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Newslinks for 12/9/2002

CA: Officers Linked to Death of Teen
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"LAPD patrolmen failed to report dropping off a gang member near rivals' turf shortly before he was killed, D.A. report states. Prosecution ruled out."

"Two Los Angeles police officers sought to cover up their contact with a 16-year-old gang member who was shot to death on the border of a rival gang's territory just minutes after the officers released him from their patrol car, according to a district attorney's review of the case."

"Neither officer, one of whom was accused of dropping off the same youth in rival gang territory as punishment a month earlier, documented the encounter with the victim on the day he was killed."

" 'It appears, based on this investigation, that [the officers] intentionally withheld information from the homicide detectives, internal affairs investigators and their chain of command,' wrote Deputy Dist. Atty. Laura L. Laesecke, who investigated the officers as part of the Rampart scandal. 'Not only does their lie obstruct justice, but it also calls into question the veracity of the rest of their ... statements' about the case.' "

"Ultimately, Laesecke concluded that the officers could not be prosecuted for obstructing justice because the best evidence against them came from so-called compelled statements in which they were ordered to cooperate with authorities or face termination from the Los Angeles Police Department. Such statements cannot be used in court against those who made them." ...

NY: FAMILY 'BASH' - Police Brutality Lawsuit to be Filed
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A traffic incident that resulted in a Queens man and his three teenage children being arrested has sparked a police-brutality lawsuit to be filed tomorrow."

"These dramatic photos show how the disagreement between the man and another driver - who turned out to be an off-duty police officer - resulted in cops swarming the area and cuffing the 48-year-old man, his 17-year-old daughter and his twin 15-year-old sons."

"The lawsuit claims up to a dozen officers turned up at the intersection of Bowne and Union streets in Flushing on June 10 after Catholic-school custodian Ramon Miranda yelled at the driver of a Lincoln Town Car." ...

"Sarah alleges she was hit by cops and arrested when they spotted her snapping the incident with a disposable camera she had hurriedly purchased from a nearby store. Medical records show she received a cut above her eye." ...

"One of Sarah's photos shows at least six cops surrounding her [unarmed] brother." ...

"AC-130 Gunships Packs Awesome Firepower"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"If war comes to Iraq, AC-130s surely will be there, flown by crews from two special operations squadrons based at Hurlburt Field - the 4th, flying the newer U model called Spooky, and the 16th, flying the H model, called Spectre.

"The Spooky has advanced features not found on the Spectre. These include a more effective radar for long-range target detection, a Global Positioning System for satellite navigation, and capability to simultaneously attack two targets as much as a half-mile apart." ...

From Another Newslinks Submitter:
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UK: Witnesses sought after callous shooting of police officer
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police are appealing for witnesses after an unarmed police officer was shot in a callous attack, early Saturday morning.

"Police constable William Morrison was shot after he stopped a car in Islington.

"The probationer officer was in a stable condition in hospital today." ...

CA: A Case of the Missing Gun
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"When famous murder weapons walk out of police evidence rooms, where do they go? We follow the disappearance of Dan White's gun...

"Schmidt had a record of the serial number, 1J7901. 'You'd have to be careful if it got out of police custody,' Schmidt cautioned. 'It's a criminal offense to take things out of police custody. Anyway, the gun came up missing. That's what I heard.' " ...

UK: Man killed in drive-by shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A murder hunt has been launched after a 24-year-old man died in a mystery drive-by shooting.

"Gunmen fired a hail of bullets from a BMW at the man who was sitting in a Mercedes parked in the centre of West Bromwich on Friday night...

"Detective Chief Inspector Andy Hough said: 'We have recovered at least one gun and we think maybe six or seven shots were fired from it.' " ...
But at least guns are banned, so this can't happen.

Canada: Martin panders to gun lobby: Rock
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Allan Rock accused leadership rival Paul Martin yesterday of 'playing into the hands of the gun lobby' by refusing to unequivocally support continuation of the Liberals' controversial gun registry...

" 'At this time when the gun lobby and the Alliance are attacking the law itself, it's time to stand up and say that we're not going to give an inch of the hard-won ground on gun registration and effective gun control.' " ...
Effective? On what planet does he live? Effective at emboldening the criminal, perhaps.

TX: Home invader perforated, homeowner also hurt
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Two men are in the hospital after a violent home invasion Sunday morning in southeast Houston.

"Police say three heavily armed men broke into a house on Easton around 2am. Moments later, the homeowner got his gun and started shooting. In the exchange of gunfire, the homeowner was shot in the neck and shoulder.

"One of the suspects was also shot. Both were taken to Ben Taub Hospital, where they were listed in critical condition." ...

Canada: Gun owners blast registry
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Jim Hill won’t lift a finger to help correct mistakes made by the troubled national firearms registry.

"The 53-year-old former Mountie owns several guns for hunting. But when he got a registration certificate in the mail this year mistakenly saying one was a bolt-action shotgun, he just tossed the document aside.

" 'The whole thing is a joke — it’s an error-ridden registry,' said Hill, who lives near Waverley. 'I’ve never seen this firearm in my life.' " ...

FL: Sheriff's gun range reopens, with changes
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Charlotte County Sheriff William Clement recently reopened the department's gun range on Airport Road, more than six months after a stray bullet hit a woman watching her children play baseball nearby.

"The shooting range, which reopened around late September, has been modified to prevent a similar accident from happening again..." ...

New Breed of Patriots Speaking Up
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Grass-roots efforts to rein in the anti-terrorist USA Patriot Act gain support. Eugene, Ore., and other cities formally oppose aspects of law."

EUGENE, Ore. -- "Hope Marston keeps the seeds of revolution in four plastic crates stacked on the planked floor of her overcrowded bungalow here at the southern edge of this left-leaning college town."

"There are pamphlets and petitions, news stories and political analyses, all part of Marston's battle against what she sees as the excesses of the USA Patriot Act, a sweeping federal law enacted after last year's terrorist attacks that broadens the government's ability to use secret searches, wiretaps and other covert surveillance techniques in the pursuit of terrorists." ...

The Tenth Plank: The NEA
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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... "From the Pharaohs of Egypt to the Roman Empire, and from Stalin to today, governments have sought to enslave those under its rule. Sometimes using obvious despotism such as Hitler's Concentration Camps, other times utilizing the subtle tyranny of political correctness we face today, governments have effectively used these and other tactics in search of the Omnipotent State. In America today, the most dangerous vehicle used for this quest is the government education system." ...

South Africa: Policewoman shoots home intruder in chest
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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How easy is it for a non-policewoman to get her hands on a home defense weapons?
"Inspector Percy Morokane said Inspector Yvonne Bamberger of Fiddes Street, Bronkhorstpruit found the three men ransacking her house on Friday night.

"Bamberger was asleep in her bedroom with her two daughters, aged seven and eight, when she heard a noise and went to investigate.

"On noticing the intruders, Bamberger pulled out her gun and fired a shot at one of them. The three immediately fled the scene..."

IN: New muzzleloaders help hunters
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"In contrast to its primitive counterpart, today's modern muzzleloader is subject to more technical advances every year than any other type of big game weapon.

"In an effort to capture a share of the growing muzzleloader market, dozens of gun companies are turning out improved versions every year."

"Most gun companies copy changes made by industry leaders the previous year. A select few come up with unique innovations."

"Here is a review of three of the more popular guns on the market, and what to expect in the future." ...

South Africa: Soldier shoots dead toddler while raping woman, girl
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A member of the Defence Force's 1 SAI regiment in Bloemfontein was arrested early on Sunday morning after allegedly first raping a woman and a girl and then shooting and killing a five-year old girl."

"The 28-year old soldier, who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol, apparently forced two girls, aged 11 and five, to pull a blanket over their head while he forced a 15-year old girl and a 41-year old women to undress."

"He then allegedly raped both of them ..." ...

Canada: Gun bungle hurts Rock's leadership bid
Submitted by: P. Jones

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OTTAWA - "Allan Rock's Liberal leadership prospects have been badly wounded by the $1-billion gun registry fiasco, says the country's leading pollsters."

"Mr. Rock, the Industry Minister, was the man who led the charge for a universal gun registry program shortly after he was elected in 1993, vowing it would make Canada a safer place."

"As Justice Minister in 1995, he introduced the program and estimated it would cost $2-million. Although there have been two other Justice ministers since then, Anne McLellan and Martin Cauchon, Mr. Rock is bearing the brunt of the blame for Auditor-General Sheila Fraser's scathing report last week revealing Canadians have been kept in the dark for years about the sky-rocketing costs of the now more than $1-billion program." ...

Australia: Handgun protest probably too late: shooters
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Northern Territory branch of the Sporting Shooters Association is planning to meet with Police Minister Paul Henderson to complain about tougher new handgun laws...

"The SSA's Colin Melon says he will be doing what he can to challenge the decision but is not optimistic about his chances..." ...

Australia: You can take their guns but it won't stop crime (Letter)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"John Howard's handgun grab is emotive and a misplaced use of public debate and taxpayer funds.

"Just like Howard's first legendary gun buyback, further such acts are good political PR but a waste of time and money.

"Last time around the PM took 640,000 firearms at a cost of abound half a billion dollars, however ABS statistics show conclusively that the level of crime including murder with the use of guns, remains unaffected. So much for bans..." ...

CA: Cop being investigated for child pornography kills himself
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A San Francisco police officer under investigation for downloading child pornography on his office computer shot himself to death Saturday in front of the Hall of Justice." [Handgun Control, Inc. will probably blame the gun manufacturer.]

"Officer Michael Block, 41, a 17-year veteran, was the focus of a three-month criminal investigation into downloading child pornography on his computer in the crime scene investigations unit..." ...

UK: Search for gunman "who shot a pedestrian in the back at point-blank range"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police in Birmingham are hunting for a gunman who shot a pedestrian in the back at point-blank range.

"The victim, a 33-year-old man from Nechells, was recovering in hospital yesterday following the attack in Upper Sutton Street, Aston." ...
Boy. Just thank our lucky stars that gun was banned and that the victim is prohibited from defending himself from such executioners.

UK: Police hero backs fake gun campaign
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
"A Norfolk police officer who won a prestigious bravery award for tackling an armed raider is backing a high-profile poster campaign to clamp down on the sale of fake guns.

PC Mark Grimmer's call to toughen legislation immediately won the support of Insp Bob George, head of Norfolk Constabulary's firearms training and operation, who highlighted worrying trends involving the use of imitation firearms." ...

Canada: Liberals who royally screwed up gun registry system unfit to usher in Kyoto
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
"The folks who brought you the gun registry fiasco now want to bring you ... Kyoto." ...

Canada: Rock says gun registry a 'terrific achievement'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Industry Minister Allan Rock defended Ottawa's beleaguered gun registry Sunday and said he doesn't think the massive cost overrun will hurt his potential Liberal leadership ambitions." ...

The Fearsome Second Amendment
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Perhaps it is only an 'outlaw' government and those who would outlaw the Bill of Rights (in practice, not in legislative action like persons of integrity who do things up front) that would even consider 'gun control' as the solution to any problems with nuts who wrongfully use guns ... or box cutters, knives, clubs, hammers or other weapons to commit homicide." ...

IL: Cop wounded in shootout; gunman slain
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A Chicago police officer was in good condition at Northwestern Memorial Hospital on Saturday night after a bullet grazed his left temple in a shootout in the south Loop. The gunman was shot and pronounced dead at the scene, police said..."

IL: The couple that slays together, stays together
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The couple admits there's always some friendly ribbing that goes on during their trips, but it's all in good fun. And being a female hunter doesn't seem to faze friends or co-workers." ...

New Zealand: More gang problems in Wanganui
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Gang problems have surfaced once more in Wanganui with five shots being fired through the window of a house in the suburb of Aramoho.

"Police say the shots were fired at close range from a shotgun." ...

IN: 200 rally for teen who shot brother
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Epley claims he was sexually assaulted by his brother since age 8 or 9 and, on the night of the killing, was raped by Justin.

"After the rape, Epley said he had a rifle next to him on a sofa when Justin came downstairs with his fists clenched. He shot him multiple times after Justin ignored repeated warnings to back off, Evan said." ...

TX: Apparent Domestic Dispute Ends In Fatal Shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man was apparently beating a woman at the house when a second man entered the picture and apparently shot and killed the first man, witnesses told police."

"Police arrested the shooter."

"The dead man is identified as 34-year-old Raoul Rodriguez."

"The incident remains under investigation." ...

Ireland: Family's burglary ordeal
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Trying this in (most of) the USA would equal 2 criminals nursing bullet wounds...unless the occupants have been dumbed down by the Sarah Brady Fan Club.
"Two robbers knocked a man unconscious and locked three women in the boot of a car during a house burglary in south Dublin."

"The raiders burst into the house in Killiney shortly after 11pm last night."

"They knocked the man out before tying up his wife, daughter and her friend and locking them in the boot of what is understood to have been the family car, which was parked outside." ...

MI: "Lord Kwame Kilpatrick" (Detroit's mayor) has 30 cop protection detail
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick hired Jerry Oliver, the mayor ordered his police chief to find a way to put more officers on the street."

"The team for Kilpatrick is larger than those guarding mayors in many big U.S. cities, the Free Press found. Thirty full-time officers are budgeted to watch over the Detroit mayor and his family, though spokesman Jamaine Dickens said this week only 20 officers are on the job." ...

US Propaganda Fueled the First Gulf War: lies are coming
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There were two glaring examples of how the propaganda machine worked before the first Gulf war. First, ...Saddam Hussein had 265,000 troops poised in the desert to pounce on Saudi Arabia. The Pentagon claimed to have satellite photographs to prove it. We now know from declassified documents and satellite photographs taken by a Russian commercial satellite that there were no Iraqi troops poised to attack Saudi. So what will the fake satellite pictures show this time, anthrax?" ...

Ugandan Village Keeps Peace Through Armed Resistance
Submitted by: Tom Glass

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Austin Bay recounts how a Ugandan Christian village had the courage to use arms to resist Muslim marauders in 1979, and has lived in relative peace and prosperity since, despite chaos all around.

DC: Conservative Leader's Son Jailed In Road Rage Case involving firearm
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The son of a prominent Washington, D.C. conservative leader (American Conservative Union Chairman David A. Keene) is scheduled to attend a hearing in federal court later this month after being arrested and charged with shooting at a driver.

U.S. Park Police said the 21-year-old Keene was arrested Wednesday evening and is accused of firing a gun at another motorist while driving on a suburban Washington parkway last weekend.

Judge Reinhardt's Incredibly Ignorant Decision About the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Blog by Clayton Cramer, wherein he pummels Judge Reinhardt of the 9th Circuit Court

"...what was Reinhardt's decision about? Whether 'assault weapons'...may be prohibited for private ownership. And yet Reinhardt repeatedly cites Aymette to make his case--when even Aymette asserts that this is an individual right to own weapons suitable for military use!"

"Reinhardt either didn't read Aymette, or didn't care that it directly contradicted him." ...

NY: Forest rules limit range
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Even if a compromise can be reached on shooting range hours for the Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club, a neighbor says it would not address the proximity of the range to Enterprise Road. The gun club, off Enterprise Road, has come under criticism from neighbors who say there has been an increase in noise since last summer, when a five-stand trap shooting addition to the range was installed." ...

NY: 400 guns wait to be traced by Syracuse police - for up to three years
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Syracuse police have at least 400 handguns, some recovered three years ago, that they have not yet traced - a method proven successful last week in cracking a major gun trafficking ring." ...


So, instead of finding the owners of any stolen property -- allegedly their job -- the police have simply taken extended possession of the firearms. In short, if any of these guns were stolen by street criminals, they've apparently been stolen a second time by professional ones.

WA: Kent police shoot driver, who 'just wouldn't stop'
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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Covers what happened, but nothing about why the driver wouldn't stop...

It appears at first glance to be a justified shooting, but no explanation or conjecture as to why the driver wouldn't remain stopped once rammed, or why the officer didn't just let go and step back since there'd been no recklessness or speed involved. O.J. Simpson's set precedent was ignored completely. To me this has an odorous quality.
"A police officer -- sirens wailing -- followed a bright blue Suzuki Samurai into a McDonald's parking lot yesterday morning and intentionally rammed the vehicle in an attempt to spin and stop it." ...

"Time slows, the cop reaches into the moving car, shots are fired, and the driver is dead." ...

"He was shot at least once by a .223-caliber police rifle." ...

"Police also did not say why an officer attempted to stop the motorist -- only that it was to be 'a routine traffic stop.' " ...

UK: Gunman hunted after Policeman shot
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Less guns, more crime...
"A car driver who shot a policeman in a "serious and callous" attack after his vehicle was flagged down in the early hours is being hunted by detectives."

"Pc William Morrison stopped a vehicle, which was being driven erratically in Islington, north London, and chased after the driver when he fled."

"Scotland Yard said a struggle followed and the 48-year-old officer was shot in the lower abdomen." ...

IL: Police doing "occupancy code violation checks", on residences, without warrants
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Belleville inspectors and armed police officers show up without search warrants to check for occupancy code violations, and ticket people who don't let them in -- a practice experts say is unconstitutional."

"Invite friends over, babysit your grandchildren or allow relatives to spend the night and you risk an armed police officer turning up at your door to search your home and give you a ticket. Enforcement teams consisting of a housing inspector and a police officer do not obtain search warrants before showing up to check for occupancy code violations. Most residents give their permission to come in, although reluctantly, and those who don't usually are charged."

"Sometimes they simply walk in."

"Jim Reese said he was standing in his kitchen when he heard a noise at 7 a.m. and found a housing inspector and police officer standing in his living room."

" 'I wanted to know who walked in without permission,' he said. 'They didn't answer me. They just started walking through the place.' " ...


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Today the taxing power, rather than chattel slavery, is the instrument by which the parasitical element of the population subsists. And that element, which includes politicians, panics at the slightest reduction in the state's power to plunder. Once you start liberating taxpayers, even a little tiny bit, nobody knows where it may end. —Joseph Sobran

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