Gottlieb to Speak at 'Free Brian Aitken' Rally Dec. 12 in New Jersey
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation will travel to New Jersey Dec. 12 to join speakers at a rally in Toms River in support of Brian Aitken.
The New Jersey man has been imprisoned for essentially having two legally-owned handguns in his car, parked at his parents’ home, along with other belongings he was moving to a new residence in another city. |
AZ: Pushing a Right to Bear Arms, the Sharp Kind
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Arizona used to be a knife carrier's nightmare, with a patchwork of local laws that forced those inclined to strap Buck knives or other sharp objects to their belts to tread carefully as they moved from Phoenix (no knives except pocketknives) to Tempe (no knives at all) to Tucson (no knives on library grounds). But that changed earlier this year when Arizona made its Legislature the sole arbiter of knife regulations. And because of loose restrictions on weapons here, Arizona is now considered a knife carrier's dream, a place where everything from a samurai sword to a switchblade can be carried without a quibble.
Do Surry County deputies have conflict of interest in gun brandishing case?
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David Codrea
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"Add to this information I obtained after posting today’s earlier report alleging the deputy responding to the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry incident also works part time at the ferry as a security guard employed by Securigard, the private contractor retained by VDOT, that he is one of two deputies employed there, and that both responded to the call...If this information is substantiated, the appearance of a professional conflict of interest becomes a fair matter for investigation and consideration in determining both sides’ accounts of what happened and whether reasonable doubt about incentives will become a factor in the outcome."
Submitter's note: Also see part one, "Authorities charge gun owner with brandishing…his finger." |
IL: Chicago still not up to speed with new gun law
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Mark A. Taff
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Chicago Mayor Richard Daley railed against the U.S. Supreme Court last summer because he feared the court would find Chicago's handgun ban unconstitutional.
"They're barricading the doors but they're saying everybody else should have guns. That's the thing that bothers me in Washington. As you notice, all Washington is being barricaded, all federal buildings, but they're saying everybody else should be able," said Daley.
NJ: The rally's off: Interesting development on the Brian Aitken front
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Mark A. Taff
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Frank Fiamingo of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society just called to let me know that this Sunday's planned rally to support Brian Aitken has been called off.
Just why remains an open question. As you can see from the above video, Aitken wasn't shy in objecting to the highly questionable decision by an overzealous prosecutor to go after him for having guns for which he had a permit in his car truck. See my column here on that topic. |
Firearms OK as a gift, but follow rules
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Mark A. Taff
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With the gift giving season in full pre-heating mode, it's a good idea to know the ramifications if you intend to give a firearm as a gift.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation reminds us all that ownership of a firearm brings with it serious legal and ethical obligations that other consumer products do not.
First of all, the giver should be absolutely sure that the intended recipient can legally own a specific firearm where he or she lives. Despite the black-and-white interpretation of the Second Amendment, not just everyone can possess any firearm in a particular locale. |
MO: Is Sen. Claire McCaskill calling for 'Second Amendment remedies'?
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Mark A. Taff
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Missouri's Senator Claire McCaskill stated yesterday that if Congress votes "wrongly" on the extension of tax cuts, the people should "take up pitchforks." The St. Louis Beacon reports:
“I don’t know how anyone can keep a straight face and say they are for deficit reduction while they insist on a permanent tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, completely unpaid for,” McCaskill said of the GOP stance. “If they think it’s OK to raise taxes for the embattled middle class because . . . (Democrats) don’t give more money to millionaires, it really is time for people in America to take up pitchforks.”
KY: Arming youth, educating them would be plus
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Mark A. Taff
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First let me say that I am not a member of the NRA and have not been for many years. The reason is because the NRA is too compromising in their approach in defending the Second Amendment. This is one battle where compromise is proving deadly every day for law-abiding citizens. Not because criminals have guns, but because law-abiding citizens are being denied their right to be able to defend themselves in many places. When will people understand that criminals do not obey laws? |
Amtrak Prepares For Guns In Checked Bags
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Mark A. Taff
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Railroad passengers on Amtrak should soon be able to once again transport firearms in checked baggage.
The change is slated to begin on Dec. 15, the effective date of the amendment by Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., that forced Amtrak to accommodate gun owners. The new service will only be available between stations where checked baggage service is currently available. |
Do we still need the Second Amendment?
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Mark A. Taff
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To be clear, I love guns. I own all the Rambo movies. If it weren’t such an expensive and impractical hobby, I would probably own lots of guns. What I’m not crazy about is being shot by people with guns. And I find little comfort in laws that promise strict penalties against people who commit gun violence. After all, it won’t make me any less dead. |
10 Things Every Home Should Have For Short-term Survival
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Mark A. Taff
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A few weeks ago, the lights in my house flickered, came back on, then died. The temperature was 32 degrees outside, and it was getting dark fast. I live out in the boondocks and that happens a half dozen times a year. I’ve learned to prepare myself for these little adventures in time travel back to the year 1794, and it’s not so bad really. Why, I can remember as a kid we used to love when a thunderstorm would knock out the power or when a blizzard would come and snow us in for days at a time. But in 1965 people were better prepared both physically and mentally for a loss of power. We lived in a different era. |
WI: Arms and the man
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Mark A. Taff
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It is presumed to be a given that the next, Republican-controlled, state legislature will enact some sort of concealed-carry law and the Republican governor will not veto it. Tarr, like the rest of us, wondered what those open-carry guys wanted and he gets his answer, at least the answer proffered by Gold. |
SC: Second amendment sales tax holiday is a hit
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Mark A. Taff
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Shoppers spare no tax expense when buying guns during South Carolina's second amendment tax holiday.
Black Friday isn't just about taking advantage of deals on clothes, toys, and electronics. For some, it's about getting a shot at a tax-free gun that made them fire through the crowds. It's known as the second amendment sales tax holiday - and it gives those who sell guns, rifles, and shotguns a competitive edge with other retailers on Black Friday. |
WY: Many want guns in rec center
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Mark A. Taff
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Most of the community seems to agree with some loosening of the no-weapons policy at the rec center.
That longtime policy was challenged recently by local people as violating state law. The Wyoming attorney general stated in a letter to city officials that while only the state may regulate "concealed carry" firearms, municipalities can regulate "open carry" under an exemption.
The council heard more discussion from the public Thursday after discussing the matter at a previous council work session. More than 50 people were in attendance. |
WA: Guns, grinches and gridiron
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Mark A. Taff
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This week it was the rabid anti-gun folks going over the edge.
They're complaining about a new law that allows people to bring a gun with them while traveling on Amtrak.
The weapons have to be unloaded, packed in a hard-sided case and be checked in with baggage.
There is nothing wrong with that and the anti-gun crowd should just put a cork in their whine. |
The States That Can Say No
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Mark A. Taff
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"How many of you know something about the Second Amendment?" asked Randy Barnett. This was a rhetorical question. Barnett, the Georgetown law professor who has spent the last few years researching ways for states to opt out of federal mandates, was speaking to conservative state legislators gathered in Washington for the American Legislative Exchange Council's post-election meeting, and they were spending their third consecutive day boning up on federalism. |
Amtrack Gun Ban Expires December 15
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Mark A. Taff
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Thanks to legislation authored by Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., in 2009, passengers will again be allowed to transport firearms and ammunition on Amtrak trains. The new policy goes into effect Dec. 15, exactly one year after the legislation repealing the decade-long ban was signed into law.
The measure lifts post-9/11 restrictions that Amtrak had imposed, and allows passengers to check firearms in the train’s baggage compartment (including handguns, starter pistols, rifles and shotguns) and up to 11 pounds of ammunition. |