The Gun Control Lobby, Thinking Small
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"Five years ago an elderly Los Angeles woman who had agreed to move out of her daughter's apartment bought a handgun. She cleared the background check, passed the safety test and practiced on targets at the local shooting range. Then she shot and killed her daughter and her daughter's fiance -- my brother David."
"As someone who has lost a member of my family to gun violence, I see the new federal legislation to limit gun manufacturers' liability as unconscionable beyond my ken. But what troubles me most is that the gun control lobby is pouring its resources into battles that probably won't save many lives -- and we're losing even those." ...
"Wouldn't it make more sense to define the ultimate battle as one for a national ban on handguns -- the sole gun-control measure that promises to save tens of thousands of lives? ..." ... -------
KABA Note: Ms. Price obviously wants to return us to the days of the strong oppressing the weak, men assaulting women with impunity, and packs of thugs preying on individuals. |
NRA on Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act
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"The NRA is doing something for the Class III community. An article entitled 'NRA Supports House Legislation To Protect Gun-Owing Veterans,' on page 75 of the January 2006 issue of AMERICAN RIFLEMAN gets this legislative word out ..."
"The article discusses H.R. 2088, the Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act of 2005, which would provide a 90-day amnesty period during which veterans and their family members could register firearms acquired overseas between June 26, 1934 and October 31, 1968. The bill provides that 'in the absence of clear and convincing evidence to the contrary the attorney general shall accept as true and accurate any affidavit ... that such firearm meets the requirements' under H.R. 2088." ... |
It's my party and I'll spy if I want to
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... "Okay all you conservatives out there who have mistakenly claimed that all liberals want to take away your guns --try this on for size. President Bush's (hardly a liberal) interpretation of the Constitution would give him the power to disregard the Second Amendment, come into you home without a warrant, and take away your guns because he had intelligence that you might have ties to Al Qaeda. Oh, you don't have ties to Al Qaeda? Well shut my mouth, you mean the president's intelligence was faulty? Sorry, it's your word against his. Maybe you trust this president's intelligence, but I wouldn't if I were you. I don't." ... |
Escaped from oppression (fourth letter on page)
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... "The First Amendment lists the most important reasons they left that's why it's No. 1. There's nothing there about a 'false Christianity.' They just couldn't practice, talk about, or gather together to discuss religion the way they wanted, or tell the church-state government to stay out of it which leads to the Second Amendment."
"The people of England were not allowed to have weapons sufficient to stop or deter church-state government armies. Consequently, the second most important reason to leave was to be able to defend themselves against the government ..." ... |
You can become a better shooter
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"Filling the sky with lead with nothing to show for it? If you are like me, you are sky bustin' way too often."
"So I asked Ed Cunnius, who administers the Shotgun Training and Education Coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Wildife Conservation, to provide me with some wingshooting tips."
"Here are a few things Cunnius said to consider before loading up your retriever this duck and goose season. Chances are the dog is a lot better prepared than we are." ... |
The Python's Golden Anniversary
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"Although I was barely a teenager at the time, I remember 1955 as the year of the first Ford Thunderbird ..."
"But equally as important to a kid who liked to shoot and would eventually become a gunwriter, I also remember 1955 as the year three legendary handguns made their appearances to rave reviews in the firearms press. After a 14-year hiatus, the Colt Single Action Army was resurrected. That same year, Smith & Wesson's Model 29--basically a beefed-up .44 Hand Ejector Fourth Model--was teamed with the equally new .44 Magnum cartridge. And finally, what undoubtedly became the most elegant double-action .357 Magnum of the 20th century, the Colt Python, was unveiled." ... |
AL: Man kills brother in DeKalb shooting
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"A DeKalb County man was killed and his brother and sister-in-law were hurt in a gun battle Friday morning in Collinsville, a Sheriff's Department spokeswoman said." ...
"Jackson said an alcohol-related dispute led to James Craig removing his brother from his home. Gary Craig then got a rifle from his pickup truck and fired through his brother's front door, striking his brother and sister-in-law."
"James Craig returned fire, killing his brother, Jackson said. James Craig drove himself and his wife to the Collinsville Police Department to notify authorities about the shooting ..."
"Jackson ... said James Craig will not be charged since he apparently shot his brother in self-defense." ... |
AR: Dramatic shoot-out injures 2 policeman, intruder killed
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"A Conway man who shot two Faulkner County deputies was shot to death by a resident of the home he broke into early Friday morning." ...
"About 1:55 a.m., the officers spotted Tindoll and followed him to the home. They followed him into the home and commanded him several times to put down his weapon, but he did not comply, Pike said."
"The deputies fired two less-lethal rounds ... but he still did not drop the shotgun, Pike said. Instead, he allegedly fired one shotgun blast, hitting both deputies with pellets. Bell returned fire, hitting Tindoll in the side."
"Tindoll turned and started down the hall toward Weber's bedroom. Sides, who was in the bedroom, fired one shot from his own gun, hitting Tindoll in the chest, Pike said." ... |
NJ: Police say would-be carjacker shot dead
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"A Newark off-duty police officer shot and killed a man who allegedly attempted to carjack him yesterday afternoon, police said."
Newark police Capt. Derek Glenn said the officer was driving when the robbery was attempted. After a struggle, Glenn said, the officer shot the man."
"Glenn said the officer appeared unhurt after the incident, but taken to a local hospital for further examination." -------
Submitter's Note: Paragraph 11: "... He messed with the wrong guy." Imagine if "they" all "messed with the wrong guy." Imagine if "police powers" were restored to NJ's citizens, - from whom they were stolen. |
South Africa: Firearm Saved Us From Four Armed Hijackers
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"I recently took delivery of a new BMW X5 and soon afterwards the hyenas tried to take it away from me on the road leading to my house ..." ...
"... The hyenas pulled up behind my car and the driver proceeded to fire at me where I had taken cover behind my car. The driver pointed his semi-automatic over the roof of his car in my direction. He fired nine shots and I returned fire with shots through the windscreen, but he managed to reverse. ..." ...
"... After phoning, two cars from the security companies arrived within minutes. Two hours later three members of the police arrived. They asked me in a disinterested manner to explain what had happened, meanwhile trampling the crime scene forensic evidence into the ground that the security guys had carefully circled and flagged." ... |
Australia: Murder trial for woman who shot robber
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"THE security guard Karen Brown will stand trial for murdering a man who bashed and robbed her outside the Moorebank Hotel in July last year."
"A magistrate ruled on Friday that although it could be said she had a strong defence for killing William Aquilina, there was a reasonable prospect that a jury would reject her defence and convict her of murder." ... -------
Submitter's Note: She was punched repeatedly with brass knuckles, suffering a fractured skull, a fractured eye socket, a fractured nose, a fractured left hand and possible brain damage. But it wasn't self-defense? |
VA: Why is a teacher displaying such blatant anti-gun bias?
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"To anyone reading Katherine Letellier's letter, which takes issue with the Second Amendment coverage and her perceived lack of balance, it should be quite clear that her issue was not balance or education ['Second Amendment commentary shot balance in the foot,' Dec. 16]."
"Ms. Letellier's issue is that her anti-gun bias wasn't supported and her agenda wasn't furthered."
"There is no evidence to support the assertion that the original intent of the Second Amendment was to create a collective right or government power. It simply doesn't exist."
"For Ms. Letellier to assert otherwise is tantamount to claiming that history shows that the king traded away the future United States to the Indians for some beads because they held no value." ... |
VA: Our Bill of Rights guarantees gun rights to the people!
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"I read with some amusement and some shame the letter from Katherine Letellier. Her incredible statement wanting an 'alternate viewpoint' smacks of the liberal ideal that the Second Amendment is not on par with the other nine in the Bill of Rights."
"If one were to ask Ms. Letellier if in the First, Fourth, or Fifth Amendment, for example, what the phrase 'the right of the people' means, she would unquestionably claim that those rights belong to the people and should not be infringed upon."
"Why, then, is the Second Amendment any different?" ... |
VA: Gun rights for militia? No way!
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"Katherine Letellier apparently possesses knowledge that many of us interested in the Second Amendment have been seeking for some time, to no avail. If substantiated, this will have significant impact on current understanding and future court cases. She claims, 'Each side can cite Colonial history and quote from the Founding Fathers.'"
"Yet according to constitutional law scholar Stephen P. Halbrook, 'In recent years it has been suggested that the Second Amendment protects the 'collective' right of states to maintain militias ... If anyone entertained this notion in the period during which the Constitution and Bill of Rights were debated and ratified, it remains one of the most closely guarded secrets of the 18th century ..." ... |
NY: Anti-gun bills promoted -- Assembly won't give up on dealer records, ban on armor-piercing ammo
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"The Democrat-led Assembly will continue to push for anti-gun laws that weren't included in legislation passed in a special session this week on criminal justice, but they may have trouble getting the attention of the governor and GOP-controlled Senate."
"The Assembly advanced a slew of initiatives in May that would require gun dealers to keep more detailed records of sales and train employees; make it a misdemeanor to sell guns without child safety features; ban firearms ammunition that can pierce bulletproof vests; and make other changes." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Doesn't the BATFE already ban 'cop killer' ammunition? |
NY: Controlling illegal guns
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"The latest effort to remove illegal guns from streets throughout New York state is commendable, but it would be more effective if it had the support of a national policy to crack down on illegal gun trafficking." -------
KABA Note: A straw purchase is a federal felony subject to a sentence of ten years in jail with a $250,000 fine per gun. How much more 'national policy' do we need? |
NJ: Passaic officer arrested in Sussex
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"A 17-year veteran Passaic County sheriff's officer has been charged in Sussex County with receiving stolen property after dozens of allegedly stolen trailers, lawn tractors and construction equipment valued at $250,000 were found at his home in Lafayette, authorities said."
"Douglas C. Owen, 44, was arrested Friday at his home on Old Beaver Run Road, authorities said. The arrest occurred after a victim went to the State Police on Friday and told them that while driving on Old Beaver Run Road he saw a white Wells Fargo trailer resembling one that was stolen from him in Warwick, N.Y., on Aug. 12." ... |
IL: Former bodyguard likely to get suspension
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"Illinois State Police Director Larry Trent has recommended a four-month suspension without pay for the former head of Gov. Rod Blagojevich's security detail following an internal investigation into his conduct ..." ...
"The report ... spotlighted a car crash involving a state trooper, said troopers who guard the governor allowed friends and family to travel in police cars, and said one trooper was briefly suspended for not reporting that he saw the governor's personal driver drinking on the job." ...
"Hampton verified that Ceja left his fully loaded 40-caliber state police pistol and handcuffs in a car parked outside the Staples Center in Los Angeles, likely in 2004, and they were stolen when Ceja attended a sporting event. ..." ... |
GA: Detective accused of assault
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"A Lawrenceville police detective was arrested this week after an ex-girlfriend alleged that he choked her and threatened her with a gun."
"Cornelious Lenon Zellous, a burglary detective employed by Lawrenceville police since January 2000, faces charges in Walton County of aggravated assault, terroristic threats and two counts of cruelty to children."
"According to the police report, the officer’s ex-girlfriend arrived home from Christmas shopping with her daughter on Sunday to find Zellous in her upstairs bathroom." ...
"Zellous then allegedly pushed her down onto the bed, grabbed her by the neck and began choking her with one hand while pointing a pistol at her with the other." ... |
WY: Laramie police chief leaves loaded gun in restaurant bathroom
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"The city's police chief left his loaded service pistol in a restaurant bathroom last month and didn't realize it until another officer returned the gun to him."
"When he realized his mistake, Chief Bob Deutsch wrote an e-mail to the entire department stating what he had done. He then wrote himself a written reprimand."
"'When I walked out of the restroom, I forgot it,' Deutsch said Wednesday. 'There are no excuses. Personally, I think that's a serious violation of policy.'"
"A customer found the .40-caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol in a holster on a countertop at Jeffrey's Bistro on Nov. 29. The customer contacted a restaurant employee, who in turn called police." ... |
OH: Project Disarm targets suburbs
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"A southern Ohio program that has sent hundreds of repeat offenders to prison for carrying guns is expanding to the suburbs, where authorities say armed criminals are a growing problem."
"The federal program, known as Project Disarm, has operated mostly in Cincinnati and other larger Ohio cities for four years."
"The program allows local police to refer gun cases to federal prosecutors if the cases involve suspects with long criminal records. In many cases, the suspects face significantly longer prison sentences in federal court than in the state system." ... |
CA: Residents turn guns into holiday gifts in Compton
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"'Big Daddy' Willis came to Compton to turn an illegal homemade pistol into Christmas dinner."
"Charlene Watt planned to turn three shotguns into a plasma TV."
"The two were among dozens of gun-toting residents who converged on a shopping center parking lot Saturday to anonymously swap firearms for gift certificates as part of a program aimed at reducing violence in this crime-plagued city."
"Each was rewarded with a $100 gift card for Ralphs or Circuit City." ...
"Over three consecutive Saturdays, sheriff's deputies amassed ... 185 handguns, 48 high-powered rifles, 15 sawed-off shotguns and a Tec-9 semiautomatic machine gun pistol."
"'The only reason you'd have these guns is to shoot at people,' said sheriff's Deputy A.J. Rotella ..." ... |
NY: Insurer's duty in death suit at issue
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"The state's highest court has agreed to decide if an insurance company must defend a Clarksville man being sued for the 2002 fatal shooting of an attacker in his home."
"The Court of Appeals said Tuesday it would hear the case pitting Alfred S. Cook, 60, against his insurer, American Automobile Insurance Co. of Hartford."
"The court will decide if the company must defend Cook in a civil suit brought by the son of Richard Barber, the man who was slain."
"Cook was at his Dunbar Hollow Road home in February 2002 when a fatal fight started with Barber, 52. An Albany County Court jury found Cook acted in self defense when he killed Barber with a shotgun, as Barber advanced on him. The two had a history of feuds." ... |
PA: Muzzleloader season a great time to be out in the woods
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"Nearly every state has a muzzleloader deer season, but only Pennsylvania has a muzzleloader season where the flintlock rifle must be used."
"'It all started in the early 1970s with a group of guys who traditionally shot flintlock muzzleloaders,' says Dave Ehrig of Berks County, a nationally recognized authority on muzzleloader rifles. 'It took a little work convincing the game commission but eventually we were successful, and in 1973 the first flintlock muzzleloader season took place. It was only three days long and held on 37 different game lands throughout the state.'" ... |
SC: Sportmen’s caucus nearing reality for S.C.
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"An organized voice for South Carolina’s hunters and fishermen in the state legislature could be a reality this year."
"Last Saturday at The Clinton House hunting lodge, Rep. Michael A. Pitts, Laurens County Republican, chaired an organizational meeting of legislators and representatives of organizations that support a South Carolina Legislature Sportsmen’s Caucus."
"'The single goal for the sportsmen’s caucus will be to protect the right to hunt and fish in this state,' Pitts said. 'Animal rights groups realized they were not winning anything at the national level, so they have changed their strategy to attack issues state by state.'" ... |
PA: Rifle ban urged for hunting of deer
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"A Lebanon County man who found a rifle bullet hole in his house and another in his shed thinks it's time to ban rifle hunting in North Londonderry Twp."
"Kenneth Neiswender of the 700 block of Eisenhower Road, who found the holes over the last five or six years, said he's afraid someone is going to get killed."
"Whether shotguns and muzzleloaders pose less risk to the public than rifles will be explored in a study that will start in January, paid for by the state." ...
"In Pennsylvania, only the state Game Commission can regulate hunting and trapping ... Municipalities can limit the discharge of firearms, but they don't have authority to regulate activity being done as part of lawful hunting ..." ... |
WV: Revival of WVU’s rifle team makes for a happy ending
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"Cheryl Launer had just arrived home from work in Johnsonburg, Pa., one afternoon in April 2003, when she received a phone call from her son Brian, a freshman on the West Virginia University rifle team." ...
"'The way his voice was, I thought he was hurt,' she said. 'I thought he was going to tell me he had been hit by a car. It sounded that way. You knew it was a bad phone call.' Her intuition was correct."
"Brian Launer had emerged from a meeting where he had been informed by WVU athletic director Ed Pastilong that the school was cutting the rifle team, along with the men’s tennis team, the men’s cross country team and the men’s indoor and outdoor track teams."
"'He was devastated,' Cheryl said. 'They cut the team. We couldn’t believe it.'" ... |
Canada: Handgun sales on the rise
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Gun shop owners say handgun sales in Edmonton are skyrocketing since Prime Minister Paul Martin's promise to ban them.
The Liberal Leader made the promise a few weeks ago during a campaign stop in Toronto.
Phil Harnois is a former police officer who now owns a gun shop. Since the Liberal announcement, he says handgun sales have increased dramatically.
He says his distributors have virtually nothing left in their warehouses, something that is very unusual.
"There's always some odd piece here or there depending on the time of year," he told CBC News.
Harnois says the Liberal promise has pushed people to buy guns before the ban is imposed.
The Liberals say the goal of the handgun ban is to make communities safer. |
UK: Store staff threatened by gunman
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Two shop assistants were threatened by a man with a pistol who robbed a Spar store in Wiltshire.
The man who was wearing a crash helmet threatened staff at the Perham Down shop near Tidworth on Friday night.
He stole cash and then walked away from the scene escaping onto a nearby housing estate.
Police have appealed for witnesses particularly a man who was standing opposite the store at a bus stop when the raider struck. |
UK: Deadly Gun Haul Handed In
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"ADORNED with an eagle emblem, the 7.65mm Sauer self-loading pistol was regulation police issue in Nazi Germany."
"Alongside, an immaculate and lovingly oiled .357ins Magnum revolver, standard police issue in the British Isles until 10 years ago, looked ready to kill."
"They were among a chilling haul of more than 120 weapons handed in to police during a firearms amnesty this month."
"Police are relieved they are now out of circulation and cannot fall into the hands of criminals or, more worrying still, into those of children."
"Sergeant Terry Stephen, of the firearms department, said: 'We were expecting shotguns and air rifles but to have this Magnum and the Sauer handed in is astonishing. ...'" ... |
UK: Bike Pervert Assaults Boy, 11, At Pistol Point
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"A BOY of 11 has been sexually assaulted at gunpoint by a pervert on a motorbike."
"The youngster and a friend aged nine were threatened by the attacker as they were walking home."
"He pointed a pistol at them, then grabbed the older boy and seriously assaulted him. His younger friend escaped and ran home to get help. The sex beast fled on his bike."
"The 11-year-old, who was in severe shock after the incident, was taken to hospital but later allowed home, following the ordeal on Friday on the outskirts of Spalding, Lincs. The boy spent Christmas Eve being quizzed by specially trained officers." ... |