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Newslinks for 12/29/2001

New Year's Gun Firing Discouraged
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A man whose son was critically injured in a random New Year's Eve shooting joined city officials Wednesday in urging an end to the tradition of firing off weapons to ring in a new year.

"It's a totally absurd tradition," said Gregory Jaskolka, whose son Joseph was injured three years ago.

Jaskoklka was among several antigun advocates who helped launch this year's campaign against gunfire revelry.

Chicago Tribune Asks Your Advice on Reducing Homicides in Chicago
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Chicago Tribune editorial on Chicago being the murder capitol of the world follows. Since the Tribune suggests we "search hard" for new ideas I decided to oblige them:..." -by John Birch, President, Concealed Carry, Inc.

FL: Computer aids gun training: Officers work in virtual-reality situations
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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DAYTONA BEACH -- Volusia sheriff's Sgt. Les Cantrell II stood ready to draw a mock service weapon before a video screen, not knowing if the agency's new firearms training system would force him to fire a "lethal" laser beam at a virtual-reality bad guy.

TX: Police warn of dangers of random gunfire
Submitted by: serinde

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Police are distributing more than 500 posters to businesses, shopping centers and sports and entertainment venues to warn New Year's revelers of the dangers of random gunfire.

Since the early 1990s, Dallas police have tried to educate residents about the dangers of firing guns to celebrate the New Year's arrival...

Many people believe that firing a gun into the air is safe because they aren't aiming at a person or thing, but the practice can have deadly results, police said.

SC: Guns, beer, fun mix at turkey shoots
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The Friday night turkey shoot at Gertie's Private Lounge in Edmund is one of those events your mama warned you to avoid.

It's long-necked beer bottles and long-barrel rifles. It's plenty of profanity and no prohibitions. In a roundabout way, it's gambling and grocery shopping simultaneously.

It's also a blast, which explains why dozens of people gather outside the honky-tonk on S.C.302 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights in November and December.

OR: Trio indicted on "gun sale charges"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A federal grand jury has indicted three Weston residents on charges they "illegally sold firearms."

Viktor Mascak, his girlfriend Beatrice "Jo" Lowe and Mascak's son, Jamie Mascak, face 56 charges that include giving "false statements to authorities" and "selling firearms without a license."

Travelers ask means to defend themselves
Submitted by: serinde

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A weekend incident in which passengers and flight attendants subdued a possible suicide bomber is fueling a debate among airlines, passengers and crew members over how to prevent such incidents without creating additional risks.

"'s really up to the flight attendants and the passengers to protect themselves," said David Stempler, president of the Air Travelers Association, a grassroots group representing U.S. airline passengers. "And right now they don't have all the tools they need."

UT: Weapons may be checked outside Olympic venues
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun-rights advocates who hold concealed weapons permits can set up their own gun storage lockers outside Olympic venues during the games - as long as they pay for it themselves and thread the city's bureaucratic permit maze."

South Africa: Hidden Agenda in Gun Control
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"However, these same statistics have blown apart the toxic mumblings of the antifirearm and victimdisarmament brigade."

"How do they explain the reduction in violent crime when in the same period there was an increase of 64% in licensed firearms? The Firearms Control Act has not been implemented (now scheduled for 2003), and cannot be included in any equation."

CA: State mandating gun locks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Gun legislation passed in 1999 that will take effect next week is causing gun dealers to scramble in search for suitable firearm safety devices.

Martin Galindo, an employee at Shooter's Paradise in Yuba City, said in accordance with Assembly Bill 106, effective Tuesday, gun dealers will be prohibited from delivering a firearm to someone who does not also purchase or provide their own state-approved safety device at the time of delivery.

MT: Police retreat from man with gun
Submitted by: kevin Novak

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After speaking with the process servers, police determined that the incident did not meet the standard for assault – S2 because the gun was not pointed at the man who went to the door – and decided to leave the area.

“There was no assault with a weapon, and we’re not going to make a big issue over a land (deed),” said police Sgt. Ken Dove. “It’s called picking your battles.”

CO: Family Claims SWAT Killed Student (followup)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The family of slain Columbine student Daniel Rohrbough claims a Denver police officer killed the boy as he fled the massacre inside the school.

A motion filed Wednesday in federal court said Sgt. Dan O'Shea, a member of the SWAT team during the April 20, 1999, shootings, was identified through testimony by a school administrator, Celine Marquez, who said O'Shea told her two days after the shooting that he feared he may have shot an innocent student.

OH: Judge's past may enter gun case (followup)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Trial lawyers in criminal cases often ask prospective jurors if they - or a family member - have been arrested or have been a crime victim to see if that experience might taint their decision-making.

Judge Robert Ruehlman, who soon will rule in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court on whether Ohio's concealed weapons law is unconstitutional, had just such an experience - his wife and baby were kidnapped at gunpoint 12 years ago.

CA: Redwood City offering reward to help find people firing guns on New Year's Eve
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Redwood City police are renewing their annual "Silent Night" campaign to cut down on New Year's Eve gunfire - and this year there's an added incentive.

The city will pay a $500 reward for information that leads to the arrest of anybody who fires a gun to celebrate the arrival of 2002.

Floundering HCI thrown a life preserver
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence gratefully acknowledges the charitable gifts given to it by businessman/philanthropist John Hechinger, Sr. and his family, and the late political cartoonist, Herblock. Their donations, totaling $500,000, will be used to further the Brady Center's work to reduce gun deaths and injury in this country."

Let Americans protect themselves! (followup)
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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In fact, many lawmakers already think so. Roll Call, the magazine that covers Capitol Hill, reported that since Sept 11, some of the staunchest gun-control supporters in Congress have bought firearms and have taken training.

UK: Briton faces quiz over "US gun camp"
Submitted by: WildWest

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"A British bodyguard instructor is to be questioned by the Crown Prosecution Service over allegations that he ran weapons training camps for Islamic militants in the United States."

"They suspect the courses were run from the Ground Zero firearms training camp outside Marion, Alabama"

"Authorities wanted to contact Mark Yates about his alleged involvement in the "Ultimate Jihad Challenge," which claimed to offer "live fire" training in secret American camps."

UN drops probe on trafficking charges against police officers
Submitted by: WildWest

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"Thr United Nations quashed an investigation earlier this year into whether UN police were directly involved in the enslavement of Eastern European women in Bosnian brothels, according to UN officials and internal documents."

"Within weeks, Lamb said, his inquiry found enough evidence to justify a full-scale criminal investigation." " But Lamb said they faced physical threats and that he found ‘‘a real reluctance’’ on the part of the UN leadership to investigate these allegations."

Read the Washington Post version here:
U.N. Halted Probe of Officers' Alleged Role in Sex Trafficking

UK: Torrington murder "investigations" continue
Submitted by: WildWest

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--Disturbing how they are now given "special permission" to detain these men. Rights? What rights?

"A 17-year-old youth and a 41-year-old man have been held by police overnight for questioning about a fatal stabbing in North Devon."

"Special permission has now been given to continue detaining the man and teenager for longer than 24 hours."

The Bill of Rights - A Personal Guarantee and Responsibility
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As a free American, it is your right and duty to be armed in order to stand guard against government tyranny and oppression!

As Recently As 1946, American Citizens Were Forced To Take Up Arms As A Last Resort Against Corrupt Government Officials.

Read: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

RI: E. Providence Officer Slain in SWAT Drill
Submitted by: john fansler

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The rifle that fired a shot killing an East Providence police officer in a training exercise yesterday arrived on the scene after the drill had begun and *other* guns had been checked.



KABA NOTE: Here's the CBS News (AP) version

Israel: IDF trying out new assault rifle
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The IDF is undergoing trials of a new assault rifle that may replace the American-made M-16. The new weapon, called the Tavor, is manufactured by TAAS-Israel Industries. The IDF is also testing the American-made M-4, the successor to the M-16. If the Tavor is selected, TAAS will probably produce the weapon under license in the United States.

NYC, Queens: FBI Guns Stolen From Agent's Car
Submitted by: SASister

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They always shreik: "we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children!!!"

Perhaps disarming the incompetent FBI would be a start.

CO: Friend charged in fatal gun 'duel'
Submitted by: SASister

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I honestly don't intend to sound heartless and cruel, but I admit I had to choose between sending this to KABA or submitting it to the folks at the Darwin Awards.

Two young men bird hunting at a State Park decided to have a "mock duel" with their loaded shotguns.

I know kids do dumb things, but...sheesh.

SC: Self-defense, Gun Ownership, and Homeland Security
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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In South Carolina, more than 40,000 citizens have taken the time and expense to obtain CCW permits. Since these permits became readily available, SLED has reported no serious problems. While it is obvious that permit holders are good citizens, the law places many restrictions on when and where they may carry guns. With so many responsible gun owners trained and available to help, shouldn't we be finding ways to encourage, rather than discourage, their participation in homeland defense?

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

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