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Gun-rights champion Knox remembered
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Clifford Neal Knox did for gun ownership and gun rights what Johnny Carson did for late-night television talk shows."

"Both had distinctive styles for reaching out to the public; both died this month. Carson created a comedy/talk show aura that gave viewers a relaxed variety program each night."

"Knox, always known as Neal, served as first editor of Gun Week magazine and functioned as a gentleman in a fight for gun-owner rights. Carson tried to stay out of politics; Knox knew that legislators - and the legislation they generate - affected freedoms granted gun owners and shooters under the Second Amendment." ...

A Moral Outrage: 1 American Child or Teen Killed by Gunfire Nearly Every 3 Hours; New Data Show Nat'l Death Toll Reached 2,867 in '02
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The horrific death toll from gunfire in the United States included 2,867 children and teens in 2002-nearly eight deaths a day and 55 a week, according to a report released today by the Children's Defense Fund. Firearms are the second leading cause of death among 10- to 19- year olds, second only to motor vehicle accidents. There were 71 victims under 5 years old. From 1979 through 2002, a total of 95,761 children and teens were killed by firearms in America." ...

KABA Note: You can see the numbers for yourself at the CDC's WISQARS website but one interesting note. Thugs shot by cops aren't counted, but those shot by civilians are. So those two teens killed when a Georgia couple returned fire will be counted in the 2004 numbers, as will the 16 year old in Florida who was shot by the man he and his three friends tried to rob.

Gun-Rights Fight Continues
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"Despite a recent article on National Review Online by John J. Miller, the fight to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights continues. And with that so does the effort of numerous pro-Second Amendment organizations like Liberty Belles, Keep and Bear Arms, Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, Armed Females of America, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and a whole host of others. In addition to organizations that focus specifically on the Second Amendment, there are many other types of non-profits who also support the individual right to keep and bear arms." ...

1 in 3 teens says First Amendment goes 'too far'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The way many high school students see it, government censorship of newspapers may not be a bad thing, and flag burning is hardly protected free speech."

"It turns out the First Amendment is a second-rate issue to many of those nearing their own adult independence, according to a study of high school attitudes released today."

"The original amendment to the Constitution is the cornerstone of the way of life in the United States, promising citizens the freedoms of religion, speech, press and assembly."

"Yet, when told of the exact text of the First Amendment, more than one in three high school students said it goes 'too far' in the rights it guarantees. Only half of the students said newspapers should be allowed to publish freely without government approval of stories.'" ...

Incoming NRA president: Reaching out to women crucial in preserving 2nd Amendment freedoms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reaching out to American women and introducing them to shooting sports will be crucial in defending and preserving the freedoms that millions of sportsmen and women enjoy. That was the core message delivered to a luncheon crowd at the 2005 SHOT Show during an address by the National Rifle Association’s incoming president, Sandra Froman."

"'American women represent our greatest challenge and our richest opportunity to either save Second Amendment freedom, or see it surrendered to ignorance and fear,' said Froman." ...

Export Freedom?
Submitted by: motoboy

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... "I have not been to Oman. Probably there are things we could find to dislike there. But near the front of the chaplain's book is printed a large color photograph of men sitting on the floor waiting to take their cases before the local magistrate ... who sits on the floor with them. The magistrate has to be identified in the caption as 'third from right.' His clothing does not immediately give evidence of any exalted rank. He is not surrounded by clerks, transcriptionists, or law books. He does not sit symbolically elevated behind a bench. As he listens to the cases, all he holds in his hand is a fan to deal with the heat."

"Clad in white robes and headgear typical of the Bedouin, the men who sit on the floor next to him, their backs to the wall, waiting their turn to present their cases, do hold something in their hands, however."

"Name me one courthouse in America where an unarmed judge sits within arm's reach of his constituents, unafraid, as they sit waiting to speak with him on volatile matters, holding propped in their laps their well-maintained and presumably fully loaded Model 4 Enfield rifles." ...

TASER International Implements Background Checks Utilizing ChoicePoint's(R) Identity Verification for Sales to Private Citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'Following the successful trial of the ChoicePoint identification and credential verification systems, we are very excited to implement this for all of our sales to private citizens,' said Rick Smith, CEO and co-founder of TASER International. 'We feel that utilizing the market leader in this area further affirms the commitment of TASER International to verify the background of its private customers in order to ensure that the TASER devices designed for personal safety and citizen defense are purchased for those very reasons. Our use of ChoicePoint's identity verification and criminal background check technology shows TASER International's commitment and leadership in providing safe, effective means of self-defense to responsible citizens,' continued Mr. Smith." ...

The Hebrew Kid and the Apache Maiden
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "I began corresponding with Robert and he told me about his new novel, The Hebrew Kid and the Apache Maiden, the story of a Jewish immigrant family in America's Old West. The positive value of firearms deployed in moral hands is prominently portrayed (without falling into the trap of being 'preachy'), and it also explains how coerced disarmament allowed for persecution and murder of Jews in the protagonist's Russian homeland." ...

TN: Man found not guilty in shooting death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Grundy County jury has found a man innocent of fatally shooting his brother-in-law."

"Twenty-three-year-old Gary Cantrell of Monteagle had been accused of second-degree murder for shooting and killing Fabian Byers."

"Defense attorney Howell Clements called the incident 'a classic case of self-defense.'"

"Clements said the men met in the parking lot of a grocery store and Cantrell thought Byers was reaching for a gun inside his car. His attorney said Cantrell pulled a gun from his own glove compartment and shot Byers." ...

MI: Sexual assaults spur self-defense class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About 20 voices echoed through the Union Ballroom Saturday night. As the voices shouted in unison, only one word was heard - 'no.'"

"Shouting assertively can give a person more confidence to ward off an attack, said instructors at the University Activities Board's self-defense class 'Watch Your Back.' Facilitators said the voice can be the strongest weapon in self-defense." ...

Submitter's Note: Especially if your voice is saying "Back off scumbag, I've got a gun."

VA: Neighbor fires pistol on three growling dogs
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A man shot two of his neighbor’s dogs with a pistol Sunday in Argusville, N.D., because he thought they were going to attack him, a Cass County sheriff’s deputy said." ...

"The Sheriff’s Department is investigating two possible violations, one against the shooter for discharging a firearm in the city, and another against the dog owner for allowing the animals to run loose, Haaland said."

GA: Fatal shootings no cause for joy (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Before throwing up 'three cheers for justice' and celebrating the deaths of Michael Hill and Calvin Ballard, fatally shot Jan. 24 during the attempted robbery of Shoat's Grocery and Package Store, I would ask Carl Langley (Letters, Jan. 28) to consider for a moment the pain his letter may have caused the families of these two young men."

"The Georgia Bureau of Investigation may determine the shootings were in self-defense and therefore justified. If that is the outcome, the tragedy of these two very young men's deaths will be no less. Their mothers, their families and their friends are mourning the loss. I would go so far as to say that anytime a 17- and 19-year-old end up dead on the floor of a convenience store, a tragedy has occurred." ...

UK: Householders given guidance on tackling intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have issued a new leaflet offering guidance for householders on the force they can use to tackle intruders."

"The publication reiterates the fact that householders can use reasonable force to defend themselves, their families and homes."

"It also stresses the commitment of the CPS to be 'as swift and sympathetic as possible when carrying out whatever investigation of the incident is necessary'."

"Director of public prosecutions, Ken Macdonald, said: 'The law is on the side of householders.'"

"'We aim to reassure them that if they act honestly and instinctively, in the heat of the moment, this will be the strongest evidence that they have acted lawfully and in self-defence.'"

Submitter's Note: Tell that to Tony Martin.

CA: Juveniles admit to planning Columbine-style attack in Elk Grove
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two 16-year-old Elk Grove students on Monday admitted charges stemming from their plot to wage a Columbine-style assault on their high school last February, prosecutors said."

"The two admitted conspiring to commit murder, that the attack planned on the Laguna Creek High School cafeteria would have been a hate crime, and to attempted burglary. The hate crime enhancement acknowledged that they planned to target blacks and other racial minorities, including one particular black student." ...

TN: Roadside deals outside law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law enforcement agencies that seize money from drug suspects under the guise of obtaining a contribution to their drug funds circumvent state law and expose themselves to allegations of criminal wrongdoing, the lawyer in charge of Tennessee's asset forfeiture program said."

"In a recent interview prompted by the indictment of two Loudon County deputies on extortion charges, Tennessee Department of Safety lawyer Joe Bartlett condemned such practices."

"'We don't want agencies extorting money from individuals or giving the appearance of extorting money,' Bartlett said."

"Bartlett said he's disturbed by the Loudon County case, which centers on two deputies who seized cash from a suspect during a 2002 traffic stop." ...

NJ: We've got the guns -- Buy-back program started last weekend, to continue for two more weekends
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the first day of Operation Lifesaver, a week ago Friday, 176 weapons were received at designated sites across Jersey City, and the city spent $25,250 on recovery of the weapons."

"On Saturday Jan. 22, the program took in 72 weapons and spent $9,300."

"The gun buy-back program, initiated by Mayor Jerramiah Healy and Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson in cooperation with the Jersey City Police Department and the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, was put in motion as people bought in their handguns, shotguns, and automatic firearms in return for cash and amnesty from prosecution. The guns were brought to designated sites across Jersey City where police officers and firearms experts monitored the handing over of the weapons." ...

Canada: Montreal police union examines counselling after suicides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Montreal police union will consider this week what could have been done to prevent the recent suicides of two officers within six weeks of each other."

"Alain Legault, a union spokesman, said everyone is still coming to grips with last week's death of a detective assigned to the force's elite - and high pressure - major crimes unit." ...

"The police department has had a counselling program in place since 1990 with suicide prevention added in 1997. The first suicide after that happened in December 2003, followed by another in December 2004."

"The third incident happened a week ago when the major crimes division detective fatally shot himself with his service pistol in the unit's office." ...

Malaysia: Action against peddler and officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'The deputy public prosecutor will decide on the next course of action,' he said during a Press conference at his office today."

"He did not elaborate on the contents of the report, but the New Straits Times has learnt that blame has been apportioned to both parties."

"Police are recommending that VCD peddler Yeoh Yew Jin be charged with obstructing a public servant who was in the course of his duty. He may also be charged with causing grievous hurt."

"Police are recommending that Mohd Zabidi Hassan, the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry's enforcement officer, be charged with the unlawful discharge of a firearm. He faces a jail term of up to two years, a maximum fine of RM5,000, or both." ...

India: Major dismissed for molesting J&K girl, mother
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Notwithstanding the DNA report absolving Rashtriya Rifles officer Major Rehman Hussian of rape charges, a court martial held at Uri on Monday recommended his dismissal for molesting a girl and her mother at Handwara in Kupwara district of J&K."

"Major Rehman was accused of molestation and rape during a search operation during the intervening night of November 6 and 7, 2004 at Bhadra Payeen in Kupwara district. An Army spokesman said the court martial recommended his dismissal from service after finding him guilty on four of the five charges levelled against him. ..." ...

VA: Gun-Show Loophole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The General Assembly has been considering a proposal to close the 'gun-show loophole.' The other day the Senate shot the measure down, but count on its reappearance -- either during this session or a future one." ...

"Let's be clear: Most gun-show sales in Virginia occur through licensed dealers who already conduct background checks. Closing the gun-show loophole would place a serious encumbrance on individual rights, with little or no benefit to public safety. The Assembly is welcome to pass a bill anyway, if it is interested in making an empty gesture. If it is interested in reducing violence, it should turn its attention elsewhere."

PA: $100,000 in firearms stolen from store
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Bold thieves pried open the front door of the Northern Tier's biggest shooting sports store early Sunday and left with firearms worth at least $100,000." ...

"Westfield Police Chief Ron Adams said he believes the crime occurred between 2 a.m. Sunday, when he finished his shift, and sunrise."

"'These were professionals,' he said. 'They knew exactly what they were doing. They clearly targeted handguns and assault rifles.'"

"'They had been here in this building before,' Adams said. 'They had the place well-cased. They could be from anywhere. But I'm guessing they're from the city -- Rochester, Buffalo, Philly or New York City.'" ...

UT: Taking a big bite out of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The struggle over ownership of guns in the United States has taken a dramatic turn. In the midst of the winter holidays, when you could bet that everyone's mind was elsewhere, the Department of Justice decided to revise the Second Amendment."

"This latest example of politically motivated historical revisionism completes the task begun by John Ashcroft in 2001 in his infamous letter to the National Rifle Association, which cast aside a hundred years of Justice Department policy on how to interpret the Second Amendment. Now the Department of Justice has produced a hundred-page memo designed to give activist judges a historical pretext for striking down existing gun laws." ...

SD: Apa assures gun owners of continued rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Jerry Apa, R-Lead, opened Saturday's legislative crackerbarrel session with assurances to South Dakota gun owners that revisions to the state's criminal codes will not damage their rights."

"Senate bill 43, section 269 is supported by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and actually eases some of the bans on gun ownership that federal law imposes in cases of misdemeanor domestic violence, Apa pointed out."

"'We've been getting a lot of grief from gun owners of South Dakota,' Apa told more than 35 people gathered at Deadwood City Hall for the meeting."

"He went on to say that state senators and representatives are getting cards and calls from those who incorrectly believe that SB43, Sec. 269, would take gun rights away." ...

MD: Going Ballistics
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Barely a year after singing the praises of a law requiring gun makers to submit ballistics data on every handgun sold in Maryland, state police have declared it a dud and want it repealed. ..." ...

WA: Senate hearing exposes gun divide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, herded seven gun bills through his Judiciary Committee Tuesday. And they were hardly the magnificent seven." ...

"The other five bills, all sponsored by Democrats, were more complex, and contentious."

"That hearing exposed a deep cultural divide in this state. On one side of the chasm are those who generally view firearms only as weapons and regard the possession of firearms as an unnecessary risk to public safety when there is law enforcement to ensure public safety. On the other side are those who view firearms as tools not only for hunting and sport, but also for self-protection because they can't always depend on the police to protect them."

"The freedom to be kept safe from the danger of firearms confronts the freedom to possess firearms to keep safe from danger." ...

TX: Legislature, state agency move to shoot down Internet hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A legislator and the state have proposed measures to shoot down Internet-based hunting in Texas."

"A San Antonio man last year publicized his plan to do remote-controlled hunts for exotic game on a ranch using a rifle linked to a digital camera and a Web connection."

"Wildlife regulators last week introduced a rules change that would ban remote-controlled hunting for all game animals and game birds native to Texas."

"Agency officials cited their inability to uphold laws when a hunter may not be in the state."

"John Lockwood's idea for Web-based hunting on a ranch in Edwards County would focus on non-native species." ...

"Lockwood told The Associated Press that he doesn't see Live-Shot as being any different than hiring a guide for a hunt on a private ranch."

SC: Rifle Range Construction in Progress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Construction has begun on The Citadel campus for the new indoor rifle range. The site of the new range is in the northwest corner of Washington Light Infantry Field, behind the current soccer field."

"Pile driving has already been completed and now excavation is underway for the rest of the foundation to support the building. Construction of the building's steel frame is expected to start in late February, while installation of the exterior concrete walls is slated to begin mid-March."

"With the rifle range's completion, The Citadel plans to have 16 points for air/smallbore/center fire at 50 feet. Current plans are to start hosting an All-Academy Rifle and Pistol match on an annual basis ..." ...

VA: Bill aims to lets guns be carried in the Capitol
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"To Philip Van Cleave, a new rule that bans people from openly carrying weapons in the Capitol unless they hold a concealed carry permit defies the Constitution."

"'Virginia has a proud history of law-abiding citizens being able to carry a gun without having to beg permission from the government,' said Van Cleave, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. 'It flies in the face of the Second Amendment.'"

"Van Cleave, a software developer from Midlothian, hopes that proposals pending in the General Assembly to change the rule will pass and, he said, restore the rights of citizens to openly bear arms without a permit at the Capitol." ...

CA: Add county to gun-lock program
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun locks may not be foolproof or even childproof in all cases. But they are a fundamental first step to gun safety that all gun owners should embrace."

"Project Child Safe aims to get gun locks in the hands of all gun owners, even as it promotes keeping guns out of the hands of children." ...

OH: Akron Rifle Sweeps Top Two Spots At Penn State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The University of Akron rifle team swept first and second place in a quadrangular meet at Penn State Saturday. The Zips defeated host Penn State as well as Loyola."

"The 'Gold' squad took the top slot with a two-event tally of 4,550 while the 'Blue' group was second at 4,492. The host Nittany Lions were third at 4,206 while Loyola was fourth with a one-event tally of 1,896."

"Joe Milano (Minerva, Ohio/Minerva HS) fired a score of 580 out of a possible 600 to nab the smallbore event."

"Sarah Kramer (Sharon, Mass./Sharon HS), Angie Engle (Mogadore, Ohio/Firestone HS) and Laura Kuntz (Columbiana, Ohio/South Range HS) followed Milano with scores of 577, 569 and 567, respectively." ...

MO: NRA Issues Youth Hunter Education Challenge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Young Missourians who have completed hunter education training can show what they have learned at regional Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) events throughout the state in March and April." ...

"The competition is open to Missourians through age 18. Participants compete in .22 rifle, shotgun and muzzle-loading rifle marksmanship, wildlife identification, and a hunter safety trail. Regional winners qualify to compete in the state YHEC event, whose winners advance to the national competition. Participation in regional events is free."

UK: British Museum to Unveil 'Tree of Life'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A half-ton sculpture made out of chopped up guns and other decommissioned weapons will be unveiled at the British Museum on Wednesday, Feb. 2."

"The 'Tree of Life,' which Mozambican artists spent three months creating, was commissioned by The British Museum and overseas development charity Christian Aid to coincide with the start of the Africa 2005 season of cultural events in London."

"The sculpture, which stands three-meters in height, is made entirely out of weapons such as AK-47s, pistols and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. The weapons are collected by an innovative project, Transforming Arms into Tools, which exchanges guns for equipment such as sewing machines, bicycles, and building materials. ..." ...

India: Country-made pistols recovered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AHMEDABAD rural police on Sunday recovered country-made pistols from two persons on the basis of information given by another person, who was also arrested for possessing a pistol on Tuesday." ...

"All three have said they had bought the weapons for self-defence. The police said it was likely that personal enmity with someone must have prompted them to purchase the weapons. Sarkhej SI N J Jhala said Habeeb too had purchased the pistol from Ahmed. 'However, the two are not aware of his full name or his address except that he hails from UP', stated Jhala."

Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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