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Newslinks for 12/27/2018

A Year of Evil and Saviors
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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I was studying people who cause mass murder and also the people who stop it. That study is unpleasant but necessary. I’m glad I have a choice to set it aside. I get to step away from evil and see the amazing joys in life.

Not everyone is so lucky. Here is my gratitude to those who face evil for us every day.

A Tough Year for Gun Owners, Another Looms on Horizon
Submitted by: David Williamson

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America’s gun owners may be particularly eager to celebrate the end of 2018 next Monday night, because for Second Amendment activists, it has been a tough year, and with Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi preparing to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives, the next 12 months could be rough as well.

WA Anti-Gunners Pre-File ‘Large Capacity Magazine’ Bill
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Buoyed by the passage of yet another anti-rights citizen initiative in November, anti-gunners in the Washington Legislature have pre-filed a bill restricting so-called “large capacity magazines” that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition, and many rights activists believe this measure is likely only “Step One” toward a complete prohibition.

OH: Ohio Legislature Passes Self-Defense Gun Bill Over Kasich's Objections
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Ohio General Assembly has voted to override Gov. John Kasich’s veto on, HB 228, a bill that would revamp the way the state handles self-defense cases in court. The law shifts the burden of proof in self-defense cases from the defense to the prosecution. It had strong support from pro-gun groups, who said this would put Ohio in step with every other state in the country.

7 Facts About Guns in the U.S.
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Guns are deeply ingrained in American society. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, and around three-in-ten American adults personally own a gun. Most of these gun owners say the right to own firearms is essential to their own personal sense of freedom. At the same time, gun violence – from big-city murders to mass shootings – has spurred debate in Congress and state legislatures over proposals to limit Americans’ access to firearms. Counting murders and suicides, nearly 40,000 people died of gun-related violence in the United States in 2017, the highest annual total in decades.

Venezuela gets the Russian bear hug
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Oil is the only thing that keeps Venezuela's economy afloat, and guess who's gotten their hands on it? Yup, the Russians. And alongside them, the Chinese, who are taking the earnings.

Right to Know: A Historical Guide to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Information has taken on a whole new meaning in the digital age, a time when sensitive data is either too easily accessible or not accessible enough. This issue of access to information encompasses fundamental human rights – specifically the freedom of speech as well as the right to privacy. Because it’s a primary means of maintaining transparency and accountability within government policies and decision-making in both the United States and around the globe, information is more valuable than ever to both government agencies and our individual lives. This guide takes an in-depth look at FOIA history and the importance of exercising your right to know.

CO: Urban Hunting of Deer a No-Go for Now in Colorado Springs
Submitted by: David Williamson

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After months of discussion over letting archers help with the deer overpopulation in Colorado Springs, City Council has shelved the idea for now. If you've spent any amount of time in Colorado Springs, you've seen members of our deer population. It can make for a picturesque mountain setting, but wildlife officials and city leaders say the reality is darker.

RI: Hunting Season at NWR Begins Jan. 3
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing its white-tailed deer hunting season. The season begins Thursday, Jan. 3 and runs to Feb. 22, 2019, on selected units, excluding weekends per Town of New Shoreham regulations. Hunting is allowed by refuge permit only and may be obtained at Sandy Point, Beane Point and Grove Point Units of Block Island National Wildlife Refuge will be open in January and February for the firearm season, and the Wash Pond Unit will be open for archery-only season during the same time period. Beane Point Unit season begins Tuesday, Jan. 22 to allow for quality waterfowl hunt in adjacent waters.

Drinking, Drugs, Marijuana and Guns, Never the Twain Shall Meet
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Any time you’re involved in a shooting incident, accidental or intentional, even in a case of otherwise justifiable self-defense, responding police will probably at some point administer a breath-test. When you blow anything but a 00, it is safe to say that evidence will not be “helpful” to your case.


Tom Arnold, Who Keeps Calling the NRA a Terrorist Organization, Explains What it Really Does
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As we say all the time here, if you want an example of unhinged hatred on Twitter, just check out Dana Loesch’s timeline for one night. It’s almost to the point we’re worried for her safety not from some random psycho but from Tom Arnold, who really, seriously, seems to have a stalker thing going on with Loesch and her husband. If Jack Dorsey needs an example of targeted harassment on his platform, here it is. Why is Arnold tweeting Loesch this time? Because he knows what the NRA is up to and he’s just going to tweet it out.

Time for the National Rifle Association to Hire Translators
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The NRA is arguably the best defender of our Second Amendment rights. I’m not asking you to just take my word for it. Ask Andrew Cuomo, who has resorted to the misuse of financial regulations to silence the political opposition to his extreme anti-Second Amendment agenda. However, the NRA isn’t always perfect. Lately, it’s having trouble in the suburbs. Winning the suburbs is important, but there is also a need to reach out to urban areas. One necessity of doing that will be to deal with the fact that over 250 cities and counties will be required to print ballots in multiple languages, according to the Pew Research Center.

WI: Open Carrier in Madison Has Gun Snatched by Violent Criminal
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On 17 December 2018, at about 7 p.m. on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin, a 21-year-old open carrier and his friend were hanging out when his weapon was grabbed by a homeless man. At 7 p.m. it was well below freezing. Heavy coats, hats, and gloves were indicated.

IL: llinois firearms restraining order act goes into effect January 1st
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A new law in 2019 may affect some Illinois gun owners. The Firearms Restraining Order Act allows family members or police to ask a judge to temporarily remove guns from someone they think is a threat to themselves or others. Monroe County Sheriff Neal Rohlfing says a complaining party will have to file a petition and go before a judge to make their case.

Plan to Arm Florida Teachers Coming Back Around
Submitted by: David Williamson

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My wife and I had just arrived in Australia on vacation last February when news broke about the murders of 17 people, and wounding of 17 others, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County.

Pro-Gun Group Sues ATF and DOJ Over Trump Admin’s Move to Ban Bump-Fire Stocks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A pro-gun group is suing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Justice Department over the Trump administration’s recent move to ban bump-fire stocks.
On Thursday, the Gun Owners of America announced that it, along with its foundation, was challenging the recent ban on the devices, and asked for an injunction to prevent the ban from going forward and being enforced.

MO: Two gun bills among hundreds pre-filed leading up to legislative session in January
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Two guns bills are among the hundreds Missouri lawmakers are pre-filing for the legislative session that begins January 9th. Representative Justin Hill and Representative Gretchen Bangert have introduced the bills. Hill's bill deals with where gun owner's can store their gun as long as it's in their own private car, while Bangert's bill would require your gun to be unloaded and securely stored in your car so guns don't end up in the hands of criminals.

CA: California's new laws for 2019: What to know
Submitted by: David Williamson

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California is preparing to have new laws put in place. On Jan. 1, changes regarding the workplace, guns, policing and more go into effect. Here's a few to note.

American Rifleman 2019 Golden Bullseye and Pioneer Awards Announced
Submitted by: David Williamson

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After a few years of frenzy in firearm production, 2018 may have seemed comparatively sluggish. While gun sales remained steady all year, the calmer environment didn’t stop the innovation and design process from progressing. American Rifleman editors were easily—and pleasantly—reminded of this when it came to select the coveted 2019 Golden Bullseye Awards. NRA Publications will present its 17th annual Golden Bullseye Awards and Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award at an invitation-only breakfast on Friday, April 26, during the 2019 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Indianapolis, Ind.

Top 5 Skills-Check Drills of 2018
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As we all know, even the best guns and gear don't do anyone any good if not paired with consistent practice routines. To aid our readers in developing skill-building drills, Skills Check Editor Ed Head, an instructor at Gunsite Academy, works to put together varied practice options that are designed to keep skills sharp, whether running rifles, pistols or shotguns. Here are five of his most-popular drills over the last year.

DE: Deleware's Red Flag Gun Law Now in Effect
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When the forest is dry and the forecast calls for low humidity and high winds, the National Weather Service will issue a red flag warning. That warning indicates a dangerous situation is possible in the immediate future and places limits on normally legal activity like campfires.

Tested: Mesa Precision Arms Crux Ti Premium 6.5 PRC Hunting Rifle
Submitted by: David Williamson

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If you’ve followed my work in NRA Publications over the years, you know I enjoy taking gun review risks from time to time. Sometimes it’s a debated model, an unusual design or something wholly unconventional. This year, a friend in the industry introduced me to a bolt-action rifle company founded in 2017, offering a new action (launched in 2018) chambered for a cartridge that isn’t yet a year old. That’s three kinds of new all rolled into one. Some would say that’s too risky to try, but based on what I learned about the company and the cartridge, it was a calculated risk I was willing to take— and I’m glad I did.

NC: Armed NC Patron Opens Fire on Masked Convenience Store Robbers
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A customer held at gunpoint during a convenience-store robbery in North Carolina interrupted the suspects' plan by opening fire on them. A Rockingham County Sheriff's Office news release said two masked men entered a Reidsville convenience store early on Christmas morning with guns and held the cashier and two patrons at gunpoint while they robbed the store.

A fanatic is one who won't change his mind and won't change the subject. — Winston Churchill

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