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Newslinks for 12/5/2001

VA: Gun Shop Sues ATF Over Reports
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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NORFOLK -- Robert Marcus has never turned down a request by federal agents to help trace a weapon through his store. He understands that firearms sometimes fall into the hands of criminals, and wants to do his part to prevent gun-related crimes.

But when ATF agents demanded records of the store's used gun sales, Marcus refused -- despite threats of criminal action and the loss of his license to sell guns...

Teaching kids to hunt requires parents to put their fears aside
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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If there is a clash between hunting tradition and gun safety awareness, Minery, like many hunters, believes it is based in misunderstanding. The best way to prevent the misuse of firearms is to raise children with a knowledge and respect for them, he said. "I feel more comfortable with them knowing about it," he said.

In fact, making firearms taboo is the surest way to lure children toward them when adults aren't around, many gun owners say.

AFA is Looking for a "Few Good Women"
Submitted by: Armed Females of America

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Intelligent, patriotic women are a force to be reckoned with who demand respect. We just need to tap into that part of them, supply them with the truth, and bolster their pride and activism. Then give them a nudge in the right direction. If we build it, they will come!

MN: Man was at wrong place at wrong time
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"My dad took the dude's gun and he's on the ground and the dude is on top of him, and I guess the police shot him," said his daughter.

He was fatally shot just blocks away from his new home while fighting off the would-be carjacker... An officer, who had just arrived on the confusing scene, fired on the two men as they struggled for the assailant's gun. The officer believed the gun was being aimed at him.

IL: Officer who shot woman cleared; County cop acted in self-defense
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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An off-duty Cook County sheriff's officer was acting in self-defense when he fatally shot an ex-girlfriend who allegedly kicked in his apartment door and cut him on the arm, police said.

(Of course, if he was an ordinary citizen in "gun-free" Chicago he would be at the mercy of anyone breaking into his apartment.)

Dec. 3 Neal Knox Update
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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* Hostettler/Young Pushing Armed Pilots

* Sens. McCain & DeWine intend to add anti-gun show as an amendment to next appropriate bill

* Gun controllers hope they have ally in Homeland Security Dir. Tom Ridge

* No update yet on Sec.1062 of Defense Authorization

* Cincinnati lawsuit challenges OH's law prohibiting concealed carry licenses

* Over 60% of chiefs and sheriffs support national citizen concealed carry

* MD children most likely in U.S. to kill or be killed by handguns

FL: Rosie to Campaign for Reno
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Rosie O'Donnell will host a major fund-raiser for former Attorney General Janet Reno in her bid to become Florida's governor next year.

Reno campaign spokeswoman Julie Simon told the paper, "Rosie had offered right after Janet opened her bank account to do anything we wanted. So we asked her to do a fund-raiser..."

Central America: Civilians Armed to the Teeth
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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More than 2 million "illicit" small arms and light weapons circulating in Central America... The government of Costa Rica and the non-governmental 'Arias Fndn. for Peace and Human Progress' expressed their concern over the large number of firearms still in the hands of civilians.

"We must make an effort to pass the necessary laws on possession of firearms, and to exercise better control over the situation," said Cruz, the director of UCA's 'University Institute of Public Opinion'.

No. Ireland Rebels May Give Up More Guns
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"The retired Canadian general trying to persuade Northern Ireland's rival outlawed groups to disarm expects them to get rid of more weapons," senior British and Irish government officials said.

DeChastelain, Northern Ireland's disarmament chief since 1997, declined to comment.

TX: TC police dogs outfitted in bullet proof vests
Submitted by: serinde

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DICKINSON -- Two Galveston County police canines will be a little safer on the job now thanks to the donations of bullet-proof vests from John and Elaine Pershern of Angleton.

"When we heard that they needed vests to protect these dogs that just pulled at our heart strings and we wanted to do something to help."

The Persherns have also donated two vests to the Houston Police Department.

NRA Service Helps Target Hunger Across America
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Deer season is here, and with it comes an excellent opportunity for America’s 17 million-plus sportsmen and women to share their good fortune in the field with those less privileged. 'Hunters for the Hungry' is a national charitable program through which hunters may donate their extra game meat to help feed the hungry.

UT: Officials hampering state workers, lawmaker says
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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A Utah County lawmaker believes state employees' constitutional rights are being harmed by overzealous government officials.

Rep. Mike Thompson (R/Orem), would like to see a broad law that says no one should lose their right to bear arms, exercise freedom of religion and other rights just because they go to work for the state.

NYC: Crime Spike Doesn't Tell Whole Story, Say Cops
Submitted by: WildWest

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The last four weeks saw alarming jumps in the numbers of murders and shootings in the city - but police stressed yesterday that violent crime is still down for the year.

But police called the crime jump a temporary spike - and stressed that crime in the city will ultimately show a significant drop this year.

What 'gun show loophole'?
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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Gun show promoters and attendees are delighted that the Justice Department has essentially confirmed what gun collectors have been maintaining for years. The study proves the link between gun shows and crime exists only in rhetoric, not in reality.

Geraldo's Got a Gun
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Geraldo Rivera, reporting for Fox News Channel in Afghanistan, says he's packing a gun - which he will use to defend himself, if necessary, from hostile Taliban killers. "If they're going to get us, it's going to be in a gun fight," Rivera told FNC anchor Laurie Dhue from the village of Taloqan.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. — Billy Graham

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