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Hollywood continues to exemplify hypocrisy on guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Right. Only a nutty conservative website would find the whole concept of laughing at shooting sprees disturbing and more than a bit hypocritical when you consider who finds such efforts worthy of critical acclaim. ..." ...

Gun Rights: What Does Body Count Have to Do With It?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the Newtown massacre, proponents of civilian disarmament compare the United States to the United Kingdom. They point out that the UK’s total firearm death rate (which includes suicides) is less than half than ours. Therefore, the argument goes, we should severely limit the availability of firearms. As the President said, if we could save just one more life, then a new Assault Weapons Ban is well worth it. . . ."

"The pro-gun side asserts that the UK has seen their overall violent crime rates soar; up 250 percent since 1992, according to the Home Office. This despite their limited gun rights and availability. As America has a lower violent crime rate, it shouldn’t change its gun laws. Doing so would ... cost lives." ...

Why Good People Need Semiautomatic Firearms And “High Capacity” Magazines, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Within roughly the same timeframe as the Newtown Atrocity, a criminal armed with a crowbar broke into the home of a young mother who was there alone with her nine-year-old twins. When she and the kids had retreated as far as they could and the intruder still kept coming, she opened fire with a .38 caliber revolver."

"When her gun went empty, five of the six shots had struck the intruder. Whether it’s drunkenness, drugs, or desperation, some violent criminals can be harder than others. In this case, the intruder was still up and running. The smart and courageous young mom bluffed him at the point of her now-empty six-shooter, telling him in essence that she would finish him off if he kept attacking." ...

Escapees from rights-challenged lands revere 2nd Amd. more than many born here
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After decades of statist policies, ostensibly to make us 'safer' (offensively misnamed 'Patriot Act,' anyone?), the United States is far less the beacon of liberty than it once was. And yet, given the sad state of much of the rest of the world, the U.S. is still about the best place in the world for a freedom loving individual." ...

Crazy & Criminal Have a Right to be Armed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Did you know that Crazy & Criminal individuals operate under an alternate Bill of Rights? They do. For instance, crazy spree killers not only have a right to keep and bear arms everywhere, they also have the right to murder whomever they choose. It's right there in the Crazy Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, Amendment the 2nd. Who knew?"

"Under this amendment the criminally insane's right to purchase (or steal), own and use any firearm at anytime in any place is a protected right. Furthermore use of said weapon for the slaughter of the innocent is not prohibited. In fact, the right preexists the amendment and shall not be infringed. The god (small "g") of the insane bestowed this crazy right so no government can take it away." ...

If armed school security won't work, where are all the mass shootings at armed schools?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buried in a recent article in The New York Times dismissing armed security at schools is a bit of pro-gun truth, proving if you go looking hard enough, you can eventually find the truth in the most unlikely places."

"From the article:"
"Nationwide, at least 23,000 schools — about one-third of all public schools — already had armed security on staff as of the most recent data, for the 2009-10 school year, and a number of states and districts that do not use them have begun discussing the idea in recent days." ...

NRA president: ‘The AR-15 is the musket of today’ (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA President David Keene, speaking to The Daily Caller’s Ginni Thomas, compared the modern AR-15 to the muskets in American homes at the time of the American Revolution."

"'This nation was founded as a result of the fact that people – citizens – who had a musket above the fireplace grabbed the gun when an emergency confronted them. For 4 million Americans, the AR-15 is the musket of today.'" ...

Investigating the ‘40 Percent Myth’ Regarding Guns Sold Without Background Checks (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the most common memes being echoed by pro-gun control advocates in the ongoing national debate on gun control is the claim that 40 percent of gun sales are conducted without a background check. ..." ...

"The origin of that figure comes from a study conducted by the National Institute of Justice in 1997, as pointed out in their analysis:"
"The researchers estimated that about 40 percent of all firearm sales took place through people other than licensed dealers. They based their conclusion on data from a 1994 survey of more than 2,500 households. But it’s important to note that of the 2,568 households surveyed, only 251 people answered the question about the origin of their gun." ...

Losing the PR War: The Rabbi’s Call to Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Firearm rights are under unprecedented attack. Say what you want about 'universal background checks' and 'high capacity magazines' and 'assault rifles,' even a quick read of New York’s SAFE Act reveals the simple truth: gun control advocates are shooting for confiscation. Even if you set the Constitution to one side, if the 'debate' over armed self-defense were based on fact and logic, our gun rights would never be questioned. But it isn’t. Never has been. The case against firearms is completely emotional. Politicians are feeling the heat from constituents because gun rights advocates are losing the PR war . . ." ...

Get your application in for the NRA Youth Education Summit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This year's Youth Education Summit looked like they had a lot of fun, didn't they? For all you high school Sophomores and Juniors out there, YOU could be a part of next year's week-long trip to Washington, D.C."

"The NRA is currently accepting applications for the 2013 National Youth Education Summit - a once-in-a-lifetime experience." ...

Similar paths for tobacco, gun lobby?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While scientists have welcomed President Obama's efforts to restart gun-violence research, many say that passing even modest gun-safety measures will be an uphill battle."

"That's because the gun lobby, researchers say, has followed a familiar and largely successful playbook: that of the tobacco companies." ...

Sphinx SDP Compact coming stateside (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sphinx, the Swiss manufacturer of premium military and law enforcement arms, unveiled their avant-garde SDP Compact a little over two years ago at a Parisian arms expo. They officially announced it at SHOT Show last year, and availability since then has been… not available."

"It has been a wait, but Sphinx has begun importation of these pistols and will start distribution the first quarter of this year. We think it’s been worth it."

"The SDP Compact, like the SDP, is both familiar and radical. It is a descendant of the CZ 75 design, but with added features and a new take on construction that make it a wholly new pistol unto itself." ...

How to select a gun for pistol competition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been outspoken on the fact that shooting a gun is about the Indian, not the Arrow. I have also gone on record with my default recommendations for a carry gun, and even proposed an objective method of answering 'Which polymer 9mm is best?', but selecting a gun for competition is a different thing." ...

New from Nosler: .30 caliber, 125 grain AccuBond® Bullet (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oh yeah life goes on, long after the thrill of buying ammo is gone. Actually, it wasn’t a thrill. It was just . . . normal. You’d go to your local gun store or click onto your favorite ammo supplier’s website and buy some ammo. Now it’s a thrill. Snagging a few boxes of your favorite cartridges is like finding a fifty dollar bill tucked away in an old jacket pocket. Only better. Rolling your own? That’s become like rolling your own. You know; back when you were a kid and marijuana was legal. Anyway, reloaders rejoice! Nosler’s new .30 caliber, 125 grain AccuBond® bullet is here. In stock and all. It’s good for for 300 AAC Blackout, 308 Winchester, 30 AR, 308 Marlin Express and 30 TC. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

Biden: Gun laws are no ‘guarantee’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Curbing guns can't ensure an end to mass slayings like December's killings of 20 first-graders in Newtown, Conn., but it will reduce firearm deaths, Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday."

"'Nothing we're going to do is going to fundamentally alter or eliminate the possibility of another mass shooting or guarantee that we will bring gun deaths down to 1,000 a year from what it is now," Biden told reporters."

"Biden said lawmakers can take steps 'that have virtually zero impact on your Second Amendment right to own a weapon for both self-defense and recreation but can save some lives.' Doing that, he said, 'seems to be a no-brainer.'" ...

Durbin disconnect defines Democrat delusions on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illinois Senator Richard Durbin’s exchange Wednesday with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre defined the disconnect anti-gun Democrats have with the reality of so-called 'universal background checks' and why they won't stop criminals from obtaining firearms." ...

I'll let Mike Royko speak for me on guns.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The late, great Mike Royko, beloved Chicago newspaper columnist, wrote many columns on guns and gun control, all of them hilarious, pointed and smart."

"Sadly, Royko's columns, many dating from as far back as the early 1980's, reflect the very same arguments we are having today about guns and the Second Amendment. Perhaps the NRA is more on its heels today than it was in those days, but that's not a sure bet, either."

"Regardless, Royko's numerous columns on gun control speak for me in 2013."

"Assembled here are links to four of his columns on the subject, three of which are in the form of pdfs or Google docs. They are well worth reading. In each case, I will highlight the portions I found especially sharp." ...

Why the 'Citizen Militia' Theory Is the Worst Pro-Gun Argument Ever
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The notion that an individual right to bear arms guarantees the American people against government tyranny is of course an old one. Given its apparent validation in the Second Amendment of the Constitution itself, it's not surprising that the notion has survived in some way through to the 21st century. Given its defiance of history and common sense, though, what should be surprising is that it's survived to remain so widespread." ...

Hollywood Hypocrisy
Submitted by: Bryan Sampsel

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"Michael Cohen stated that 'I don’t believe average Americans need to own a weapon for protection purposes. It’s too easy to use a gun out of fear or with snap judgment. But more importantly, as we witnessed by all these mass shooting,s is that guns somehow, someway get into the hands of the wrong people,' he said. 'Celebrities are more at risk of being targets of violence because they are very much in the spotlight. Stalkers are common for celebs and it’s scary. However, instead of armed security, it’s about having a team that's proactive and not reactive. It’s better to have more security team members with a watchful and thoughtful eye than one guy and a gun.'"

"Basically, he ... arrogantly assumes that nobody would harm a nobody." ...

Assaulted:Civil Rights Under Fire (Finishing Fund Campaign)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We're raising finishing funds for our film focusing on the civil rights aspects of the 2nd Amendment in America today."

"We're raising funds to finish our film and release it in theaters by March 2013. Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire raised $71,140 here on Kickstart last fall - Since then we completed filming while the issue of guns in America has become the leading political debate due to the tragedy at Newtown." ...

A Suggestion to OathKeepers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... It’s going to be far more important that you figure out a way, NOW, to let the rest of us know, when you pull us over, on the side of the two-lane blacktop, at 0-dark-30, that you’re on our side."

"This is something I’ve been pondering on for several weeks now, and the Haddad case in NY brings it to a very abrupt point. ... I will NEVER consent to a search. If you try to concoct a reason for a search, I will kill you in defense of my family and property and liberty. If I knew I had 5 mags in the trunk, worth 7 years each, I would not have let you open the trunk without a fight, period. That’s 35 years. That’s THE REST OF MY FUCKING LIFE. Why not kill you and take the fight to the enemy for as long as possible?" ...

Submitter's Note: Reminds me of something I've heard several times over the last couple of years; if the rule of law no longer protects us (Olafson, the Reese family) then it also no longer protects YOU!

NRA president: Father of the AK-47 supported the Second Amendment (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Addressing the current gun debate in America, NRA president David Keene recalled an unlikely voice of support for the Second Amendment: the father of the modern assault rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov, designer of the iconic AK-47." ...

Daily Digest: Strip and Flip
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'This is the most humiliating day in my life,' the driver said, rolling down his window and looking at me with puppy dog eyes. Normally, I wouldn’t gas-up at the Sunoco at the bottom of the hill. And certainly not at night. But I was driving on fumes and my gymnastics-crazed daughter likes to be late like I like to be late. Which is to say she doesn’t. It was bad enough when the hoodie-wearing gentleman ambled by. But SUV guy was only slightly less fishy than a can of tuna. 'Nope, sorry,' I said, interrupting him, unbuttoning my jacket, ceasing pumpage, looking for accomplices and moving around the Merc. 'Ask someone else.' He left as quickly as he arrived. ..." ...

TX: Good Samaritan Neighbor Shoots and Kills Man Who Was Beating His Wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A good samaritan neighbor tried to intervene and stop a husband from attacking his wife."

"When the neighbor tried to stop the attack, the suspect turned on him and hit the neighbor in the head with a brick."

"That’s when the neighbor feared for this life, drew his gun and shot the suspect." ...

TX: Magnolia Mother Fires Back at Burglars (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: 3 burglars vs. mother and her 6-year-old child. Mom shoots, burglars run but she manages to tag one.

WA: Suspect Who Tried to Attack Woman With a Knife is Stopped by Good Samaritan With a Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A WA man tried to attack an unnamed female with a knife on Wednesday."

"The woman ran from the suspect, but he chased her, still wielding the knife."

"An armed bystander witnessed the incident and fearing for the female’s safety, he drew his gun and fired one shot in the air."

"It is unclear if the bystander fired a shot in the air because he was afraid of possibly hitting the female or another reason."

"The suspect stopped his pursuit of the female at that point."

"Several other bystanders then help subdue the man until police arrived and arrested him." ...

Department of Homeland Security active shooter advice: Cower and use scissors
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Our fearless President Obama and his Department of Homeland Security has given us a wonderful new 'Options for Consideration Active Shooter Training Video' in recent days."

"In it, they advise Americans to cower and hide under their desks." …

"A four-minute instructional video just released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) entitled 'Active Shooter Situation: Options for Consideration' is filled with numerous suggestions for people confronting an 'active shooter,' including evacuating the area, hiding from the shooter, warning others about the danger, locking and blocking doors, and silencing cellphones. Only in the gravest extreme, however, is resistance recommended:" ...

Gun owners seek out self-defense insurance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The high-profile shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida has prompted many American gun owners to wonder: Would my homeowners insurance cover me if I shot someone in self-defense?"

"For many policyholders, the answer is, 'no.' Most standard home and auto policies contain a liability clause that specifically excludes coverage for injuries or damage caused by an intentional act such as firing a gun, even in self-defense. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing Martin, says he acted in self-defense under Florida's 'stand your ground' law." ...

How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's nice that we're finally talking about gun control. It's very sad that it took such a terrible tragedy to talk about it, but I'm glad the conversation is happening. I hear a lot about assault weapon and large magazine bans, and whilst I'm supportive of that, it won't solve the problem. The vast majority of firearm deaths occur with handguns. Only about 5% of people killed by guns are killed by guns which would be banned in any foreseeable AWB." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboeg who notes: They leave only one thing out -- the part where they start a civil war and we kill their tyrannical asses.

Decorated Army Veteran Arrested in NY For Possession of 30 Round AR Magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, on January 7th, 32 year old Nathan Haddad was arrested when police discovered five 30 round (standard capacity) AR-15 magazines in his car during a vehicle check."

"Haddad was charged with five counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon and arraigned in Watertown town court."

"Looks like any other crime report under New York’s draconian gun laws."

"However, here is where things get interesting. According to Haddad’s brother, Michael Haddad, Nathan though the magazines were 'pre-ban' which would have made them legal in New York. Currently, in New York, you can possess magazines over 10 rounds if they were made before the state’s first Assault Weapons Ban ..." ...

President Obama’s gun orders aren’t so benign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most pundits agree that the 23 gun-related executive orders issued by President Barack Obama two weeks ago are tame and unobjectionable."

"Not so fast."

"The measures the president is proposing would vastly and arbitrarily expand the number of people who can be denied their constitutional right to own a gun." ...

Misfire: Joe Biden’s ‘Shotgun vs. Rifle’ Comments
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Vice President Joe Biden believes banning semi-automatic rifles won’t impact your self-defense, because all you need is a double-barreled shotgun:" ...

"'A shotgun will keep you a lot safer — a double-barreled shotgun — than an assault weapon in somebody’s hand who doesn’t know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it,' Biden said. 'You know, it’s harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun.'"

"Firearms experts do not agree." ...

School shooting brings to light issues of gun regulation, modification of Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though mentioning the massacre in Newtown, Conn. and using the term 'good thing' in the same sentence seems near impossible to do, Bob Costas came about as close to pulling it off Monday night on 'The Daily Show' as a person could get. Of course, he was referring to the good thing being the resulting attention that was brought to the issue of gun violence, not the shooting itself."

"As discussions over gun control laws press onward, it’s critical to keep in mind that there is always an opportunity to make changes for the better. ..." ...

Cruz Control (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Senator Ted Cruz speaks for gun rights advocates at the House Judiciary Committe, and does so with grace, passion and determination."

Dave Kopel's Testimony At Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dave Kopel replaced Fordham Prof. Nick Johnson at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence (sic) yesterday. Below is his prepared testimony before the committee. It also includes Dave answering questions from some senators." ...

Women and Guns at the Senate Hearing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"What gun does a woman want? AR-15s are 'easy for women to hold,' Gayle Trotter, of the Independent Women’s Forum, said to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in her explanation of why an assault-style weapon was just what a young mother needed. She praised their weight, handling, 'and most importantly, their appearance,' since 'the peace of mind knowing she has a scary-looking gun gives her more courage.' When Senator Sheldon Whitehouse ... asked whether a more modest weapon might not do the trick, Trotter said, 'You can not understand. You are not a woman.' The senator was 'a big man,' ... A woman, Trotter said, might have to fight off four or five criminals 'with her children screaming in the background.' She deserved 'a right to choose' a weapon with a thirty-round magazine." ...

NY: Schneiderman: There’s Room For Compromise On Guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Attorney General Eric Schneiderman believes there can be common ground with gun owners and firearms advocates, and in a radio interview with Susan Arbetter today he cited his new rules for gun shows as an example."

"Schneiderman announced last week that his office and operators of several gun shows have agreed to the new guidelines for gun shows in order to ensure background checks are performed and illegal sales don’t occur." ...

NY: Carroll says it was guns after all
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Quinnipiac University poll spokesman Maurice Carroll changed course earlier today, saying that it was the gun control issue, after all, not what he earlier said was the laundry list of liberal issues trotted out by Gov. Andrew Cuomo that led to his drop in approval ratings from 74 to 59 percent in the latest Q-Poll." ...

CA: Gun and ammo tax support draws fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columnist Lewis Diuguid has some strange ideas when it comes to guns ['Let's tax guns and bullets like property,' Opinion, Jan. 31]."

"He wants to tax higher-caliber rounds at higher rates. So I suppose that a box of .22′s would be taxed only marginally less than a box of scary .223′s? Would a .45 or .38 be taxed at a higher rate than a much more powerful .30-06 or .308? A Civil War-era musket would be taxed highest of all, since they are often greater than .50 caliber." ...

NH: NH has fewer gun control laws than other states
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As the debate over gun control rages in Washington and across the country, a look at New Hampshire's laws shows that the state has a mostly hands-off approach."

"When it comes to gun rights versus gun control, New Hampshire falls in the middle of the pack compared with the other 50 states. Unlike in California or New York, there is no permitting process for purchases and no state registration or licensing of firearms."

"But strong Second Amendment backers said New Hampshire doesn't enjoy the same scope of freedom as states such as Wyoming or Vermont." ...

NY: Annie Rabbitt seeks gun law repeal
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York State Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt has called for the repeal of the state’s tough new gun law. She is asking her constituents to sign a petition demanding that it be revoked."

"Her position echoes that of National Rifle Association, which, after the Newtown massacre, resisted calls for any kind of gun control — even on the military-style assault rifles used last month to kill 20 first-graders and six educators in Newtown and two firefighters in Webster, N.Y."

"Rabbitt's objections to the new law focus on 'technical problems in the law language' ... But she would object to any language that included more restrictions on guns, including rapid-fire assault rifles." ...

NY: Guns and Approval Ratings
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"One of the first rules of politics is that you’re supposed to pretend you don’t govern according to opinion polls — that you put the good of the country ahead of reelection. In D.C. they sometimes forget to even pay lip service to this idea. Compromise always comes before courage; legislators focus on what’s possible as an excuse not to try something bold." ...

Congress Asks for More Info on Bungled ATF Operation in Milwaukee
Submitted by: Dave Dworak

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"Members of Congress from both parties Wednesday called for an investigation into the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ storefront sting in Milwaukee, an operation plagued by problems such as an agent’s machine gun being stolen and burglars ripping off $35,000 in merchandise."

"Among those delivering sharp rebukes were lawmakers who led the congressional probe into ATF’s flawed Fast and Furious operation in Arizona, where agents encouraged the sale of more than 2,000 firearms by gun stores to traffickers but lost track of the weapons. Many ended up at crime scenes in Mexico." ...

Lawmakers call for probe into 'botched' ATF sting in Milwaukee
Submitted by: Joe

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"Survivalists: Paranoid right-wingers or a shrewd, far-thinking, and diverse urbanites? The New York Times can't decide."

"Editorial board member Lawrence Downes' Thursday morning post, 'Jesus, Freedom and Guns,' used a YouTube video from a left-winger to mock gun-rights supporters as Christian paranoids fearing government tyranny:" ...

Submitters comment: I am beginning to wonder if the ATF can do anything right.

WV: Local sheriffs: Too early to comment on proposed laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local sheriffs said Thursday it's too early to make any public statement on any new proposed federal gun control measures amid recent statements from other sheriffs in the state who have said they won't enforce any new laws they believe violate the Second Amendment."

"The West Virginia Sheriff's Association, which represents all 55 sheriff's departments in the state, has yet to take an official stance on the debate in Washington over gun violence and newly proposed measures aimed at curbing firearm-related deaths." ...

IN: Champaign County Sheriff: The problem isn’t guns or magazines, it’s the mentally ill
Submitted by: John Boch

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Champaign County Sheriff Dan Walsh has weighed in on the hysterical call by Democratic Party leaders to ban guns, limit magazine capacities and impose all sorts of other restrictions both in Springfield and in Washington, D.C.

While he doesn’t come out and say he’s not going to enforce further gun bans, he does cover a number of points that are just common sense around here:

Right to carry will deter crime.
America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15, isn’t criminally misused around here.
Magazine capacity isn’t an issue.
Cops here, including him, support law-abiding citizens’ right to carry and possess firearms of all sorts.
The real problem for his department is mental health issues.

PA: 9 judges charged with Philadelphia ticket fixing (video available)
Submitted by: jac

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"Nine judges who presided at Philadelphia traffic court were charged with fixing tickets for friends and political allies in a sweeping federal indictment that alleged pervasive, but covert, corruption in the courthouse."

"Federal officials alleged 'a widespread culture of giving breaks on traffic citations to friends, family, the politically-connected and business associates.' ..." ...

CO: Salida, lawyer settle free speech suit for $43,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawyer Daniel Zettler says that during a boat race in 2011 in Salida, he shouted to a man who was being detained by officers, 'Don't forget your constitutional right to remain silent.'"

"Zettler says one officer arrested him on a charge of obstructing a police officer. The Salida Municipal Court later dismissed the charge. Zettler had argued he had a First Amendment right to advise the detained man." ...

PA: 9 judges charged with Philadelphia ticket fixing (another view)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Six current and former Philadelphia traffic court judges have been charged with fixing tickets for friends and political allies, in a sweeping federal indictment that also charges three suburban judges, a court clerk and two businessmen."

"The defendants include former traffic judge Willie Singletary, who had been kicked out of office for showing cellphone photos of his genitals to a female clerk."

"His lawyer says Singletary and several other judges surrendered to the FBI Thursday morning. They are due in court Thursday afternoon."

"Lawyer William J. Brennan says Singletary never took a dime from anyone." ...

Submitter's comment: More evidence that hostility to firearms goes hand-in-hand with corruption. And Philadelphia is near the top of both lists.

CA: Twin Rivers school district settles police misconduct lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barely four months after five men filed a lawsuit accusing Twin Rivers Unified School District police officers of brutality and false arrest, the district has paid $650,000 to settle the matter."

"In their suit, the plaintiffs claimed they were arrested on Sept. 17, 2010, in North Highlands for no reason and taken to the district police station, where one officer allegedly choked three of them. They were all eventually jailed, but the District Attorney's Office declined to file any charges against them."

"The suit also accused the district's top managers of fostering a toxic climate within its police force, which has drawn widespread community criticism for its enforcement tactics and became the focus of a grand jury ..." ...

ND: Ex-Grand Forks cop pleads not guilty to terrorizing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Grand Forks police officer accused of holding a gun to another man’s head at a party pleaded not guilty Wednesday in state district court."

"Jace Prelip, 27, faces a mandatory minimum sentence of two years in prison if convicted because a weapon was used. The felony charge of terrorizing carries a maximum prison sentence of five years."

"Prelip resigned from the police force a few days after the Aug. 29 incident; he had been on the force nearly three years, according to Chief John Packett." ...

NY: NYPD cops handcuff and interrogate boy, 7, over missing $5, family claims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This kid was no killer — but some callous Bronx cops sure treated him like one."

"Instead of earning himself a simple trip to the principal’s office, a terrified 7-year-old boy was hauled out of class, handcuffed like a hardened criminal and 'interrogated' by police for a grueling 10 hours — all over a playground dispute involving $5, his family is charging." [emphasis added] ...

NYT's Monica Davey Stumbles on the Case Against Gun Control, But Recovers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Wednesday's front-page report by New York Times reporter Monica Davey, 'Strict Chicago Gun Laws Can’t Stem Fatal Shots,' at first seemed to prove the useless of the strict gun control measures in place in high-crime cities like Chicago. Yet Davey missed that obvious conclusion, instead quoting anti-gun activists who claim that gun control will only work if the entire nation becomes a gun-free zone, both high-crime and low-crime areas alike." ...

Six weeks on from Sandy Hook, the gun lobby is in the ascendant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre most of us in the media -and a large portion of the American population – had assumed that the killing of 20 innocent young children and their teachers in the run-up to Christmas would provide the emotional tipping point for new legislation on gun control." ...

"And then something strange started to happen. The sale and price of guns, especially assault rifles, went through the roof. ..."

"Millions of Americans had convinced themselves – with a little help of the [NRA] - that President Obama was about to confiscate their powerful guns, even though the president repeated ad nauseam that he was in favour of the second amendment that guarantees the right to bear arms." ...

MSNBC criticized for editing of gun hearing video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MSNBC invited viewers Wednesday to draw their own conclusions about whether the parent of a Connecticut school shooting victim was heckled at a legislative hearing but didn't address criticism that it aired a deceptively edited video of the event."

"The NBC-owned cable news network found itself under attack for its editing practices less than a year after three employees of NBC or an NBC-owned station lost their jobs over the editing of a 911 call in the Trayvon Martin case." ...

Loaded language poisons gun debate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It's the biggest, fiercest debate taking place across America. But it's poisoned from the get-go by a Tower of Babel predicament."

"In disputes over the future of gun laws, people espousing different positions often literally don't understand each other."

"'The sides are speaking different languages,' says Harry Wilson, author of 'Guns, Gun Control, and Elections: The Politics and Policy of Firearms.'"

"Many of the most frequently used words and phrases in this debate mean different things to different people -- or, in some cases, don't have clear meanings to anyone. From terms like 'assault weapons' to the battle between 'gun control' and 'gun rights,' the language in the national conversation is making it tougher to find common ground." ...

Survivalists: Paranoid Right-Wingers or Diverse Urbanites? New York Times Can't Decide
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"Survivalists: Paranoid right-wingers or a shrewd, far-thinking, and diverse urbanites? The New York Times can't decide."

"Editorial board member Lawrence Downes' Thursday morning post, 'Jesus, Freedom and Guns,' used a YouTube video from a left-winger to mock gun-rights supporters as Christian paranoids fearing government tyranny:" ...

Americans are voting with their wallets on guns…
Submitted by: John Boch

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Americans across the nation have heard Democratic Party leaders expound on how terrible guns are and how we need to ban them."

"They are casting their lot against Obama, Feinstein and Quinn and they are voting with their wallets to do so."

"People are buying guns and ammunition like there’s no tomorrow." ..."

Is NPR Pro-Gun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday’s Daily Digest included a link to National Public Radio‘s Armed ‘Good Guys’ And The Realities Of Facing A Gunman, a fair and balanced report on a defensive gun use. Earlier today, Morning Edition aired TTAG’s contributor rabbi’s defence of Sheriff David Clark’s call for armed citizens. Today, NPR ran a piece called Are Shooting Ranges The New Bowling Alleys? that only gave a nod to VPC civilian disarmament agitator Josh Sugarman ('Bowling alleys pose no lethal threat to participants; shooting ranges pose a risk to users'). And now TTAG reader Rossi reports on another even-handed look at firearms in 'Gun Stories.' (Make the jump for his description of the piece.) ..." ...

VA: Virginia man carries AR-15 into grocery store, patrons flee (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 22-year-old man in Charlottesville, Virginia, scared the shit out of a group of people Sunday night when he walked into a grocery store with a loaded AR-15 strapped to his back. As a result he pissed of folks on both sides of the debate." ...

WA: Seattle’s ‘Town Hall’ meeting Monday to discuss ‘gun violence’ as health issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Amid the fireworks following Seattle’s circus-like gun buyback and the antics in Oak Harbor over guns in parks, another front in the cultural war against firearms is being reopened next Monday evening when Town Hall holds a forum on 'Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis.'"

"Already, Seattle-area gun activists are planning to attend the gathering, which begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Great Hall on Eighth Avenue in downtown Seattle." ...

OH: WHIO-TV (CBS Dayton) admits awareness of anti-gun protestor's status as a convicted rapist; Other news outlets remain silent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday, we reported on the fact that Dayton anti-gun protestor Jerome McCorry, who had staged a small protest outside Bill Goodman's Gun & Knife Show over the weekend and received generous media attention, is also a convicted rapist."

"We also pointed out that, despite this fact, media outlets like the Dayton Daily News and WHIO-TV (CBS Dayton) (and, as it turns out, WKEF (ABC Dayton)), not only failed to report the fact that McCorry is a sex offender in their coverage of the protest, but that they have repeatedly failed to do so in past coverage about McCorry." ...

Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave. — Andrew Fletcher 1698

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