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Newslinks for 12/8/2011

CCRKBA Applauds Walsh Legislation to Withhold United Nations Funding
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [CCRKBA] today applauded Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh's introduction of legislation to withhold funding from the United Nations and assuring that the United States does not adopt any treaty posing a threat to national sovereignty or that abridges the firearms rights of American citizens as guaranteed by the Second Amendment."

"Rep. Walsh's bill, developed with the cooperation and assistance of CCRKBA staff, would block U.N. funding unless the President certifies that the world body 'has not taken any action to restrict, attempt to restrict, or otherwise adversely infringe upon the rights of individuals…to keep and bear arms, or abridge any of the other constitutionally protected rights' of U.S. citizens." ...

Georgia Gun Owners going for ‘Constitutional carry’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Licensing should not be part of exercising the right to keep and bear arms, the grassroots group Georgia Gun Owners asserts in a press release issued today. Announcing the pre-filing of the Georgia 'Constitutional Carry' Act of 2012 (HB679) by State Representative Jason Spencer, the bill promises to eliminate the requirement to have a Georgia Weapons Carry License to carry firearms openly or concealed, as is currently established lawful practice in Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming." ...

You Say "Indefinite Military Detention of Citizens" Like It's a *Bad* Thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There were, it should be said, a number of comments during the debate suggesting that everybody agreed that no citizen was going to be deprived of a trial. But comments are comments, and none of that seems to have made it into the actual statute. So those, too, do not comfort me. ..."
"Mr. GRAHAM. No one is going to be put in jail because they disagree with Lindsay Graham or Barack Obama."
"Maybe not. But even if you do trust those two guys, do you trust all the others? Will you trust all the future leaders who will likely have the same power to 'designate' who is covered by these sorts of laws? Are you sure about that? And if you do get wrongly designated, how would you prove it?" ...

Who Wouldn’t Be for National Gun Registration?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have often heard the antis bleating that 'we register cars, why not guns', and it might surprise people to know that I’m perfectly willing to go the 'license and register guns just like cars' route." ...

More on the militarization of the police.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US."

"Some folks see danger in the transfer of military equipment to local police, and there is that. But there is more danger in the psychology of federalization of local law enforcement than there is in this hardware."

"As for me, I also see opportunity. Personally, I would like to thank the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations for spreading out all this military hardware into the hinterland where, in an emergency, the armed citizenry can get its hands on it without having to trespass on a military base." ...

DC police claim knowing your rights is evidence of criminal conduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, Washington DC police raided a chain of local stores that sell hemp products (perfectly legal) and smoking implements like pipes (also legal, if it cannot be proven that the intent is to use them for smoking illegal substances). This, in itself, is no surprise, with the 'War on Drugs' having long ago far exceeded its original brief, thus becoming the 'War on Anything That Might Be Related to Drugs.'"

"Where this incident goes beyond the usual drug warrior authoritarianism lies in what was cited as 'evidence,' justifying the search warrant and raid:" ...

Halligan rejection a win for NW gun rights group
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday’s derailment in the U.S. Senate of anti-gun judicial nominee Caitlin Halligan was a sweet victory for gun rights organizations including the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."

"The National Rifle Association and other groups also opposed Halligan’s nomination to a spot on the District of Columbia Circuit Court to fill a vacancy created when John Roberts became chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. CCRKBA took the fight to a new grassroots level by e-mailing action alerts to more than 1 million firearms owners and activists. Gun owners responded, and the Senate voted 54-45 against a cloture vote, thus rejecting the nomination." ...

Can’t Win on the Merits? There’s Always Obstruction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Namely, the anti-2A crowd has run out of ideas to the extent that they have very little left in their quiver, other than senseless acts of despereation like, well, internet squatting…"

"We take you now to Mordor on Lake Michigan courtesy of, which reports on a gun shop that’s set to open in the neighborhood of Oak Park. Justin Delafuente will be selling guns through the store and on line at his new operation, Windy City Firearms."
"However, someone has scooped up to start a blog about gun violence." ...

MidwayUSA Promotes Terry Roberts to Promotions Manager
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MidwayUSA, a catalog and Internet retailer offering Just About EverythingSM for Shooting, Reloading, Gunsmithing and Hunting, is pleased to announce the promotion of Terry Roberts to Promotions Manager."

"'Terry will bring an opportunistic dynamic to the Merchandising Department,' says Jeff Larkin, Vice President of Merchandising. 'Terry has many years of experience in ISO from his previous position in MidwayUSA's Quality Management Systems Department. This experience will assist with his responsibilities of the day-to-day execution of our promotions strategy, promotions work system, and work processes.'" ...

CompBullet: New Projectile Claims to Act as Muzzle Brake, Increase Velocity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s news that an Italian company has designed a new projectile that (they claim) will reduce recoil and speed up the bullet without any changes to the rifle itself. How, you ask? By drilling a channel in the center of the projectile and venting gasses from ports drilled in the sides of the bullet. According to the manufacturer these vents will not only act as a muzzle brake but will also make the bullet faster, as the channels are pointed backwards in an attempt to get some extra speed out of the round. I call bullsh!t, and here’s why:" ...

Bersa Enters the Small Plastic 9 Market with the BP9CC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Can’t you just feel the anticipation? We’re getting closer and closer to the most wonderful time of the year. Yeah, it’s not that peace on earth, good will to men thing. It’s the pre-SHOT Show new gun announcement rush. Jumping on board that train today is Bersa with the announcement that they, too, want a piece of the apparently lucrative small plastic 9mm biz, so they’re coming out with the BP9CC. ..." ...

Conservatives Are Gunning for Eric Holder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tea party activists, gun-rights fanatics, and others on the right have recently stepped up their calls for President Obama to fire Attorney General Eric Holder over his handling of the Operation Fast and Furious gun scandal. They've persuaded 52 members of Congress, a couple of senators, and many GOP presidential candidates to call for his ouster. Mitt Romney joined the chorus over the weekend, telling reporters in New Hampshire, 'Either Mr. Holder himself should resign or the president should ask for his resignation or remove him…It's unacceptable for him to continue in that position, given the fact that he has misled Congress and entirely botched the investigation of the Fast and Furious program.'" ...

FL: Should counties be able to set their own gun rules?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Think of this as a political shoot-out between the state Legislature and the principle of local control."

"As The Post has reported, Palm Beach County has sued the state to overturn a law that punishes locally elected officials if they dare to enact local gun laws."

"The county recently was forced to repeal some local gun laws. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: "As The Post has reported, Palm Beach County has sued the state to overturn a law that punishes locally elected officials if they dare to enact local segregation laws."
There, fixed it for you.

FL: In Tallahassee, panic buttons replace common sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Don’t think of the electronic alerts installed in the state Capitol as panic buttons. Think of them as metaphors."

"These are the devices that replaced common sense in Tallahassee. Instead of retaining security measures that had long kept prevented pistol-packing desperadoes from roaming Capitol hallways and offices, the state Senate has installed panic buttons. ..."

"This is a panic of their own making. Our legislators are taking steps to protect themselves against their own legislation."

"On Oct. 1, Florida’s latest legislative tribute to the all-powerful NRA went into effect with a law that bars any local gun ordinance from going beyond the tepid strictures of state law." ...

Irresponsible Cannon Owners Of The Day: Mythbusters (yeah, those Mythbusters)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Don't try this at home,' Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage solemnly warn us at the intro to each episode of Mythbusters. 'We're professionals.' Sometimes it's a good idea to heed your own advice, especially when 1) your advice is not to play with cannons, and 2) you’re actually playing with cannons."

"When a 30-pound bronze cannonball (that’s 210,000 grains to us gun guys) is launched downrange at 1600 fps, it generates 1.2 million concrete-crushing, dirt-throwing, hill-hopping, house-smashing, window-breaking pound-feet. Give or take a few hundred thousand. That’s exactly what happened on December 7th during a Mythbusters 'shoot' in Alameda County, California." ...

"What's the Big Deal With Fast & Furious?"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The other day a friend asked me what the big deal was with the whole Fast & Furious/Gunwalker scandal: 'Why is it a 'scandal' at all? Don't cops run stings all the time?' I told him that unless he had at least a half-hour I would have to get back him. I then sat down and started really looking at everything and realized I should have told him an hour, at least." ...

"... what makes this a scandal are the program's motivations, the moral and legal questions (including the DoJ's lies and cover-up) surrounding allowing these firearms to be shipped the cartels, and the unintended consequences of the program." ...

"Blood Is On The Hands Of Those At The Justice Dept Who Tried To Cover Up" (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ATF Agent Jay Dobyns was interviewed on Fox News' Justice with Judge Jeanine yesterday about Operation Fast and Furious. When asked if Brian Terry's blood was on the hands of the DEA, FBI, and ATF, he responded, 'Yes'. He then went on to say it was also on the hands of those in the Justice Department who have tried to cover up Operation Fast and Furious. Dobyns then said it was on the hands of those in the White House who made the decision to seal the records of the investigation into Terry's death." ...

Was Fast And Furious All About Gun Control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Democrats have longed to impose gun control, or confiscation, for decades, but after a series of electoral defeats they finally backed off. The issue has largely receded from view, although gun owners have remained vigilant. For some time, Second Amendment advocates have suspected that the Obama administration’s gun walking program ('Fast and Furious') was intended to create a pretext for bringing back the gun control issue. There has been a little evidence of that, but not much. Today, however, Sharyl Attkisson of CBS, who has been all over the Fast and Furious scandal and would, in a sane world, get a Pulitzer Prize, broke another scoop:" ...

Grassley calls for Lanny Breuer’s resignation from DoJ
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Charles Grassley has called on Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who heads the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, to hand in his resignation over his apparent mishandling and misleading testimony about his involvement in the oversight of Operation Fast and Furious."

"Speaking on the Senate floor, Grassley was blunt in his criticism of Breuer:"
I’ve done oversight for many years, and in all that time, I don’t ever remember coming across a government official who so blatantly placed sparing agencies embarrassment over protecting the lives of citizens." ...

New documents tie Fast and Furious to gun-control agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emails from inside the Department of Justice appear to indicate Obama administration officials were plotting to use the consequences of Operation Fast and Furious to further a gun-control agenda."

"Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News reported Wednesday that the emails show agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussing how they would use Fast and Furious to 'argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.'" ...

Probe Widening on Obama’ s Fast and Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The congressional investigation into the gunrunning scandal known as Fast and Furious is in full swing this week, with the House Judiciary Committee to hold a round of hearings on Thursday."

"More and more reporters in the mainstream media are now taking a closer look at the scandal, which GOA first began alerting members to in January. Under the program, thousands of guns purchased with federal tax dollars were allowed to 'walk' into Mexico, at which point they disappeared into the hands of violent drug cartels." ...

Is former Arizona U.S. Attorney to be F&F sacrificial lamb?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Thursday’s anticipated grilling of Attorney General Eric Holder by members of the House Judiciary Committee looming large, a careful reading of the letter sent to Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley by Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole the other day suggests that the Justice Department has selected its fall guy(s) for the Operation Fast and Furious fiasco." ...

Government hiding numbers of guns LEGALLY sent to Mexico, diverted to cartels
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson continues her excellent coverage of the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal on a somewhat different tack. This time, rather than focusing on the Department of Justice, and that department's illegal arming of the drug cartels ... she looks at how much the State Department's entirely legal actions have contributed to the drug cartels' firepower."

"In the CBS report, we learn that the State Department has approved sales of tens of thousands of guns to the Mexican police and military, very many of which soon thereafter ended up in criminal hands. ..." ...

Newt Gingrich Attacked as 'Anti-Gun' For Supporting Initiative Banning Domestic Abusers From Owning Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has been attacked by his own party on several occasions for not quite being conservative enough ... he is now being criticized by gun enthusiasts in Iowa for attacking their Second Amendment rights. Specifically, Gingrich is under fire for supposedly supporting federal legislation that made it a crime for individuals convicted of domestic violence charges to acquire guns." ...

Submitter's Note: Well, not quite. As Ashley admits in the fourth paragraph people who "have been subject to a restraining order involving an intimate partner or the child of such a partner" also lose their rights.

Rep. Joe Walsh to Brady Campaign – Break Free of the Beltway (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ginny Simone talks to Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) on trying to debate the Brady Campaign outside of Washington DC and taking the second amendment debate to the heart-land."

IN: Proposed Bill Would Allow Guns On College Campuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"College students could soon be able to carry guns on public campuses in Indiana."

"Republican Sen. Jim Banks of Columbia City has introduced legislation that would allow licensed gun owners to have firearms on campus."

"The law has the potential to impact hundreds of thousands of students and staff at public universities, including Indiana University, Purdue University, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Ivy Tech, Indiana State University, Ball State University, Vincennes University and the University of Southern Indiana."

"The legislation would not apply to private colleges and universities." ...

NJ: Broken promise could be smoking gun for Christie's critics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Chris Christie entered politics in the 1990s as an advocate of gun control. Ever since, he’s been walking back from that position, or at least far enough back to get through a Republican primary election."

"He did that in the 2009 primary ... Christie said he wouldn't be pushing for any new laws, but instead favored 'strict and aggressive enforcement' of the laws already on the books."

"Fair enough, says Frank Fiamingo, of the pro-gun-rights Second Amendment Society. Enforce the law. But enforce it against the government as well as the citizens."

"Christie’s doing a lousy job of that, says Fiamingo, at least when it comes to the statute governing the issuance of firearms purchase cards by municipalities. ..." ...

NC: Handgun ordinance presents no danger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hickory’s city parks will not become violent wastelands because of Tuesday night’s City Council action."

"Council members and their supporters believe the parks could become more secure now that people with concealed carry permits can tote their handguns in all areas of the parks, but for sure the new ordinance presents no danger to the public."

"Hickory’s ordinance satisfies state law that allows concealed carry, with permit, in state and local public parks. Municipalities and counties have the authority to limit handguns in their parks, but only in certain areas. The City Council could not have adopted a blanket ban on handguns. That would have run contrary to state law." ...

WY: Forward Movement For Open Carry Restrictions (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Proposed restrictions on the open carry of deadly weapons into city of Casper meetings passed on second reading by a 5 to 4 vote Tuesday evening." ...

"They were three boyscouts working toward a merit badge at the November 1st Casper City Council Meeting. The first reading of the Proposed restrictions on the open carry of deadly weapons into city meetings was on the agenda that night. Following that meeting, Casper City Councilman Paul Meyer ... said one of the boyscouts told him afterward he didn’t want to go any more city council meetings."

"'The following Wednesday I caught up to the young man and he said he would never come to another Casper City Council meeting, because there were angry people with guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: I was unaware of the rash of shootings at council meeting in Wyoming. Or even of a single one.

Cloture Rejected On Caitlin Halligan (updated)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate rejected cloture on the filibuster of the confirmation of Caitlin Halligan to be a judge on the D.C. Circuit this afternoon. The vote was virtually a party line vote with every Democrat voting to invoke cloture and every Republican except Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voting against it. Hatch voted Present and Murkowski voted to invoke cloture. To invoke cloture would have required 60 votes Yea. The final tally was 54 Yeas, 45 Nays, and 1 Present."

"How your senator voted is below." ...

Senate GOP Vows Golden Rule on Judges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Republicans have high hopes of reclaiming the majority and possibly the White House next year, and that’s precisely why they say this week’s filibuster of D.C. Circuit Court nominee Caitlin Halligan is not a harbinger of a freeze on President Barack Obama’s judicial nominations." ...

"Others said that Halligan had extreme views, which rose to the level of an extraordinary circumstance as specified in the gang of 14 agreement. GOP Members opposed her particularly because of what they said were her views on the Second Amendment. That was also the reason cited by Heritage Action for America, which 'key voted' her nomination, arguing that her position on gun rights was unpalatable." ...

OH: Hearing for Canton police officer who threatened to execute concealed carry licensee postponed again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Canton Repository reported recently that a hearing for Officer Daniel Harless, the Canton police officer who was caught on dash cam video berating an Ohio concealed handgun license-holder and threatening to execute him, has been postponed yet again."

"The article also reveals that Harless continues to receive sick pay, even though he is out of paid time off, thanks to a special clause in his union contract." ...

OH: Coshocton County Leads 2011 Ohio Deer-Gun Harvest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio hunters took 90,282 white-tailed deer during the state's popular, week-long deer-gun season, which ran November 28 through December 4, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife. In 2010, hunters checked a total of 105,034 deer during the same time period."

"'Hunters clearly took advantage of the weather as the week progressed. They trimmed the deficit from last season from 39% on opening day, to 14% by the close of the season on Sunday,' said Mike Tonkovich, ODNR, Division of Wildlife deer project leader. 'While other factors may have been at work, it is clear that extreme weather – good or bad – on key harvest days can have a significant impact on the bottom line.'" ...

TX: RRC Workers Gain Right to Carry Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC), regulator of oil and gas production in the Lone Star state, recently amended agency policy to allow licensed employees to carry concealed handguns on the job."

"RRC Commissioner Barry Smitherman promoted the policy as a security measure as well as a recognition of basic rights. 'During the normal course of performing their jobs, RRC employees often work alone in remote and desolate areas of the state where they may encounter criminals or dangerous wild animals,' Smitherman said. 'The least we can do is allow them to exercise their legal right to carry firearms in accordance with state law.'" ...

The gun-control movement is driven by raw emotion. Facts are irrelevant. Logic is spurned. Utter nonsense is solemnly intoned. It's little wonder that our most emotive president has made gun control his signature domestic issue. — Don Feder

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