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Newslinks for 12/5/2003

Reflections Upon the U.S. Supreme Court's Rejection of Silveira
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This one is going to get lots of play and infuriate some people while inspiring others. It includes a formal, thorough introduction from Angel Shamaya and goes to the edge with the First Amendment. Please share it widely.

Brady Anti-Gun Group Pays $26G FEC Fine
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gun-control group has agreed to pay a $26,000 fine for failing to properly disclose spending on mailings opposing two Republican House candidates, the Federal Election Commission said Thursday."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Voter Education Fund didn't report $111,777 in spending to oppose Kentucky Rep. Ernest Fletcher's election, nor did it report $99,731 in spending against Pennsylvania Rep. Pat Toomey, according to the FEC."

"The mailings were sent to voters shortly before the 2000 election. The spending was supposed to be reported by the Brady group's Voter Education Fund to the commission within 24 hours."

Empowered by the People
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Earlier this month, an 80-year-old man named Lester Campbell was mugged while riding the elevator to his Bronx apartment. The struggle went down like a bad transaction, with Mr. Campbell buying a bruised cheek and a bloodshot eye for the low, low price of $262 in cashed out Social Security. The thief might've made off with more, however, were it not for the fact Mr. Campbell was packing. Thrown to the ground, he fired a shot that bounced off the ceiling and sent the thief running like the coward his mother gave birth to."

"According to the local ABC news affiliate, Mr. Campbell now faces two misdemeanor charges: (1) For criminal -- i.e., unlicensed -- possession of the .38 caliber handgun he used to scare off his assailant; and (2) For the spare pistol cops found scouring his apartment later that day."

"Punished, in other words, for doing the authorities' job."

Supreme Court Denies Review of California Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"CeaseFire Maryland, the state's leading gun violence prevention group, cheered the US Supreme Court's decision, announced yesterday (Monday), denying review of a ruling by a federal Appeals Court that affirmed California's Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), a state law barring the sale of new military-style semiautomatic guns. The Court's decision confirms that the Second Amendment to the US Constitution is a collective, not individual, right to own or possess firearms."

SCOTUS' rejection, of course, confirms no such thing. But the anti's have never allowed such minutiae as the truth to get in the way of their vitriolic ranting.

Another fascist anti-freedom maggot gleefully crows at the Supreme Court's rejection of Silveira
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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It's curious.

If the gun control advocates are so sure of their absurd "collective rights" theory...

If they are so convinced that the Second Amendment does not protect the individual right to keep and bear arms...

Why are they celebrating SCOTUS' denial of certiorari? One would think that they would welcome the opportunity to prove their righteousness in front of the highest court in the land.

If they are so convinced they are correct, why are they so afraid to have the Supreme Court hear the case?

FBI: Terrorists Could Use Planes as Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'Intelligence indicates terrorists are considering the use of improvised explosive devices (search) (IEDs) assembled onboard to hijack an aircraft or, alternatively, destroy it over heavily populated areas in the event of passenger or crew resistance,' the bulletin said."

"The FBI said that components of IEDs can be smuggled onto planes concealed in clothing or personal carry-on items like shampoo and medicine bottles, and then put together onboard."

Keeping you terrified certainly gives them an excuse to also keep you disarmed and subservient.

More IRS lies
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'The IRS will tell employers and employees that according to IRC section 3402(a)(1) of their code: '.......every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages a tax determined in accordance with tables or computational procedures prescribed by the Secretary."

"However, this is what the law really says: no (federal, state, city or county) municipal corporation shall levy or collect or cause to be levied or collected any tax upon the income, or any part thereof, of any person, resident or nonresident (also known as the 'Full Paycheck Law'). Employers are prohibited from taking amounts from pay for federal or state taxes, fees or other charges absent the lawful, knowing, written consent of the employee."

Hateful words a war crime, according to the UN
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"With a trio of guilty verdicts yesterday, the U.N. tribunal for Rwanda has established that men armed only with words can commit genocide." ...

"The 'media trials' marked the first time since Nuremburg that hate speech has been prosecuted as a war crime. It has been one of the most closely watched cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), seated in the northern Tanzanian city of Arusha."

IRS Whistleblower: Threat to the Environment or Endangered Species?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...I recognized up to a dozen plain clothes and uniformed law enforcement personnel in the courtroom and hallways, this despite the fact that no one was admitted into the building without photo identification, bodily passage through a metal detector and personal effect passage through an x-ray machine. Even Judge Moran had two bodyguards in close proximity to him at all times, bodyguards I believed to be armed Special Agents from the Environmental Protection Agency. One agent seated himself directly behind my chair. The agent apparently had been instructed to watch me closely, since I am most definitely a threat to the environment, the environment of cheating and deceit that I have been trying to expose."

Liberals paved the way for the Ashcroft civil rights assault
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"So in complaining about the civil rights abuses of the current administration, consider dear liberal that when you bludgeoned the Second Amendment to death by creating so many laws and regulations it is difficult to exercise the right to bear arms, you proved that a right enshrined in the Bill of Rights could be destroyed without actually repealing it. Thus you opened the door for other amendments to suffer a similar fate. So stop complaining about violations of freedom of speech, or habeas corpus, or speedy trial, or privacy, etc. You made it all possible to legislate them out of existence."

"When you ignored the Tenth Amendment and systematically forged a bloated, sprawling, out-of-control government to manage virtually everything in our lives in the name of helping the little guy or the environment, you made it possible for that same government to snoop on everything we are, control everything we do and take everything we own to do it. So stop complaining when that government invades your life."

OH: Why cops don't open carry off-duty, and why we shouldn't be forced to either
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Rule One for would-be criminals: If you're planning a robbery, don't make the lead instructor for the police SWAT team your target."

"Akron police officer Kevin R. Davis, in plainclothes, was on his way to lunch Wednesday when his break turned into a bust." ...

"When HB12 passes, Rule One for would-be criminals will be: If you're planning a robbery, think twice. Almost ANYONE you consider making a target could be armed, not just off-duty police officers."

"This incident is a perfect example of why openly carrying a firearm is not nearly as effective a self-defense or crime deterrent as carrying it concealed (we're Ohioans For Concealed Carry for a reason - if open carry is the best choice, why do police departments advocate concealed carry for their off-duty officers?)."

MI: Program targets firearms buybacks
Submitted by: cara kowal

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"Illegal firearms, such as sawed-off shotguns or fully-automatic weapons, can earn their owners a five-year felony in Michigan."

"But for the next two Saturdays, owners of illegal guns can turn in those weapons without penalty at the Berrien County Gun Buyback sponsored by the Stop the Violence Coalition of Berrien County."

TX: Parents And Kids Need To Be Aware Of Gun Safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The time to start is when they're very young. Anytime they're around guns parents need to be talking to their kids about gun safety. Teaching kids that you don't play with guns, and horseplay can cause a tragedy. So, the earlier they start with them, the better off they are." ...

"The kid needs to know how the gun operates. Is it safe or is it not safe? He needs to know what the effects of shooting a firearm's going to do whether he's interested or not, he has to learn safety. If he never points that gun at something he's not willing to destroy then he can't have an accident."

Australia: Woman 'pulls gun' on kids
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A WOMAN has allegedly pulled a gun on a group of children after they jumped a fence to take a dip in a swimming pool."

"She is believed to have threatened to shoot the youngsters, some as young as 10."

"The incident happened in the Darwin suburb of Karama."

"Four children, aged between 10 and 12, were playing in the communal pool, which is part of a unit complex, when the woman emerged from her home allegedly wielding the shotgun."

Here's another one who apparently didn't take advantage of Australia's ridiculous amnesty.

MT: Supreme Court dodges another round
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"We're destined to continue arguing over the Second Amendment's wording and extent of our gun rights."

"The exact nature and extent of our constitutional right to own firearms remains debatable. It could be worse."

"The U.S. Supreme Court this week declined to consider an appeal of a California case that seemed tailor-made to settle the decades-old debate about the Second Amendment to the Constitution - whether the right to bear arms is an individual right or a collective one having to do with maintaining a militia for national defense. The case in question, Silveira v. Lockyer, involves a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California's toughest-in-the-nation ban on assault weapons. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in this case that individual American citizens have no right to bear arms. Rather, the right belongs to the public in general for the purposes of national defense."

"The 9th Circuit Court's jurisdiction extends to Montana, so its ruling troubles us." ...

OH: Ohio Lawmaker Unveils High-Powered Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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WHAT: News conference to unveil legislation that will ban military-style assault weapons in Ohio. Participants will also call on the Ohio congressional delegation -- especially Senators Voinovich and DeWine -- to support S. 1431 and H.R. 2038, two bills that will renew and strengthen the federal assault weapons ban.

The current federal ban will expire Sept. 13, 2004 unless Congress and President Bush act.

VISUALS: Replicas of military-style assault weapons; b-roll of assault weapons being fired


FL: Man who shot to save a friend deserves a medal (Letters)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Seventy-one-year-old Melvin Spaulding should receive a medal, not jail time for possibly saving his neighbor's life from the punks who very well might have killed him. He apparently warned the attackers three times before he opened fire. Even then, he didn't shoot to kill. I would have done the very same thing if my neighbor or my family were being attacked." ...

"When three young men are beating the hell out of a 63-year-old man, that is not a simple fistfight. If you want to talk about "excessive force," I'd say that's what they were using. No one has the right to put his hands on anyone else against that person's approval. I applaud the actions of Melvin Spaulding. He should be given a good citizen award." ...

Canada: The perverse policy of the gun registry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Every time the Canada Firearms Centre is in the news, its credibility diminishes. Whether it is an exposé of bureaucratic incompetence at managing the computer system leading to the permanent extinction of the records of thousands of registered guns or the sending of an angry letter to a dead man, rebuking him for failing to register hunting rifles that had long been sold by his family, nearly every story about this billion-dollar fiasco provides another reason to scrap the entire project."

PA: Philadelphia Radio Station Refuses Ad from Brady Campaign
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The state's leading gun violence prevention groups, the Million Mom March of Pennsylvania and CeaseFire PA, expressed surprise today (Wednesday) on learning that a leading Philadelphia area radio station, WBEB-FM, also known as B101 or 'The Bee,' had refused an advertisement that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence had planned to air in recent weeks." ...

"The ad was accepted -- then rejected by the station's principal owner, Jerry Lee, of Bryn Mawr, whose business partner and co-owner of B101 is David Kurtz of Philadelphia. WBEB staff said the station wouldn't run an ad critical of Specter. Lee has given $4,000 to Specter and his PAC in the past two years. Kurtz has contributed $2,000 to Specter."

CA: Off-duty S.J. officer shoots, kills dog attacking daughter
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Howard Carter had to make a quick decision Monday morning as he watched a Siberian husky -- with a history of viciousness -- attack his daughter: The off-duty San Jose police officer pulled his gun and shot it to death, authorities said."

NOTE: It's good that this man was armed, to protect his daughter, but if he'd been a citizen and not a government employee, he'd have either been unarmed or armed illegally -- because We The People have a tough time getting a "permit" to carry for self-defense in San Jose. Police officers can defend their daughters from attacking dogs, but citizens have to use their hands.

FL: Cab Driver Shoots at Carjacker
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'It wasn't just another fare. 'I heard a click. I knew it was a robbery,' said Citi Cab driver Corey Sprigss."

"Spriggs had just picked up a man but he was told to drive down another street. Once there, the man pulled a gun and ordered Spriggs out of the car."

" 'He said I don't want your money. So I got my money. Got my bag. Got my gun,' said the 26-year-old."

"A few seconds later Spriggs fired two shots at the suspect as he drove away in his cab. The car, with its back window shattered, was found abandoned on Oriole Street. Police were still looking for the carjacker."

GA: Would-be robber slain by intended victim
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A suspected armed robber was shot and killed by his intended victim in Clayton County, police said Wednesday." ...

"A man was walking with his 11-year-old daughter when the suspect 'approached them and attempted to rob them,' said Clayton County police Lt. Joseph Woodall."

"The victim pulled his own firearm and fired some rounds at the suspect..."

FL: The travesty of justice continues
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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You may well remember the 71-year-old man who came to the aid of his neighbor, a 63-year-old who was getting beaten by three punks.

You may remember that the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department deputies arrested Mr. Melvin Spaulding, claiming he should have called 911 and waited as his friend was on the ground getting the snot kicked out of him.

Well, Mr. Spaulding has been released. But according to this report, he is no longer allowed to use his gun to defend himself. "Spaulding has a concealed weapons permit, but as part of his release he’s been told he cannot have a gun."

MI: Deer hunters pump $1.2 billion into economy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The final tally from this year's deer season is not expected to be released by the state Department of Natural Resources until Tuesday. Early projections put the number of deer to be killed by hunters around 360,000, or about the same culled from the state's deer herd last year."

"The annual hunt thins the state's estimated 1.8 million deer herd and also pumps $1.2 billion into Michigan businesses each year, with an estimated 775,000 hunters purchasing guns, ammunition, food, clothes and other supplies for their trips into the woods."

NJ: Court to Consider Blocking Black Bear Hunt
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Activists moved one step closer to shutting down New Jersey's first bear hunt in 33 years on Wednesday, while a sportsmen's group vowed to intervene in the case to defend hunters."

"The Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division agreed on Wednesday to consider emergency relief in a case filed by Saving Our Resources Today (SORT). That case is separate from a lawsuit filed in federal court by The Fund for Animals, The Humane Society of the United States and The Center for Animal Protection, all seeking to block the hunt."

IL: Police offer free gun locks
Submitted by: Lawrence Miller

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"The Police Department is giving away about 200 gun locks it received through a national firearms safety education program."

" 'These kits are all about the safety of our children, and anything we can do to help guard against youngsters being harmed by firearms is well worth the effort,' Police Chief William Lawler said."

Guess training, education and some parental accountability aren't tops on the list?

NY: Gun locks available in Delaware
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Police agencies throughout Delaware County are participating in 'Project Childsafe,' according to Delaware County Sheriff Tom Mills."

"Mills said the program, which provides free gun locks to firearm owners, was developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice."

"County police agencies have agreed to support the program to inform and educate firearm owners by providing free firearm safety kits, including a gun-locking device, Mills said."

UK: TV gun stunt complaints rejected
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A TV watchdog has rejected complaints that illusionist Derren Brown's televised Russian roulette stunt promoted gun culture."

"Complaints were received about the show, which saw Brown hold the pistol to his head and pull the trigger after it was apparently loaded with a bullet."

"It was an illusion, and care was taken not to glamorise guns, the BSC said."

No, but they sure glamorized the ignorant twit who pulled this idiotic stunt.

IN: He just loves to make money
Submitted by: Duncan Adams

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"Don Davis has spent 30 years selling guns, but critics say too many end up in criminals' hands."

"The line -- 'I don't want to make any money, I just love to sell guns' -- has made Don Davis the face of gun sales in Indiana."

" 'I've been singing and dancing and lying about not wanting to make any money,' said the 70-year-old owner of Don's Guns and Galleries. 'Every day I get up and I'm still in the clouds.' "

"While Davis has made millions in the last 30 years from satisfied customers, he continues to draw scorn from police officers and gun-control advocates dismayed at where some of the guns he sells end up."

Here you have an example of an incredibly biased article attempting to paint those who sell guns as less than trustworthy, immoral money-grubbers. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

TX: Mexican Troops Kidnap Texas Family?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As many as eight armed Mexican soldiers crossed the border near a tiny Texas hamlet and kidnapped an American family of five last week, and are still holding one of them, sources tell NewsMax."

"It's believed that the family members were shooting at rabbits along the [Rio Grande] river at the time of their kidnapping... Local law enforcement was contacted after the release of family members." ...

"Law enforcement sources said the family was not shooting into Mexico or otherwise threatening Mexican military or civilian personnel."

"The latest incursion into the U.S. by armed Mexican troops follows a series of similar incidents directed against U.S. civilians and law enforcement authorities. The most high-profile kidnapping occurred in August 1985, when an eight-man squad of Mexican troops crossed the border onto private property in San Diego County."

AK: Deaths prompt meeting
Submitted by: William Furby

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"Amid a surge of gun violence involving Anchorage young people -- including the murders last month of a 22-year-old Air Force woman and a 16-year-old girl shot outside the Space Station -- Anchorage police, school and city officials, as well as federal prosecutors and community leaders plan to gather today to talk about what's going wrong and how to tackle it." ...

"Deputy Police Chief Audie Holloway said Wednesday that while he does not have statistics to prove that gun violence among people in their teens and early 20s is a growing problem in Anchorage, within his department there seems to be little question."

WI: State schools found to have over-reported gun discipline
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Wisconsin schools have over-reported the rates of firearm-related student discipline, a Department of Public Instruction review found."

"The DPI’s consultant for safe and drug-free schools, Steve Fernan, said the mistake could be because some school officials have misconceptions about the federal definition of a firearm under the Gun Free Schools Act."

"The review found that in the 2000-01 and 2001-02 school years, schools included 42 cases that did not fall under the Gun Free Schools Law. The episodes include weapons such as BB guns, toy guns or other non-firearm weapons."

UK: Bridegroom jailed for pointing gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A bridegroom who pointed a gun at his new sister-in-law during his wedding reception in Devon has been jailed for nine months."

"Michael Honeysett, 51, had earlier been convicted by a jury of possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, and of a second charge of affray."

"His sister-in-law, Susan Kudliskis, had told Exeter Crown Court he had held the handgun a foot from her face when they went upstairs to a bedroom during the wedding reception."

OH: Criminals will check records of gun owners? Yeah, right
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Taft is to be commended for promising to veto any bill that would exempt permits from public record laws."

"But the argument of those seeking the secrecy is so ridiculous -- that criminals will do record checks to see who has purchased guns -- that anything other than a veto would be absurd."

That's right. The only "criminals" who will check these records are the statists who will use them to deprive law-abiding gun owners of their rights.

DC: Teacher Allegedly Threatens Students With Gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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An elementary school music teacher in the District won't be at work today.

The Washington Post reports that Christine Davis was suspended, at least for one day, after she allegedly threatened to use a gun on students who were misbehaving.

According to the Post, she told students at the Lafayette Middle School, "I've got a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it."

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department said they're investigating the alleged incident and Lafayette's principal told the paper that there will be extra security at the school, to put parents at ease.

PA: Goods for Guns Collections
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A group that takes aim at getting guns out of homes so kids can't get their hands on them -- is setting its sights on area gun owners.

Allegheny County's annual "Goods for Guns" program will host gun buybacks the next two Saturdays.

To help get even more guns out of homes and off the streets, the group will give gift certificates in exchange for firearms.

People who trade in a working handgun can get a $50 gift certificate, while those with operable rifles and shotguns will get $25 certificates.

Philippines: Tomas, allies to ask Comelec for exemption from gun ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"MAYOR Tomas Osmeña and Cebu City Hall officials will be filing for exemption from the election gun ban, which starts on Dec. 15, so they can carry their new guns."

"He also said he wouldn’t mind arming the opposition councilors." ...

"The mayor acquired 12 Smith and Wesson revolvers and pistols (not 13 as earlier reported) for him and his allies."

"Osmeña said his allies need the guns for their protection since they are doing executive functions and are visiting mountain barangays."

So it's OK for the protected government elite to save their own skins, but let the peons face armed thugs unarmed and wait for the police to arrive, right?

UK: Brits' panties in a wad after an armed man entered a court building
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Nottingham magistrates' court was today reviewing security after a man flashed a gun at a guard as he left the building."

"Cctv apparently showed the man had evaded metal detectors."

"It is believed he had appeared in court before approaching the guard."

"The guard says the man said security was rubbish before pulling aside his coat to reveal the small, black handgun in his inside pocket. It is not known if the gun was real."

RI: Fogarty pushes free gun locks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Lt. Gov. Charles J. Fogarty visited Pawtucket Wednesday, to offer free locks to anyone who wants one."

"Police departments around the state have 42,000 gun locks that are available to gun owners at no cost."

" 'They are free,' Fogarty said. 'You can have as many as you want. No one will ask any questions.' "

No, they are not free. They are paid for by taxpayers' hard-earned money. It's little wonder government officials cannot curb their spending. They don't even have a rudimentary understanding of where their funds come from.

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. ~ Benjamin Franklin

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