for our country — that the occasional random massacre using guns has joined death and taxes as certainties in our lives. The NRA’s lobbyist pit bulls and our leaders’ lack of political courage have ensured that the USA overwhelmingly leads the entire world in the 'death by guns' category."

"The Second Amendment wasn’t the cause of this, but rather the extreme views of a relatively small faction that has been able to put all our lives at greater risk. ..." ...

School Obama's Daughters Attend Has 11 Armed Guards
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Some interesting news has broken in the wake of the latest push for gun control by President Obama and Senate Democrats: Obama sends his kids to a school where armed guards are used as a matter of fact."

"The school, Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire a new police officer as we speak."

"If you dismiss this by saying, 'Of course they have armed guards -- they get Secret Service protection,' then you've missed the larger point."

"The larger point is that this is standard operating procedure for the school, period. And this is the reason people like NBC's David Gregory send their kids to Sidwell ..." ...

Gun grabbers won’t heed NRA’s sensible advice
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"What an irony it was to watch the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre finally emerge after a self-imposed and highly publicized week of silence after the incomprehensible killings of 20 elementary school children."

"To the elite media, the NRA is the unrivaled boogeyman of Washington lobbyists. The ignorant and urban press would have you believe that the NRA is behind every piece of legislation that has ever passed Congress. ..."

"Then out walks Mr. LaPierre into the lights. And in an open news conference carried live, he tells a nation of brokenhearted people who are worried and even a little terrified about all the diabolical mayhem going on to, basically, 'Quit crying and arm up!'" ...

The first, second and fourth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control opponents tend to broad-brush the 'liberal' media as being in favor of strict gun controls. They like to compare the media’s ballistic reaction when First Amendment free-speech rights are threatened to the media’s role in the erosion (as they see it) of Second Amendment gun owners’ rights."

"The assumption in the bogus comparison is that provisions in amendments to the U.S. Constitution are absolute. They are not; never have been." ...

"The Second in particular is not absolute. Established law prohibits citizen ownership of all sorts of weapons and munitions. States can, and do, keep guns out of schools, churches and other public places. ..." ...

Imagine, If You Can
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Gun control is affected by the same emotion and lie-driven syndrome. In the first place, our Second Amendment gives a reason for allowing the right to bear arms, and it is to have a 'well-regulated militia.' It doesn’t say anything about the right to hunt or in defense of home or property or even life. And the two so often overlooked words are 'well-regulated.'"

"Regulations mean limits, controls, rules, not helter-skelter. ..."

"When gun advocates say no matter the law, people will get guns, they are correct, as witnessed by studies of guns crossing borders today. But people drive drunk in the face of drunken-driving laws; should we do away with all such laws? ..." ...

NY: Intimidation: NY Newspaper Publishes Names, Addresses Of Gun Permit Holders
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Today, the Journal News in upstate New York, owned by Gannett, published the names and addresses of all gun permit holders in the Westchester and Rockland county areas of New York. The Journal News said:"

"The map indicates the addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties. Each dot represents an individual permit holder licensed to own a handgun — a pistol or revolver. The data does not include owners of long guns — rifles or shotguns — which can be purchased without a permit. Being included in this map does not mean the individual at a specific location owns a weapon, just that they are licensed to do so." ...

Submitter's comment: Time to publish the telephone numbers, exact addresses and assessed valuation of the homes of the management and senior editors of The Journal News.

NY: New York paper publishes names, addresses of legal gun permit holders
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Using information gathered from Freedom of Information requests, a New York paper owned by Gannett published the names and addresses of legal handgun permit holders in two counties, reported Monday."

"'The newspaper didn’t even feel it necessary to publish a rationale for that violation of privacy – publishing the names and addresses of gun owners makes them more vulnerable to robbery when they aren’t at home, since criminals will know where the guns are,' Ben Shapiro wrote." ...

"Reaction to the article was not good."

"'How about a map of the editorial staff and publishers of Gannett and Journal News with names and addresses of their families,' one person said." ...

Hate-figure Piers Morgan faces boot from US for gun rant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MORE than 66,000 Americans have signed a petition to deport Piers Morgan over his gun control remarks."

"The former Britain’s Got Talent judge sparked fury on his chat show in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut."

"A protest on the White House website demands: 'Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for Attacking 2nd Amendment.'" ...

Voice of Calm in Debate on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 'Living With Guns' Craig R. Whitney, a former correspondent and editor for The New York Times, writes that he is motivated by the belief that 'Americans on both sides of the debate about guns can and must find common ground.' He hopes to defuse the prevailing 'hysteria' by establishing that both sides are correct in at least one fundamental assertion."

"To gun-rights advocates he would say that there is indeed a personal right to bear arms, and that it actually predates the Second Amendment."

"To advocates of gun regulation he endorses the core belief that gun ownership comes with a set of responsibilities. In the colonial era the main responsibility was to serve in the local militia. ..." ...

IN: 79 Year Old Grandfather Shoots and Kills Man Who Was Beating His Granddaughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 79 year old grandfather in Indiana was in fear for his life when he fired a single shot that killed a 19 year old man who attacked his granddaughter and threatened the grandfather."

"The 19 year old suspect became involved in an argument with the man’s 17 year old granddaughter and at some point started beating her and threatening to use a stun gun on her."

"When the grandfather told the suspect to stop, the suspect approached the grandfather, who told him to stop. The suspect responded by continuing to approach the elderly man while making threats and threatening to use the stun gun on the grandfather." ...

CA: Homeowner Shoots and Kills Armed Home Invader, Wounds 2 Others as Children Have Sleepover
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Sacramento is being treated for non life threatening wounds after successfully fighting off 3 armed home invaders who tried to attack his home last night."

"The homeowner grabbed a weapon after 3 armed men tried to break into the home, and opened fire."

"The homeowner was shot by one of the suspects, but he managed to shoot all 3 suspects. One of the shot suspects died at the scene and the other 2 are being detained by police as they try to figure out exactly what happened." ...

Interview with TX Concealed Carry School District Principal (audio story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Frady of Gun Owners of America Radio interviewed David Thweatt, superintendent of Wilbarger County Texas where teachers are permitted to voluntarily carry concealed firearms. ..."

D.C. Police Investigating NBC’s David Gregory’s High Cap Mag Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Washington Metropolitan Police Department is investigating whether any city laws were violated when NBC’s David Gregory displayed what appeared to be a 30-round gun magazine on NBC’s Meet the Press’ on Sunday,' POLITICO reports. In fact, the ammunition magazine was, by Gregory’s own assertion to a national TV audience, an illegal-in-D.C. 30-round AR-15 mag. NBC is staying shtum but you can bet the anti-gun network’s lawyers and fixers have spent a good part of their yuletide doing damage control on Gregory’s behalf. Caught red-handed and hoisted by his own petard? We can only hope. From CNN:" ...

Brits Say, 'Please Don't Return Piers Morgan'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A petition drive calling for CNN TV host, Piers Morgan, to get deported from the U.S., is raising some serious concerns among many citizens of Great Britain. They would prefer the pompous TV reporter stay in the United States of America."

"Breitbart reports that, 'Jeremy Clarkson, a British television personality who hosts the popular BBC program Top Gear, weighed in on the controversy surrounding fellow Brit CNN’s Piers Morgan.'
Clarkson tweeted on Monday, 'Americans it took us 40 years to get rid of Piers Morgan. Please don’t send him back – Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) December 24, 2012.'" ...

DC Police Investigating NBC's Gregory for Brandishing Illegal Magazine
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Washington D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has confirmed that the department is looking into allegations that NBC's David Gregory violated D.C.'s gun banning laws during a recent taping of Meet the Press."

"In a discussion about gun control, host David Gregory brandished a 30-round magazine purportedly for an AR-15 or similar 'assault rifle.' The discussion took place on December 23, during the broadcast of NBC's Sunday morning political talk show."

"Washington D.C.’s gun laws, however, state that even possessing such a device is a violation. Meet the Press is filmed at NBC's D.C. studios." ...

The importance of prosecuting David Gregory if he violated D.C.’s gun law
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"I doubt David Gregory intended to violate D.C.’s ban on the possession or transfer of high capacity ammunition magazines when he waved around such a magazine during his interview of Wayne LaPierre yesterday." ...

"That’s where we are with many gun laws, the law-abiding responsible citizens who worry about compliance are scared away or risk prosecution for unknowing violations, while the lunatics and criminals don’t care." ...

"Certainly, if LaPierre had shown up with that magazine, there would be howls of gotcha, and widespread media demands for prosecution. Why should NBC News and its star be above the law?" ...

NBC News stonewalls inquiries regarding David Gregory and “active investigation” by D.C. Police
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"As previously reported, last Sunday David Gregory held up what he described as high capacity AR-15 ammunition magazine, which would violate the District of Columbia’s gun law if the magazine were real."

"My multiple attempts last Sunday to obtain a response from NBC News as to whether the magazine was real were met with stone cold silence. None of the three senior communications executives with responsibility for Meet the Press responded."

"Now there is news via (h/t Drudge) that the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department is investigating."

"I spoke with Officer Alali, the spokesman on duty today at the MPD, who refused any further comment except to confirm that there is an 'active investigation.'" ...

Briton in crosshairs of US gun lobby
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NOT since revolutionary times has there been such a public groundswell of fury aimed at the British, or in this case one particular Briton. Thousands of American gun rights supporters are calling for the deportation of CNN anchorman Piers Morgan over his calls for new weapons restrictions following the Newtown school shootings."

"The petition on the White House We the People website to 'Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for Attacking 2nd Amendment' had more than 32,000 supporting signatures by Monday morning, easily passing the 25,000 threshold needed to receive a White House response." ...

Advocating defending our children is bad, while advocating leaving them defenseless is good?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second City Cop nails it."

"Entire post here, but the Pièce de résistance is this:" ...

Mourning nation split on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The horrific mass shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School has thrust the national debate over stricter gun control laws into the forefront."

"The nation and, in fact, the world is mourning for the loss of so many innocent young lives in a peaceful small American town during the holiday season."

"The vast majority of Americans agree that something must be done to reduce the incidence of mass shootings in our schools and other public places. A necessary, serious, constructive debate over gun control now dominates the news, internet blogs, and talk shows."

"The core of the conversation centers on keeping assault weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill ..." ...

These points are as sensible as anything I've heard in the media
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I wish today’s column could be 'Tis the season to be jolly' and Christmas cookies, but the recent Connecticut tragedy has overcome my yuletide spirit. First and foremost, we have the loss of precious children and adults. But I also know full well that our incredible Second Amendment right to bear arms will come under heavy fire as a result of the heinous massacre at the Sandy Hook school."

"Rather than criticize Congresswomen like California’s Sen. Feinstein, who will introduce anti-gun legislation in the coming 2013 legislative session, I’ll suggest some positive things we can do." ...

John Lott: Guns in schools can save lives
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Has anyone noticed that these mass shootings at public schools increased after the 1995 Gun-Free School Zone Act? Passed with good intentions, banning guns would supposedly make schools safer."

"But law abiding citizens, not criminals, obey these bans. Instead of making places safer, disarming law abiding citizens left them sitting ducks." ...

Newtown massacre: Gun-free zones and other such measures ineffective in stopping mass murders
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"On Friday, Dec. 14, a terrible tragedy occurred. Twenty very young and innocent children were gunned down by a mad man in their Newtown, Conn., school classrooms. The lunatic also killed his mother, school staff and, when law enforcement showed up, himself. The unspeakable horror of the event, at school where parents should be able to assume that their young ones are safe and with the principal and other school staff losing their lives trying to shield the children from the murderer, has every parent, grandparent and any person with natural empathy in our nation deep in grief." ...

Movie studios under spotlight in wake of Newtown school shooting
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"A national effort to get at the root of gun violence following the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. last week is putting a spotlight on motion picture studios."

"While the majority of the attention has been focused on gun control laws and violence in video games, lawmakers and industry groups have also targeted the movie and television industry for producing shoot 'em up thrillers and other bloody content." ...

Answers are hard to find after Newtown
Submitted by: James A. Farmer
Website: http://none

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"Both the recent Clackamas mall shooting in Oregon and the following Sandy Hook, Conn., massacre rightly have masses of Americans upset, angry, depressed and in grief. I, too, share these same sentiments. Not only because of the anti-gun sentiment which accommodates this, but likewise the loss of innocent human life, including our children."

"So what is the answer? I'm not qualified to offer an answer. Nor are those who want to offer a quick fix by passing more useless laws, more government control, including socialist solutions. However, I can certainly share these links:" ...

A critical time for Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s obvious to even the most pedestrian of political observers that 2013 and the years to follow will be fraught with lengthy debates over gun rights, from state houses to Washington D.C. Such is to be expected when a classroom of innocent youth are executed by an unhinged, evil soul flaunting an assault rifle[sic]."

"That debate really began the day of the shooting, playing itself out in volume at workplace water coolers, family dinner tables, and on broadcast news and talk shows. Unlike past events, everyone had an opinion – there wasn’t a person who didn’t – because of the pure horror of what happened in Newtown and the belief, no matter how remote, that their children could be gunned down at anytime." ...

Who Is Too Unbalanced to Be Armed?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The day of [the] murderous assault on Sandy Hook Elementary School, Mike Rogers said stricter gun control would not be an appropriate response. 'The more realistic discussion,' said the Republican congressman from Michigan, 'is how do we target people with mental illness who use firearms?'"

"Last week, another Republican congressman, Howard Coble of North Carolina, agreed that 'it's more of a mental health problem than a gun problem right now.' And last Friday, when the National Rifle Association broke its silence on the Sandy Hook massacre, the group's executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, called for 'an active national database of the mentally ill.'" ...

Gun control knee jerk reaction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of a tragedy, there is always a call from some politicians to 'do something.' Our country is witnessing the same sort of reaction to the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. Ever since the murder of 27 people by [redacted], liberals have been calling for more gun control."

"It is despicable that politicians like California Senator Dianne Feinstein are trying to take advantage of a national tragedy. Sadly, she has no shame and is promising to introduce a bill to restrict the right of Americans to purchase assault weapons." ...

Sandy and Sandy Hook: Where do we draw the line?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is, of course, a shame that we only seem to focus our attention on disaster prevention in the immediate aftermath of disasters. ..."

"Since we are constitutionally better at crisis response than crisis prevention, the aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy is exactly the right time to talk about what it will take to prevent the next such event. We’ll get back to the Constitution shortly."

"Yes, we need better mental health care."

"And yes, as I argued last week, we need a greater cultural focus on human connections and, in particular, on the bonds of family."

"And yes, it’s true: no degree of gun control short of eliminating guns from the planet could guarantee that a lunatic will never again shoot an unarmed innocent." ...

[Newtown] Shooting: More Gun Control is Not the Answer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the moment the media broke the news about the Sandy Hook tragedy, gun control advocates have put forward new proposals on a daily basis attempting to add new restrictions to the purchase and possession of firearms."

"However, I think there is a very good reason to oppose such new restrictions. They just don't work."

"Law abiding gun owners, when faced with new laws restricting what they view as an inalienable right, believe they are being forced to either give up their right to self defense or be branded as criminals." ...

Submitter's Note: I redacted the shooters name from the headline because I am opposed to giving scum like that any sort of recognition.

Moving foward: If more gun control laws are not the answer, what is?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sorrow over the killing of 27 people, including 20 elementary school children, in Newtown, Connecticut has started to change to anger. Typically, pro-gun and anti-gun forces are digging in their heels for the fight ahead. But we owe it to those children and their families to learn from the failures that allowed so many innocent people to be slaughtered."

"President Obama stated that 'we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.' It is time to start down that road. While we are still learning the details, let us look at what we already know." ...

TX: US gun support runs far deeper than politics
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"[Redacted]'s mother was among the tens of millions of U.S. gun owners. She legally had a .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle and a pair of handguns, which her 20-year-old son used to kill 20 children and six adults ..."

"In the raw aftermath of the second-worst school shooting in U.S. history, countless gun enthusiasts much like [redacted]'s mother complicate a gun-owning narrative that critics, sometimes simplistically, put at the feet of a powerful lobby and caricatured zealots. More civilians are armed in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, with Yemen coming in a distant second, according to the independent Small Arms Survey in Geneva." ...

And a Merry Christmas to one and all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"And it came to pass that in the Year of Our Lord 1949, a child was born to the Workmans on that most special of all days, and the second time to that family, for an elder sister came into the world only three years before, on Christmas."

"Try that on for size, two children born on Christmas in the same family. It just might add a new dimension to the term 'sucks to be you.' ..." ...

Have a Blessed Christmas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I thank all of you who have given me the gift of your time and wisdom, whether it has been by sending me stories to help illustrate the preciousness of rights endowed by our Creator, to sending a word of encouragement, or to educate and help me grow--either by confirming or correcting my assumptions." ...

A Letter to Senator Feinstein
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following letter to the senior senator from California comes from reader Dr. Vino:"

"Dear Senator Feinstein,

I am writing to you as a Californian, a father, a physician and a law-abiding responsible firearms owner. In light of recent tragic events and your response of proposing new federal firearms legislation, I felt strongly compelled to tell you two things . . ." ...

Connolly Urges $200 Million Gun Buyback Program
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"A letter co-written by Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-11th), and signed by 40 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, urges Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi to support an immediate $200 million gun buyback program in any end-of-the-year fiscal cliff deal."

"Connolly, whose district includes the national headquarters for the NRA, and U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch of Florida authored the letter to the House leaders."

"'Gun buybacks have proven successful in communities across the nation,' Connolly and Deutch said ..." ...

KABA Note: Really?!? Please list all of the crimes which have been prevented by so-called gun buybacks.

Report: Kirsten Gillibrand shifts on guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand — who is occasionally mentioned as a possible 2016 candidate and once boasted she kept rifles under her bed — has come under attack for changing views on gun control, according to a report Tuesday."

"The Democratic lawmaker, who as a congresswoman had received an 'A' grade from the NRA, has become a vocal advocate of tighter gun control in the wake of the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School earlier this month, the New York Post noted, though she has supported other gun law-tightening measures in her Senate career." ...

NH: NH Statehouse gun ban gaining support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some New Hampshire lawmakers see it as much-needed change following a deadly attack on a Connecticut school, while others view it as an assault on citizen rights."

"But one thing is clear — there are sure to be many strong words fired back and forth when legislators gather in January to consider reinstatement of a weapons ban at the Statehouse." ...

LEO L.C. Judas: Gun Ownership and Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A significant number of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia are law enforcement officers. Despite Vice President and Gun Control Task Force Führer Joe Biden’s recent suggestion that cops are ready to march in lockstep behind new gun control legislation, many aren’t. Reader L.C. Judas, for example, who penned this pro-pistol polemic on our behalf." ...

Legislative handcuffs limit ATF's ability to fight gun crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been without a permanent director for six years, as President Barack Obama noted in a recent speech. But even if someone were to be confirmed for the job, the agency's ability to thwart gun violence is hamstrung by legislative restrictions and by loopholes in federal gun laws, many law enforcement officials and advocates of tighter gun regulations say."

"For example, under current laws the bureau is prohibited from creating a federal registry of gun transactions. So while detectives on television tap a serial number into a computer and instantly identify the buyer of a firearm, the reality could not be more different." ...

Submitter's Note: Yes, imagine how much easier it would be if there was a national DNA registry . . . er I mean a national gun registry.

IL: Illinois Eavesdropping Law Finally Dead: State Attorney’s Career also Likely Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After several years of arresting citizens for merely recording cops in public, the Illinois Eavesdropping Law is officially dead."

"The official notice came Tuesday when a lower court judge granted a permanent injunction to the ACLU, allowing them to record cops in public without getting arrested, ending a two-year legal battle in which a stubborn state attorney did all she could to keep the law alive, a felony which could have sent citizens to prison for 15 years." ...

CO: Commerce City officer faces felony charge for shooting dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Commerce City police officer faces a potentially career-ending felony charge after the shooting of a dog last month that was captured on video."

"The Adams County district attorney is still investigating the incident but said Thursday one of the officers involved in the shooting of 3-year-old Chloe, a large mixed-breed dog, will be charged with one felony count of aggravated cruelty to animals." ...

FL: Oviedo police officer quits amid stalking investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Oviedo police officer has resigned from the force after being accused of stalking a woman."

"An internal investigation found that Sgt. Dwayne Walker violated several department policies when he followed a teller from the Bank of America on Mitchell Hammock Road last month after asking for her phone number hours earlier. ..." ...

FL: Lighter mistaken for grenade at MIA
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A lighter was mistaken for a grenade at Miami International Airport, prompting a security scare on Christmas Eve, said Miami-Dade Police."

"A woman flying to Honduras was carrying the lighter."

"'It appeared that there was something that looked like a grenade in there. So obviously we can't take any chances with that,' said Lauren Stover, assistant aviation director for public safety at the airport." ...

Submitter's comment: With all the jobless veterans -- male and female -- it's too bad that Democrat Norman Minamata's TSA isn't legally bound to give first preference to hiring them instead of burger flippers. With their knowledge, these idiotic events would be sharply curtailed.

MN: People In Northland ‘Panic-Buying’ Military-Style Rifles
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Northland gun dealers are reporting a spike in military-style gun sales."

"Pat Kukull, owner of Superior Shooters Supply, says they are out of semi-automatic rifles due to people 'panic buying.' Some buyers are afraid of possible changes the federal government could make to gun laws."

"She says other guns are selling fast as well and she’s never seen anything like it in her 35 years in business." ...

Gun rights will not go away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I have friends who like and own guns and friends who would abolish gun rights quicker than Wild Bill pulled the trigger, if only they could. They can't."

"In the first place, there is an insurmountable obstacle to abolition in the Constitution. ..."

"Some gun control advocates have imagined indirect ways of banning guns, such as prohibiting the sale of ammunition or laying prohibitive taxes on guns. Sorry, but constitutional rights do not allow for back door limitations. Just as you can't prohibit the New York Times from advocating gun control, you can't tax their ink to accomplish the same thing."

"A second reason that gun rights can't be abolished is that they are far too deeply embedded in American culture." ...

IL: ICHV in Champaign: Perfecting the art of irrelevancy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Greetings from Nicole Anderson-Cobb, PhD, ICHV Outreach Coordinator:"

"With commentary from yours truly, non-ivory-tower non-PhD."

"1. Thanks to all who came out to the 'Silent Nights: Contemplating Peace' program last night. It was a WONDERFUL opportunity to remember, share, explore the real challenges of gun violence in our society and strengthen ourselves for the work ahead."

"ICHV’s ivory-tower hired-gun Nicole Anderson-Cobb decided to have a sing-a-long ... 'in light of this week’s horrifying events at Sandy Hook Elementary School AND the continued gun violence across Central Illinois'."

"I wonder, did Nicole and friends sing about the Illinois Conservation cop who needed to use his gun to repel a violent home invader ..." ...

NY: Second Amendment has specific intent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why do gun rights supporters always claim the Second Amendment in their defense but never dare quote the actual words? They mutilate the Constitution by cutting off the first half of the sentence, which gives the reason for the right to bear arms."

"'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'" ...

Submitter's Note: He's absolutely right; the intent of the Second Amendment is to ensure the security of a free state.

CA: Shame on those who grabbed up weapons (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Steve Johnson (Letters, Dec. 24) is right that gun mayhem is a national shame, but misdirected in blaming this shame on "the spineless whores in Congress." In the summer of 1994, Congress passed the Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act, which included the famous assault weapons ban. A few months later, 44 House Democrats who had voted for the ban were replaced by Republicans, 29 being defeated for re-election and 15 having retired. Eight senators who had voted for the bill were replaced by Republicans, two defeated and six retired. No Republican in either house was defeated for re-election. ..." ...

CA: Those with firearms must be well-regulated (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is some credence to the NRA's position that armed citizens act as a bulwark against tyranny, and they don't want us to forget. For example, after the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan was least 'effective' or nonexistent in black communities with well-armed militias, or in areas occupied by federal troops. The Klan, for the most part, targeted dispersed, unarmed citizens in the countryside. In fact, one of the most effective ways to deny African American citizens their rights in 'reconstructed' states was to pass black codes denying them the right to bear arms. However, the NRA would like us to forget the part of the Second Amendment that stipulates that armed citizens be 'well regulated,' ..." ...

UK: Caravanner, 61, prosecuted for having Swiss Army knife in his glove box... to cut up fruit on picnics
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"A disabled caravanner who kept a penknife in his glove compartment to use on picnics has blasted the authorities after being dragged through court for possessing an offensive weapon."

"Rodney Knowles, 61, walks with the aid of a stick and had used the Swiss Army knife to cut up fruit on picnics with his wife."

"Knowles yesterday admitted possessing an offensive weapon at Torquay Magistrates Court. He was given a conditional discharge."

"But speaking after the hearing, he said: 'It's a stupid law. Now I have a criminal record.'" ...

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed."

"Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa ..."

"The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour." ...

"In the decade following the party's election in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77 per cent to 1.158million - or more than two every minute." ...

Submitter's Note: So more than quadruple the U.S. rate. To paraphrase the Brady Campaign: It's good to know that we are better than that.

We don't need laws to regulate responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We don't need to wait for a whole bunch of new laws to do something about the violence in our society. We can, even without Washington's help (or interference, depending ...) take steps to make the world a better, safer place."

"[The] killing spree in Newtown, Conn., was among the most heart-wrenching, fear-inducing events in recent memory. In its wake, we are all searching for ways to prevent such tragedies from ever again tearing into the nation's heart."

"Are new laws the answer? Maybe, in some cases. But they won't pass quickly, or be enforced perfectly ..."

"The first answer lies in me."

"I don't need laws curtailing gun ownership to make certain there are no high-powered military-style rifles in my home. ..." ...

The solution to school shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A week after the massacre at a public school in Newton, Connecticut, which claimed the lives of 26 victims, including 20 young children, the National Rifle Association, America's most powerful pro-gun lobby, at last spoke out on the issue of murder using legally-obtained guns. Its solution is more guns."

"The NRA news conference ... opened with Wayne LaPierre, the organization's executive vice president and best-known spokesman, coming to the microphone to express the Association's 'horror, outrage [and] grief' and to say the NRA offers its 'earnest prayers' to the families and victims involved in the tragedy. He had to. If LaPierre had his way, every person in America would own and carry at least one gun, if not several." ...

NRA sees schools as armed camps
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association's spokesman, wants to put armed guards in every school in America (Dec. 22 article). Really! Is the NRA going to pay for all these armed guards, and will there be a guard at every door in every school? Will the guards be armed with assault rifles and will the teachers be armed as well? The idea of shootouts taking place in our schools chills me." ...

Submitter's Note: I suppose in this sheep's mind it would be better for a spree-killer to not have to worry about return fire, that way no shootouts taking place in our schools.

U.S. petition to deport CNN host Morgan grows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition calling for British CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported from the U.S. over his gun control views."

"Morgan has taken an aggressive stand for tighter U.S. gun laws in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting. Last week, he called a gun advocate appearing on his Piers Morgan Tonight show an 'unbelievably stupid man.'"

"Now, gun rights activists are fighting back. A petition created Dec. 21 on the White House e-petition website by a user in Texas accuses Morgan of engaging in a 'hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution' by targeting the Second Amendment. It demands he be deported immediately ..." ...

NRA has long history of political actions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The notion that we shouldn’t be talking about gun control in the wake of the Newtown tragedy is often advanced by gun apologists. It is a ludicrous and hypocritical argument."

"The terrorist attack on the Twin Towers very quickly led to the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act, with great support from the same people advancing the 'too soon to talk now' argument. These two have resulted in the loss of many constitutional rights, yet the Constitution continues to be hypocritically held up in defense of gun rights. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Yes we "gun nuts" like to wait at least until the bodies have hit room temperature before trying to exploit them for political gain.

Blame the person, not the weapon used
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am appalled to think that intelligent people in our country really believe that taking gun rights from responsible, law-abiding Americans can somehow prevent mass murders like the recent Connecticut tragedy. When someone walks up to a school armed with an 'intent to kill' and sees a sign that says 'gun-free facility,' what do you think will happen? Do you really believe that gun control works in cities like Chicago and New York? The only people who carry concealed weapons in these places are criminals and law enforcement officials. Did Tim McVeigh need a gun? Making the gun laws stricter will only affect responsible gun owners." ...

NRA stand on gun control should stir all of us to act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’d like to thank Wayne LaPierre for making things clear."

"At a 'press conference' last week, the National Rifle Association’s leader proved irrefutably that his organization has wandered far afield from its original mission, and landed smack in Crazyville, with LaPierre as mayor."

"Two days after that disturbed performance, LaPierre appeared on NBC’s 'Meet the Press' to warn America of an 'anti-Second Amendment industry.' He would know an industry when he sees one, and if you doubt that, Google 'Center for Responsive Politics' and 'NRA' and see how much his bloated lobbying organization spends to get its way in Washington." ...

Submitter's Note: Did you get that? A strongly supported grass-roots group is a "bloated lobby". There are reasons we say that people who hate the Second Amendment aren't fond of the First, either.

"Deport Piers Morgan" Petition Gathers 66,000 Signatures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 66,000 people have signed an online petition to deport CNN anchor Piers Morgan."

"The author of the petition, Kurt N. from Austin, Texas, accuses the British journalist of engaging 'in a hostile attack on the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment.' The full text can be viewed on the White House's website:" ...

Time to curb gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It took the deaths of 20 young children to do it, but the country is finally horrified enough to call for an end to the sale of assault weapons — and Washington is finally listening."

"Few events in recent human history are more horrific than the one that unfolded last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. As surely everyone of us reading this today knows by now, [the shooter] walked into the school with his .223 caliber Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, two handguns and several hundred rounds of ammunition and mowed down 20 6- and 7-year-olds. ... We have hugged our children a little tighter at night, we have said a prayer for parents who are facing the worst nightmare imaginable — and many of us are outraged." ...

NRA proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The responses drawn from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary range from simplistic and entrenched to complex and inclusive. ... there is wide divergence among the proposed solutions for preventing future such events. On the least appropriate end of the spectrum is the National Rifle Association’s plan."

"... NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre stood firm on the organization’s opposition to any new gun laws, instead offering an inadequate, unrealistic and offensive alternative. LaPierre’s plan for warding off future shootings would place armed guards ... in each and every school across the country. Doing so, LaPierre claims, is 'the one thing that would keep people safe,' he said on 'Meet the Press.' Not likely." ...

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. — Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998)

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