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Newslinks for 12/7/2002

Blacks and Guns
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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"African-Americans have a serious problem with guns. They don't have enough of them. Despite being victimized by crime at several times the rate of whites, only 30 percent of black adults own guns, compared to 43 percent of whites."

"Blacks are also heavily represented in California and in those Northeast and Midwest states which, like California, deny citizens their right to bear arms. Thus criminals in black neighborhoods can usually be confident of not meeting armed resistance from the law-abiding citizenry. This safe working environment emboldens criminals to commit more crimes."

"But that is only half the problem." ...

'Vigilante justice' is better than no justice
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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"Residents of Arizona, Texas and other increasingly lawless regions of the country are tired of being ignored and are taking matters into their own hands, though their actions are drawing the ire – and fear – of authorities." ...

Iraq has [allegedly] distributed "hundreds of thousands, if not millions" of guns to its people
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Iraq is preparing for war and has distributed 'hundreds of thousands, if not millions' of guns to its people to fend off an American-led attack, the country's deputy prime minister said today."

"Mr. Aziz asserted that virtually every Iraqi household had weapons, 'We are the only country in the world, the only government in the world, who gives weapons to its people,' Mr. Aziz said. 'And that's because we are sure of the attitude of our people. You can find a gun in every house in Iraq.' " ...

" 'All these guns will be used against any invasion of Iraq — not against the leadership and the government of Iraq,' he said." ...
Nothing in this article suggests that Saddam has given his people any ammunition.

Triggers are safety features
Submitted by: John Isaacs

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And the other rebuttal to the recent letter to the editor of the Florida Times-Union decrying gun manufacturers.
... "Did the firearm have a safety feature? Yes, it's called a trigger." ...

Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Great blog, by Eugene Volokh, on the 9th Circuit Court's appalling decision:

"You'd think that in a discussion of what 'militia' means in the Second Amendment, the Ninth Circuit would quote the Supreme Court's statement as to what this means....

"You'd think that the Ninth Circuit would quote the Militia Act of 1792....

"You'd think that it would quote the four state ratifying conventions' calls for a right to bear arms....

"But you'd be mistaken...." ...

OH: Columbus Dispatch: NOW they Print it - "Other States with Carry Laws See Few Problems"
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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After publishing multiple editorials spouting the typical uninformed rhetoric opposing Concealed Carry Reform, the Columbus (OH) Dispatch has finally decided to allow a story to be printed which admits to the SUCCESS of such laws in other states.

Should readers be at all suspicious that the Dispatch waited until a Senate committee has knuckled under to a police union and Gov. Taft using the exact same fear warnings that failed to materialize on these other states?

PA: 40-year-old conviction for stealing a case of beer prevents man from buying rifle
Submitted by: P. Jones

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Gun laws unfair, local man tells top court"
"A Lancaster city man believes his constitutional rights were violated when a 40-year-old conviction for stealing a case of beer precluded him from buying a rifle."

"When Michael Lehman tried to buy a .22-caliber rifle two years ago at a local sporting goods shop, a felony conviction blocked the sale."

"His crime?"

"Stealing a case of beer off a back porch in Lancaster city's Cabbage Hill neighborhood in 1962."

"Lehman, 60, of Lancaster city, said it was actually his buddy who stole the beer, but they both drank it, so Lehman pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny."

" 'I admitted it,' the construction worker, whose criminal record is otherwise spotless, said. 'I paid my fines and I lost my driver's license for a year. I thought that was the end of it.' "

"He was wrong."

"On Wednesday, Lehman's attorney, Randall L. Wenger, argued before the state Supreme Court that his client should be allowed to buy a gun." ...

"Larceny was downgraded from a felony to a misdemeanor in 1973, according to Wenger." ...

"Prior to 1996, Pennsylvania had a list of crimes that prevented anyone convicted of one of them from buying a gun."

"Larceny was not on that list."

"Under the federal guidelines added in 1996..." ...

"In accordance with state law, Lehman appealed his case to an administrative law judge and in Commonwealth Court."

"He lost his case in both venues and decided to take it to the state Supreme Court." ...

The Ninth Circus Court of Appeals Once Again Demonstrates Its Scholarship
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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A great blog, by Clayton Cramer, on the 9th Circuit Court's decision (w/ numerous references to state supreme court decisions that contradict Judge Reinhardt's opinion)

"This is the sort of decision I expect from the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals: long on verbal sleight of hand, short on examination of original sources, very trusting of gun control advocate opinions." ...

TX: Houston Police Officers Indicted For Mass Arrests at K-Mart
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police officers involved in the mass arrest of 270 citizens in Houston earlier this year have been indicted by the Grand Jury.

" 'Though all trespassing and curfew charges resulting from the arrests were dropped, the city faces one lawsuit and 89 claims for damages filed by people seeking millions of dollars." ...
May they be forced to pay out the nose until it hurts, so they don't do it again any time soon.

KY: Kentucky Police Shoot, Kill Handcuffed (behind his back) Suspect in His Home
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man who was shot and killed Thursday by police in Louisville, Ky., was handcuffed before an officer fired his gun 12 times...

"James Edward Taylor, 50, was fatally shot at about 6 p.m. Thursday in his home...

"Smith said that Taylor, while his hands were in handcuffs behind his back, was able to reach into his back pocket for a knife. And after being handcuffed, Taylor brandished the knife, which had a 3-inch blade on it, and threatened the officers with it, WLKY reported." ...

CA: SF Murder Suspect Released After 2 Yrs in Prison
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"San Francisco prosecutors say charges have been dropped, due to lack of evidence, against a 25-year-old man who has been in custody for two years awaiting trial in the murder of his girlfriend...

"Hammer said charges might still be brought against Tyson in the future. 'We decided that it would be better to dismiss the charges now rather than to try a case that might lead to an acquittal. We have encouraged the police to pursue their investigation,' he said." ...
No evidence. Two years. And that was before the so-called "USA PATRIOT" Act.

South Africa: Doctor shot by robbers arises out of coma
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A DOCTOR shot by robbers in South Africa has woken from a coma and spoken to his wife, it emerged today.

"Dr Richard McBride (56), from Helen's Bay in Co Down, has been fighting for his life since he was gunned down by armed raiders at his holiday home just outside Cape Town." ...

Australia: PM launches gun buy-up prior to forced confiscations
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"PRIME Minister John Howard has ...tightened gun laws, convincing the states to commit manpower and some funds for a massive handgun buyback.

"Up to 20 per cent of all handguns, or more than 500 models, will be illegal year, with a six-month amnesty and strict exemptions for sporting shooters and law enforcement officers.

"The Commonwealth will pay the first $15 million in compensation for owners and two thirds of all costs after that, with the states combining to pay the rest." ...

Canada: MPs mark Montreal Massacre
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The shootings in Montreal stimulated Canada's gun control movement, but anti-gun control forces received a big boost this week with reports of out-of-control spending at the federal gun registry program.

"People opposed to gun control have taken comfort in the criticisms of the registry, and there have been predictions the financial problems spell the end of the legislation.

"Some of Friday's memorials addressed the renewed opposition to the gun registry." ...

TX: Council informally considers restricting toy guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Carrollton City Council passed an ordinance making it illegal for minors to possess or display replica firearms in public, but Coppell officials aren't planning to take the same step.

"Not yet at least.

"...the discharge of any handgun, BB gun, air rifle, air gun, air pellet gun, rifle and shotgun is prohibited within city limits.

"But, the ordinance does allow the discharge of a BB gun on one's own private property." ...

UK: Thieves take £65,000 in outdated currency
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Gardai today put banks and shopkeepers on alert after thieves took £65,000 (€100,000), mainly in in outdated Irish currency, from a Dublin charity.

"The cash, in Irish punt and British sterling coins, was stolen at gunpoint this morning from the Pennies from Heaven charitable organisation's base near the centre of Dublin." ...

NY: Neighbors: Rhinebeck gun club is too loud
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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RHINEBECK -- "The noise had just become too much.

"Some residents off Salisbury Turnpike are seeking relief from noise coming from a nearby firing range.

"More than 50 residents and members of the Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club met with the Rhinebeck Town Board Wednesday in an attempt to come to a compromise." ...

OH: Blind Woman Raped After Getting Off Bus
Submitted by: SLangner

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... "She always took the same bus after work. She always got off at the same West 130th Street stop at the same time and walked home along the same street.

"Wednesday evening, police say, a man took advantage of that routine. He followed the woman and then beat and raped her just across the street from the Cleveland police 1st District station." ...
Let the police protect you. Yeah, right.

Rush Limbaugh: The 9th Circuit Will Be Overturned
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"The Ninth Circus Court of Appeals has ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to individuals but only to government-run militias. This is the same court that said 'under God' does not belong in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rest assured, this court will be overturned - yet again." ...

"This judge believes that you people who support the Second Amendment might as well be Timothy McVeigh. You single women who buy a gun because your ex-husband threatened to kill you, or you shopkeepers and target shooters – you're all Oklahoma City Bombers. (Notice: 'bomber,' he didn't use a gun.) Reinhardt writes that the phrase 'well-regulated' means that militia refers to an established government military, yet he later admits that the Second Amendment was written before the government had a standing army!"

"If the Constitution meant to ban private arms, George Washington would have dispatched troops to round up guns, wouldn't he? He'd at least have called for them to be turned in. All the proof you need of this amendment's purpose is that Founders would not have existed as free men had they not taken up arms against an oppressive government."

"When they won, they had the humility and wisdom to say, 'If this new government gets too oppressive, future citizens must have the right to do what we did.' Reinhardt is saying that only government has freedom, and only it can grant the people liberty. 100% wrong." ...

KY: Detective shoots handcuffed man 12 times (more info)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. "After responding to a cry for help, a detective fatally shot a handcuffed man 12 times because he wouldn't drop his weapon."

"James Taylor 50, was shot multiple times at 6:02 p.m. EST Thursday in his one room apartment in downtown Louisville. Taylor, a convicted felon, was pronounced dead at 6:14 p.m by Jefferson County deputy coroner."

"Louisville Police detective Michael O'Neil was placed on routine administrative leave pending an investigation Police Chief Greg Smith."
The man's hands were reportedly handcuffed behind his back, and the weapon in question was a 3 inch blade.

OH: HB274 Could Be Dead -- But House Adjourns Until Tuesday?
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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There are serious conflicting reports. The Ohio House has threatened to not come back next week because the Senate has destroyed " of the best concealed-weapons bills in the country and made it too restrictive." (Spkr Householder)

However, when the Ohio House recessed today, they adjourned "until Tuesday, December 10th". Are they bluffing? Either way, the Ohio Senate needs to pass HB274 as it left the Ohio House, and send it to Governor Taft. Follow link for NUMEROUS news stories.

Thailand: Policeman kills fellow officer in road-rage shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A police captain was shot dead by a fellow officer on a highway in a case of road rage, police said.

"The gunfight between Captain Samchai Rungsuwan and Colonel Wichai Sangpraphai occurred on Thursday morning, Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Major-General Jakthip Kunchornna Ayudhaya said.

"Captain Samchai was killed after being shot thrice." ...

MO: Local man relives his story of ‘Day that will live in infamy’
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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... " 'We were just a few hundred yards from the ships,' he recalled. 'We watched the ships sink - we watched them from the house. We could see them.' " ...

UK: Replica gun woman threatened workers
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A Telford woman was jailed for six months today for brandishing a replica gun at two shop workers who refused to sell her alcohol when she was already drunk.

"Finola O'Brien, 42, stood in the doorway of Maclynes shop in Snedshill, Oakengates, aimed the gun at the women and said: 'This is what you are going to get.' " ...

CA: Shotgun-Wielding Man Critically Wounds Police Officer
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"He was the second Southern California law enforcement officer shot in seven days." ...

" 'I think this country is still failing to realize that guns are too easy to obtain and we have a horrific body count and we just won't face up to it,' said Police Chief William Bratton, who became chief a month ago and is dealing with a serious rise in violence." ...
Obviously California's draconian gun laws aren't enough for this buffoon, who still doesn't understand the definition of "criminal."

CO: Man shot to death by Colorado Springs Police
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Just before 7 o'clock Thursday night officers were called to the Grand Centennial Apartments ... They'd been told there was a man in the area walking around with a shotgun. When they arrived they found a man carrying two knives. 'The officers repeatedly commanded him to drop the knives and stop his advance,' reported Police Spokesman Skip Armes. 'He refused to do so, threatening the officers. At a certain point, all 3 officers did fire shots at the suspect.' " ...

Appeals court kindles debate over meaning of 'right to bear arms'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said the ruling 'is clear confirmation that the government has the ability to place common-sense regulations on firearms.' Many state and federal rules, she added, place limits on who can possess weapons and what types they can have."
Is this the same Dianne Feinstein who used to pack heat herself when she felt threatened by the SLA? Obviously to her, the right to keep and bear arms only applies to a certain, privileged few.


The 9th circuit ruling doesn't say what Sen. Feinschtein says it does -- that "the government has the ability to place common-sense regulations on firearms." It says you have no right to own a firearm and that they can all be banned Constitutionally. This deceiver's nose is touching her own small intestine. She deserves to be tried and convicted of treason and given a sentence befitting a traitor.

WA: Gun store workers Report Seeing Sniper Suspect
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The employees of Bull's Eye Shooter Supply told agents they saw Malvo sometime before realizing in September that the rifle later used in the sniper shootings was missing from the store, according to search warrant documents released Friday in federal court.

"The documents do not detail Malvo's purported visit to the store, nor do they reveal how the rifle got into the hands of defendants Malvo, 17, and John Allen Muhammad, 41." ...

AK: Kids learn the art of hunting, survival
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Hamby was one of nearly 70 instructors teaching classes to 240 sixth-grade students at Floyd Dryden as part of a two-day program to teach safety in the wilderness. Subjects included outdoor survival skills, orienteering, water safety and hunter education, in which students learned about firearm safety and hunting wild game." ...

Canada: Trail of terror: Guns, knives and home invasions
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Two armed men are believed responsible for a crime spree, which included an abduction at gunpoint, several robberies and five home invasions through an area that stretched from Edmonton to Lac la Biche.

"The series of dramatic incidents appears to have begun in Edmonton late Tuesday and ended almost 24 hours later when the men eluded police road blocks and disappeared into the city under the cover of darkness." ...

Canadians go to Baghdad as 'human shields'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Opposition to a war on Iraq has a long way to go before it rivals the draft-card burnings and demonstrations against the war in Vietnam in the 1960s, but a new anti-war movement is growing muscle. Some Canadians already have left for Iraq to serve as human shields against bomb attacks on Baghdad. More will follow before Christmas." ...
Sarah Brady and her entourage would really enjoy Baghdad this time of year, too.

Australia: Handgun ban enforced with jail term
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"More than 500 types of handguns will be banned next year after agreement by state, territory, and Commonwealth leaders at yesterday's Council of Australian Governments meeting."

"Prime Minister John Howard announced a six-month amnesty and buy-back scheme beginning in July which would reduce Australia's hand guns by 20 per cent."

"The ban would be enforced by jail terms, Mr Howard warned."

" 'This is a very important step to making the streets of Australia safer,' he said, pledging that America's gun culture would not be allowed to take hold here." ...
Yes, Britain's streets are so much safer since they banned handguns... right? Higher violent per capita crime rate than most of the industrialize nations, one report said last week -- including being higher than the U.S.

Post gunban Britain = People fleeing certain areas due to skyrocketing gun-related crimes including people being shot in busy shopping centers in broad daylight -- defenseless sheep.

Former Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards Describes Prison Life
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Second letter from Edwards describes life in federal prison"
"Former Gov. Edwin Edwards says daily life in a federal prison is dominated by boredom, bad food and televisions that mostly show wrestling and soap operas."

"In a letter to friends, Edwards says his fellow inmates at the Fort Worth, Texas, prison 'drag themselves through life like forgotten spirits.' "

"Edwards has written two form letters to friends who have sent him mail during the first six weeks of his 10-year sentence for extorting riverboat casino applicants." ...

Describing fellow inmates, he says:
'They are just here for no purpose except to satisfy a vengeful society which is multiplying the causes which brought us here without a compensating effect of making a safer or better society.'

UK: Airport officer 'held gun to youth's head'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Heathrow policeman shocked passengers by holding a gun to the head of a 15-year-old boy, Ealing magistrates' court heard yesterday." ...

"Militia needs to leave guarding [borders] to [failed and untrustworthy] professionals"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Peoria, Ariz., resident this week shot and killed one of three intruders during a botched invasion of his home.

"Meanwhile down on the southern end of the state, a citizens militia in Tombstone was saying it planned to pack heat and go onto public lands along the border to look for terrorists, drug traffickers and illegal immigrants it says are threatening our homeland.

"No matter where the nation stands on the subject of gun control, the fact is that lots of Americans keep a firearm within reach if they think their safety depends on it — particularly now in an era of high crime rates and terrorism on U.S. soil.

"But there are striking differences between the two cases mentioned above. The Peoria resident presumably opened fire out of fear for his life. It's a safe bet a lot of other people would shoot first and ask questions later if masked strangers suddenly confronted them in their own homes.

"Indeed, state law says people have a right to use deadly force to protect themselves, and what is telling here is that the Peoria homeowner is not being prosecuted for the killing, at least not so far.

"But the citizen militia in Tombstone is looking for a fight that it doesn't need to be fighting." ...


9th Circuit Court Email Address
Submitted by: Tyree White

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The 9th Circuit Court's website says comments to the web administrator will not be forwarded to the court. But pounding them with simple, brief emails in abundance would at least get mentioned and noted. Enough email may trickle up a general message to these lying liberal anti-RKBA judges. Here is the email address, if you're interested:

Who’s Right on Second?
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Eugene Volokh considers several ways our Constitution could be a "living" document, and concludes it STILL would support an individual right to keep and bear arms -- maybe even in spades.
... " 'The very purpose of a Bill of Rights," Justice Jackson wrote in the 1943 flag-salute case, "was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.' Words to live by, it seems to me."

Our safety, our liberty depends on preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the U.S. are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution. — Abraham Lincoln

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