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Newslinks for 12/6/2002

Why Males Don't Go to College
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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[B]oys' sagging educational performance is one of the main reasons for the increasing disappearance of male students from our college campuses. However, there is another, unacknowledged reason why some males don't go to college-rampant anti-male feminism has made college campuses a place where many males feel unwanted and unwelcome. To use a feminist term, our universities have become "hostile environments" for young men.

Canada: "Parliament mugged"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
"Straight shooters they're not. But then, they never aimed to be."

"For seven years, bureaucrats in Canada's justice ministry under Allan Rock, Anne McLellan and now Martin Cauchon have lowballed, denied, hidden and shrugged off the ever-rising cost of setting up a national firearms registry."

"In 1995 Rock told Canadians it would cost $2 million to register owners and guns. Not even close. Cauchon now guesses $860 million, maybe more."

"This is not a 'cost overrun.' It's a scandal that strikes at Ottawa's credibility. Heads should roll." ...

NY: Shaming the shield
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Michael Silvestri is a veteran New York City police detective who is on trial in federal court in Manhattan for his alleged association with a Mafia crime family."

"The trial will determine if the allegations are true. But I'm not surprised that Silvestri is entangled in this mess. The guy's no genius."

"One of his misadventures, an especially dangerous one, occurred last year when he was the lead detective investigating a holdup and attempted murder in Brooklyn." ...

Submitted by: Brian Puckett

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We recently came across this heated denunciation of the current NRA management's failure to support Ashcroft Petition and their Orwellian demand for strict enforcement of unconstitutional gun control laws -- rather than calling for their REPEAL. The similar views of COA and (and many other principled gun rights groups) on this latter issue can be read here:

PA: Handguns for Sale, $51 - Shotguns, Rifles, $26
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Gun buyup in Pennsylvania offer opportunity to buy firearms inexpensively. Just outbid the posted amounts being offered to people who want to get rid of their firearms...
Goods for Guns of Allegheny County
Get $50 gift certificate in exchange for working handguns; $25 for rifles/shotguns at the following collections:

Gun Buybacks
December 7th & 14th
9am - 3pm
Click above link for locations and let us know if you outbid these dingleberries.

OR: "Work to avert more gun deaths"
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"And why must concealed weapons be allowed in our schools, churches, sporting events, public buildings and other public places where kids and families congregate?"

Oregon Ceasefire

Anyone care to submit a printable letter to the editor in response to Mr. Dearth?

MI: Storeowner Kills Thug in Defense of Himself
Submitted by: Mark Palazzolo

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A local Detroit businessowner was accosted by 4 thugs attempting to rob him as he was leaving his store through the back door.

He was ordered back into the store at gunpoint. The storeowner pulls out his own piece and shoots one assailant, who is later DOA at the hospital. During the shooting, one assailant did manage to shoot the storeowner in the leg, but he is doing fine. He kept 2 others at bay for the police to come by and arrest. One other assailant fled the scene.

DE: Judge tosses suit against gun makers, Wilmington mayor is not sure whether the city will appeal
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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While this is a clear example of a common-sense judge exercising common-sense judgement it also speaks to the character of our fine Mayor. This is the same mayor who, only 8 days ago, vetoed an idiot councilman's bill to require gun registration in the city of Wilmington. Councilman Norman Oliver, an accessory to a felony, is trying to solve the city's gun violence problem by further infringing responsible gun owners with a ridiculous scheme to make it look like he's really trying.

Mayor James M. Baker can be reached at:

Councilman Norman Oliver can be emailed at:

Ga.-to-CNY Weapons Ring Charged; 58 Guns at Large
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A well-armed team of 50 agents swept through Syracuse Wednesday morning, rounding up a ring of gun traffickers and lodging 33 charges against 14 men connected with a scheme to buy guns in Georgia and deliver them to gang members on the South Side." ...

Bulgaria: Pet tiger proves effective crime deterrent
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"A spate of burglaries has stopped in a Bulgarian village after one of the victims bought himself a pet tiger." ...
When tigers are outlawed, only outlaws will have tigers...

Surveillance steamroller flattens our every right
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "If the ACLU can join with conservatives to preserve the Bill of Rights, why can't the National Rifle Association do the same, when it comes to homeland spying? The NRA has remained strangely - one might say even eerily - quiet about the Homeland Security Act."

"Surely every gun owner in America realizes that a full-blown surveillance system, in which every American's life is monitored by the Pentagon in a war on terrorism, can red-flag gun owners with a very big flag, indeed. And such a system would be tantamout to universal gun registration." ...

Canada: Families, advocates defend gun registry as massacre anniversary looms
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'What I'm finding most distressing about it is, even though the auditor general said very explicitly she was not addressing the question of effectiveness, the opponents of the legislation predictably are using this as an opportunity to once again call for it to be repealed or dismantled,' Cukier said." ...

Canada: Ottawa backtracks on more cash for gun program
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Canadian government, under enormous pressure over a gun registry that cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than expected, scrapped plans on Thursday to pour even more money into the program."

"Parliament had been due to vote later in the day on whether to spend an extra C$72 million ($46 million) on a program which is already more than C$600 million over budget." ...

Australia: State, territory leaders to meet PM at COAG meeting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Gun control is also on the agenda, with three states holding out on signing off on Mr Howard's plan to ban all handguns except some pistols used in elite sporting shooter events." ...

Canada: Rock takes aim at gun lobby, provinces
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
Alternate Title: Hapless bureaucrat whines and tries to pass responsibility to the gun lobby for his screw-ups.
"Liberal leadership hopeful Allan Rock blamed gun lobby groups and some provinces Thursday for the $1-billion cost overrun in the federal gun registry, saying they blocked the process and drove up the cost...

" 'Some provinces refused to administer it and left it just to us. Ralph Klein and Mike Harris wanted nothing to do with effective gun control,' he said." ...

Australia: If Annies can't get their guns, they are more likely to be robbed or assaulted
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Gun control may indeed make Australians safer by limiting the availability of guns to criminals. But gun control also reduces the number of guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens, making it harder for them to defend themselves against criminals, particularly for physically weaker people such as women and the elderly. In 1997 in the United States, for example, there were about 430,000 criminal uses of guns, but over 2 million defensive uses ..."

Federal Court Upholds CA Assault Weapons Ban, Rebuts Ashcroft's Alleged Individual RKBA Stance
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Site username: Newslinks
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Must have cookies turned on for it to work.
"The federal appeals court in San Francisco yesterday unanimously upheld most aspects of a California law restricting sales and ownership of the semiautomatic firearms sometimes called assault weapons. It rejected a challenge to the law based on recent interpretations of the Second Amendment by a federal appeals court in New Orleans and by the Justice Department."

"The law, enacted in 1989 and broadened in 1999, was challenged by people who owned or wanted to buy such firearms."

"The decision is significant, legal experts said, not for its outcome, which was largely required by earlier decisions of the court, but for its extended rebuttal of more recent interpretations of the Second Amendment. The ruling was issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit." ...

"The panel struck down as irrational a provision of the law that allowed retired law enforcement officers to retain assault weapons." ...

NC: Multiple law enforcement officers charged with racketeering
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Three Mecklenburg County sheriff's deputies, one former deputy and a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer have been arrested and charged with conspiring to provide protection for criminal activities, including an illegal gambling operation, federal officials said Thursday." ...

Canada: Police nab violent offenders
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A joint-police task force has conducted a series of raids in Ontario and Quebec aimed at getting convicted violent offenders off the streets and, in some cases, out of the country.

"The raids early Thursday targeted 55 individuals involved in serious violent crimes who were non-Canadians, Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino told a news conference...

"The crimes involved included robbery, weapons and firearm offences, Fantino said. A .22-calibre handgun was seized during the raids." ...

"Suicide-Gun Ownership Link Remains a Mystery"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The jury is still out on why suicide rates are higher in parts of the US where more households own guns, as new research indicates the link cannot be explained by the prevalence of mental health problems in these areas.

" 'This gun-suicide association is not due to differences in rates of depression or serious suicidal thoughts,' study author Dr. David Hemenway of Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, told Reuters Health." ...


While these pontificators are at it, perhaps they can explain why there are countries with low gun ownership rates but much higher suicide rates -- and why there are countries with higher gun ownership rates but much lower suicide rates.

UK: Police dog and handler foil bank siege
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A police dog and his handler have been hailed heroes after ending a hostage crisis at a bank a few hundred yards from Buckingham Palace.

"Three-year-old German Shepherd Torr and his handler moved into the HSBC branch in Buckingham Palace Road.

"They found the hostage-taker, who was believed to be armed with a handgun, hiding in a ventilation shaft." ...

IN: Bailiff avoids jail for pulling gun on officer
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A Marion County court bailiff will not serve time in jail or on probation for pulling a gun on a police officer during a traffic stop.

"During a hearing in Marion Superior Court Wednesday, Judge Patricia Gifford handed Delbert Maxwell, 56, a one-year suspended sentence for intimidation and resisting arrest ..."


Is there any doubt that the sentence would have been heavier if it had been an ordinary citizen and not a bailiff committing the same offense?

Canada: Gun charges for high school student
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A 19-year-old Milliken Mills High School student who turned himself into police is charged with pulling a sawed-off shotgun on a 17-year-old boy in the school's rear parking lot.

"Police were called to a disturbance in the lot and found the boy had fled for his safety.

"The man is charged with possessing a dangerous weapon, assault with a weapon and breach of probation." ...

CA: San Mateo Bans Guns on County Property (more info)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to adopt an ordinance banning guns on county property, a move that reinstates a county law that was declared unconstitutional in 1997.

"The statute prohibits the possession of ammunition and guns, loaded or unloaded, anywhere on land owned or leased by the county. One of the major effects will be an end to gun shows held at the county-owned Expo Center in San Mateo." ...

2nd Amendment fight back policy
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"We advocate the filing of Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuits against all State and local Governments That limit or restrict your RIGHT to keep and bear arms when it leads to the inability to protect yourself from the Criminals that these municipalities and States protect.

"...ANY City or State that denies or limits your RIGHT to carry a weapon for defense is Liable for any and all damages and/or Injuries to your person. Period." ...

KY: Kentuckians for the Right to Bear Arms recruiting members
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The statewide group believes Congress will try to close gun shows, limit some automatic weapons and prevent people who have received mental care from owning guns.

"Local KRBA Director Norman Davis said the problem with the latter bill, known as the Our Lady of Peace Act, which passed the House of Representatives but didn't clear Congress, is that people who have received minor or involuntary care are excluded just as the same as people with severe mental problems." ...

IL: Woman thwarts home invasion
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The victim and her 6-year-old son were arriving home when she noted three people garbed in ski masks behind them. The woman opened the apartment door, but one of the masked assailants pushed inside the residence. A second intruder also entered.

"One of the invaders pointed a gun at the mother's face, but the victim grabbed the weapon. The victim pulled off the ski mask during the struggle." ...

FL: 1 dead, 2 held in store holdup
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The robbers, wearing masks and carrying guns, entered the store, according to Broward Sheriff's Office spokesman Hugh Graf. One of them told Damiati to walk toward the front counter, investigators said. He resisted and the man shot him to death.

"Mourtada grabbed his own gun and shot at the robbers, hitting both, deputies said." ...

"National Campaign to Close the Newspaper Loophole"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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PEORIA, ILLINOIS -- "Just because you can legally advertise the sale of handguns and rifles in a newspaper doesn't mean you should, a national group told the Journal Star Wednesday."

"Newspaper classified ads are being used to circumvent federal laws requiring background checks on individuals purchasing guns, said John Johnson, the head of the National Campaign to Close the Newspaper Loophole."

"The 'loophole' is the fact that people can sell firearms without a license and people can buy the weapons without a background check, just as they can at gun shows, estate sales and flea markets, Johnson's organization maintains." ...

If Lawful Gun Owners Weren't So Peaceable...

There'd be a National Campaign to Close Gun Banners' Windpipes

INS Agent Shot Girlfriend, Self - with department-issue weapon, in crowded shopping center
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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PEMBROKE PINES, Fla., 6:16 p.m. EST December 4, 2002 - "An Immigration and Naturalization Service agent is dead and a woman remained in critical condition after an apparent murder-suicide attempt in a Pembroke Pines parking lot Tuesday night."

"Pembroke Pines police said Willard Williams, 41, shot his girlfriend in the face with his department-issued handgun Tuesday night and then fatally shot himself."

"The shooting happened in a crowded shopping center parking lot at Pines Boulevard and Flamingo Road." ...

TX: Pawn shop tricks gun thief
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Granbury pawn shop called Christopher Shane Lucas and said they had videotaped him stealing a pistol from the business, said Hood County district attorney Rob Christian."

"Lucas, 23, of Mabery Court, then brought back the Ruger 9mm semi-automatic pistol, Christian reported."

"However, the pawn shop’s call to Lucas was a ruse to get the gun back because the shop had never taped Lucas stealing the pistol, said Christian."

"Lucas was given four years’ probation last week and fined $2,000 after pleading guilty to stealing the gun from the shop last Dec. 5..."

CA: Citizens help officer subdue violent, armed felon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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LA MESA – A felon suspected of threatening to shoot his ex-boss proceeded to attack a patrolman who approached him on an East County street today, scuffling with him until a pair of citizens came to the officer's aid.

Shortly before 11:30 a.m., dispatchers got a 911 call about a gunman threatening someone in a home in the 4400 block of Rosebud Lane in La Mesa, police said.

A few minutes later, Officer Bob Lowry saw a pedestrian matching the assailant's description in the 7500 block of University Avenue, stopped him and was "immediately threatened," LMPD public affairs Lt. Raul Garcia said.

The man – later identified as 34-year-old Benjamin Reyes of La Mesa – allegedly announced he was carrying a concealed pistol and would shoot the patrolman.

"As Reyes reached into his pocket and kept his hand concealed from view, Officer Lowry drew his service weapon and ... attempted to talk Reyes into surrendering peacefully," Garcia said. "Reyes began to comply with the officer's directions, then ran at the officer."

As the men grappled, two passers-by ran up and helped wrestle Reyes into submission. Lowry arrested him and found a loaded .22-caliber handgun in his pocket, along with extra ammunition, according to police.

"It was later discovered that Reyes is a convicted felon with a history of violence and is not allowed to possess a gun," the lieutenant said.

The civilians' assistance "was significant and probably prevented death or serious injury" to Lowry as well as the suspect, he added.

Australia: All governments now agree on handgun ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Govts share cost of handgun buyback

State and territory leaders have reached an agreement with the Prime Minister on tougher gun laws across Australia.

All governments have endorsed the resolution including limits on the calibre and barrel length of handguns.

A ban on handguns will come into force from June 30 next year.

The leaders have also resolved the major sticking point, with a buyback scheme to be jointly funded by the two tiers of government.

Prime Minister John Howard said: "There will be a buyback, there will be an amnesty of both legal and illegal guns.

"The buyback will be funded initially from the $15 million which was left over from the buyback monies from the post-Port-Arthur buyback.

"The rest, the Commonwealth will meet two-thirds and the states one-third."
Reckon we'll now find out if Australians have more guts than the cowards in Britain.

Federal appeals court upholds Calif assault weapons ban (another report)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - "A federal appeals court Thursday unanimously upheld California's ban on assault weapons."

"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said individuals had no right to bear arms under the Second Amendment." ...

Secret Service officer charged
Submitted by: Charlie McMillion

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"Maryland State Police charged an off-duty U.S. Secret Service officer with two felonies in a 'road rage' incident over the weekend. He is accused of pointing a handgun at a driver on a Western Maryland interstate highway, authorities said." ...

What's To Debate?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hayhoe is a hoplophobic liberal who is hellbent on treating an inanimate object, a firearm made of steel, wood, rubber and plastic, as a living, breathing, satanic creature, just like that Stephen King novel which attributed an evil soul to an automobile. Good reading, perhaps, but pure fantasy."

"Satanizing one inanimate object, a firearm, while ignoring the inherent potential dangers of every other man- made object, such as automobiles (accidental auto fatalities outnumber accidental firearm fatalities by about 40,000 to 1) or knives/cutting instruments (the No. 1 weapon of choice in Florida in the crime of aggravated assault, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, for 2001) is irrational." ...

Alternative Clinton Library Keeps the Truth Alive
Submitted by: Du Eulear

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WASHINGTON – "Bill Clinton, America’s only elected president ever impeached, will not get away with rewriting the history of his legacy. In the fall of 2003, a Counter Clinton Library is scheduled to open in Little Rock, Ark., to set the record straight."

"Furthermore, it will be located just a short walk from the official Clinton Library that will spin the legacy, as presented by Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Counter Clinton Library is set to open about six months ahead of the sanitized Clinton version." ...

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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