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Newslinks for 12/27/2010

RI: Disarming the toy box Providence program destroys children’s toy guns
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Dominic Johnson, a 10-year-old fourth-grader with a fledgling Mohawk, brandished his black, long-nosed toy gun and caressed the muzzle appreciatively.
“It’s like a shotgun mixed with a rifle,’’ he said, as his mother, April, told him to stop pointing it at nearby children.
Soon it would be junk.
Dominic joined dozens of children yesterday at the annual Toy Gun Bash in the gymnasium of Pleasant View Elementary School. There, they lined up to toss their toy guns, from dainty purple water guns to camouflage-painted pistols, inside the Bash-O-Matic, a large black, foam creature with churning metal teeth and the shape of a cockroach spliced with a frog.
Prodded by Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch, who wore a fuzzy Santa hat, the childre

NC: Firing range is a target of concern
Submitted by: Anonymous

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WESLEY CHAPEL Weekend mornings, John Famolari's two young children love to play baseball and soccer in their spacious backyard - at least until their neighbor across the creek breaks out his machine guns.

In a wooded lot about 500 feet away, Dr. Michael Land regularly uses a Thompson submachine gun and other automatic weapons for target practice. The racket often makes it hard for Famolari and his wife to talk - and even harder for them to entertain guests at their 4,500-square-foot brick home.

Will Baucus-Tester opposition to ATF rule be used to forgive bad votes?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"They keep the house looking freshly-painted while those they enable tunnel underneath eroding the foundations."

UT: Police shoot armed man outside LDS temple
Submitted by: Anonymous

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South Jordan police Lt. Dan Starks said around 12:30 p.m. officers responded to a 911 call at the temple, 11022 S. 4000 West, where police found a white, middle-aged man armed with a shotgun who had been in a confrontation with at least one person a short time earlier.

Police confronted the man and asked him to put down the gun and put his hands in the air.

Starks said the man failed to obey officers’ commands and instead turned around and ran away with the gun still in hand.

Other officers and people were in the area at the time, and police said they were concerned for everyone’s safety and not sure what the man might do. One officer fired a single shot, killing the man.

NY: Enthusiasts have a date in Albany
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Anyone interested in Second Amendment rights and issues that affect sportsmen and women should mark Jan. 25, 2011, on their calendars. That's the day the state Assembly Minority Conference will host the second Sportsmen & Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day. The 2010 event, held in April, attracted nearly 3,000 sportsmen from across the state. The event is free and open to the public, and gives people an opportunity to tell legislators and other state officials how they feel about their rights to keep and bear arms.

NJ: Opinion: Pardon us: rethinking old convictions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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His attorney said he did not break any laws because he was in the process of moving from Colorado to New Jersey, a point the judge in the case did not allow the defense to make to the jury.

In recent months, thousands of gun owners across the United States rallied on Aitken’s behalf, saying the case exemplifies how they have to maneuver byzantine state-by-state gun laws that can make criminals out of law-abiding citizens.

AZ: Security Guard Shoots Strip Club Patron
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sgt. Steve Martos, a Phoenix police spokesman, said a fight broke out between two groups of people at Chi Chis Cabaret about 1:00am and the security guard intervened.

Marton said the dead man, Takina Latu, 22, became upset, retrieved a handgun and, in the club's carpark, fired several rounds at the security guard striking him in several areas, including his ballistic vest.

The security guard returned fire, striking Latu several times, Martos said.

Stun Gun Controversy: Will Police Abuse New Tasers?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Like all Tasers, the new models deliver a 600 volt pulse. The charge causes the muscles to contract, temporarily paralyzing them. This new model – the X3 handgun-style Taser – has three cartridges. The company says it is capable of subduing three suspects at once – also, in theory, allowing an officer to deliver a triple hit to one suspect, making the debate over potential misuse even more urgent.

Amnesty International – a long-time critic of tasers – points to 400 deaths related to taser use. Many are linked to other contributing factors, such as age or preexisting illness.

NM: Guns, Wallet Stolen From Taos Police Chief's Unit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A shotgun, an assault rifle and a wallet were stolen from Taos Police Chief Rick Anglada's police car early Christmas morning, according to a department spokesman.
There were no signs of forced entry on the unit, said Taos Police Lt. David Maggio. Anglada "thinks he might have left it unlocked," Maggio said, because Anglada had gone to get something from the vehicle earlier in the evening, or the car may have been unlocked by the robber

DC: Dupont Circle Snowball Fight Scratched
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While the Washington D.C. region has not suffered any major damage at the hands of Sunday's winter storm, there has been one casualty.

The snowball fight scheduled for 6 p.m. Sunday evening has been called off. According to Metromix, its because of a lack of snow.


During last year's epic snowfall, the District became the Wild West of snowball slinging. Police brandished guns, traffic was snarled, and thousands were pelted.

CO: Always ‘right’?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“You can’t legislate morality or religion, but I do want to be a good example,” he says. “I think that’s important for our country. ... I’m certainly not perfect. I don’t want anybody to think I am, but I do want to strive to be a moral person and encourage others to be that way.”

He touts the Second Amendment and private enterprise, and isn’t shy about professing his skepticism of global warming.

“I don’t buy that it’s man-made,” he says.

Tasmania: Gun call triggers fear
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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AN anti-gun lobby group has called on the public to pressure the State Government to ignore recommendations to water down gun laws for pump-action military weapons.

The call is in response to a public consultation paper into the Tasmanian Firearms Act which was released last week.

The paper canvasses changing pump-action shotguns from a Category C classification to a Category A, the Sunday Tasmanian revealed yesterday.

There is less restriction on who can own and use Category A firearms and there are no legislative restrictions on the number of guns owned by an individual.

A Tale of Two Cities
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wait. Did that say "or fake"? Why yes, yes it did. See, this gun buy-up program trades gifts for toy guns that children bring in to Pleasant View Elementary School.

They get to throw their toy gun into a plastic shredder and watch it be reduced to rubbish. (Some parents have gone out and bought their "toy gun-less" children a toy gun or two to be used specifically for the event – to not be left out, one would presume. But just what message might the little ones gather from this behavior? If there's something you want, you might need to get a gun to get it? Hmmm. Nope – no conflicting message there.)

Ed.: Thanks to the author, Kim D. Campbell, at OFCC, for the turn of phrase I used in KABA's new 'Gun Buy-ups' category.

CA: Ammunition controls, too tight
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 962, making it a crime to deliver handgun ammunition if the transaction is not done face-to-face, and if the driver fails to determine, through government identification, whether the recipient is legally authorized to receive the ammo.

This is a back door effort by the anti-gun lobby to stop private ownership of guns. In the immortal words of Rooster Cogburn, "A gun that's unloaded and cocked ain't good for nothing."

This law is scheduled to go into effect in February and criminalizes much of the commercial shipping of handgun ammunition in the state.

NJ: NJ measure would aid domestic violence victims
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State lawmakers have advanced legislation that creates a limited self-defense justification for domestic violence victims who use force to protect themselves.

The measure would make some evidence regarding domestic violence restraining orders admissible and relevant in determining whether such force was justifiable. It would apply in cases in which a person protected by an order used force against someone who is the subject of that order.

NJ: Gun decision
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to a Fox News report, Brian Aitken, 27, residing in Hoboken, N. J., had returned from Colorado with guns legally purchased while living there.

Aitken, with no previous criminal record and after checking with New Jersey State Police, brought his two guns into the state. According to his lawyer, Aitken was transporting the handguns during a move from his parents’ home in Mount Laurel to Hoboken when he was arrested for possession of these firearms in January 2009. He did not have a carry permit and his arrest led to a conviction and seven-year sentence for that gun possession.

FL: The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The members of the school board in Panama City were left defenseless at the mercy of a crazed gunman. Their right to keep and bear arms was not infringed upon by the state of Florida, however their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was and had they been carrying, this may have ended differently. It is true that the gunmen had access to the weapon, legally or not, yet imagine how ineffective he and other crazed gunmen would be if the majority of people carried pistols for defense. How could it be effective to leave law abiding citizens defenseless if criminals can still access weapons?

AL: Responses to gun column prove there are as many solutions as problems
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After a series of murders a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a column proposing a couple of different steps that might at least slow the increasing number of gun-involved crimes around here.

My ideas, which a few overzealous e-mailers felt were wild and unconstitutional, were that we delay the purchase for a first-time gun buyer until that person has gone through a safety course of at least a week, and that we begin some form of monitoring for ammunition purchases.

SC: Spartanburg County state senator aims for SC gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Sen. Lee Bright, R-Roebuck, has prefiled legislation that would make a firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition that is commercially or privately manufactured in South Carolina and does not leave this state exempt from federal regulation, including registration.

The “South Carolina Firearms Freedom Act” cites the 10th Amendment, which gives states rights not granted to the federal government in the Constitution. The bill stipulates that the federal government doesn’t have the right to regulate such items that do not leave the state under the Commerce Clause in the U.S. Constitution.

MS: Left continues attack on rights of gun owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two weeks ago, United States Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer reignited a national and legal debate over the Second Amendment’s application, reminding conservatives that the left will never tire when it comes to eroding and perhaps eradicating the Constitutional rights of gun owners.

GA: Place for those who 'want to shoot guns'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There was a bit of concern along Zonolite Road when word spread that an indoor shooting range was opening up among the eclectic collection of shops.

The old industrial area near Emory University was already home to a cafe, a Zen center, a pilates studio and architectural firms. But earlier this month, it also became a place you can go to fire your Glock. Or AK-47.

“There was an initial reaction of, ‘Oh no, rednecks and gun nuts,’” said Davidson Reid, the owner of Studio Lotus, the pilates center. “But I said, ‘No, your neighbors are going to be there.’”

NJ: 2nd Amendment hero? You may want to hold your fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Chris Christie's first commutation was granted to a Mount Laurel man sentenced to seven years on widely criticized gun charges.

The news of Brian Aitken's release inspired his attorney to declare Christie "a hero to gun owners across the nation."

But is he really? Not so much.

While Aitken has become a national Second Amendment cause celebre, the merits of his case have less to do with the right to bear arms than with a sometimes flawed justice system.

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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