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Newslinks for 12/28/2012

D.C. chief and ATF head asked who authorized violation of magazine ban
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What provision of law allows for this? What was your statutory authority?"

"Is any documentation required for such authorization?" ...

TTAG Daily Digest: This Is What We’re Up Against
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NBC’s Meet The Pressmeister David Gregory will no doubt emerge from HighCapMagGate unscathed. Legally. And image-wise—at least amongst the liberal elite. For America’s chattering class Gregory’s little “whatcha gonna do about THIS Wayne HUH WAYNE?” stunt is a classic case of the ends justifying the means. It’s nothing compared to the death and destruction caused by the NRA’s pro-gun lobbying. If one child is saved by Gregory’s 'victimless crime.' [/sarcasm] Meanwhile, as points out, law-abiding Americans see Gregory’s willful violation of DC gun laws as 'one rule for us one rule for them' elitism. ..." ...

…Because Government Troops Have High Capacity Magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I am asked why I need a magazine for my 'assault rifle' larger than 10 rounds, the answer is 'because soldiers carry magazines larger than 10 rounds.' The 2nd Amendment was written to protect the people from more than just criminals. It was also understood that each sovereign state in the union would need to depend on its citizen militias to project power as needed. That meant well-armed men . . ." ...


Guns are only half of the answer
Submitted by: John Boch

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"I don’t know about anyone else, but I was rather annoyed that the NRA appeared to be paralyzed after the recent massacre in Newtown. If they’ve since found their voice, it hasn’t been loud enough for me to hear it, much less average Americans."

"Just why would they decide to shut down and take cover? It certainly appears to me that they wouldn’t have had to if they had a solid message that was worth communicating regardless of what’s happening in society."

"I imagine that’s got to be how many non-NRA members see it as well."

"I may get hate mail for saying this, but guns are not the answer."

"They are half of the answer. As in: Guns in the hands of good people do good; so what we need is more good people." ...

Regulating the Militia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Brett, like practically every other person seeking to diminish our constitutional rights, either does not understand the purpose of the Second Amendment or refuses to address it, writing, 'Gun advocates will be hard-pressed to explain why the average American citizen needs an assault weapon with a high-capacity magazine other than for recreational purposes.' The answer to this question is straightforward: The purpose of having citizens armed with paramilitary weapons is to allow them to engage in paramilitary actions. ... It is remarkable to me that any educated person — let alone a Harvard Law graduate — believes that the second item on the Bill of Rights is a constitutional guarantee of enjoying a recreational activity." ...

A picture worth a thousand tyrant's fears.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Killer Tomato Cass Sunstein wrote an op-ed for Bloomberg last week entitled Gun Debate Must Avoid Crazy 2nd Amendment Claims. It contains the usual collectivist bilge but it was the illustration to the article which drew my attention." ...

Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The reports are absolutely true. Facebook suspended the Natural News account earlier today after we posted an historical quote from Mohandas Gandhi. The quote reads:"

"'Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.' - Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446."

"This historical quote was apparently too much for Facebook's censors to bear. They suspended our account and gave us a 'final warning' that one more violation of their so-called 'community guidelines' would result in our account being permanently deactivated." ...

Gun Control and the Warrior Tradition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone is worrying about the politics and possible future bloodbath potential of trying to limit scary black weapons and big magazines. That’s all understandable given the current climate, but something that’s been lost in the discussion are the warrior families among us that have defined this nation. Simply put, we are heavily reliant on the police and military in this country. They’re the ones who keep order and safeguard our way of life. But here’s the rub: if the president and the dedicated gungrabbers in Congress like Diane Feinstein succeed in prohibiting civilian use of 'military style' weapons, they’ll also reduce the number of future recruits to these critical professions . . ." ...

Wayne Wins Anyway
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We know, you weren’t surprised that Michael Bloomberg didn’t have much good to say about the NRA’s proposal for putting armed guards in America’s schools. Who would be? If the country’s preeminent gun rights organization said their favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate, he’d immediately call a press conference and accuse them of being reckless and dangerously out of step with the vast majority of Americans who like vanilla. ... So after Wayne LaPierre laid out the plan for the National School Shield Program Friday, Bloomy called it 'a paranoid, dystopian vision of a more dangerous and violent America.' But here’s a new year’s bummer for the diminutive dictatorial mayor: Staten Island parents agree with Wayne. D’oh! . . ." ...

Talk of major gun control is foolish
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m going to give you three examples why this talk about major gun control or a total gun ban is as foolish as the witch trials of the 1700s." ...

Demonizing gun owners won't solve social ills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Since last week's shootings, our country is once again shocked at another senseless tragedy for which there is no rationalization or explanation. Unless we change the conversation, we will not find the answers."

"Demonizing the NRA or gun owners in general gets us nowhere. A fresh round of old proposals for gun-control laws won't work and will be followed by the renewed frustration of different factions going to their respective corners to fight ..."

"We, as Americans, need to be willing to acknowledge that we have serious social problems and have to get at the root causes for so many of these horrific scenes: mental illness, failing educational systems, lack of job opportunities, the disintegration of families. ..." ...

Dick’s cancels Troy Carbine pre-orders; Troy, customers irate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For Black Friday, Dick’s, partnering with Troy Defense, offered customers an outstanding deal on Troy Carbines, just $800. The going rate for these rifles is normally around $1,100-$1,200." ...

"Accordingly, Dick’s sold out of their in-store stock in an instant. They took back orders for future rifles that Troy was expecting to fill."

"The carbine was also a Dick’s exclusive, and Troy’s first complete rifle. But, following the Sandy Hook shooting, Dick’s has announced a suspension of all 'modern sporting rifles' sales. This means the Troy Carbine."

"While many assumed this suspension was going to be temporary, Dick’s has sent out notices to customers who placed back orders ..." ...

AK vs. AR: Why the 7.62×39's Time Has Come
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brace yourselves. Here comes another skirmish in the age-old war between the AK and the AR rifle families. The primary points of contention have always been contrasting ideas of reliability, lethality, and accuracy. The differences have polarized an otherwise likeminded group of individuals. Many of these individuals have even gone so far as to create whole institutions — or churches if you go that far — around their rifle of choice. They claim that their idea is 'progressive', or 'constantly evolving', yet all they end up doing is alienating many of their followers who are then left in an ideological pit because their favorite trainer feels their rifle is not good enough . . ." ...

Reminder: TTAG Active Shooting Simulation — Still Looking for Help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just a reminder for those of you in the NY/CT/MA/RI area that this weekend we’re running a Simunition-powered drill to try and get some data on whether a concealed carry holder (or armed guard) would make a difference in an active shooter situation. ..."

A Common Sense Guide to Gun Control Terminology
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Post-Sandy Hook, the gun control industry has kicked into high gear. As we’ve proven time and time again, gun control advocates base their arguments—such as they are—on dubious scientific studies. They shamelessly, artlessly cherry pick and twist data to bolster their appeal. And no wonder; the facts simply do not support gun control advocates’ anti-gun agenda. Which is why emotional appeals are their primary 'weapon' in their endless fight ... To that end, the gun control industry creates videos like the one above and manipulates language itself. Here’s a guide to some of the euphemisms gun control advocates use to control the conversation about guns. See what they did there? Make the jump for more . . ." ...

NRA (No Rational Argument)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the NRA said it was going to break its silence after the Sandy Hook school massacre with some meaningful proposals to reduce gun violence I thought to myself, 'Oh brother, this is going to be good.'"

"When the NRA finally did speak out, they didn't disappoint. More guns are what's needed according to the NRA's president, Wayne LaPierre. An armed police officer (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) at each and every school in America."

"Oh, and a national database of all the people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. (Just what the country needs, another list on which the government can subjectively label its citizens ...)"

"This line of reasoning has more holes in it than a donut factory." ...

Second Amendment needs revision
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is so tiresome to face yet another round of the paranoid gun loonies warning that their Second Amendment rights are going to be taken away because of all the recent shootings. We heard how President Barack Obama was going to take our guns away, and that did not happen. It won’t happen this or the next time, either. What is this gun-loving crowd so afraid of that it has to be able to buy any guns made?"

"While your guns are not going to be taken away, your semi-automatic weapons should be. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So you say we're paranoid to think that people want to take our guns away and then say that we should have our guns taken away.

And they call us 'nuts'.

Time to rethink Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Steven E. Morris (Your Views, Dec. 19): The Second Amendment is indeed archaic for at least two reasons. ... Now that we have the strongest and most effective military on earth, it's not necessary for private citizens to bear arms for this particular [militia] purpose. Second, 200 years ago it was obvious what bearing arms consisted of. Now, it's not obvious. Few would deny the appropriateness of possessing a gun, baseball bat, slingshot, etc. to defend one's self and property from those 'bent on violence.' However, few would also deny that no good can come of civilians possessing nuclear arms. Therefore, The question is where to draw the line, not whether any lines should be drawn to limit civilian arsenals." ...

Pointless petition: A TV talk-show host is targeted by gun-control foes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Last week, CNN talk show host Piers Morgan conducted a contentious interview with Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt that incensed enough Second Amendment absolutists to sign a petition to the White House urging that the British national be deported."

"The petition accuses Mr. Morgan of engaging 'in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment" and "for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights.'"

"... As of Thursday, more than 83,500 irate Second Amendment supporters have signed the petition to expel Mr. Morgan for exercising his rights under the First Amendment." ...

NRA's 'guards for schools' plan rests on basis of fantasy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was stunned to watch Wayne LaPierre's big speech, laying out the NRA's proposals."

"In a nutshell: the solution to too many guns is 'more guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Sarah, bubelah, the problem is not "too many guns" but rather "giving sociopaths low risk environments in which to murder folks in job lots."

Safety of the kids comes first, before everything
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The same kids who died two weeks ago have the same thoughts, demeanors, personalities and dreams as the kids who chanted 'no cuts, no buts, no coconuts' at me for 10 years."

"I am haunted by it all."

"And it has triggered some thoughts as we try to move forward. It's been hard to move forward, admittedly, amid the cacophony of soapbox sermonizers spewing their views on guns with the urgency of Paul Revere."

"Let's begin there."

"Message to the gun-toting, arm-the-teachers, arm-the-world crowd who can't merely quote the Second Amendment verbatim, but is only too happy to accept its most literal interpretation: I am tired of you. So is the rest of the world. You scare us." ...

Guns: First stop the killing power
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Even if the country were to follow LaPierre’s suggestion, how do we protect gatherings of people at other locations? Do we station armed police officers throughout our shopping malls? How about at public libraries?"

"While there are many things we can do to help prevent such tragedies as in Newtown, the first step to deal with guns, particularly those that possess magazines with large numbers of bullets that make it easy for someone to go on a killing spree." ...

Armed presence won't deter more massacres
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America, with 5 percent of the world’s population, has 50 percent of the guns. Hmmm!"

"Now the NRA advocates putting guns in schools, maintaining that an armed presence will deter massacres by madmen. But wait! There was an armed guard at Columbine High School, armed security force at Virginia Tech, heavily armed and trained soldiers at Fort Hood, yet horrible massacres occurred." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually the guard at Columbine is credited with saving at least a dozen lives by slowing the killers. As for VA Tech and Fort Hood, the "armed presence" wasn't, well, present, they were minutes away. Too many minutes away, sadly . . .

No proposal flawless in safeguarding Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just as the National Rifle Association has famously stood tall in defending the Founding Fathers' Second Amendment guarantee of our 'right to bear arms,' no one ever stood taller in defending the NRA than ... the late Senator Barry Goldwater."

"The Arizona Republican, an iconic figure with his white hair, square jaw and black-rimmed glasses, famously posed standing tall beside his favorite rifle in a newspaper and magazine ad that proclaimed, decades ago: 'I'm the NRA.'"

"And indeed he was. Yet in 1989, as cops patrolling our city streets were being outgunned by bad guys ... Goldwater also demonstrated why he also deserved his other, even more famous badge of designation: 'The Conscience of the Conservatives.'" ...

Gun control is a worthy, effective public policy, not a religion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ll keep our worship directed to G-d, thank you, and our veneration limited to the Torah. Guns do not qualify as objects of reverence, faith or belief. The Second Amendment is a right, nothing more."

"The cat was let out of the bag when the CEO of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, set forth his solution to mass shootings in schools: Post an armed guard in every school. That is his religion: Guns everywhere. Guns as salvation. Guns as totemic objects.What if a shooter at a school comes in the back door — LaPierre would presumably solve this problem by posting two or more armed guards in each school. Very nice: Schools become prisons." ...

Submitter's Note: As my friend Joel Rosenberg used to say "So shall we put up signs saying 'Attention Nazis, disarmed Jews inside'?"

Rahm: Hypocrite extraordinaire on guns in schools
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Chicago’s little ballerina Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, recently took a cheap shot at the NRA’s recent call for ending 'gun-free zones' in schools, claiming it’s not the right answer and that it’s 'outrageous and unsettling.'" ...

"Nevermind the fact that there’s a police officer present at his kid’s school everyday:"
"(Breitbart) – Breitbart News has confirmed that The University of Chicago Laboratory School, where Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel sends his children, is protected by an armed, on-duty police officer." ...

After Newtown, some parents impose (toy) gun control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As the nation debates gun policy following the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., some parents are imposing a different kind of gun control in their own homes: They are taking away their children’s toy guns."

"One Chicago mother, Anupy Singla, had been wrestling for months with whether to keep the Nerf revolver-style blasters that her daughters, ages 7 and 10, enjoyed playing with, several times tossing them into the trash and then retrieving them."

"Her indecision ended abruptly on Dec. 14, as she watched the coverage of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School ..." ...

KABA Note: I wonder, was it was this one or this one that she thought would turn her daughters into depraved monsters willing to murder children?

Michael Moore: ‘Calm Down, White People, and Put Away Your Guns’
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Documentary-maker and liberal activist Michael Moore said the reason for mass shootings in the United States is largely due to fear and racism, and on Christmas Eve he pleaded, 'calm down, white people, and put away your guns.'"

"In a blog post entitled 'Celebrating the Prince of Peace in the Land of Guns,' while still calling for stricter gun-control laws, Moore said such laws will not stop mass killings because of 'who we are' as a nation." ...

Submitter's comment: As Rose said while sitting in for Sean Hannity, "Calm down, Fat Boy, and put away your donuts."

Don't Tell My Neighbors About My Firearm: Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again, proud safe gun owners don't feel so proud and safe when their identities are revealed. This week's publication in the Journal News of the names and addresses of handgun permit holders in two New York counties has gun rights enthusiasts calling the news media what they are often called themselves: bullies." ...

Submitter's Note: Wouldn't it be easier to just make us wear one of these?


Taken hostage by the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not a Constitutional scholar. I’m an ordinary American citizen who believes he can read, reflect and think rationally. I don’t own a gun, nor want to. I feel I have no need for one. That said, I don’t have any problem with hunting or with hunters. Although I think gun collecting is a somewhat questionable hobby, I don’t really have a problem with people owning gun collections, either. There is a limit, though, and the events of Sandy Hook have caused me to reach it, prompting me to write on the subject of the Second Amendment. I maintain that the NRA and gun fanatics have taken the country hostage with a selfishly warped interpretation of the Second Amendment, which we can no longer allow to continue. ..." ...

Gun-control criticisms do not hold water
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judy Spady’s letter regarding the Second Amendment (Herald, Dec. 24) is so full of poorly interpreted or absolute misinformation that I had to respond."

"She starts by saying the gun-control lobby is exploiting the tragedy in Connecticut. It is many of the victims’ families who are the most vocal about getting assault weapons out of the hands of the mentally unstable."

"Do I even need to respond to her statement about God-given rights? Would Jesus ever traffic in AR-15s? God is not behind you on mass murder of 6-year-olds." ...

NY: City of North Tonawanda: Mayor Ortt disavows Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"City of North Tonawanda Mayor Robert G. Ortt has disputed and disavowed an advocacy group's inclusion of his name among a group of mayors signing a letter to President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders urging new restrictions on gun ownership." ...

KABA Note: This isn't the first time MAIG has enrolled people without their knowlege, heck they've even had a dead guy sign their letters and adverts.

WA: Gun debate rages in wake of Connecticut shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA says 'The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.' ['NRA: For safe schools, 'a good guy with a gun,' page one, Dec. 22.] It is the world of John Wayne."

"I would like to go one step further. 'Every schoolchild should be trained to run faster than the speed of a bullet.' Then, we do not need to worry." ...


Piers Morgan And The Battling Petitions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Piers Morgan sure isn’t winning any popularity contests right now! A recently launched White House petition to have the talk show host kicked out of the United States has well over 80,000 signatures and does not appear to be slowing down. The online petition allegedly staged due to Piers’ attempt to stage a 'hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment.' Additionally, Piers is accused of trying to undermine the Bill of Rights and 'exploiting his position as a national network television host.'"

"Okay, so send Piers to Britain! We wouldn’t miss him that much. The only problem is, it appears the United Kingdom isn’t eager to have him back. ..." ...

TX: Houston, TX Resident Shoots Home Invader in the “Backside”(video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A resident in an apartment in NW Houston, TX heard someone kicking in his living room door as he laid in bed."

"The resident grabbed his handgun, entered the living room and confronted the intruder."

"During the confrontation the intruder was shot once by the resident in the 'backside.'" ...

TX: Texas Resident Shoots and Kills Suspected Burglar (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Texas resident in Harris County was forced to used lethal force to defend his property when a burglar ignored his warnings."

"The resident was sleeping in his apartment, which was damaged by fire just days prior, in order to protect his possessions that survived the fire."

"The resident heard the suspect enter the residence through a window, issued a verbal warning, which the suspect ignored and then shot the suspect." ...

Push to Arm School Teachers Gains Traction Around Country (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA’s plan to arm teachers as a way to prevent future mass shootings is taking hold in some states around the country thanks to a little help from local gun rights organizations."

"In Ohio, Jim Irvine – the president of the Buckeye Firearms Foundation - is giving away 24 free passes to his $1000 'Armed Teacher Training Program.' So far, he’s received over 400 applications for the three-day tactical defense course being held this spring."

"'What better use for an educational foundation than to help educators protect our children,' Irvine told the Associated Press." ...

The Obama Adminstration covers for David Gregory’s criminal possession of an AR magazine
Submitted by: John Boch

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"It looked as though David Gregory might have been in hot water for his criminal possession of a 30-round AR-15 magazine on the set of NBC news this past weekend."

"Gregory, the freedom-hating leftist hypocrite, whose children attend a school which employs nearly a dozen armed guards, on top of armed U.S. Secret Service agents while he mocks the NRA for its opposition to 'gun free zones' in schools, used the magazine as a prop as he agitated for addition gun restrictions on our civil rights."

"The local DC police turned down NBC’s request to possess one of the mags but when it looked like Gregory might be arrested, he reached out to the ATF, who called the local gendarmes and told them to back off."

"We say arrest the S.O.B. ..." ...

D.C. police: Illegal for David Gregory to show empty gun magazine on TV
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"A Washington Metropolitan Police Department spokesman tells POLITICO that it was illegal for NBC's David Gregory to show an empty gun magazine on television last Sunday, even if it was empty." ...

Why was that prop so important to David Gregory? (video available)
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "You hear the tension in Gregory's voice as he's about to confront LaPierre with the prop — actually 2 props: the high-capacity magazine and then the smaller one. At the point when Gregory picks up the first prop, you see his eyes dart over to the side. He doesn't have the script memorized, but the precise text is important as he displays one prop and then the other. He need the prompter." ...

Grandstand journalism versus guns produces backlash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week’s outbreak of 'grandstand journalism' is being excused by other journalists and commentators who have blasted the police investigation of NBC’s David Gregory and said very little at all about the public outing of all registered gun owners in a couple of New York counties by the White Plains Journal News." ...

Gun Control Debate Exposed The Media’s Bias, David Gregory Exposed Their Hypocrisy
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"It is hard to recall a moment in recent history in which the gap between members of the media and the public they claim to serve has been so wide as the 'national conversation' about stricter gun laws which has followed the tragic shooting death of 26 children and teachers in Newtown, Connecticut. But if the media is slightly – just slightly — out of step with the public regarding their unashamed support for new gun laws, their response to the NBC anchor David Gregory’s recent trials with the law after he brandished a high capacity magazine on television verges on blatant hypocrisy." ...

David Gregory Meet James O’Keefe
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"... 'I don’t think Gregory was planning to commit any crimes,' Kurtz writes — no crimes other than violating D.C.’s gun laws that is. But who cares if it was illegal, it was good TV! Tell that to James O’Keefe who, Kurtz may recall, was prosecuted for his own legal indiscretions when trying to film some stunts of his own. ..."

KABA Note: Also meet David Olofson who went to prison for a broken rifle; where was the media outrage then?

David Gregory’s Motives Are Pure!
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAAF

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... "There are a lot of things going on here, and Kurtz seems to be missing all of them. Culturally, one of the things lots of Americans detest about the elite journalistic culture is the idea that reporters are above the law. Usually, this self-regard manifests itself in debates over revealing sources. Many journalists honestly believe they have special rights and privileges not enjoyed by all Americans. As a matter of law and logic, that’s not the case (which is why some journalists want to see the licensing of journalists). We all have the right to commit journalism." ...

Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control -- After a school massacre, the U.K. banned handguns in 1998. A decade later, handgun crime had doubled.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Americans are determined that massacres such as happened in Newtown, Conn., never happen again. But how? Many advocate more effective treatment of mentally-ill people or armed protection in so-called gun-free zones. Many others demand stricter control of firearms."

"We aren't alone in facing this problem. Great Britain and Australia, for example, suffered mass shootings in the 1980s and 1990s. Both countries had very stringent gun laws when they occurred. Nevertheless, both decided that even stricter control of guns was the answer. Their experiences can be instructive." ...

Mind control is clearly needed more than gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the worst mass shooting of school children in U.S. history, Connecticut and the nation are embarking on an arduous journey every American hopes will lead us to a better place. Never before in my memory has an incident of deadly violence shaken this nation to its core and forced us to confront the lethal realities of mental health and access to weapons of easy slaughter."

"Before the victims of the Newtown massacre were even identified, there were emotional calls on social media for an outright ban on ownership of firearms by anyone other than police or the military. Sorry folks. You’d need a constitutional amendment to accomplish that feat. I think the Second Amendment is pretty clear on that subject:" ...

UT: Trainer for gun-toting teachers: 'Make it hard to kill a kid'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Class was in session Thursday for about 200 Utah teachers who will get special firearms training — working with a plastic gun in a conference room at a hockey arena — to carry concealed weapons in their classrooms."

"Since the Dec. 14 massacre of 20 children and six staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and the National Rifle Association news conference touting arming teachers for school security, such classes are drawing fresh attention." ...

Harry Reid may have to change his tone on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is a gun man, always has been."

"And although the Nevada native has welcomed the call by President Barack Obama to respond to the Newtown, Conn., massacre with action, Reid has yet to endorse — or even utter the phrase — 'gun control.'"

"Obama expects Reid to get the gun control legislation he’ll announce in January through Congress. Polls show a majority of Americans want Congress to act to regulate firearms after the Dec. 14 killings of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School."

"But before Reid can whip up votes on measures to scale back access to guns, he has to wrestle with the issue himself." ...

Obama: Guns for Me, But Not for Thee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy, anything the president says about his daughters and guns is of vital interest."

"During an interview with Barbara Walters, President Obama discussed how his daughter Malia has started dating."
"'One of the main incentives of running was continued Secret Service protection so we can have men with guns around at all times,' the father of two joked."
"Breitbart reports the Obamas send their daughters to a school with armed security."

"It’s completely reasonable for a concerned father to want the best protection possible for his children. We should all take our lead from the president on this matter."

"The problem is with Obama’s double standard. ..." ...

Feinstein going after semi-auto rifles, handguns and magazines
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Anti-gun Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has unveiled her proposed measure to ban so-called 'assault weapons' in 2013 and is pulling out all the stops by adding handguns and a registration requirement for pre-ban guns."

"Details of Feinstein’s measure have roared across the Internet gun rights forums, and firearms owners are bristling."

"Under her measure, pre-ban semiautomatic firearms dubbed 'assault weapons' would have to be registered under the National Firearms Act, same as machine guns and some other other firearms." ...

Ex-'regulatory czar' uses slick sleight of hand to justify banning modern guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Obama administration's former 'regulatory czar,' Cass Sunstein, is a man with some . . . interesting ideas (at least to those who find raving lunacy 'interesting'). ... He has written a book about the 'problem' of free speech, and cited the gun rights debate as an example of why he thinks there should be an Internet equivalent of the 'fairness doctrine,' so he and his fellow forcible citizen disarmament advocates can better compete against gun rights advocates online."

"Perhaps as a gift to those of us who enjoy irony, he recently wrote a column for Bloomberg, titled 'Gun Debate Must Avoid Crazy 2nd Amendment Claims.' In it, he wastes little time before making, well . . . crazy Second Amendment claims. For example:" ...

Handguns, rifles, magazines; Sen. Feinstein wants them all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sweeping proposal that would ban 120 specific firearms and 'certain other' rifles, handguns and shotguns, plus thumbhole rifle stocks and force the registration of pre-ban semiautomatic rifles under the National Firearms Act has been unveiled by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and ignited a fury across gun rights Internet forums." ...

Dead on Arrival: Leftist Feinstein wants sweeping gun ban; what you can do UPDATED: still dead.
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Can you spell O-V-E-R-R-E-A-C-H? I thought you could."

"Diane Feinstein, the elitist, freedom-hating Senator from California, released her vision of a new semi-auto gun ban to ban America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15, along with hundreds of other popular rifles, pistols and handguns Americans own and use to defend their families over a million times each year."

"Her outline for a bill, which isn’t even touted to reduce violent crime because, of course, it never will, is as flawed as her spelling in her much-touted press release."

"Under her proposal, existing guns would become subject to the National Firearms Act and owners would be subject to registration and fingerprinting."

"Most semi-auto rifles, pistols and shotguns would be banned ..." ...

Dianne Feinstein: Stopping the spread of deadly assault weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In January, Senator Feinstein will introduce a bill to stop the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition feeding devices."

Submitter's Note: Her website summarizes the updated "assault weapons" bill she plans to introduce in the new Congress.

DiFi Wants All “Assault Weapons” to be Registered Under NFA…Just Like Silencers and Machine Guns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s something that I think a lot of people have missed about Dianne Feinstein’s latest proposal for an 'Assault Weapons Ban.' Specifically, she wants all 'assault weapons' to be registered with the ATF under the National Firearms Act. Here’s the problem with that: the NFA branch of ATF is already totally overwhelmed . . ." ...

National Rifle Association vows to fight arms trade treaty at U.N.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The leading U.S. pro-gun group, the National Rifle Association, has vowed to fight a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global arms trade and dismissed suggestions that a recent U.S. school shooting bolstered the case for such a pact."

"The U.N. General Assembly voted on Monday to restart negotiations in mid-March on the first international treaty to regulate conventional arms trade ..." ...

"'I find it interesting that some of the folks that advocate the treaty say it would have no impact whatever within the United States but that it needs to be passed to prevent another occurrence of a school shooting such as took place in Newtown,' [NRA President David Keene] said. 'Both of those positions can't be correct.'" ...

Dianne Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban is Political Suicide For Democrats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Feinstein's new AWB] bill, as it stands, is an exemplary demonstration of what political suicide looks like."

"In one sweeping stroke, Feinstein intends to instigate the pro-gun lobby, alienate the majority of Americans who oppose re-instating a federal assault weapons ban, and run head long into a constitutional battle, all without even the faintest hope of bill passage." ...

Submitter's Note: To say nothing of initiating a bloody civil war . . .

NY: New Paltz Town Board takes stand on gun violence
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New Paltz Town Board has adopted, perhaps as the first municipality in the Mid-Hudson Valley, a resolution in support for a call to action to control gun violence."

"The town action comes as a direct result of the Newtown, Connecticut school tragedy of December 14."

"Town Supervisor Susan Zimet said the resolution was well thought out." ...

NY: Jaffee Signs Letter Urging Reduced Gun Violence
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee (D-Suffern) joined with 62 other state legislators in signing a letter to Senate and Assembly leadership calling for action to reduce gun violence." ...

The Role of Advocacy Groups in the Judicial Confirmation Process
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "Is the fact that the NRA has tried to influence the confirmation process improper? It seems to me that the answer is “no,” just like it was not improper for abortion rights groups to try to block several of George W. Bush’s nominees. Of course, you can agree or agree with the NRA’s decisions on the merits. Again, you can say their ads were over-the-top given the relatively sparse record on the issue. But again, we expect advocacy groups to try to use their influence on political bodies like the Senate when rights that they see as central to their mission are up for grabs. Maybe that opposition is misguided. But there is nothing improper about the advocacy groups scoring the vote or taking a position on the nomination." ...

CA: Veteran Sacramento Police Officer Arrested For Repeated Sexual Assault Of 78-Year-Old (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 22-year veteran Sacramento police officer has been arrested for the repeated sexual assault of a now 78-year-old woman while the officer was off duty."

"'That’s just a heinous crime, but for a police officer to do that was just horrible,' Sacramento Police Chief Rick Braziel said at a press conference."

"The initial assault took place on the afternoon of Nov. 25, 2010, at the woman’s residence near 24th Street and South Manor Drive. A suspect forcibly entered the victim’s apartment when she answered the door. He forced the victim to orally copulate him and have sexual intercourse." ...

CA: Former officer takes deal for embezzlement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former Half Moon Bay police officer accused of stealing $5,700 from the Police Officers Association accepted a plea deal yesterday that will land him 90 days in jail for felony embezzlement." ...

IA: Former Des Moines Police Officer Gets More Prison Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Des Moines police officer has entered an Alford plea to more charges in connection with using excessive force during a 2008 traffic stop."

"Mersed Dautovic, 29, entered the plea Friday to assault, felony misconduct in office and perjury. An Alford plea means Dautovic doesn't admit guilt but acknowledges there is enough evidence to convict him."

"Dautovic was given a five-year sentence Friday that will run concurrently with a federal 20-month sentence." ...

NC: Feds Scorch Sheriff for Racial Bias
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A North Carolina sheriff orders officers to discriminate against Latinos, telling them, 'go out there and get me some of those taco eaters,' and blew off the federal government's order to stop it, calling a Justice Department report "meaningless," the United States claims in court."

"The United States of America sued Alamance County Sheriff Terry S. Johnson, in his official capacity, after a 2-year investigation of his office." ...

AL: Former Moulton police officer charged with child abuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer in a north Alabama town has been indicted for allegedly beating two 8-year-old girls."

"The Decatur Daily reports that former Moulton police officer Mitchell Breland was charged by a Lawrence County grand jury. Authorities had arrested the 27-year-old in September after an investigation by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation." ...

CA: Former Novato police officer in the hot seat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sentencing of those convicted of murdering Novato resident Tong Van Le was delayed in September, after the credibility of a former Novato police officer assigned to the case came into question. Now, the former cop is suspected of stealing, using and distributing narcotics that were meant to be destroyed."

"The case is at a standstill with the emergence of 'Brady material,' which is defined as possibly impeaching information to the guilt, innocence or punishment of a defendant. The four defendants were found guilty of murder in May and face life behind bars." ...

N.Y. State Rep. Greg Ball on Newspaper Publishing Names of Gun Permit Owners: ‘It Was a Very Stupid Idea’ (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A New York newspaper has faced outrage over the past few days after publishing the names and addresses of people with handgun licenses in an online map."

"The Journal News says the information was obtained through public records and defends publishing it, but many are angry and feel the move creates severe security risks. Critics argue that criminals wanting to steal guns now have a list of possible targets, while also knowing which homeowners are likely unarmed." ...

Gutfeld rips paper publishing gun owners addresses: Makes non-gun owners ‘the easiest marks’ (video available)
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"On Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s 'The Five,' co-host Greg Gutfeld took on Westchester County, N.Y.’s The Journal News for publishing the names and addresses of gun owners with its new controversial 'gun-owner database,' saying 'this article is the best argument for gun ownership ever' because it makes non-gun owners 'the easiest marks.'" ...

NY: Paper Criticized for Publishing Home Addresses of Gun Owners
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The Journal News, a Westchester County, NY paper, has stirred a lot of outrage over its publication this week of a map with the names and home addresses of those with permits for handguns. The story's headline was 'Where are the Guns in Your Neighborhood?'" ...

Gun owner map ricochet: Blogger publishes journalists' personal data
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The flap over the newspaper that published information about handgun owners in two New York counties has ricocheted back toward the news organization."

"Thousands of critics – including some journalism professionals – have weighed in. And at least one blogger has retaliated by publishing the names and addresses of editors and executives at the Journal News, the publication headquartered in White Plains, N.Y., north of New York City and part of the Gannett organization."

"Still, the Journal News is not backing down. ..." ...

Submitter's comment: Test yourself with the Second Amendment Quiz.

NY: Map: Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The map indicates the addresses of all Journal News Employees in the New York Tri-State area. Each dot represents an individual Journal News employee -- a reporter, editor or staffer. The data does not include freelancers — reporters or photographers — which can be hired without being an employee. Being included in this map does not mean the individual at a specific location is a responsible reporter or editor, just that they are a reporter or editor." ...

NY: Sharp criticism after New York newspaper publishes names of local gun owners
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "The Gannett-owned Journal News, headquartered in White Plains, N.Y., used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain information on some 44,000 registered handgun owners in Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam Counties, just north of New York City. It then published that information online over the weekend using Google Maps to show exactly where those gun owners live."

"In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, gun ownership is a touchy subject – politically and socially – and the decision by The Journal News to obtain and publish such information has drawn sharp and critical response." ...

Focus on Gun Control Sells Guns. Many, Many Guns.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The media’s focus on gun control in the wake of the tragic Newtown, CT and Webster, NY shootings is not very likely to lead to the passage of new gun control legislation. The issue of bearing arms has been adjudicated repeatedly, and the Supreme Court has found that Americans do have that right. Little noticed, a federal appeals court on December 11 ruled that the state of Illinois must allow ordinary individuals to carry concealed firearms. That ruling follows in the wake of Heller ..." ...

"But while the media and the Democrats hysterically demonize law-abiding gun owners and push gun control legislation, they’re actually selling an awful lot of guns. ..." ...

Taking gun war's pulse on Facebook, Twitter
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"One way to get a sense of how people feel about guns and owning them is to check Facebook and Twitter."

"On Wednesday, some people posted photos of themselves on Twitter with the guns they received for Christmas; others expressed disgust at such displays." ...

ME: Washington County sheriff: Maine’s concealed carry law ‘scares me to death’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Winter Harbor doctor’s inadvertently leaving a loaded gun in the bathroom of Ellsworth’s L.L. Bean Outlet was a 'blip on the radar' of more than 40 years of military and medical service, said the doctor’s son."

"But Washington County Sheriff Donnie Smith said Thursday that incidents such as these are a cause for concern amid increasing requests for concealed carry permits in Maine."

"'We’ve got thousands of people now with concealed carry permits,' Smith said. 'You know, you carry a gun, you’re probably gonna have to take it out of its holster, and this could very easily happen.'" ...

NV: Organizer expects record turnout this weekend at Las Vegas gun show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Organizers of a gun show in town this weekend expect bigger crowds as more first-time buyers, buoyed by safety fears and any looming federal crackdown on gun sales, flock to Cashman Center."

"'This is the largest gun show we’ve ever had or anyone has ever had in Las Vegas,' said Bob Templeton, president of Crossroads of the West Gun Shows."

"The show typically draws 6,000 to 7,000 customers during its two-day stay in Las Vegas, but based on presale ticket numbers, organizers think attendance could surge as high as 12,000, Templeton said." ...

NY: Staten Island Community Education Council Pushing For Guns In Schools
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"In the push for increased school safety in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, some parents on Staten Island are pushing for guns in school."

"It’s all part of a proposal that calls for the weapons to be held by retired city cops, but as CBS 2′s Sean Hennessey reported Thursday, not everyone is convinced it’s the way to go." ...

NY: Local officials support Remington despite shootings
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York state has spent nearly $6 million over the past three years on subsidies for Remington Arms Co., the two-century-old factory in Ilion that makes firearms including semiautomatic rifles used by the military and police and like those used in the recent mass killings in Connecticut and Webster, N.Y."

"Though several elected leaders in this tough-on-guns state want tighter restrictions on those military-style weapons, none say it’s time to stop supporting the local company and risk the nearly 1,000 jobs it provides in the central New York community. The gunmaker has plenty of defenders, particularly those who support the continued manufacture of weapons used by the military or police." ...

MD: Under The Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the past two weeks, callers who successfully navigated the automated prompts at Atlantic Firearms didn’t reach an employee, but an unusual voice mail."

"After pressing No. 2 for 'help choosing a weapon,' callers heard:"

"'Due to potential for a new assault weapons ban our office is experiencing extremely high call volume,' a man stated. 'We appreciate your patience during this extremely busy period.'"

"Atlantic Firearms wasn’t alone in customer demand. Gun stores throughout Delmarva have seen their shops fill with buyers and their shelves empty as discussion of an assault weapons ban led gun owners to bulk up their caches." ...

CO: The National Rifle Association is unreasonable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's defiant stance and utter lack of empathy about the Connecticut will doom that organization. Because the NRA is acting unreasonably and refuses to compromise in any way regarding increased regulation it will result in increased regulation."

"Maybe the Obama administration will not repeal the Second Amendment like I suggest but there will be some legislation passed regulating general gun sales overall and probably a ban on the sale of assault weapons and semi-automatic guns and large capacity bullet clips." ...

CA: CBS: “Californians Honor Newtown Victims by Selling their Guns” (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How does selling your gun to the government, disarming yourself at the taxpayer’s expense, honor the victims of a spree killer? CBS knows! 'Angela Atkins came to the Los Angeles gun buyback with two hunting rifles and thoughts of the children who died in Newtown, Connecticut. 'It was emotional,' she said. 'I cried. And I just felt like those were everybody’s children.' Asked if she is getting rid of her only guns, Atkins said: ‘Yeah. I couldn’t send them a sympathy card or anything, so I just said, 'Well, that’s the best thing I can do.' Double notprops to CBS for A) finding someone who made that illogical leap and B) not mentioning all the other participants at the no-questions-asked LA Gun Buyback ..." ...

NJ: Historic rifle store owner offers condolences to Newtown residents, cautions for calm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When asked about calls to make purchasing any gun more difficult, Imperato said it is too complex of an issue for sweeping legislation."

"'Urban America and the media shouldn’t make decisions for the national country at large,' he said. 'In rural America and most of suburban America, guns are a safe way of life. But in light of any tragedy, people should be looking at any and all ways of how to prevent it from happening again.'" ...

Both the oligarch and Tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms. — Aristotle

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