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Newslinks for 12/31/2001

The Plan to Have the UN Rule
Submitted by: Louis Turner

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This is the transcript of a speech given by John F. McManus, President, The John Birch Society, on November 25, 2001 at the Mut Zur Ethic ("Courage To Take A Moral Stand") conference held in Switzerland, November 24-30, 2001.

Also read his other speech, The UN, the EU, and America

Trust Your Gun Rights, Not the Anti-Gun Rhetoric
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"If you own a gun, they want your name in a computerized federal database -- profiling you on the basis of mere ownership of a firearm. And, they want to paint you as unpatriotic for not surrendering your Second Amendment freedom." by Wayne LaPierre (NRA)

Yemeni student revises view of U.S.
Submitted by: Tom O'Leary

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In Yemen, anyone can have a gun,and in some cases, tribes will buy tanks from the government.

Did he feel safe on the streets?

"Yes, because I had my pistol", he said.

(Buy tanks from the government? Cool!)

MS: Some Miss. Sheriffs Ignore Public Law
Submitted by: serinde

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When it comes to the public's right to know, a statewide survey suggests a number of Mississippi sheriffs' departments are either ignorant of the law or have chosen to ignore it.

Of the 36 counties covered in a survey organized by The Associated Press, fewer than half fully complied when volunteers asked to see jail dockets and an arrest record -- both public under a 1983 state law.

TX: Museum offers glimpse of Dallas police history
Submitted by: serinde

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Stored away inside Dallas police headquarters is a collection of artifacts that is small by any museum's standards: a few old badges, vintage photographs of steely eyed lawmen with handlebar mustaches and a stiff blue uniform worn by one of the department's first female officers.

One right out of the old West. The nickel-plated, pearl-handled Colt .45 was carried in the early 1900s by Police Chief William "Elmo" Strait...

BB Gun "Recall" Appears Suspicious (followup)
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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An attempt by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to force the Daisy Manufacturing Company to recall 7.5 million of its popular BB guns appears to be a sorry example of politics as usual.

On Oct. 30, the Commission voted 2 to 1 to file an administrative lawsuit against Daisy. Chairman Ann Brown, a Clinton-administration appointee, engineered the move just weeks before resigning her post...

NV: Metro, the 'moving force' behind killer cops
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Any non-uniformed citizen accused of killing an unarmed person by mistake would be likely to lose his gun and his job, and run up considerable legal bills trying to justify his actions -- at the very least. Should the standards be set any lower for government officers supposedly trained, evaluated, and selected for their ability to avoid just such outcomes?" --Vin Suprynowicz

FL: Rosie O'Donnell stumps for Janet Reno (followup)
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"Analysts said the appearance with O'Donnell could pose problems for Reno when she attempts to court voters in areas heavily composed of gun owners, sportsmen and military personnel."

Canadian Street Justice - 53% homicide victims shot
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The numbers reflect a change in Toronto — the establishment of a criminal gun industry, and a growth in gangs with their culture of street justice and retribution."

--I guess their "gun registration" system isn't working too well.

TN: Thousands in Southeast attend gun show in Knoxville
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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-- Independent gun dealers from all over the southern part of the United States could be found at the Gun Show in the Smokies, held at Chilhowee Park from Friday until today. People of all ages were there Saturday to see what they could buy, sell or trade.

...also noticed an increase in the amount of women buying guns for self-protection. "Nobody ever raped a .38 (caliber handgun)," he quoted.

Korean Government requisition of civilian property in emergency
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The government plans to revise a relevant law to allow the requisition of human resources and materials from the private sector in case of massive terror attacks.

Plus, Security agents hired by airliners, will be allowed to carry various nonlethal weapons such as gas guns, electric prodders or pistols that fire rubber bullets.

OR: Law dents gun show sales
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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In its first year, Oregon's gun control law, 'Measure 5,' has cut down on the number of dealers at gun shows and, supporters say, "saved lives by keeping guns out of the hands of felons."

Gun Group Wants to Run Safety Video on School VCRs
Submitted by: Tim Morris

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NSSF plans to begin marketing a videotape, intended to be shown in classrooms around the country.

The 15-minute video, "It's Your Call: Playing It Safe Around Guns," is meant to show young people what to do if a friend takes a handgun to school or handles one in their presence.

The video uses young actors to make its point, but at the end it also includes a message from a young boy in a wheelchair who was accidentally shot by a friend in real life while showing off his father's pistol.

NOTE: Requires free registration to read full article.

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IN: Just the facts, please, when talking down gun shows
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A Dec. 24 guest column by...Americans for Gun Safety pointed out three cases where "terrorists" obtained firearms at gun shows, and urged the governor and legislature to plug the Indiana gun show "loophole."

Americans for Gun Safety is funded solely by Internet billionaire Andy McKelvey -- a former board member of Handgun Control, Inc. If these three cases are so critical that they demand change, a close look at the facts of each might be instructive..."

PA: driving with a loaded paintball gun means jail or fines
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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12th paragraph on page

In Pennsylvania, driving with a loaded paintball gun means jail time or fines. "Anybody who drives around the streets with a loaded paintball gun is probably up to no good anyhow," said Rep. Edward G. Staback. A constituent's Victorian home had been vandalized by someone with a paintball gun.

To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense or by partial orders of a dissolution of the government. — John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1787-1788).

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