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Newslinks for 12/6/2019

IL: Police chief firing puts spotlight on cops who let him go
Submitted by: jac

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CHICAGO (AP) — When fellow officers discovered Chicago’s police chief asleep behind the wheel of his running SUV, they did not conduct any sobriety tests and let their boss drive home — a decision that has thrown a spotlight on what happens when one officer confronts another on patrol.

When it comes to police pulling over police, the unwritten rule has long been one of professional courtesy: Don’t call attention to the incident over the radio and maybe offer a ride home, particularly if no one else is involved. But that practice has been increasingly called into question, amid calls for better police accountability ....

Mike Bloomberg rolls out gun safety proposals
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mike Bloomberg, who has already helped bankroll a battle for gun reform as a private citizen, on Thursday rolled out his gun safety proposals for his 2020 presidential run.

Gun safety is a passionate point for Bloomberg. He previously pledged $50 million to support Everytown for Gun Safety, an organization he helped found in 2014 to promote gun reform.

Gun-grabbing activists Women Against Gun Violence lie about ‘good guy with a gun’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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That doesn’t stop them from trying, and often their attempts require the use of lies to try to make their fallacy-laden points. Women Against Gun Violence, a 26-year-old activist group that pushes a far-left confiscation agenda, has been called out in the past for spreading false information. Their latest version is one of the most egregious examples of spinning the narrative through a bald-faced lie that was intended to make people change their heart about legal gun owners. It’s a good try, other than the fact that the “good guy with a gun” they’re referencing was convicted for first-degree unlawful restraint stemming from sexual assault charges and was not legally allowed to own a firearm.

NH: Man who claimed self-defense in July fatal shooting won't face charges
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Manchester man will not face charges in the July shooting death of 42-year-old Jason Barry.

The man returned home, got his gun from inside and saw that the garage door was 2 feet off the ground. A man, later identified as Barry, was crawling out from under the door.

The report said the man told Barry to stop and believed he saw something in Barry's hand. He then shot Barry once, killing him.

That man told police he feared for his life and for his property.

FL: Body found in backyard after Brevard resident said he shot at 2 men trying to break into home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Brevard County sheriff’s investigators are reviewing a deadly shooting that happened after a resident said two masked men tried to break into his home Wednesday in Central Brevard, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Deputies also are searching for a burglary suspect who fled from the home after gunshots rang out, fatally wounding the second suspect during the botched daytime break-in.

TX: HPD chief Acevedo and Sen. John Cornyn joust over who is holding up key legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Violence Against Women Act, which provides funding and grants for domestic abuse programs, passed originally in 1994. However, it needs to be reauthorized by Congress. The House passed a version earlier this year but it includes a provision that Republicans and the National Rifle Association have opposed that would expand the list of people who could be banned from purchasing guns to include dating partners convicted of abuse or those who have a restraining order against them.

VA: A gun sanctuary zone with no regulations?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Seriously, Greene County Republicans have formally proposed that our county officials enforce no restrictions on guns? Setting aside lawful gun buyers from licensed dealers, the Republicans seek to allow anyone of any age, or with a criminal or psychiatric history or who is perceived as a threat to himself or others, be permitted to acquire any firearm from anyone and carry it anyplace—on the street, into a school, workplace, church or government building. Seriously?

Bloomberg Unveils Radical Anti-Freedom Plan Attacking Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, who is sympathetic toward the Chinese Communist Party, unveiled a massive anti-freedom proposal on Thursday aimed at severely clamping down on American’s constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights.

VA: Louisa County official explains support for Second Amendment Sanctuary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Louisa County Supervisor Duane Adams says the county is prepared to challenge any new gun legislation passed in Richmond in court.

Earlier this week, nearly a thousand residents packed the Board of Supervisors meeting. Many of them spoke in favor of the county becoming a so-called Second Amendment Sanctuary.

The board passed a resolution making the county a sanctuary, and Adams voted with the majority.

VA: Exmore Is Second Amendment Sanctuary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Exmore is officially a second amendment sanctuary since the town council adopted a resolution Monday night declaring its opposition to any infringement of law-abiding citizens’ right to keep and bear arms.

“The town of Exmore and the police officers will not engage in unconstitutional law,” said Police Chief Angelo DiMartino, who was answered by applause from the audience that packed the town hall.

VA: Second Amendment Sanctuaries Protect Rights We Already Have
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On the night of April 21, 1775, Lord Dunmore decided to enact his own form of gun control against unruly Virginians by confiscating the gunpowder at Williamsburg, transporting it to British warships sitting in the Chesapeake Bay.

The reaction from the Virginians was nothing short of outrage.

Livid at the prospect of being disarmed in the event of an Indian raid (and more likely the prospect of British occupation much as what was happening to Boston), Virginians of every stripe and background rose as one and did something that was well in the traditions of Virginians since the time of Bacon’s Rebellion — they marched on the capital.

VA: Craig County joins growing list of Second Amendment sanctuaries
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Craig County joins the growing list of areas becoming Second Amendment sanctuaries.

According to the county’s Republican party, the Board of Supervisors voted 4 to 1 in favor of the resolution.

Prior to Election Day, the idea of a Second Amendment sanctuary was unheard of.

But now, more than forty cities and counties have passed some sort of ordinance.

MI: Protecting your home with force could get you felony charges
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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People defending their home could face multiple felony charges if someone is shot and killed without adhering to the proper specifications of how the law explains self-defense.

Kalamazoo County Prosecuting Attorney Jeff Getting said the law is very specific about using deadly for in self-defense. The use of deadly force is defensible in situations where there is fear of death, bodily harm or sexual assault.

Top European Court Upholds EU’s Anti-Gun Regulations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In 2017, the EU passed a series of directives regulating the acquisition and possession of firearms. These restrictions imposed by the European Parliament and the European Council “do not breach legal principles,” the Luxembourg-based court ruled. The Czech Republic, supported by Poland and Hungary, had urged the court to annul the 2017 EU-wide regulations that sharply restrict private gun ownership.

The legality of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With all the chatter around Virginia regarding Second Amendment sanctuaries, gun advocates argue gun control laws will infringe on their Second Amendment right.

However, Brad Jacob, an Associate Professor of Law at Regent University, said it may be possible for Virginia to restrict certain types of guns, like semi-automatic weapons because the Supreme Court hasn't ruled on gun restrictions.

“The courts will, in time, I think give us a tighter definition of what’s covered by the Second Amendment, what weapons could be banned without violating the Second Amendment,” said Jacob.

VA: Virginia Now Has 41 Second Amendment Sanctuaries! – Sanctuary Tsunami Continues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Virginia now has 41 sanctuaries! Tuesday, we got 11!

NY: Supreme Court Should Keep New York City Gun Case in Its Sights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And under the Supreme Court's doctrine of voluntary cessation, as Chief Justice John Roberts explained in a 2007 ruling, a defendant does not "moot" a case by willingly stopping the action that gave rise to the lawsuit unless it is "absolutely clear that the allegedly wrongful behavior could not reasonably be expected to recur."

“Preventing Gun Violence” is not a Compelling Governmental Interest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For “strict scrutiny”, a compelling interest must be shown. From

An interest is compelling when it is essential or necessary rather than a matter of choice, preference, or discretion.

Examples of compelling governmental interests would be: protecting the country from invasion; maintaining the rule of law in contracts and property rights; protecting the structure and execution of Constitutional order.

“Preventing gun violence” is precisely a matter of choice, preference, and discretion.
The choice, preference, and discretion of those who want a disarmed population, are all aimed at disarming the rest of society, precisely what the Second Amendment is designed to prevent.

VA: Local delegate drafting legislation to protect Second Amendment sanctuaries
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A local state delegate is trying to help prevent Second Amendment sanctuaries from having to follow state gun laws.

Delegate James Edmunds, who represents Halifax County, is bringing a new idea to the table, saying it’s a intra-state issue and localities should be able to ignore new gun laws if they want to.

ID: Gun Grabbers Lose In Caldwell, Win In Boise. Is Boise Gone?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was a wild election night in Caldwell and Boise, Idaho this week.

Gun owners turned out in droves in one race and stunned political pundits.

The Caldwell race was of particular concern to gun owners as the head of the Idaho Democrat Party attempted to hide her identity and win a local election. Her plan failed when gun owners exposed her as a radical leftist who supported every major gun control politician and candidate alive.

It was a race that many did not know how it would turn out.

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. — Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson

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