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Newslinks for 12/31/2009

New Year's gun rights resolution: Demand ATF investigations
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We saw yesterday how the enemies of our right to keep and bear arms are taking a backdoor approach to bypass our elected representatives--one that will result in increasing the reach of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"Giving more power to this agency is fundamentally wrong for a many reasons well known to gun rights advocates. I will focus today just on this:"

"ATF employees themselves are fed up with corruption and incompetence."

"Thus today's suggestion for's New Year's resolution special project:"

"I will demand oversight hearings into ATF corruption." ...

New Year’s Gun Rights Resolution: Promote safety, activism and expose bigotry
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If history is any indicator, the next 12 months could be an interesting ride for gun owners, and to that end – taking the lead from my esteemed colleague David Codrea – I’m making a few resolutions here that hopefully others will follow."

"Passage of so-called 'health care reform' in one incarnation or another could easily clear the way for the Obama administration and Congressional anti-gunners to launch another assault on our gun rights. Timing on that would be critical, because the Second Amendment Foundation will be arguing its case against the Chicago handgun ban before the Supreme Court on March 2, and a decision could come in late may or early June. ..." ...

Tennessee gun in park incident reveals a scarier danger
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The sight of a man openly carrying a firearm in a Nashville-area park has scared some people, resulting in a law enforcement response. ..."

"Some would consider that a scary-looking gun. Some would consider coloring the muzzle tip orange so it looks like an Airsoft gun scary. And some would consider gun owner Leonard Embody's choice of apparel, 'a camouflage jacket, military boots and a black skull cap' scary."

"That's how hiker Ellen Thomas described her encounter with Embody. ..."

"Thing is, at no time did Mr. Embody conduct himself in a threatening manner. This is all about reaction based on appearance--and the presence of a gun." ...

Lessons from the Dark Side
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Mike Bloomberg and his [MAIG] caused quite a stir in the gun rights community recently when they released a poll declaring that gun owners and NRA members support the group's gun control agenda. ... The media gleefully reported the poll as indisputable fact while NRA and others cried 'Foul,' ..."

"The flaws and distortions are undoubtedly real, but it is important for rights activists to carefully examine this poll to find data we can use to help our cause. In spite of its flaws, this poll demonstrates a serious failure on the part of rights groups and supporters in efforts to educate our less activist brethren. We’re not preaching to the choir enough and not getting the right messages through to them." ...

Praxis: More on small wood-burning stoves and other field gear thoughts
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Keep me anonymous on this. I've really enjoyed your more recent praxis articles and they have provided much food for thought. Please keep em coming."

"Just so happens I've been looking into small packable stoves (among other field items). There are a couple of well-regarded little wood burning stoves that are considerably smaller than the kelly kettle, thus making them packable nearly as well as a canteen cup stove, but burning wood very efficiently." ...

Attempts As Both Tactics And Strategy
Submitted by: concerned american

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... "Especially in asymmetric warfare, if a 'failed' or 'attempted' attack causes the OpFor to extend and deplete resources such that other near-simultaneous attacks are more likely to succeed, has the 'failure' actually failed?"

"The linked articles will help you with the answer." ...

In Their Sights: Lawsuit challenging Chicago's 1982 handgun ban to be heard by Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Otis McDonald wants a handgun—a pistol to carry around the house and keep on his bedside table at night. An avid hunter, he has two shotguns in the house, but he says those weapons are too unwieldy to use when facing a midnight intruder. More to the point, McDonald believes that if Chicago residents were allowed to keep handguns in their homes, criminals would think twice before breaking in—a fairly common rationale among gun-rights supporters. McDonald, however, is no ordinary gun-rights supporter: In 2008, he joined three other residents in a lawsuit to get rid of the city's handgun ban, the most restrictive gun law in the country and probably the most far-reaching because of Chicago's size." ...

Scott Brown, Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 you will have the chance to change history in Massachusetts by sending the first Republican to the U.S. Senate since what appears to be 1979. Given what's been going on in Washington D.C. lately with so-called 'Healthcare Reform', 'Global Warming', 'Cap & Trade', along with huge increases in deficit spending we need to send a clear message to the current administration, the House and especially the Senate – yet another 'shot heard round the world'."

"That 'shot' will be propelling Scott Brown into the U.S. Senate where he will begin to send the strong clear message that we will not tolerate any further infringements upon our civil rights or our wallets." ...

Brady Campaign says health care bill no threat to guns--but objects to gun rights amendment anyway
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday, we talked about the potential impact health care 'reform' could have on gun rights. We looked specifically at efforts on the part of some to portray such concerns as delusional 'gun nut paranoia.' We'll expand a bit on that today."

"As I mentioned yesterday, the Brady Campaign's Paul Helmke contemptuously dismissed the idea that Obamacare would ever pose a threat to gun rights ..."

"Nearly all the rest of piece, though, chastised the Senate for adopting Senator Grassley's* gun rights amendment--presumably because Helmke is disappointed about possibly losing a weapon against gun ownership." ...

Are there any true 'pro-gun' candidates in the Illinois Senate race?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We've been discussing an Associated Press story over the last couple days, where we've been told 'Ill. Senate hopefuls bite bullet on gun control.'"

"We've seen how the shallow level of reporting completely masked Republican front runner Rep. Mark Kirk's continued committed subversion of the right to keep and bear arms. And we've asked why should we support Republicans who are just as much enemies of the Second Amendment as their Democrat opponents." ...

CA: New California law on tracing bullet casings already in trouble
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"California regulators have approved far fewer semi-automatic pistols for sale in the wake of a state law that required new safety devices in 2006 and 2007."

"Now, with a new bullet-stamping law scheduled to take effect in 2010, the gun industry predicts it will introduce even fewer new models in California rather than install a device necessary to trace individual casings to a statewide database."

"'California will become like Cuba with cars,' said Lawrence Keane, senior counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents the gun industry. 'You will only be able to get very old models of guns.'" ...

AR: Facepalm - Toy Gun Ban That Doesn't Even Ban Toy Guns to Take Effect
Submitted by: Arkansas Concealed Carry Association

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"This toy gun ban, bans all toy guns that 'look' like real guns."

"The law was passed after a Crittenden County Representative pushed for the law after a fatal shooting of a 12 year old boy who was shot and killed by police June 22 in West Memphis Arkansas, Deaunta Farrow. " ...

"The terrible thing about it is, this new law wouldn't have stopped the toy gun that Deaunta Farrow had from being sold in Arkansas."


"Because it had an orange tip. Which allows the gun to be sold because under the statute it does not meet the definiation of an, "'imitation firearm'." ...

GA: Proposed gun law changes spark debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Georgia lawmakers will soon debate major changes to the state's firearm laws. One proposal would allow licensed gun owners to carry their weapons almost anywhere including school zones, college campuses, churches, and parts of airports."

"Supporters say that more gun owners licensed to carry concealed weapons would lower the crime rate. Opponents argue that letting more people carry guns almost everywhere would lead to more violence. Legislators say they need to clarify and balance Georgia's gun laws." ...

No right to bear unlicensed machine guns, federal court says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former commander in the Tennessee State Guard has lost an appeal to overturn his conviction for trying to provide his soldiers with homemade machine guns for possible use in defending the state."

"On Wednesday, a federal appeals court in Cincinnati threw the case out of court."

"'Whatever the individual right to keep and bear arms might entail, it does not authorize an unlicensed individual to possess unregistered machine guns for personal use,' said the three-judge panel of the Sixth US Circuit Court of Appeals."

"Richard Hamblen was arrested in 2004 by federal firearms agents and charged with possession of nine unregistered machine guns." ...

NY: Rikers officer busted sleeping on job
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Maybe the inmates really are running the asylum."

"A correction officer has been disciplined for dozing on the job after a colleague snapped a picture of her asleep while on post at a Rikers Island infirmary, officials said yesterday."

"A clearly conked-out Nadja Green is leaning in a chair with her head back, arms folded, eyes closed and mouth open."

"But even more alarming is an amused inmate seen hovering above her, mere inches from a set of keys that hangs from her belt." ...

"The officer who took the picture, Claudel Barrau, was also transferred and placed on modified duty."

"Morello said possession and use of cellphones in jails, even by guards, is prohibited." ...

AR: Arkansas Police Department 'Shouldn't Exist'
Submitted by: Arkansas Concealed Carry Association

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"A week after an arrest warrant was issued for the Turrell Arkansas Police Chief we have found a strange twist to the story. A city councilman says they fired that same police chief months ago. The councilman also says a city police department was never approved or funded."

"The city councilman says he has no idea how the police officers in Turrell are being paid or how the force is operating. But that doesn't seem to be stopping the officers from patrolling the streets." ...

H/t to Arkansas Concealed Carry Association.

NV: Family fun—and guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Will they let us in without a gun? that's my biggest concern as we drive to the new Clark County Shooting Park at the northern end of Decatur. I ask my cohort whether we can borrow her brother's pistol; but shortly the talk turns to how her mother got shot in the foot once ... I decide we’ll go gunless."

"Turns out yes, you're welcome to go gunless. You can take a picnic. You can take a properly leashed dog. It's a public park for the stouter-in-faith than I. There are RVs and sooner or later there'll be camping. There’s a snack bar to be run by the Blind Industries of Nevada. 'Safe, fun, affordable, family-oriented, world class, public recreational shooting facility' says the county’s informational material ..." ...

WA: Most gun carriers are police allies
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Responding to the tragic shootings of our police officers, Rep. Ross Hunter, Sen. Adam Kline and Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles will introduce a bill banning the sale of 'military-style semi-automatic weapons' in Washington. These legislators are referring to firearms accurately known as AR-15s, often confused with fully-automatic military 'assault rifles.' This bill seeks to gain safety at the expense of liberty, rather than addressing the revolving door that is our justice system." ...

NM: Organizers welcome guns at NM rally
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Otero Tea Party Patriots and two other groups are planning a rally in Alamogordo on Saturday for people who want to voice their dissatisfaction with health care reform legislation, big government and the Obama administration."

"Aside from the usual poster board signs, participants are encouraged to bring their guns."

"Police Lt. Hal Alton says a permit allowing the Otero Tea Party Patriots, the Alamogordo Second Amendment Task Force and the Sons of Liberty Riders to hold the weekend rally was approved Wednesday."

"Alton says officers will monitor the rally, but he expects it will be a lawful assembly." ...

OK: Local Gun Shop Talks About Proposed Gun Tax
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An idea, a proposal, no taxes on guns? If approved by Oklahoma lawmakers this next session it would remove taxes from gun sales one weekend out of the year. Meredith Saldana visited a local gun shop and has more on this story."

"The idea is to have a 'Second Amendment Weekend' much like our 'Tax Free Weekend' in August, only this would be for gun sales."

"Something a local gun shop says would benefit the consumer more than the store."

"Oklahoma State Senator John Sparks is the Norman senator proposing the legislation."

"He's asking that fellow lawmakers approve the measure to make it law."

"If approved, all shotguns, rifles and handguns would be tax free for a few days out of the year." ...

Some of the worst abuses of government force in recent years were precipitated by technical and victimless gun-law violations. For example, the BATF claimed that the Branch Davidians possessed machine guns without paying the required federal tax and filling in the proper registration forms. So a tax case worth less than $10,000 led to a 76-man helicopter, machine gun, and grenade assault on a home in which 2/3 of the occupants were women and children. — Dave Kopel and Dr. Michael S. Brown, Prohibition Fever,

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