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Newslinks for 12/29/2016

Obama Administration Yanks Second Amendment Rights from SSI Recipients
Submitted by: jac

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Last week, the Obama administration put the finishing touches on a new policy that would deprive recipients of disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) of their Second Amendment rights. The administration will now characterize those citizens as "mental defectives," thereby having their ability to own a firearm subject to the federal Gun Control Act.

The new definition of "mentally defective" has nothing to do with being mentally ill.

Although Obama likes to empty out Guantanamo Bay of dangerous terrorists and commute the sentences of criminals guilty of breaking federal firearms laws, he doesn't like law-abiding American citizens to possess firearms.

NJ: Exonerated N.J. man seeks $150K in suit after 3 years in prison for BB gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Middlesex County man cleared of a conviction that landed him in prison for three years over a BB gun is suing the state for damages, which could pay out upwards of $150,000.

The wrongful conviction lawsuit was filed on Dec. 14 in Middlesex County Superior Court after the state appellate court ruled the case against 30-year-old hinged on warrantless search.

MI: Charges could come this week for deputy who fired gun in school
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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A decision is expected to come down this week on whether or not a Bay County Sheriff's deputy who fired his pistol inside a classroom will face criminal charges.

Tuscola County Prosecutor Mark Reene is conducting a press conference at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 29. At that time, Reene is expected to provide information regarding his office's findings on the investigation of Deputy Adam J. Brown, who fired a handgun inside the Bay City Western High School and Middle School building at 500 W. Midland Road last month.

Though Brown was engaged in conversations with school staff on the projectile's origin, he did not admit to having fired a gun, reports indicate.

FL: Jackson County death looks to be self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Jackson County Sheriff's Office says the death of a man Tuesday following a shooting looks to be a case of self-defense.

According to JCSO, during a family Christmas gathering in a home on Highway 2 east of Campbellton, Luke Edward Walker III pulled a gun and shot Annette Cotton, 55, point blank in the head before taking off into some nearby woods.

FL: Bradley trying again on Stand Your Ground
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Sen. Rob Bradley doesn’t like Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, but not for the reasons many people might assume.

He doesn’t think it goes far enough.

“Stand Your Ground,” adopted in 2005, allows citizens to use deadly force in defense of their lives or property – instead of fleeing – even if they initiated the conflict with the other party. In 2015, a 5-2 Florida Supreme Court decision in Bretherick v. Florida found that people charged in “Stand Your Ground” shootings must prove in pre-trial proceedings that they are entitled to employ the immunity defense.

Top 10 Most Important Gun Rights Cases of 2016
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since 2010’s McDonald v. Chicago ruling, however, the Supreme Court has not accepted any significant cases directly related to the Second Amendment. Therefore, once again, 2016’s most interesting and potentially important rulings were issued in federal circuit or district courts, or in state courts.

Which underscores an under-emphasized component of the litigative infrastructure that President Trump will also have an opportunity to address: As of October, 12 of 179 judgeships in the 13 federal circuit courts were vacant and at least 77 — or 11.5 percent — of 673 judgeships in the 93 federal district courts were unfilled.

Weaponized Drones and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A spectacular (and loud) YouTube video showing a drone rigged with a handgun actually firing bullets freaked out a lot of folks last year. In response, several states have passed legislation outlawing such weaponized drones. In 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed in its decision in District of Columbia v. Heller that "the Second Amendment protects a personal right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes, most notably for self-defense within the home." So does the Second Amendment protect the right of Americans to have and use armed drones for self-defense?

MD: Gun purchase process goes digital in Maryland
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun buyers in Maryland will have to apply for their weapons online starting the first of the year.

The new process is part of the sweeping Firearm Safety Act of 2013, which banned 45 so-called “assault weapons,” capped magazine capacities at 10 rounds and beefed up background checks. The law requires new gun buyers to submit a fingerprint and undergo safety training. Maryland State Police say the new online application process will be more efficient.

UT: Woman With Gun Wins Against Three Armed Intruders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The below video shows several different security camera angles of an engagement between a homeowner and three armed attackers. One of the attackers was killed during the event.

You may need to watch each angle several times to see what happens. We are making no comments on what was done right or wrong in this video. What we are noting is the fighting mindset that this woman had.

IN: Indiana lawmaker's bill that would get rid of existing laws requiring a licence to carry a gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Indiana lawmaker is proposing a bill that would allow Hoosiers to carry a handgun without a license.

State Rep. Jim Lucas, R-Seymour, said there is a large increase in the number of people who are applying for a license to carry a handgun – both in Indiana and across the nation.

He said the application process is “burdensome” and something gun owners shouldn’t have to do.

State law currently requires a person to have a license in order to carry a handgun in their car or on themselves. That would change under Lucas’ bill. As a result, several Class A and Class B misdemeanors would also be eliminated.

NC: NC GOP leader shows off an AK-style rifle ‘Christmas gift.’ Some aren’t impressed.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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N.C. Republican Party executive director Dallas Woodhouse caused a stir on social media this week when he posted a picture on Facebook and Twitter in which he’s holding an AK-style semi-automatic rifle.

“Best Christmas present ever !!” Woodhouse wrote in the post.

The post has drawn hundreds of comments, some of which praised the GOP leader for exercising his Second Amendment right to own a gun. “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! God bless you!” one person wrote.

But in a sign of the political divisions surrounding gun ownership, other comments were more critical. Several pointed out that the gun’s safety appeared to be turned off in the photo. “Get a clue before you injure or kill someone,” said one commenter.

CA: Sales Of Semi-Automatic Rifles More Than Doubled Ahead Of New California Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you've been maintaining the fantasy of the Left Coast being immune from the gun-toting scariness of the more Trump-friendly regions of the country, you may be surprised to learn that gun sales have boomed this year in California compared to last year, likely following a series of gun control bills signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in July. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports that sales of rifles with "bullet buttons" for quicker swapping of ammunition magazines — one type of gun feature that will soon be banned under a new law — have soared 40 percent year over year, as of December.

CO: Colorado’s Anti-gun Laws Cost the State Jobs, Tax Revenues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Justice of a sort was delivered last week when Magpul announced that it had inked an exclusive contract with the U.S. Marines to supply all its magazines into the future. This frustrated Republican Kevin Grantham (present in the legislature when the bill was being passed by the Democrats over the Republican Party’s minority opposition) who is now serving as state senate president:

American Rifleman's 2017 Golden Bullseye Winners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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2016 was yet another remarkable year for innovative product introductions in the way of firearms and accessories, offering American Rifleman editors much to ponder in their decision-making for the 2017 coveted Golden Bullseye awards. Selections have been made, and NRA Publications will present its annual Golden Bullseye Awards and Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award at an invitation-only breakfast on Friday, April 28, during the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Atlanta, Ga.

IL: Illinois concealed carry classes aim at increasing safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jim Owens, a former Decatur police officer, teaches his students a lot more than how to shoot straight and load their weapons.

The motto of his concealed carry instruction school is "win the fight," which translates to surviving an attack and ending a deadly threat.

In a recent session attended by three women and two men, Owens taught them how to quickly reload a handgun while in the middle of a gun battle.

"You need to be carrying another magazine, two magazines at least," said Owens, who works full-time as an investigator with the Macon County State's Attorney's Office. "You're not going to count rounds in a gun fight."

How Guns Work: An NRA + OutdoorHub Infographic
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In celebration of cartridges big and small, we partnered with OutdoorHub to bring you a detailed look into how guns work. While the infographic will be most instructive to newcomers, we think avid shooters will find it interesting, too.

MO: Provisions involving changes to Missouri’s gun laws begin January 1
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the most controversial provisions of gun legislation passed this year by the state legislature takes effect on Sunday. So-called “constitutional carry” will let Missourians 21 and older who can legally own guns carry them concealed anywhere they can now openly carry, and do so without a permit. Senator Brian Munzlinger (R-Williamstown) sponsored the measure.

MO: When the NRA Calls the Shots: Inside the 'Reasonable Killing' of a 13-Year-Old Boy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Shortly before 12:45 a.m., the boys came upon a blue 1991 Oldsmobile sedan, parked in a carport behind a closed chain link gate, next to a white garage. The interior light had been left on, and it caught their attention. They were children with little access to spending money, and thought there might be some in the vehicle. They set down their bicycles and hopped over the gate.

22 Magnum vs. 380 ACP in Ballistic Gel
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nothing spurs debate like the potency of defensive handgun cartridges. The 22 Magnum cartridge has its share of lovers and haters and I happen to be a fan. Some give it the small-bullet talk while others compare it favorably to the decently regarded 380 ACP round. It just so happens that I have a pair of concealed carry type of handguns chambered for both rounds, so I felt that a ballistics gel test was in order. The results, though imperfect, are eye-opening.

Historic Election Brings New Opportunities For Second Amendment Supporters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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November 6, 2012, was a difficult day. As I thought about what I could say in these pages as we contemplated another four years with Barack Obama as president and Joe Biden as vice president, I recalled the words of Alexis de Tocqueville, one of the keenest observers of American democracy.

“The greatness of America lies,” de Tocqueville wrote, “in her ability to repair her faults.

PA: Court Reminds Local Governments They Lack Authority to Restrict Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group, Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC), initially approached the Township to repeal the ordinance, based on state preemption. The Township declined, relying on its rights as a property owner and claiming the ordinance was consistent with the UFA preemption language because it only prohibited the unlawful possession of firearms in parks, allowing for possession with a “special permit.”

In the ensuing litigation challenging the validity of the ordinance, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, in a 2-1 decision, reversed a 2015 trial court decision and enjoined enforcement of the ordinance. Firearm Owners Against Crime v. Lower Merion Township, No. 1693 C.D. 2015 (Pa. Commw. Ct. Dec. 16, 2016).

OR: Gun Rights Lobby took aim at Val Hoyle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A recent vote by the Lane County Board of Commissioners to fill Sen. Chris Edward’s seat in the Oregon State Legislature drew comment from the governor, the Democratic Party and, most vociferously, the gun lobby.

Before the Dec. 14 vote, the County Commission received several hundred emails from gun-rights activists weighing in against former state representative and Oregon secretary of state candidate Val Hoyle, who was the Democratic Party’s top pick.

The commissioners voted 3-2 to buck the Democrats’ choice and select James Manning for the position. The vote came after 400 to 500 emails came to the commissioners, “dominantly from outside of Lane County,” Commissioner Pete Sorenson says.

How To Choose The Best Barrel Length
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you’re into starting ugly debates online, go to a shotgun forum and ask which barrel length is best. Of all the contentious topics in the world of firearms, this elicits some of the most ferocious and deeply divided responses. It seems like choosing the right barrel length for your shotgun should be pretty basic—far simpler than, say, the nuanced sciences of choke selection or the proper shot size for hunting game. But the barrel battle still wages. So, what’s the verdict?

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE

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