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Newslinks for 12/5/2017

This Week’s Armed American Radio Monstercast 12.3.17
Submitted by: David Williamson

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GREAT program from the Crossbreed Holster Studios of Armed American Radio this week! After a much needed two week hiatus, Alan Gottlieb, founder of The Second Amendment Foundation was back discussing the news of the week and upcoming court cases.

WA: Senate Gun Ban Coincided With Biased Media Reports on Capitol Carry
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The recent announcement that Washington Lt. Governor Cyrus Habit was unilaterally going to prohibit firearms in the state Senate viewing gallery was coincidentally timed with the publication of a piece about guns on capitol campuses that a leading gun data researcher suggested was biased by omission.

John Lott, founder and president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of several books on firearms and crime, asserted in an Op-ed published by The Hill that news outlets had published an edited version of the story by “systematically excluding one side of the argument — any information that concealed handgun permit holders are law-abiding and don’t pose a risk to others.”

I Took A Ladies Handgun Fundamentals Course — Here's Why
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I’m nervous. In fewer than three hours, I will be firing a handgun. This is my first time putting my hands on actual bullets, my first time loading a magazine, and my first time holding a real gun. I am sitting in a classroom with three women near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ready to take the Ladies Handgun Fundamentals course at the Wisconsin Firearms Training Center.

The Armed Citizen® December 4, 2017
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An Omaha, Neb., tobacconist shot and killed one of two young men who were attempting to rob the shop, following a late-night break-in. The businessman was in the store around 11 p.m. when two hooligans broke in, determined to rob the premises. The store employee fired five shots at the two thieves, hitting one fatally. It was not known whether the other was hit, as he was still on the loose. (, Omaha, NE, 9/19/17)

CA: Ben Lomond Man Shoots Son in Self-Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Ben Lomond father shot and killed his son Sunday afternoon at their home on the 100 block of Ridge Road. The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office has not disclosed what led to a confrontation between the father and son. But investigators said the killing could have been a case of self-defense. Deputies received a 911 call at 4:20 p.m. Sunday from the father. He said he fired one shot at his son.

New Jersey – NJ2AS’ Taser Victory: Separating Facts from Fear
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Following Caetano v. Massachusetts, a case which the United States Supreme Court unanimously vacated a Massachusetts conviction of a woman who carried a stun gun for self defense, in August of 2016, the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) filed a lawsuit against the State of New Jersey challenging their outright ban on stun guns and tasers (electronic self-defense devices). Since 1985 stun guns and taser were completely banned from acquisition, possession, and carry in New Jersey.

A Concealed-Carry Danger to Illinois
Submitted by: David Williamson

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State boundaries exist for a reason: to delineate where one set of citizens has the right to govern themselves and another doesn’t. Indiana and Missouri do many things differently from Illinois — and, we regret to say, sometimes better. But we are free to follow their example anytime we want. Those other states can’t impose their policies on the Land of Lincoln.

Blood on the Border: The Battle of Columbus
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Trouble on the U.S.-Mexican border is not a new problem. A little more than a century ago, the violence of the Mexican Revolution spilled over into the United States with Pancho Villa’s deadly raid on Columbus, N.M. During 1915, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed that Mexican Presidente Carranza had produced enough democratic reform in his government to gain the support of the White House, but revolutionary leader Pancho Villa turned violent against America in retribution.

Feds Issue 4,000 Orders to Seize Guns From People Who Failed Background Checks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Federal authorities sought to take back guns from thousands of people the background check system should have blocked from buying weapons because they had criminal records, mental health issues or other problems that would disqualify them. A USA TODAY review found that the FBI issued more than 4,000 requests last year for agents from the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives to retrieve guns from prohibited buyers.

WA: $20,000 in Guns Stolen From Vehicle’s Trunk in Centralia
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a report of a theft of guns from a vehicle’s trunk in Centralia over the weekend. The theft was reported at 12:30 p.m. Sunday in the 2700 block of Graf Road in Centralia. A 21-year-old man reported he was transporting between seven and nine firearms valued together at $20,000 for his grandfather, a 74-year-old Napavine man.


WA: Armed With Assault Rifle, Man Prepares to Battle 'Lizard People'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A 55-year-old Eatonville man armed himself with an AK-47 and a pistol over the weekend to battle "the lizard people," the Pierce County Sheriff's Office said. The man told law enforcement that President Trump had called to warn him.


Anti-gunners Target Republicans As Congress Moves on CCW
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The gun prohibition group headed by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords – and named for her – is targeting eight Republican lawmakers with a blitz of advertising designed to “pressure Republican lawmakers ahead of a vote on a new concealed carry bill,” according to The Hill.

FL: National Gun Violence Prevention Group Calls for Charges Against 'Road Rage' Shooter
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A national group is calling for charges against the man who in November shot and killed a motorist on State Road 60. Dennis Wayne Hicks, 38, of Fort Pierce, was killed in what the Indian River County Sheriff's Office classified as a "road rage" incident. Timothy Daniel Sartori, 29, of Sebastian, was identified as the shooter.

Right-Wingers Find an Accidental Shooting to Go Ballistic Over
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Conservatives, being Second Amendment stalwarts, are usually pretty chill about accidental shootings. “Fake News Exposed: Accidental Gun Deaths Plummet To All-Time Low,” reported the Daily Wire. “Every story about an accidental shooting in the home will be repeated again and again,” complained columnist Thomas Sowell, “while a thousand stories about lives saved by defensive uses of a gun will never see the light of day in most newspapers or on most television newscasts.” “Pools, knives, and pillows cause more accidental deaths than guns so I am not going to let you anti-gun weasels demonize my self-defense tool just because it makes you wet your pants,” wrote Bruce W. Krafft of The Truth About Guns.

MO: Suspect Charged After Imo’s Delivery Driver Kills Robber During Shootout
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A man has been charged in connection with a fatal shooting involving an Imo's Pizza delivery driver. The Circuit Attorney's Office issued warrants for one count of Murder 2nd and one count of Robbery 1st against Montel Smith, 24, of the 1400 block of Hoage. His bond was set at $500,000 cash only. The delivery driver shot and killed a man who tried to rob him in south St. Louis on Thursday, November 30.

TN: Army Debuts First New Handgun In A Generation At Fort Campbell
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Army is replacing its standard issue handgun with a new model, and some Fort Campbell soldiers are the first to receive the sidearm. This isn't the first time the famed 101st Airborne has been called on to field new equipment. The division was also one of the first to receive the updated M320 grenade launcher a few years ago. Lt. Col. Martin O’Donnell says the 101st has often piloted equipment because they’ve been deployed more often than other divisions.

TN: Dozens of Guns Stolen from Murfreesboro Gun Outlet Friday Night
Submitted by: David Williamson

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More than 45 guns were stolen from a local gun outlet over the weekend, Murfreesboro Police say. A collection valued at close to $20,000 was removed from the premises of the Murfeesboro Outdoor Gun Shop sometime after close on Friday, Dec. 1, according to police reports.


CO: AG Cynthia Coffman Wants Concealed Carry for Guns Across State Lines
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Days after it was reported that Cynthia Coffman, who is running for governor in Colorado, was one of only two Republican attorneys general who hadn’t signed a letter in support of an NRA-backed law to allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry hidden guns in any state, she said she supports it. “Better late than never,” said David Kopel, a Colorado attorney who has written books and articles about gun laws and the Second Amendment and supports the federal legislation.


TX: Bouncer Set for Trial in Attack of Moses Malone Jr. Over Facebook Post
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A manager in charge of security at an after-hours club is expected to begin trial Monday for assault, accused of attacking Moses Malone Jr. last year for a Facebook post about basketball star James Harden. Darian Blount, 40, is accused of confronting Malone outside V Live, a club that operates between 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., saying he disrespected Harden and needed to be punished.


SKS Upgrades: 4 Great Options for Your Rifle
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While prices have crept up in recent years, the surplus SKS rifle remains a popular option for gun aficionados looking for a relatively affordable, battle-proven rifle to add to their collection. However, decades of heavy use has often left these guns battered and in need of some TLC and upgrades. Check out these four great purpose-built options designed to take your SKS carbine to the next level.


Without freedom there will be no firearms among the people; without firearms among the people there will not long be freedom. Certainly there are examples of countries where the people remain relatively free after the people have been disarmed, but there are no examples of a totalitarian state being created or existing where the people have personal arms. — Neal Knox

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