Weapons detectors in service worldwide
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Ranger Security Devices began making mine sweepers and metal detectors used by beachcombers in 1966. Today, its walk-through detectors, designed to find weapons before their owners can wreak mayhem in a school, courtroom or airplane, are being sold around the world.
The company predicts that metal detectors of the future will sniff for traces of radioactivity and search for familiar faces in the crowd. |
Pakistan: Police Make Weapons Seizure
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Pakistani police have made the country's largest-ever seizure of arms and ammunition, allegedly smuggled from neighboring Afghanistan. Buried in "empty house": 30,000 rounds of ammo, 124 submachine guns, 248 rifles, 1 recoiless rifle, and 2 mortars with 342 mortar rounds, and rockets. |
Somalia: "Militia Leader" wants International troop intervention
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"I myself can mobilize...50,000 of my Militia and fight alongside any International force...to help eradicate (terrorists). The Government "strongly denied" terror cells exist, and that outside forces would be used against rival Militias... |
IN: Shopper's gun discharges in Castleton Square, No one hurt
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Duncan Adams
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A crowd of holiday shoppers was stunned into silence after a .38-caliber handgun went off in the Castleton Square Mall food court about 3:30p.m. Sunday. So was the gun's owner.
"It scared the hell out of me, because I thought somebody was shooting at us," said Charles Whitacre, whose weapon accidentally discharged.
KABA NOTE: What is really pathetic is that this made the news at all. Traffic accidents and near-accidents happen every minute of every day, and nobody thinks twice. |
Insecure Security
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"The proper way to do airport security is brought to us by El Al Airlines. I have flown Israel's national airline many times and have always been impressed with the way they interrogate every passenger. That's right, interrogate... The Bush administration should support the Israelization of American airline security, and it should make it a high priority, no matter what the cost." --Cal Thomas |
NJ: Court puts the lid on nosy (school) questionnaires
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"schools increasingly demand that students answer nosy questions unrelated to academics. That practice may soon end due to a federal appellate decision issued recently in C.N. v. Ridgewood Board of Education. The Court held against the Ridgewood (N.J.) school district's use of an intrusive questionnaire."
KABA NOTE: Not directly RKBA-related, but definitely GREAT news for our children's rights! |
Flight Attendants, Passengers, Confront Highjacker
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Marvin Newcomb
Website: http://nowscape.com/fija/fija_us.htm
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Flight attendants and passengers on a flight from Paris to Miami on Saturday overpowered a man who appeared to be trying to blow the plane up with explosives packed in his shoes, U.S. aviation officials said.
CNN reported that during the struggle the man had bitten a woman flight attendant. It said other passengers had used their belts to tie him up and doctors on the plane had given him sedatives three times. |
TX: Project ChildSafe brings "free" gun locks to county
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In an effort to "prevent injuries and deaths from accidental shootings," police are teaming up with the state to distribute gun-safety kits to Wilson County residents.
"Project ChildSafe" receives funding from the criminal-justice division of the governor's office. [KABA NOTE: The locks aren't "free," they're paid for by citizens' taxes.]
One of its goals is to "help safeguard children from suffering a tragic injury because of an improperly stored firearm." |
Government Wants Stake in Airlines
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The U.S, government is taking a page from the 1979 Chrysler bailout and demanding the airline industries turn over stock certificates in exchange for the loan guarantees approved in airport security legislation signed into law earlier this year. Lawmakers mandated that airlines allow government purchases of stocks in exchange for loan guarantees.
Also see Shonda Ponder's article on this subject, The Government Mafia |
So-called "Patriot" Anti-terrorism Law (followup)
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"How can you possibly understand the actions of the MAJORITY of 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 members of the Senate in passing into law a bill which not ONE member of either house had even seen let alone had time to read and understand? How could they enact into law, a bill of close to 400 pages of text, which they had not only not seen but upon which there had not been even ONE hearing held in EITHER house of Congress?" --Albert V. Burns |
NYC, Bronx: Employee Disarmament Policy
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"How would you like to work in a place where you’re regularly required to work late hours in an unsavory part of town, where your employer will only reimburse you for $15 of your nightly travel expenses – even if it costs you more than that to get home each night, and where you’re forced to sign an affidavit swearing that you will not carry a firearm for any reason?..." --Nicki Fellenzer |
Airport Security No Better Than It Was On September 10th
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Two leading counter-terrorism experts say the attempted bombing of a trans-Atlantic flight by an alleged terrorist with explosives in his shoes proves airport security measures are failing.
"Our security right now at airports is no better than it was on September 10th," according to Dr. Neil Livingstone, chairman and CEO of Global Options, LLC, "because we're doing all of the dumb things and none of the right things." |
Funds for DNA Testing of Criminals Are "Diverted"
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The Justice Department has set aside plans to offer $750,000 in grant money for DNA testing of convicted criminals to determine whether they are indeed guilty. Instead, the money will be used to help identify victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
--Another example of how We The People are no longer the government. They just take our tax money and spend it however they please. My guess is they are looking for someone specific. |
NYC: Study of Police Recruiting Cites "Discipline and Academic Faults"
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New York City police recruits are failing out of academy classes and being disciplined for violating department rules at twice the rate they were four years ago...And the department has been criticized by the police union and other observers for bending its hiring rules to try to meet recruiting goals.
Some have warned that loosening long- held hiring rules may cause the quality of officers in the department to suffer, with new officers not held to as high a standard as their predecessors. |