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Newslinks for 12/9/2009

Interview with 'Not without a Fight' Gun Rights Documentary Producer Max Lemus
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Regular readers are familiar with the documentary 'Not without a fight,' a project completely carried out by Max Lemus, a man who got the idea to travel the country asking Second Amendment activists why they are involved in the struggle to restore recognition of the right to keep and bear arms."

This is Tuesday's interview, where readers also got to ask questions.

A Stability Police Force For the United States
Submitted by: Larry

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"This project investigates the need for a U.S. Stability Police Force, the major capabilities it would need if created, where in the federal government it would best be headquartered, and how it should be staffed. In doing so, it considers options based in the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice, and State. The project was conducted for the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI). Its purpose was to make recommendations to PKSOI, the Army, and the community of rule-of-law researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on the need for (and characteristics of) a U.S. Stability Police Force." ...

Submitter's Note: Hat tip to What our lords and masters have planned for our future.

Safer Streets 101: Gun rights have always been more than self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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words that the second amendment wasn't written for us. This is because not only do our fundamental human rights predate the Constitution, but it is also not we who need to be reminded of our rights ... It is government who needs to be reminded. 2A was not written for the citizen, it was written for government. The words of art shall not have legal meaning and are clear enough. They . . . ought to be, that is."

"Most gun owners will say that gun control interferes with our rights to self-defense, and that gun bans leave people defenseless. Yes, they do. Gun owners talk about the civil right of the second amendment, and how we fight tyranny, but how exactly? Will it be with shoot-outs with our own troops?" ...

NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Designate CFC #10006 to support the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, founded to defend the fundamental right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms."

"The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has assisted in court cases involving hunting, range protection, self-defense, and onerous gun laws as in the Heller v. District of Columbia case that affirmed our individual right to keep and bear arms."

"The NRA Foundation Designate CFC #11872 to support The NRA Foundation, Inc., founded to foster a culture of safe firearms use and ownership." ...

A very Gura Christmas
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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As part of our special Christmas and Hanukkah programming on the VC, here is a 50-minute podcast interview with Alan Gura. It’s all about McDonald v. Chicago, particularly about the meaning of the Privileges or Immunities clause and of the Due Process clause.

Virginia Tech Shooting Survivor-"Keep Guns Off Campus"
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I am a representative in Student Government at The University of Texas at Austin."

"I'm also uniquely positioned to discuss the issue of firearms and classrooms as an alumnus of Virginia Tech: I was there in 2007 when the shooting happened, and I lost the girl I love."

"In no way was that tragedy the fault of those licensed to carry concealed handguns. With that said, our tragedy has been used by proponents of a Guns Everywhere policy to push a political agenda." ...

CO: CSU gun ban is the right call
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Concealed firearms have their legal place in society, but hidden guns hardly seem appropriate on university campuses."

"We think it's more than reasonable for the board that oversees Colorado State University to ask that administrators enact a ban on guns to individuals who own concealed-carry permits. The CSU Board of Governors voted 9-0 last week to implement a ban on campuses in Fort Collins and Pueblo, and now college presidents must craft the policy." ...

"But we think an argument also could be made that more weapons on campus actually increase the chances of accidental shootings or other problems. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: FYI the are 5.3 accidental shooting deaths per million college aged people (18 - 24).

NY: Simply put: 'We need to do something'
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Gloria Cruz was waiting her turn to speak at a City Council hearing on anti-gang legislation last week. She was in the stately Council chamber at City Hall, reading through her testimony, sitting by herself in the second row. She was surrounded by others who would be testifying: a deputy police commissioner, several chief prosecutors and community people like herself. Cruz was there because she is a tireless anti-gun advocate. She was asked to give her take on the lure of guns and gangs for the city's aimless youth." ...

CSU campus disarmament policy--it ain't over 'til it's over
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last Friday, we discussed Laramie County Sheriff John Alderden, who vowed that his office would not help enforce a Colorado State University campus disarmament policy, if such a policy were passed. Later that same day, such a policy did pass." ...

"Correspondent Farm.Dad kindly informed us that the students who would be barred from effective means of self-defense are not yet entirely defeated, after all." ...

CU campus police shut down NERF game
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Students at the University of Colorado are being told by campus police that their planned game of 'Humans vs. Zombies' must be canceled because of a campus ban on toys that look like guns." ...

GA: Elderly Clayton County, GA man fends off a pair of robbers with his handgun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An elderly Clayton County, GA man reportedly used his handgun to fend off a pair of criminals who tried to rob him at gunpoint in his own home."

"Police say that the elderly resident sells firewood from his home. A pair of robbers is said to have posed as firewood buyers, with one of the criminals first buying some firewood then asking to enter the man's home to wash his hands. After washing his hands, the robber is said to have pointed a gun at the elderly homeowner, while the pair of criminals searched the home for valuables. At this point, the homeowner reportedly grabbed his own gun and fired at the robbers, causing them to flee to a waiting car. The homeowner was unharmed." ...

AZ: Sun City rec centers consider gun ban at meetings
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Some Sun City residents are accusing the board that runs recreation centers of trampling on their Second Amendment rights."

"At issue is the Recreation Centers of Sun City's consideration of gun restrictions on those who attend their meetings."

"The board was expected to vote next week on a motion to clarify a firearms and deadly weapons policy. It stems from an incident last month in which a rec center cardholder attempted to bring a gun into a board meeting."

"Several said the motion was an attack on their right to bear arms." ...

NY: Hunters display displeasure with Senator
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Members of the Ilion Fish & Game Club are upset that Senator Chuck Schumer used their club last week to introduce his new venison donation legislation."

"Last Monday, the Senator introduced a new bill proposal that would allow hunters donating venison to food banks to get a tax break."

"Members of the Ilion Fish & Game Club say they're not happy Schumer was in the club, and most members didn't even know he had visited until they saw it on the news. Monday night, club members held a meeting to discuss the issue. They say they're not upset with Schumer's venison donation legislation, just the fact that he used the club as the political platform to introduce it." ...

Feds: Immigration Officer Named Christmas Sought Bribes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It looks like Mr. Christmas will be spending the holiday defending his name."

"Melford Christmas, a 41-year-old federal immigration officer, was arrested at his Queens home and charged with soliciting bribes from those seeking to become legal permanent residents, commonly referred to as green card holders, at his Garden City office ..."

"Christmas, an officer with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau (CISB), interviewed applicants and conducted examinations concerning their proficiency in the English language and American civics and history – a requirement for U.S. citizenship. But four times between April 2007 and November 2009, he demanded bribes from applicants to approve their citizenship applications ..." ...

The Thin Blue Whine, Pt. I: Petulant Police Demand Impunity
Submitted by: Larry

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... "We are constantly told that the increasingly frequent episodes of criminal violence by police are aberrations, and that 'most' police are good, decent, honorable people. ... I know people in that line of work who meet that description."

"My question is this: Just where the hell are those good, decent, honorable police officers when their comrades are committing crimes of the kind committed against Don Joughin's children? How can a police officer direct a ... stream of caustic solution into the face of a terrified eleven-month-old baby in the serene knowledge that nobody among his peers would object? What does it say about the police culture in Portland that the reaction of the officers on-site was to rebuke the father ..." ...

Nigeria: Nigeria police: Issuing corpses and denials
Submitted by: none

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"'It really overwhelms our capacity to store bodies,' says Dr Anthony Mbah ..."

"His mortuary is overflowing - with corpses brought in by the police."

"'We have between 70 and 80 bodies right now... and about three weeks ago, there was a mass burial of some other corpses,' he says." ...

"Lawyers and relatives point to a pattern - of unlawful killings by police, followed by claims the deceased was an armed robber."

"It is an easy way to cover dirty tracks, they say."

"Enugu State Police Commissioner Mohamed Zarewa looks at the photograph of piled up bodies in the mortuary and covers them with his hand."

"'I am not aware of that number you are talking. I am not aware, I am not aware,' he says."

"He mutters it five or six times." ...

OH: Tuscarawas County Leads 2009 Ohio Deer-gun Harvest
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ohio hunters took 114,633 white-tailed deer during the state's popular, weeklong deer-gun season, which ran November 30 through December 6, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. In 2008, hunters killed a preliminary total of 116,798 deer during the same time period."

"Counties reporting the highest numbers of deer brought to Ohio check stations last week included Tuscarawas-5,901; Harrison-4,310; Guernsey-4,289; Licking-3,734; Coshocton-3,680; Washington-3,589; Holmes-3,265; Belmont-3,238; Athens-3,049; and Knox-3,046." ...

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. — Justice Robert H. Jackson

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