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Newslinks for 2/10/2014

‘Gun control’ advocates' arrests highlight irony and hypocrisy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "What’s telling is the reaction of Ferguson’s apologists, offering excuses and justifications. 'Associates defend man who had gun in school,' the article headline states, adding the subhead 'Say he made honest mistake in incident prompting school lockdown.'"

"While the observations of some, coming to the realization that a good person with a gun on school grounds can provide protective benefits, is hopeful, it also seems fair to wonder if the same support would be offered should a gun rights advocate be caught in similar circumstances. That’s because such one-sided support for citizen disarmament proponents running afoul of the law is hardly unique, as another recent story illustrates." ...

You Gotta Know When to Fold ‘Em
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last Sunday I had a practice day to get ready for the upcoming 3-Gun Nation Pro Series qualifier match. (Because I sucked juuuuuussstttt enough last year that I missed the cut and have to requalify. But that’s beside the point.) It was a rough day. I shot a match the day before and spent the night in a hotel next to some very…ahem, noisy…neighbors, so I started the day pretty much physically exhausted and just plain angry that I couldn’t sleep and had to listen to their ruckus all night long. But I pulled it together. Thanks to the graces of hot tea, bacon, and a very patient boyfriend, I got my head in the right place and we got to practicing . . ." ...

Interpreting the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have no delusions of being original by weighing in on the gun control debate, or that every argument hasn’t already been made. But since no real changes have occurred I'm going to put a round in the chamber. I’m going to fire a shot by asking, 'Who's on Second?'"

"'Second,' as in that whack-a-mole amendment that seems tailored to suit all sides."

"Gun supporters have been calling themselves Second Amendment 'purists.' They make that connection because the amendment reads: 'A well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state, the rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"

"That's pretty much all they’ve needed to make it clear that we all have the right to carry guns." ...

Gun Control: More Bad Economic Policy from Liberal Democrats
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"States that have adopted gun control are now, in addition to killing the freedom to which Americans have grown accustomed, killing jobs. More than simply being bad public-safety-policy, gun control is shaping up to be bad economic policy. Beretta has announced that they will be moving their Maryland manufacturing facility to a state more amicable to firearm production. In an open letter, the CEO of the world famous firearm manufacturer articulated his reason for leaving Maryland in no uncertain terms:" ...

How a Low-Crime City Became the New Center of America's Gun Debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Lately, though, Sunnyvale has become known for something far less intuitive than sunshine and software developers: gun control. In November, 66 percent of voters passed Measure C, a ballot initiative considered to be one of the most progressive anti-gun laws ever proposed anywhere in the United States. It addresses a slew of gun-related issues from large-capacity magazines to ammunitions registration to required reporting of lost or stolen weapons."

"Measure C’s passage has ignited a fiery debate over the proper place of cities in regulating gun ownership. ..." ...

MA: Boston plans gun buybacks after shooting death of 9-year-old
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Boston plans to launch a gun buyback program in a bid to reduce shootings following the death last week of a 9-year-old boy who was shot by his 14-year-old brother in an apparent accident, Mayor Marty Walsh said."

"Walsh, who took office last month, said he was still developing a specific plan, including how much would be paid and how collection would work, with the city's newly appointed police commissioner, William Evans." ...

NY: Associates defend man who had gun in school -- Say he made honest mistake in incident prompting school lockdown
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Dwayne Ferguson spent more than a decade advocating for nonviolence and peace in the streets of Buffalo."

"He was a well-known face in the movement for the SAFE Act, the state law that made carrying a gun on school property a felony. He was also a familiar presence in the hallways of the city’s Harvey Austin Elementary School, where he worked in the after-school program and mentored students."

"No one imagined that on Thursday he would show up at the school in possession of a gun, touching off an hours-long lockdown, search and ultimately his arrest on two felony charges." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: This moron fought for what he did to be considered a felony, so let him do the time!

KABA Note: The phrase hoist by his own petard suddenly comes to mind . . .

Give Her a Gun Valentine
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Forget roses. This Valentine’s Day, give her a gift that shows you love her whole body and soul. Give her a gun."

"Your Valentine—whether she’s your wife, girlfriend, daughter or sister—deserves something very special. What could be more sentimental than a tool she can use to defend herself? When you give her a gun, you will be showing her that she is extremely precious and valuable to you."

"Of course, you don’t want to just hand her a Glock and say 'Happy Valentine’s Day!' That would be neither wise nor romantic. Here’s a few tips on how to make your Valentine’s Day gift both safe and meaningful:" ...

Dictators and Deans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Dear Chancellor Miller:

I am writing to request your assistance in dealing with a matter of potential viewpoint discrimination on the campus of UNC-Wilmington. The matter deals specifically with a) student group recognition and b) allocation of resources to groups already recognized by UNCW.

"Over the course of the last semester, four prospective student political groups are reporting substantial difficulty working with the administrators here at the university. A free market group, a pro-life group, a Second Amendment group, and a libertarian group are expressing similar complaints about administrative obstacles experienced during their application for official recognition. ..." ...

Meet Cody Wilson, creator of the 3D-gun, anarchist, libertarian
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Having lunch with the 14th Most Dangerous Person in the World is less scary than you might think. Unless you happen to have a morbid fear of hipster beards, Cody Wilson ... doesn't immediately strike fear into the heart." ...

"Last year, Wired included him in its list of the deadliest people on the planet, alongside Qassem Suleimani, head of Iran's special forces, and the former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, though Wilson's notoriety is not to do with human rights abuses and killing. It's for uploading a bit of software. A bit of software that could unleash a whole new world: one in which anyone can download a set of blueprints and print their own gun at home." ...

CA: ‘I’m not a sitting duck’: Woman uses shotgun to send intruders running
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Los Angeles woman at home with her 90-year-old mother had a message for two would-be home invaders who tried to make her home their second target of the night."

"And she delivered it with a shotgun blast."

"'I’m not a sitting duck,' the woman told KTTV-Fox 11."

"The incident occurred early Thursday morning, KTTV reported, when two burglars began working a neighborhood in Cheviot Hills, a well-off section of Los Angeles. After breaking into one home through the garage and robbing it while its residents slept about 3 a.m., they turned their attention to a second on a neighboring block."

"Where they ran into Carla and her shotgun." ...

Texas man defending home will not face murder charges over dead deputy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A grand jury refused to indict Henry Goedrich Magee, who last December, shot and killed Burleson County Sgt. Adam Sowders, as Sowders and fellow officers served a warrant at Magee's home on suspicion of illegal drug activity. ..." ...

"Illegal drug activity or not, though, Magee has a fundamental human right to protect himself and his pregnant girlfriend from violent, armed home invaders, and Magee's claim that that is precisely what he thought was happening apparently convinced the grand jury." ...

Florida HB733 Could Stop Enforcement of Federal Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Could Florida end nearly all federal gun laws in the Sunshine State? If a new bill introduced into the statehouse passes, that may come to pass. Florida Tenth Amendment Center outreach director spoke with Gary Franchi of the Next News Nextwork about HB733."

"State Representative Dane Eagle has introduced House Bill 733 into the Florida statehouse. This bill is commonly known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act. The legislation being considered in Tallahassee would forbid any state agencies from participating in the enforcement of any federal laws related to firearms. This prohibition would cover both present and future laws passed in Washington, and may provide a path for other states to follow suit." ...

U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi promoting legislation to protect rural post offices; Bipartisan bill passes committee
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC) passed legislation Friday that would help the United States Postal Service (USPS) change with the times."

"U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said the bill would help protect rural post offices from closing, restructure postal rates and maintain Second Amendment rights. ..." ...

"The committee voted unanimously to include an amendment in the bill that would allow individuals to carry firearms in parking lots of post offices in accordance with state and local laws. The postal service now has rules against any firearms anywhere on postal property and individuals are being prosecuted." ...

WA: Anti-gunners take initiative fight to new level…downward
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Seattle Times is reporting this morning that 'a group of gun-violence victims' attending a hearing on Initiatives 591 and 594 before the state Senate Law & Justice Committee have complained that they were 'disrespected.'"

M"any Seattle Times readers are offering a courtesy 'boo hoo' and one even suggested that it took the anti-gunners more than a week to complain because they had to find something to complain about." ...

CO: Concealed Carry License Renewal Reform in Colorado
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A small but significant gun law reform has made it out of committee in Colorado on a rare unanimous vote. In many states, in order to pass 'shall issue' concealed carry laws, irrational restrictions were included in the laws to horse trade for enough votes. Colorado was one of those states. In Colorado, once you had obtained a permit to carry a gun under your coat or in a pocket, you could only renew your permit in the county where you originally applied for the permit. If you changed your residence from Moffat county in the northwest, to Baca county in the southeast, you’d have to travel back to Moffat to renew your permit – in person – or go through the entire permitting process from the beginning in your new county. ..." ...

CO: Lawmakers will hear magazine ban repeal proposal on Monday
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While last year’s Democratic package of gun control proposals changed the tenor and tone of the entire legislative session, one bill in particular –the ban on magazines of more than 15 rounds — did more to galvanize gun owners and erode civility and bipartisanship beneath the dome than the others."

"In the eleven months since the magazine ban and other gun measures were signed into law, Second Amendment activists have exacted some revenge in engineering a recall movement that saw two Democratic senators ousted in September and a third forced to resign two months later." ...

GA: Weapons Law Reform Passes Georgia Committee (HB 875)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Georgia’s Public Safety and Homeland Security committee has passed HB 875, a reform of the state’s weapon laws. The bill has been characterized by as removing restrictions on the legal carry of guns in 'bars, churches, and some government buildings.' College students who have a permit to carry a weapon, and who violate the ban on carrying on campus, would have the penalty for doing so reduced to a maximum fine of $100." ...

"However, the bill reforms Georgia weapons law in many other areas as well. According to, these reforms are included:" ...

NH: Lancaster Agway owner blasts House bill calling for universal gun registration
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Although he agrees that firearms should not be in the hands of criminals and those with mental illnesses, a local businessman fears that legislation considered by the state's House of Representatives would not prevent either, but would only further erode the Second Amendment rights of responsible gun owners."

"Sonny Martin, who with his wife, Diane, has owned Martin's Agway on Route 3 for 37 years, voiced those concerns on a large display sign outside his business and in a telephone interview." ...

CO: Police: Few violations of 'unenforceable' Colorado gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More than six months after two controversial gun control laws became effective in Colorado, there have been zero instances of people caught violating the laws in Larimer County."

"Nobody accused of breaking either law had been booked into Larimer County Jail by mid-January, said Sheriff Justin Smith. Statewide, reports of the laws being violated are extremely rare, as law-enforcement officials in numerous counties have vowed to refrain from enforcing the laws some say are too vague, too difficult to enforce, or are in violation citizens’ Second Amendment rights."

"Colorado State Patrol spokesmen said they knew of no instances of their agency’s troopers citing a person for violating either law anywhere in the state...." ...

U.S. Supreme Court Renews 2nd Amendment Debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two cases that may further shape the scope of the Second Amendment are before the U.S. Supreme Court, bringing this topic to the forefront of the national discussion yet again. The two new cases include lawsuits involving the National Rifle Association versus the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in one and the State of Texas in the other. The National Rifle Assocation is trying to build from cases tried in 2008 and 2010 that identified the terms of the second amendment as granting an individual right to arms for self defense. As I mentioned in a previous column these rights can be restricted for historical and safety based reasons but are most definitely afforded to each one of us." ...

OH: Second Amendment applies to carrying guns in cars
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"So say two of the three judges on an Ohio Court of Appeals panel, in State v. Shover (Ohio Ct. App. Feb. 5, 2014) (Carr, J., concurring in the judgment, with Hensal, J., agreeing on this score) (some paragraph breaks added) — and generally quite correctly, it seems to me:" ...

NC: Pro-Second Amendment Lawyer Alan Gura Visits Raleigh
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Federalist Society’s Triangle Lawyers Chapter cordially invites you to a luncheon featuring pro-Second Amendment litigator, Alan Gura."

"Mr. Gura is a partner at Gura & Possessky in Alexandria, Va. Mr. Gura successfully argued the case District of Columbia v. Heller, where the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to bear arms." ...

AL: Illegal ‘No Weapons’ Signs At Rest Stops In Alabama
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It appears that some bureaucrat in Alabama has decided to post Alabamans’ rest stops with signs that are toxic to the second amendment and Alabama law. As reported on, the signs say 'No weapons beyond this point'."

"It’s the AL rest stop eastbound I-10 @ AL/ MS line, about 15 miles west of Mobile."

"According to Skidmark at, rest stops are not listed as prohibited places for possessing weapons."

"Alabama’s preemption law was strengthened in 2013, as part of a package of second amendment friendly reforms."

"Arizona, now known as one of the states most respectful of second amendment rights, had a similar problem with illegal signage of rest stops in the 1990′s." ...

NY: Informational meeting in Harrisville on NY SAFE Act Feb. 11
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"North Country Friends of the Second Amendment will hold an informational meeting Feb. 11 on the NY SAFE Act and other proposed legislation at the Harrisville Fire Department, 14226 Church St. at 7 p.m." ...

Mexico’s Michoacán “Vigilantes” Re-Take Town from Drug Cartel
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The uneasy peace in Mexico’s Michoacán region was shattered last week when Zacán villagers discovered the severed heads of four residents in plastic bags left on a small terrace near the local church. [ pieced together a report from Facebook posts.] The Knights Templar cartel killed these innocents to remind the Mexican freedom fighters who’s in charge – and it ain’t federal troops (seen standing near the dumped body parts, in the picture after the jump). Zacán’s not far from Tingüindín. Two days two days previous, security forces discovered a mass grave in Tingüindín containing at least 20 bodies. And now . . ." ...

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE

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