Feinstein tries to get reluctant Congress to renew 10-year-old law
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J. R. Miller
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"Gun control hasn't emerged as a leading issue in the 2004 presidential race, but that is likely to change as Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein intensifies her effort to win renewal of the decade-old assault weapons ban, which expires in September."
"Feinstein's bid should be as tightly contested and bitterly fought as it was 10 years ago." ...
"It banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of 19 specific types of semi-automatic guns that she says exist only to be used to try to kill large numbers of people with rapid fire." ...
"The 10-year-old law was painstakingly hammered out to get enough votes for passage. The guns it covered had to meet a so-called two-characteristic test, meaning the weapon could be banned if it had two features from a long list that included items such as automatic ammunition clips, a pistol grip, a barrel shroud or flash suppressor."
------- Of course that socialist sow does forget that these guns have been successfully used in defending life and property in her own state in 1992 during the Rodney King riots.
And just what are "automatic ammunition clips"? |
Criminal headlines cloud the truth in gun control issue
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"Americans purchase an average of around 3.5 million firearms per year, usually 1.4 million rifles, 1.3 million handguns and 800,000 shotguns. Firearms are purchased and kept by around 20 million people for hunting. Another 20 million own firearms for target shooting and nearly 30 million folks have firearms for self-defense or home protection. Three million more Americans own firearms because they enjoy collecting them."
"Interestingly, the main reason given in the Police Foundation report for not owning a firearm is affordability, not safety issues or anti-gun sentiment." ...
"Media ignorance about firearms and the constant reporting of the negative use of guns are the major reasons why people fear guns." |
TSA Stonewalling
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"Disingenuous, duplicitous, dysfunctional bureaucrats at the Transportation Safety Agency are sandbagging the Federal Flight Deck Officers program."
"Pilots are angry… and Congress is angry."
"Obfuscating dissemblers are rejecting veteran pilots for failing to meet TSA standards, which appear to be arbitrary and capricious."
"The standards include psychological tests that claim some pilots are unfit to carry firearms." "This is especially curious given the rejected pilots are apparently still capable:
* of assuming the awesome responsibility for multi million aircraft * of flying the aircraft * of the responsibility for thousands lives on a daily basis." |
Stick to your guns, vigorously oppose law's renewal
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"Your Mini 14 or even the ordinary .22 autoloader behind the seat of your pickup truck must be turned in for processing."
"Gun shows would be a distant memory and the simple act of giving your favorite old pump shotgun to your grandson would be illegal unless the transfer was consummated at the local gun store. Hopefully the gun would never break because junior would be forced to purchase a federally licensed firing pin."
"Forget owning any type of military weapon for collecting purposes. That old Japanese rifle that Uncle Jim brought home from the big war would be illegal. It has a bayonet lug, you know."
"I think you get the picture." |
Character, Integrity and the Second Amendment
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"Freedom took it on the chin in Wisconsin recently when democrat state legislator Gary Sherman switched his vote at the last minute. Set to break a 130 year ban, the Concealed Carry Bill had passed both houses only to be vetoed by democrat governor Jim Doyle. Though the state Senate succeeded in overriding the governor’s veto, Sherman changed his vote and caused its complete failure at the last minute in the State Assembly. What would make Sherman do that, when he was one of the original co-sponsors of the bill? It certainly was not character, and not integrity." ...
"Sherman is a gun owner and NRA member, who in his words has supported Concealed Carry for a long time. Obviously, he was mistaken… or lying."
Is Bush a Conservative?
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"The great problem affecting Americans these days is a mixture of apathy and anger over the growing realization that nothing they say or do matters. It is a growing sense of hopelessness as government spirals out of control and beyond their reach."
"What they see is a White House that (1) wants to loan $1.2 billion to the United Nations to renovate its headquarters in New York, (2) that signed agreements with India to accelerate the export of jobs, (3) that has proposed that Mexicans, here illegally, who take jobs from Americans, be granted a status that will lead to amnesty, (4) that has signed off on a profligate Medicare prescription drug plan that balloons this massive social program, (5) that offered a budget so packed with pork it promises an ever-growing deficit, and (6) that thinks it is the federal government's job to encourage marriage."
"It is a White House that (7) has totally taken control of education from states, cities and communities, and (8) is requesting more than $1.3 billion-up $22.6 million than last year---to underwrite still further efforts to 'conserve' more land, taking the power of communities and owners of private property to determine what to do with their land. It is a White House so seriously out of tune with its political base one wonders how it can think it will be re-elected." |
The Definition of Insanity
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"...In the last four years we've watched as First Amendment, Second Amendment and Fourth Amendment guarantees have slowly been eroded." ...
"We longed for a president who'd stand up for our God-given Second Amendment rights. Instead we got a president who has systematically made keeping and bearing arms more difficult."
"We voted for a Republican because we wanted a reigning-in of federal spending. We now have the most bloated federal budget in the history of the Republic." ...
"We voted for a Republican because we wanted better schools for our children. Instead we got the most intrusive federal program to date in a scheme called 'No Child Left (Alone) Behind'." |
PA: School deserves 'zero' for policy enforcement
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"Don't quote the Bible in Pittsburgh. They'll suspend you from school."
"Even if you're only 7 years old."
"Brandy McKenith, a second-grader, was suspended from school for a day because she violated the Pittsburgh Public School District's no profanity rule in the code of conduct."
"What the little girl said -- and what provoked her -- is reminiscent of all the 'zero tolerance' policies that sometimes seem like 'zero judgment' by the administrators instead."
"One of Brandy's classmates said "I swear to God." Brandy warned him he could go to hell for saying such a thing." |
South Africa: Eight raped, five murdered in Karoo
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"A 66-year-old man shot and killed his wife (32) before turning the gun on himself in Middelburg, in the Eastern Cape on Saturday, police said."
"Captain Erris Claassen on Sunday said the crime occurred at 9.30pm and the firearm used was a 9mm pistol."
"Claassen said four other cases of murder were reported on Saturday in the Karoo area and three arrests were made." ...
"Also in the Karoo, eight people including a three-year-old were raped between 9pm on Friday and 10pm on Saturday."
------- Yes, please continue with your victim disarmament program. You will leave even more vulnerable victims at the mercy of armed thugs. |
Australia: Handgun buyback team on the way
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Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay has received an assurance that the handgun buyback team will visit Tenterfield towards the end of March.
The Handgun Buyback Scheme follows State legislation banning the ownership of guns which do not meet strict criteria on barrel length, calibre and magazine capacity.
When the Buyback crew of six visits Tenterfield the prohibited guns presented by licence holders will be measured, a price agreed, a cheque paid and the guns destroyed on the spot.
Mr Torbay said he had been assured that gun owners would be advised on the date and time of the Buyback visit very soon. |
FL: Deputy Fired For Alleged Road Rage Shooting
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"A rookie sheriff's deputy was fired for allegedly firing his gun at another driver in what investigators believe was an example of road rage."
"Charles Patric Afriat, 32, was charged with aggravated assault and shooting into an occupied vehicle, both felonies."
"Hernando County Sheriff Richard Nugent fired Afriat, who was two weeks short of his first anniversary with the department, hours after his arrest Saturday."
"Afriat said he fired his department-issued .40-caliber Glock handgun in self-defense, a claim the other driver, Leonard Umhoefer, disputed in his interview with investigators, officials said." |
Liking Michael Moore
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"Not knowing much about Moore except that he is rabidly anti-gun (as evidenced in his movie 'Bowling for Columbine') I approached the book gingerly. I, of course, think that the main problem with the Second Amendment is that it doesn't go nearly far enough. If you're going to have any laws at all regarding guns (which you shouldn't) they ought to require everyone have one." ...
"Although Bush didn't directly cause the 9-11 disaster the way Hitler caused the Reichstag fire, he's using it in exactly the same way – to get Boobus americanus all worked up, supportive of any law the government passes, and any actions they take." ...
"The first half of the book is very worthwhile, and will reaffirm your faith in the fact America is going to hell in a handbasket under the Republicans. The second half will reaffirm your faith in the fact America will go to hell in an even larger-sized container, maybe a stolen shopping cart, should the Democrats get in." |
MO: Phelps county resident shoots home invader
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"A neighbor who invaded a couple's home late Friday night and shot them in their bed was shot to death by the man who defended himself and his wife."
"Pronounced dead of apparent gunshot wounds at the scene was home invader David W. Brown, 45, who was facing charges for harassing and stalking the couple." ...
"Williams said Brown had forced his way into the Butler home. He was armed with a .22 caliber rifle and a .22 caliber handgun, gloves and extra ammunition." ...
"The Butlers had been the victims of Brown's harassment over the past year..." |
South Africa: White slaughter
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John Fansler
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"While former South African President Nelson Mandela, 85, scoffs at rumors of ill health, plans are being made by the nation's Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death, G2B sources say." ...
"Sources say most blacks in the country are aware of the plans." ...
------- In the meantime, however, the South African government is implementing a gun control campaign, disarming its citizens and leaving them at the mercy of thugs and criminals. What will they use to defend themselves if this insidious plot is carried out? |
PA: Police accused of sex offenses got light punishment, records show
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"Pennsylvania State Police Maj. William Dixon named the breasts of two female employees 'Vanilla' and 'Strawberry' and groped them whenever he got the chance. He forced a third to submit to oral sex in his locked office and raped her in her home, according to newly released state police records."
"...then-Commissioner Paul Evanko let him use vacation time instead of a 45-day suspension without pay so he could retire with full benefits. He was later sentenced to probation and fined for indecent assault." ...
"That top cops preyed on their female civilian employees on and off the job, committing sordid offenses, and faced little or no consequence shows a deep state police culture of tolerating sexual misconduct..." |
IL: Chicago Mayor Fires Cousin in Corruption Scandal
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"Declaring there 'are no sacred cows in my administration,' Mayor Richard M. Daley fired one of his cousins Monday for his role in a scandal involving $40 million a year paid to politically connected trucking companies, some with mob ties." ...
"Gyrion was the third city official to lose his job in the burgeoning scandal over the no-bids Hired Truck Program, now under investigation by federal prosecutors. The first was Angelo Torres, the former head of the truck program, who is charged with extortion. Last week, William Abolt resigned under pressure as city budget director." |
VA: Virginia Senate Defeats Gun Show Bill!
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"The Virginia Senate has defeated SB 48, which would have placed a $15 tax on any private transfer of a firearm at a gun show and force sellers to register with the Virginia State Police. SB 48 defines a gun show as any place where 25 or more guns are offered for sale. This would mean any collector's home could become a 'gun show.' The bill was defeated by a vote of 21-16. There was a motion to reconsider, and the Senate will vote on this bill again tomorrow (10 Feb 04). Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge him to vote against SB 48." |
MD: Maryland Assault Weapons Ban To Be Heard This Week
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"This Tuesday, February 10th, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 288, which proposes to BAN the possession of so-called 'assault weapons' in Maryland."
"This onerous bill defines an 'assault weapon' as any semi-automatic firearm which possesses even ONE cosmetic feature that is deemed unacceptable by the bill’s sponsors. The bill also bans 'copycat guns'- anything the state thinks resembles an 'assault weapon'. In addition, the bill mandates registration of any such firearms that are already in private hands by a certain date."
"Several members of the Judicial Proceedings Committee who support the proposed ban need to hear from you." ... |
NH: Repeal of Carry Permits Proposed
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Evan F. Nappen, Esq.
Website: http://www.evannappen.com
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"This bill repeals the statute that prohibits carrying a pistol or revolver without obtaining a permit and repeals additional statutory provisions concerning procedures associated with the license to carry a pistol or revolver."
------- On February 17, 2004 @ 10:30 A.M. Room 204 L.O.B. Concord, New Hampshire my House Bill 1271 repealing the "License to Carry" statute will be open for "Public Hearing". I need all the help to restore our birth right.
Even a post card (to: "Public Safety Committee" Legislative Office Building, Room 204 . Concord, New Hampshire 03301) supporting the repeal will help.
Dick Marple Representative District #37 |
UT: Real people know more than fanatics about guns
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"Let's be realistic: Concealed weapons are the Viagra of social dysfunction. And firearms trigger political acid reflux among certain socially supercharged activists."
KABA Note: Let's be realistic: Concealed weapons save lives, and firearms trigger panty-wetting incidents among the fascist cowards who depend on the government to protect them, instead of taking responsibility for their own safety.
"Many of us own guns, but we don't carry them around. We know enough about the dangers of firearms that we don't showcase them in holsters or the back window racks of our pickups. And we're concerned about those who carry guns near our family or friends. We suspect that anyone who needs a gun to feel safe is probably nervous enough to do something foolish with it."
KABA Note: And we suspect that the near daily reports of average citizens protecting themselves with firearms prove your hoplophobic rant not only bigoted and inaccurate, but also paranoid.
"Anyone with an I.Q. over 50 caliber knows that waving a gun at a criminal is foolish. Criminals aren't like the guys you see in the movies; criminals are more like the belligerent drunks you might see at a bar. Criminals do not act rationally; if they did, they wouldn't be criminals. Actually firing a gun in such situations is even more foolish. Only a few things can happen — all negative, except one. First, you can miss everything and everyone. That's the only positive outcome. Second, you can get yourself shot. Third, you can shoot or cause to be shot an innocent bystander. Fourth, you can wound your target and get sued, even if the target has a gun himself. Fifth, you can kill the target and end up in jail for manslaughter."
KABA Note: Tell that to Hale DeMar, who shot a career criminal in his home and successfully defended his family. Tell that to Richard Bussey, who didn't even have to shoot the criminal, but merely brandished his firearm. Tell that to Donald Carr, who shot an invader trying to break into his home through the dog door. Tell that to 53-year-old Carolyn Lisle, who shot an intruder in California. We suspect each one of these people, who refused to be victims will tell you where to stick your self-righteous paranoia about firearms.
Real people understand that guns are tools that can save lives. Paranoid fanatics try to take away those tools.
Write this ignoramus at dongale@words3.com |
UK: Man shot dead in pub car park
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"A murder inquiry was launched after a man was shot dead in a pub car park."
"Officers were called to reports of a shooting outside the Park Tavern in Basford, Nottingham."
"They discovered an injured man, who was taken to hospital where he later died."
------- Another murder in the country where armed self defense is prohibited. |
OR: The Great State of Jefferson : A Modest Proposal for the Establishing of a New State
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"The Counties of Southwestern and Southern Oregon, specifically Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath, having been disenfrachised by the State of Oregon, impoverished by the Black Hole of the Willamette Valley, should and would do well to join with the several Counties of Northern California in establishing a new State, the State of Jefferson."
"While well-represented at the local and state levels by our elected officials, we are often ignored by the representatives to the North, our lives are detrimentally dictated by the governments of the North, our businesses are regulated at the whim of the Northern regulators." ... |
Smoke and Mirrors?
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"Some of the most well known laws and programs having directly to do with alleged terrorist interdiction are the USA PATRIOT Act, CAPPS II, and MATRIX. None of these have had particularly smooth sailing, due in large part to their inherent unconstitutionality and extreme invasiveness. ..."
"Despite ongoing criticism and escalating defiance by local governments of the USA PATRIOT Act, the Bush administration continues to defend the law as 'necessary' to prevent terrorist attacks on American soil. In fact, the White House has let it be known that if Congress takes any action to repeal or mitigate any portion of the PATRIOT Act, President Bush will veto the legislation. Officials are also working to expand the Act." |
NH: Second grader brings inoperable gun to school to show his friends
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"Some parents in Sandown said they were upset they were not immediately informed that a second-grader took a gun to school Friday."
"Police said an 8-year-old boy took a .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol to Sandown North Elementary School Friday. The firing pin had been removed, and there was no way the gun could be fired, according to police. There were also no bullets in the gun."
"The boy apparently received the gun in the mail from his grandfather and took it to the school to show to friends, police said. A teacher confiscated the gun." ...
"Officials said that the child had no harmful intentions, but he was suspended. The boy's parents could face charges." |
ID: Prosecutors say gun laws backfire in domestic violence cases
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"Some Idaho prosecutors say a federal law is forcing them to deal domestic violence cases down to lesser charges."
"And advocates say that leaves victims feeling cheated by the justice system."
"The federal law passed in 1996 says anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of violence against a spouse or partner will lose the right to own a gun forever."
"To keep their guns, people accused of domestic violence instead plead guilty to disturbing the peace. And in return, prosecutors can force abusers into treatment." ...
"...when defendants realize they could lose their guns forever, they are often only willing to plead to a crime that does not invoke the ban. |
NC: War shapes opinion on gun control
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"The show has been a staple in the Queen City for more than 50 years. But as another presidential election looms, gun control and gun safety are on the minds of many." ...
"Boyette's father showed him how to use a shotgun as a child, so he was familiar with the weapon that he said he soon used against the Nazis."
"At this year's gun show, Boyette peddled hunting rifles. He acknowledged that many people use guns for sport, and agreed with their right to do it. But, surprisingly, he said he is against handguns."
------- It is an absolute embarassment that a man who fought the Nazis doesn't appreciate or understand the very freedoms he fought for. |
Australia: Draper takes aim at gun buyback scheme
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"WHEN was the last time we had a drive-by shooting in Tamworth or Gunnedah?"
"That was the common sentiment expressed to the Member for Tamworth Peter Draper regarding the gun buyback scheme."
"Mr Draper launched an attack on the scheme and the current firearm safety audit, saying registered firearm owners believe they are being unfairly targeted." ...
"Mr Draper said the resources used on the current firearm safety audit would be better spent in areas where gun crime is rampant, rather than in the traditionally law-abiding rural areas." |
Universal Service and the Odyssey of the Self-Centered Self
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"THE BUSH administration must publicly recognize what many privately know: that as the all-volunteer military is not providing the manpower necessary to meet global needs, so appeals to the young for volunteer service are not eliciting the desired - even requisite - response."
"Those are the problems. The solution: one year of compulsory universal service, front-ended with 12 weeks of basic military training, for all men and women 18-23."
"No exceptions. Universal participation with universal basic military training - teaching all a vastly deeper appreciation for the military and its role in the protection of the nation. This would create a semi-schooled manpower pool from which the government could draw and train up in times of over-stretched forces such as these. Following military training, all could choose whether to remain in the military (if the military wanted them) or to complete their year in any on an endless list of civilian give-back service programs."
------- Here's another "writer" who has apparently forgotten the meaning of a free society. Email him at rossmackenzie@timesdispatch.com
Maybe if members of the military were paid a decent wage and not sent all over the world to babysit warring militant factions and forced to play nanny to groups whose only goal in life is to kill one another, instead of actually defending and protecting America and her Constitution, more people would voluntarily choose it as a job or career, and people like Ross Mackenzie wouldn't propose unconstitutional involuntary servitude as a solution to our problems. |
NY: Gun Groups Boycott NY After Mayor Bashes NRA
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"Two gun rights groups have canceled plans to hold their annual conference in New York City, citing Mayor Michael Bloomberg's denunciation of the National Rifle Association as 'reprehensible.' "
"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) announced Monday that they will take their 2005 Gun Rights Policy Conference somewhere else."
"The conference, which provides over $500,000 in revenue to hotels, restaurants and other businesses, draws hundreds of attendees over a three-day period." |
NC: State Hopes Gun-Lock Distribution Will Make Homes Safer
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"North Carolina's top public safety official and representatives from the national office of Project ChildSafe announced Monday that 503,500 free gun locks will be distributed to law-enforcement agencies in the state to help make homes with firearms safer."
"Bryan Beatty, secretary of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, made the announcement surrounded by members of state and local law enforcement agencies on the steps of the state Capitol building." |
Indian-American Woman Challenges America’s Gun Culture
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"All across America, there are too many people who die each year from guns."
KABA Note: All across America there are also thousands of people who defend themselves with guns.
"So this election year, Shikha Hamilton, Indian American mother and a Detroit attorney, has made it plain. She is for the assault weapons ban. She is for the Brady Bill to prevent gun violence. She is for making sure that the community stands up for gun safety in the country."
KABA Note: The Constitution says "shall not be infringed." If this woman doesn't like the Law of the Land, she can move to a place where she can be robbed, raped and murdered without having to take responsibility for her own safety. |
UK: Another shooting in "gun free" UK
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"People living near the scene of Nottingham's latest fatal shooting were today coming to terms with last night's shocking events."
"What they know is that a man is dead, shot in the car park of the Park Tavern pub, in Arnold Road, Old Basford."
"An eyewitness said the victim had been involved in an argument inside the pub. The dispute spilled outside and suddenly someone pulled out a gun. Shots rang out and the victim slumped to the floor."
"Police and paramedics arrived quickly, but the victim could not be saved. He died shortly afterwards at Queen's Medical Centre." |
MN: Gun law foes work for repeal
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"It's been nine months and more than 15,000 permits have been issued since the new law passed, and opponents can't point to widespread trouble because of it. Nor can supporters say that public safety has improved markedly."
"During the last legislative session, before Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed the gun bill into law, the debate had advocates like John Caile predicting the community would be safer with more law-abiding citizens carrying guns. Certainly, he said, the notion of an armed public would scare off the bad guys."
"Opponents feared more gun violence."
"Public safety officials say there's no evidence to support either side." |