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Newslinks for 12/28/2001

UK: "Dunblane gun law has been failure," says marksman
Submitted by: john fansler

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Then the mood changed and competitive shooters, many of them reliable winners of medals for Britain in international meetings, found they were the target of tabloid newspaper attacks on Britain's "gun culture"...

Colin Greenwood, a retired police officer and leading expert on firearms law, has argued persuasively that "gun control legislation has been an abject failure."

--And crime has climbed steadily since.

A mixed victory for gun rights (Emerson, followup)
Submitted by: john fansler

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Fans of the Second Amendment are rejoicing because a federal appellate court has affirmed that the right to keep and bear arms belongs to individuals, not collectives. Anyone who can read plain English already knew that. But now we have a U.S. appellate court saying so. That can't hurt...

Forgive Us Our Injustice System
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Yes, there are some honest police, prosecutors and judges. But the pressures they are under to match the conviction rates of the corrupt and to clear court dockets will eventually leave our justice system entirely in the hands of a heartless breed that never suffers the pangs of a bad conscience." --Paul Craig Roberts

Less government equals less crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Here are four ways reducing government will reduce crime:

1. Stop disarming innocent citizens...
2. Get the federal government out of law enforcement...
3. Repeal all asset-forfeiture laws...
4. Stop prosecuting victimless crimes...

...Less government means less crime." --Harry Browne

China: Efforts Against Crime Make No Dent
Submitted by: kevin Novak

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On his last night alive, Chang Dongqing responded to an emergency call about an armed robbery in progress near the police station here where he worked. Because another officer had checked out the station's only gun, a 1954 series, .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol, Officer Chang picked up the long iron rod that was the station's only other weapon...

India: Police chief's gun remark fires debate
Submitted by: WildWest

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A debate is on in Bangalore over a statement by the city's police commissioner encouraging people to obtain guns in order to protect themselves from criminals.

But there are many who disagree with the encouragement of gun ownership..."It sends a wrong signal to the people. There are limitations in law even in the regard to the right of private defence."

UK: Lock up pedophiles "before they strike," says judge
Submitted by: WildWest

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(This is not gun related, but it is rights related)

He admitted it would "a huge infringement on the individual's rights - but we have got to think of the rights of those who would be offended against as well".

The civil rights group, Liberty, rejected Lord Woolf's comments as "flying in the face" of justice. John Wadham, its director, said: "People should only be locked up for what they have done, not for what some expert, even Lord Woolf, thinks they might do."

NY: Museum offers look at history of policing
Submitted by: serinde

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A police museum unveiled offers adults the chance to grab a gun and shoot a suspect in a simulated test, then compare their judgment to that of a New York Police Department officer.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the city's police officers have taken on special hero status, and the New York City Police Museum - located six blocks from the ruins of the World Trade Center - will reflect that when it opens to the public in mid-January.

Quest for airplane-friendly bullets
Submitted by: John Fansler

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With governments adding air marshals to airplanes to subdue hijackers, and some U.S. pilots asking for permission to carry handguns, ammunition-makers are scurrying to produce an airplane-safe bullet.

The ideal: a bullet that could kill an adversary, but not pass through a cockpit door and kill the pilot or wreck electronics.

Milton Friedman Prize for the Advancement of Liberty
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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NOMINATE SOMEONE FOR THE FRIEDMAN PRIZE -- The Milton Friedman Prize for the Advancement of Liberty, named in honor of the most distinguished advocate of liberty in the latter part of the 20th century, will be presented every other year to the individual who has done the most to advance human freedom. The prize, a cash award of $500,000, will be presented on May 9, 2002, at the Cato Institute's 25th Anniversary Gala.

Click_Here to nominate someone online, or email

CA: Slain Wife Had Long Feared Husband's Temper
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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The California man who fatally shot his wife last week and then shot himself and plunged to his death from a freeway overpass apparently had a violent temper. Apparently, he'd physically abused her before.

--And yet, in a state with some of the toughest gun control laws in the country, this violent man was able to obtain a gun and kill his wife! How long will the liberals keep claiming that gun control reduces crime?

CA: Ex-Cop Dressed As Santa Allegedly Robs Bank
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Apparently the former cop displayed no weapon during the heist. Maybe verbal threats are enough to secure some loot in the great state of California.

But apparently the only armed person in the bank, a security guard, was unable to catch the thief on foot. It took a police officers and a helicopter to finally apprehend the alleged bank robber.

--Had someone other than the security guard been armed at the bank, maybe the thief wouldn't have had a chance to get as far as he did.

FL: Surge in sales of guns is easing
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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While gun sales surged immediately after the September 11th attacks, three months after that fateful day sales are tapering off in Florida.

MO: Former superintendent pleas 'not guilty' to weapon charges
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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A former school superintendent in the Christian County, MO, Spokane school district was charged with three misdemeanor counts of unlawful use of a weapon after deputies from the sheriff's department discovered an AK-47 rifle, a pistol and a metal club with a knife in the handle in his storeroom at school.

--Let me get this straight - the weapons were locked up in a storeroom only accessible by the school superintendent and out of reach of all children, but he was charged with unlawfully using said weapons????

Violence against cabbies ranks near top
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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According to a report released recently by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, taxi drivers suffer some of the worst workplace violence in the nation - only to be outdone by police and correctional officers.

--So why is it a job requirement for cops and CO's to be armed, but taxi drives must put up with the same rigamarole as any other civilian?

Kosovo: Abundance of guns, grenades makes cops' work "especially tough"
Submitted by: john fansler

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"The war is over," Emini says. "We don’t need weapons anymore."

--I take it that before Clinton's great bungle in the Balkans there were 40,000 Serbian Cops in Kosovo and people were killed with grenades. Now we have 40,000 UN cops and people are killed with grenades. The difference seems to be that before they were paying for it. Now we are paying for it.

Columbine motion accuses cop of killing
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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Attorney Barry Arrington, who represents five of the Columbine victims' families, named Sgt. Dan O'Shea - a member of the SWAT team during the April 20, 1999, shootings - as the person who shot and killed Rohrbough as he fled the massacre inside.

According to the filing, O'Shea broke down in tears two days after the shootings, telling a school administrator "he hadn't slept in days because he may have shot an innocent student."

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. — Winston Churchill

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