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Newslinks for 12/8/2001

Leahy's Rout: Ashcroft wins the "civil liberties" debate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The WSJ will require you to register to read this editorial.

"The stampede you heard out of Washington yesterday was the sound of Senate Democrats and other liberals abandoning their two-week attack on military tribunals and Attorney General John Ashcroft. There may be some mopping up left, but this debate is over. It's one more sign that the obligation to community is reasserting itself as a core value in American politics..."

Order for libraries to destroy CDs raises concerns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A recent federal order for libraries to destroy copies of a public water supply database is raising new concerns about how far authorities will go to restrict information in the name of national security.

KABA NOTE: On the other hand, if our waterways are to be protected from our enemies, it might be a good idea not to give our enemies free detailed maps to where they are.

Of course, if this news item is accurate, it's a bit too late -- they now know where to get a copy.

Gun Show "Loophole" legislation not what it says
Submitted by: George Croteau

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Alan Korwin's report on the McCain/Lieberman gun show "loophole" legislation. This goes way beyond closing a "loophole" allowing private sales at gun shows.

KABA NOTE: Although this is a months-old alert, since McCain has threatened to attach this legislation to the next "appropriate" bill, it would be a good idea to refamiliarize ourselves with just how bad it is.


PA: Bookstore assailant gets shelved; Owner shows pistol, end of story
Submitted by: scott bitterman

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When a would-be robber walked into Erin Moul's used-book store and demanded that she open the cash register, she told him, "No."

When the man persisted, she showed him why she wasn't going to open it -- the 9mm pistol she pulled from her purse.

Yesterday, Moul, owner of Cover to Cover Books in the 100 block of North Hanover Street, (in Carlisle, PA) still had all her cash.

CA: Gun Deaths in Los Angeles County Rose 9%
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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The number of firearm deaths in Los Angeles County rose nearly 9% in 2000 over the previous year, fueled by sharp increases in homicides among men and women of all age groups, according to a survey by a gun control group.

Of those, 763 Los Angeles County residents were killed in gun homicides last year. That gave the county a rate of 8.02 such deaths per 100,000 residents, well above the 6.24 national figure.

Gun-show "loophole" still makes little sense (More on McCain)
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Sens. John McCain (R/AZ) and Joe Lieberman (D/CT) will bring the debate back to Congress early next year, using their stature to argue smugglers are buying weapons from private sellers to arm terrorists. McCain, who for years was an avid gun-rights supporter, has changed his tune somewhat since 1999.

McCain will be highly visible in the upcoming debate in Congress and could be asked to do a cameo appearance in our state when lawmakers again try to close the loophole in our law.

Ashcroft Criticized for Obeying Background Check Law
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Several liberal senators castigated Ashcroft for refusing to allow the FBI to examine NICS records.

Title 18 Section 922 (t)(2)(c) of U.S. Code requires not only that the information not be shared with law enforcement officials, but also that it be destroyed immediately after a firearms purchase is approved.

Ashcroft reminded the senators that the only information that may be legally retained by NICS is that used exclusively for the purpose of auditing the accuracy of the system.

Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention "Priorities"
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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OJJDP says it will concentrate its discretionary funding on five "priority" areas, including "juvenile gun-prevention programs, and school violence-prevention programs."

"...youth anti-gun funding will be aimed at deterring juveniles from buying or carrying guns and stricter enforcement of existing gun laws. School-violence programs will stress zero tolerance for disruptive youth and stricter penalties for bringing guns to school."

Transportation Secretary Urged to Arm Pilots Now
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Bush signed it into law nearly 3 weeks ago, but the provision allowing pilots to carry firearms is taking too much time. Reps. Hostettler and Young hope a petition will pressure Trans. Sec. Norman Mineta to hire an undersecretary and speed up the process.

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, said implementing the law is an urgent matter. "It gives you one more level of security when the others have been breached, which as we found on September 11 can happen."

Dec. 6 Neal Knox Update
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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* Ashcroft Hammered In Hearings

* VA gun shop owner suing the BATF

* Spat between AGS, "Brady Campaign" (HCI), and VPC over gun show "loophole" legislation

* Death of 3 Special Forces non-coms in a "friendly fire" accident

Ashcroft accuses critics of helping enemy
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Attorney General John Ashcroft vigorously defended the administration's anti-terrorism policies Thursday and suggested that critics of the Justice Department's actions were aiding the terrorists.

"To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give ammunition to America's enemies and pause to America's friends."

Groups Offer Hope for the Camera-Shy
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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A new Web-based application called iSee charts the locations of closed-circuit TV surveillance cameras and offers less-surveyed routes around certain urban areas. Simply click on a start point and a final destination, and the path of least surveillance will be mapped out in a matter of moments.

According to privacy advocate Bill Brown, "We don't want people to walk around them — we want them taken down."

Commend the cops - thanks for police who resist calls to round up usual suspects
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"'s with enthusiasm that I single out for praise those police departments that have refused to cooperate with the U.S. Justice Department's scheme for "interviewing" roughly 5,000 men of Mid-Eastern extraction without evidence that any of them have committed a crime..." --J.D. Tuccille

SC: Sen. Fritz Hollings pushes for seaport "safety"
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Hollings also wants the nation's 361 sea and river ports to limit access to and restrict firearms. ... "Making seaports secure is now an issue of national security."

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH

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