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Newslinks for 12/3/2001

First anti-gun attempt to put MORE restrictions on Michigan's CCW law
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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House Bill 5471 was introduced on 11/29/01 by gun-hating state rep Gilda bar anyone with a Concealed Pistol License from any public library. Granted there has never been a shooting in a public library anywhere in America by a licensed citizen, but Jacobs and a small core of anti-gun legislators don’t care about facts. They just want to take away the right to carry bit by bit and this is their first bite.

...we’ve compiled some information about them. Please spread this around...

Philippines: Mayor defends cop in firing gun against fish vendors
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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Initially, the vendors left the place and after a few minutes, Espejo learned later that the vendors returned to their respective places and continued selling their goods.

Immediately, Espejo proceeded to the area. Upon seeing the vendors, he pulled out his service firearm and fired a warning shot in the air.

Swiss reject plan to scrap army
Submitted by: John Fansler

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The people of Switzerland have rejected a proposal to scrap the country's armed forces.

Opponents of the army say there is no point in neutral Switzerland maintaining a fighting force, which it claims costs more than $5.5bn a year to maintain.

Abolishing the army, they say, would free up resources and people that Switzerland could invest instead in non-military initiatives, both at home and abroad.

Ashcroft Seeking to Free F.B.I. to Spy on Groups
Submitted by: BG

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Attorney General John Ashcroft is considering a plan to relax restrictions on the F.B.I.'s spying on religious and political organizations. The proposal would loosen one of the most fundamental restrictions on the conduct of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and would be another step by the Bush administration to modify civil-liberties protections as a means of "defending the country against terrorists".

Bush Team Seeks Broader Surveillance Powers
Submitted by: BG

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The Bush administration is asking Congress for a second major expansion of federal surveillance powers that legal experts say would radically change laws that have long protected the rights of Americans.

A Justice Department proposal would eliminate the chief legal safeguard in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). A CIA proposal seeks legal authority to gather telephone and Internet records from domestic communication companies.

Terrorism vs. Tyranny - Which Is More Dangerous?
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"The Bill of Rights contains no "exceptions" to any of the first ten amendments during times of "national crisis" or "terrorism" or whatever else might panic our pusillanimous politicians into passing "antiterrorism" bills they admit they've not even read. Neither terrorism nor corrupt political leadership are new concepts, so as we celebrate Bill of Rights Day...spend the dime calling congress and reminding them why Americans have guns." --Andrew Johnstone, RPh/MD,

The Government That Cried "Terrorist"
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"...I didn't answer my friend. I didn't know what to say. And then I realized that wordlessness on my part was information of some kind in itself. Fact is, her question made me angry -- not at her -- because I couldn't reply, 'Nonsense -- our government doesn't do things like that!'..." --L. Neil Smith

The Security Of A Free State
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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There has been much debate over the "interpretation" of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Most of this debate has been focused on the phrases "A well-regulated militia" and "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." the aftermath of the September 11th attacks in New York and at the Pentagon, I have come to the position that there is even more to this amendment than most of us previously realized... --Frank W. Kelley

'Patriot Act' or privacy slap?
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Metcalf interviews professor on government use of surveillance:

Q: I continue to hear..."Hey, if you don't have anything to hide, what do you care if the government is looking into your stuff?"

A: ...we can't be sure if we have anything to hide, because nowadays there are so many vague and conflicting laws and so many laws and regulations that an ordinary person can't know if he or she is in compliance with all those things...

CA: Gun owners trade firearms for goodies
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Asked why he traded two guns for San Jose Sharks tickets and an armload of hockey paraphernalia, Rudy Vega of San Jose glanced down at his 2-year-old son, who was cheerfully waving an autographed puck.

"Because I have two little kids in the house," he said. "You just hear so many bad stories. It's not worth it."

KABA NOTE: Yes, the media has done a great job making it look like firearm accidents are a common thing.

McCain - Champion Of New Gun Laws
Submitted by: Carma Lewis

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"Foreign terrorists have exploited a loophole to buy weapons at gun shows," McCain said. "Clearly, alleged members of terrorist organizations have been able to secure guns and weapons using the gun-show loophole."

McCain (also) believes that "the rights of gun owners come with responsibilities." (Kind of like a privelege)

Northwestern University: Heston appalled by Dohrn
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Charlton Heston, former Northwestern student and world-famous actor, said on Monday that he is "shocked" by the presence of 70s terrorist Bernadine Dohrn at NU's law school, and is currently considering whether he will continue to donate money to his alma mater. "I'm amazed and, I have to say, shocked that a university with the reputation of Northwestern would hire an unrepentant terrorist like her," Heston told the Chronicle. "I'm appalled."...

CNN's 'Commie Dictator' Influence?
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Ted Turner, founder of the Cable News Network, said it was Cuban leader Fidel Castro who inspired him to broadcast CNN into other countries around the world. Castro invited Turner to visit Cuba in 1982 after a CNN news team visited the communist nation.

After his 1982 meeting with Castro, Turner commented, "Fidel ain't a communist. He's a dictator just like me."

KABA NOTE: While not directly RKBA-related, this exemplifies the mindset of a man (Turner) who owns so much American Media...

Susan Howard Wins 2001 Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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In recognition of her own passionate defense of freedom as exhibited by her active protection of the Second Amendment, despite knowing that her position is not popular among many in the entertainment industry, and her support of NRA's safety and education programs, it is only fitting that Susan Howard has been awarded the 2001 Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award.

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. — Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson

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