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Newslinks for 2/10/2017

MI: Man assaulting convenience store clerk shot by pistol-carrying customer, store owner says
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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A customer at a Holland convenience store shot and wounded another man he tried to stop from assaulting the store clerk, the store owner says.

Store owner Jansen Le said a female clerk was on duty when a man described as the clerk's ex-boyfriend came inside and an altercation ensued.

The clerk, in a phone conversation with Le, told him the ex-boyfriend began beating her up. Soon after, another customer came into the store and witnessed the assault.

The customer tried to intervene, Le was told, and the other man then began to assault the customer. Le said the customer separated himself from the attacker and pulled out a gun.


NH: Bill repealing concealed carry permit approved in Statehouse
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A bill that would make it easier for Granite Staters to carry a concealed weapon on Thursday easily passed its final major legislative hurdle on its path toward becoming law.

The state House of Representatives voted 200-97 in favor of the measure, which would repeal the need for a permit or license to carry a concealed handgun. There were a large number of absent state representatives, due to the powerful snowstorm slamming New Hampshire.

Last month the New Hampshire state Senate, in a 13-10 party line vote, passed the bill.

Republican Gov. Chris Sununu has repeatedly said he’ll sign the bill into law.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Granite Staters 1; police staters 0

Being Tolerant and Pro-Choice for Self-Defense
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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I heard a news story where a person said, ‘The police should protect me on campus. Self-defense isn’t my job.’ While that is a fine attitude for a child, it seemed perversely immature to hear it from an adult.

Most of us feel differently. We have a live-and-let-live attitude that says, ‘You know what you need better than I do.’ Me, I want lots of honest people to have guns so they can protect the innocent.. even on campus. But the choice is up to you.

Anti-rights advocates disagree. They think the police should come with guns and disarm honest gun owners. That sounds violent to me.

I’m tolerant and “Pro-Choice” when it comes to self-defense. Which one of us is violent, and which one of us is for peaceful co-existence?

FL: Liquor, self-defense bills moving in Senate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They then, in an 8-2 vote, supported a National Rifle Association-backed measure (SB 128) that would place the burden of proof on prosecutors during pre-trial hearings in "stand your ground" cases.

"If you are the government and you don't have sufficient evidence in front of a judge to convince a judge to move forward to trial, then you aren't going to win the trial," said Sen. Rob Bradley, R-Fleming Island, who is sponsoring the "stand your ground" bill.

The proposal stems from a Florida Supreme Court ruling in 2015 that said defendants have the burden of proof to show they should be shielded from prosecution under the law.

IN: New Indiana Law Aims to Empower Victims of Abuse
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The state of Indiana has introduced new legislation that aims to provide greater protection for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking.


If all of the aforementioned is met, HB1071 provides the following:

The victim may lawfully carry a handgun without an Indiana License to Carry Handgun for 60 days from the day they obtain the Order of Protection; or 60 days from the day they apply for their License to Carry Handgun; whichever is greater.

GA: Army Ranger Dies Committing Bizarre Home Invasion In Georgia
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An active duty U.S. Army Ranger apparently irate with his wife forced his way into an apartment where he believed she was hiding, despite protests from friends that he was trying to get into the wrong apartment. After trying to kick in the door of the unit, he broke out a front window and crawled inside to the horror of the woman who lived there. She yelled at him to leave, and when he advanced upon in her bedroom door instead, she fired one fatal shot to defend her life.

NRA Shooting Illustrated Honors Federal American Eagle Syntech Ammunition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association’s (NRA) Shooting Illustrated magazine has recognized Federal American Eagle Syntech with the Golden Bullseye Award for 2017 Ammunition Product of the Year.

Federal Ammunition representatives will accept the prestigious honor Friday, April 28, during the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia.

KY: Bill would allow concealed guns in Kentucky schools and on college campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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People with conceal-carry permits could take guns onto any school property or public university campus under proposed legislation at the Kentucky General Assembly.

House Bill 249 was filed by Rep. Tim Moore, R-Elizabethtown, to bar schools and universities from prohibiting concealed guns on their properties. The bill also would end prohibitions on concealed guns at highway rest areas, public housing and any government office except courtrooms and jails. Private schools and universities could make their own rules.

A Look Back at the Smith & Wesson Model 24
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In 1905, Smith & Wesson was riding high on its Hand Ejector Series of double-action revolvers featuring a swing-out cylinder, 10 years before the Hand Ejector had been perfected to the point of starting to manufacture these revolvers on the I- (.32 cal.) and K- (.38 cal.) frames. However, plans for a new large .44-cal. frame were coming along. The first cartridge for this new frame would be an updated version of the .44 Russian round. Smith & Wesson’s engineers lengthened the case by .360" and added 3 grains of black powder to a 246-gr. round-nose bullet yielding a muzzle velocity of 755 fps from a 6" barrel. The new cartridge was christened the .44 Smith & Wesson Special.

KS: Federal Judge Sides with Federal Court Precedent Against Gun Rights in Kansas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He felt that Cox and Kettler were not a danger to society as they thought that they were protected by the Second Amendment Protection Act and thought they were acting within the law.

Judge Marten noted that this case was under the taxing power of the federal government in like manner to the Affordable Care Act.

Judge Marten sentenced Kettler to one year probation with a $100 payment required to the federal crime victims fund. He sentenced Cox to 2 years probation for the 8 counts he was found guilty of and this requires 8 times the $100 payment must be made to the crime victims fund – for a total of $800.

Brady Campaign: Sessions, NRA a Deadly Combo Against Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a February 9 email obtained by Breitbart News, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence warns supporters that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the NRA form a deadly combination against gun control.

Moreover, the email also warns that ATF Associate Deputy Director Ronald Turk’s much publicized criticism of the ongoing National Firearms Act regulation of silencers, import bans on “assault weapons,” and importation delays on M1 Garands only add to the uphill climb gun control faces during the Trump administration.

MA: Gun tax, large weapons ban included in new bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new proposal on Beacon Hill would increase taxes on gun sales, ban .50 caliber weapons, restrict personal sales and enact additional regulations on firearms and ammunition.

"Gun violence issues have always been important to me," said state Sen. Cynthia Creem, D-Newton, the bill's sponsor. "I've filed gun legislation every session. I want to make it harder and harder to get guns in and get guns into the hands of people who shouldn't have them."

NC: Constitutional carry bill proposed in North Carolina
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group of House lawmakers on Wednesday introduced a measure to make North Carolina the next state to grant concealed handgun carry without a permit.

The measure, HB 69, has seven co-sponsors and aims to retain the current permitting system for purposes of reciprocity with other states while removing the requirement to have a license to carry inside the state.

Rep. Larry Pittman, R-Cabarrus, one of the supporters, argues that Tar Heel State residents already enjoy open carry without a permit, making the move to constitutional carry the next logical step.

IN: Clarksville Town Council moves to partially lift weapons ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Clarksville Town Council is acting on a court order provision that allows weapons in the town hall's council chambers during regular meetings, almost a year after the provision was enacted.

The council voted 5-1-1 during its meeting Tuesday to lift the weapons ban in town hall only during those circumstances. The vote was split down party lines, with Democrat Councilman David Fisher voting against it and Councilman John Gilkey abstaining; the five Republicans voted in favor.

GA: Local rep brings back ‘campus carry’ bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A local lawmaker filed legislation Tuesday that would allow concealed carry permit holders to bring their guns onto Georgia’s public college campuses and into classrooms.

Rep. Mandi Ballinger, R-Canton, who championed similar legislation during last year’s session, is trying once again to get a “Campus Carry” bill signed into law.

Last year’s bill, introduced by Rep. Rick Jasperse, R-Jasper, easily passed both chambers but was met with fierce opposition from Georgia residents and ultimately vetoed by Gov. Nathan Deal, who argued that college campuses have typically been “sanctuaries of learning” where weapons are prohibited.

Smith leads effort to overturn ammunition and tackle ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Congressman Jason Smith (R-Salem) acted as the lead author of a bipartisan letter yesterday along with over 60 of his colleagues to President Trump urging him to revoke a “midnight rule” from the Obama Administration that would ban lead ammunition and fishing tackle from being used on any public lands.

On Jan. 19, the last full day of the Obama Administration, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a director’s order phasing out the use of traditional lead ammunition and tackle on federal lands.

NE: Prosecutor says Nebraska man shot son in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A western Nebraska prosecutor says a man who fatally shot his 44-year-old son did so in self-defense.

North Platte television station KNOP reports that Keith County Attorney Randy Fair has declined to prosecute Wesley Holland. Fair says Wesley Holland shot Steven Holland to protect himself and Steven's mother, Marie Holland. The shooting occurred Jan. 19 at the Holland home near Lemoyne.

FL: Senate Rules Committee stands its ground on Stand Your Ground
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Florida Senate committee overwhelmingly approved the latest attempt to expand the state’s Stand Your Ground self-defense law.

On Thursday, the Senate Rules Committee passed the measure after advocates said it would stop unnecessary prosecutions.

Opponents alleged it would stop a lot of necessary prosecutions, as well.

FL: House to Introduce Constitutional/Permitless Carry Legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Your NRA-ILA has learned that the leaders of the Kentucky House of Representatives will introduce their own constitutional/permitless carry bill. With a short 2017 legislative session in Kentucky, constitutional/permitless carry legislation must not be delayed. It is of the utmost importance that this bill be scheduled for a hearing as soon as possible! With your help this can happen.

It is critical you contact your State Senator and State Representative and urge them to support the new constitutional/permitless carry bill. Please contact your state Senator and Representative by calling 1-800-372-7181.

MI: Customer armed with handgun shoots assault suspect in local party store
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who walked into a party store on the lake shore ended up breaking up an assault late Thursday night by shooting the suspect. Police say he was legally carrying his firearm, and acted in self defense.

It happened at around 10:20 p.m. at the Columbia Ave One Stop in Holland.

Police say a 29-year-old male suspect was assaulting a woman in the store when another customer entered the building. The 43-year-old man attempted to break up the assault when the suspect turned his attention on the new customer and began attacking him instead.

WV: House, Senate introduce bills preventing restrictions on guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Delegate Michael Folk, R-Berkeley, and Delegate Cindy Frich, R-Monongalia, introduced a bill that would effectively make invalid or unenforceable any future federal or local statutes further restricting the ownership, carrying or use of firearms.

All federal and local statutes, ordinances, laws, orders, rules, or any other actions which attempt to restrict, tax or regulate the possession, use, discharge in lawful self-defense, transportation, purchase, acquisition, sale, transfer, ownership, carrying, manufacture or repair of firearms, firearms accessories and ammunition violate the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and Section twenty-two, Article III of the State of West Virginia,” the proposed legislation reads.

CT: Connecticut Moves to Restrict the Second Amendment to Rich People
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Connecticut, Governor Malloy is moving to increase the cost of a firearms permit. The New Haven Register reports:

Gun owners will see huge increases in permit fees that would raise millions of dollars to help the state combat its two-year, $3.6 billion deficit.

As part of his budget, Malloy is proposing to increase the state portion of the pistol permit fee from $70 to $300. He also is proposing the cost of the initial 5-year pistol permit fee from $140 to $370.

The increase in fees for gun owners will bring in another $9 million to the state annually, according to the governor’s budget estimates.

Additionally, Malloy is proposing to increase background check fees from its current $50 to $75.

These States Are Pushing Tax-Free Shopping Holidays for Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More than a dozen states host special tax-free shopping days during the back-to-school shopping season, so families can save a little while stocking up on things like pencils, notebooks, and computers.

Now some states want to expand the options far beyond school supplies, with measures that could waive the usual sales tax on guns, ammunition, and hunting equipment.

OK: Oklahoma lawmakers push to allow guns on city buses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawmakers are pushing a move to allow guns on board city buses.

Right now, it is against the law even for people with concealed carry permits.

"I don't believe that the second amendment stops at the steps of the city bus,” said Senator Kyle Loveless.

Loveless is proposing to change that with Senate Bill 397.

"I think people should be able to defend themselves, if they have a license to carry, they should be able to carry onto a city bus to protect themselves,” he said.

WV: Session Convenes, Important Legislation on the Horizon
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yesterday, the West Virginia Legislature convened for its 2017 Legislative Session. Your NRA-ILA anticipates that 2017 will be very busy, and we will work to ensure that our rights protected under the Second Amendment will continue to flourish in The Mountain State.

One NRA’s priorities this year is to pass pro-hunting legislation that seeks to expand Sunday hunting opportunities and protect our hunting heritage for future generations. This unnecessary time restriction forces countless hunters to stop hunting and prevents them from introducing their children to hunting because they are competing with organized sports and other activities on Saturday.

IL: State Senator Neil Anderson files bill to repeal FOID Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two bills have been filed in the Illinois Legislature to repeal the Illinois Firearm Owner Identification Act.

Senate Bill 1324 was filed by State Senator Neil Anderson Thursday, and House Bill 0492 was filed last week to do the same.

“In my opinion,and the opinion of a lot of people, the FOID card is nothing more than a cash grab for the state of Illinois,” said Senator Anderson (R) of Moline.

CO: Democrats on Colorado House committee effectively kill 3 Republican-sponsored gun bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Democrats on a state House committee on Wednesday effectively killed three gun-related bills sponsored by Republicans in the first blow to a handful of pieces of legislation aiming to strip some limitations on gun ownership in the state.

The House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee voted 6-3 in party-line votes to “postpone indefinitely” House Bills 1036, 1037 and 1097 – usually a death sentence in Colorado’s Legislature. The three bills were debated for more than eight hours.

NC: Bill to end concealed-carry permits gains steam
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's not the first time some gun advocates have tried to repeal North Carolina's requirement for a permit to carry a concealed handgun but proponents say now may be the bill's best chance of passage.

Echoing the theme of President Donald Trump's campaign that America is rife with crime and citizens are scared, Josette Chmiel, a spokeswoman for Grass Roots North Carolina, says, "People are feeling the need more so today than ever to take care of their own personal safety."

Chmiel, a conceal/carry permit instructor at Triangle Shooting Academy in Raleigh, says the conceal/carry permit law keeps many low-income people from being able to afford personal protection.

AL: NRA Applauds Appointment of Luther Strange
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association today issued the following statement from Chris W. Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), applauding the appointment of Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange to the U.S. Senate:

"I would like to congratulate Luther Strange on his appointment to the United States Senate. The people of Alabama are fortunate to have a Senator who will continue Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ legacy as a steadfast champion of freedom. Having worked with Luther, I can attest to his strong commitment to the Second Amendment and I look forward to working with him to protect the rights of all law-abiding Americans."

NH: Constitutional carry bill passes in New Hampshire House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New Hampshire is now ever so close to repealing a state law that requires gun owners to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives passed Senate Bill 12 Thursday on a 200-97 vote. The bill would allow law-abiding gun owners to carry a concealed handgun without having to first obtain a permit.

The Union Leader reports many supporters, such as Rep. John Burt, were jubilant after the bill’s passing.

WY: Guns on campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Speeding through the Wyoming legislature without noticeable obstruction this year is a bill that would permit lawful gun owners to carry concealed firearms onto the University of Wyoming campus, as well as the state's community college campuses and their satellite operations.

Central Wyoming College, in addition to its main campus in Riverton, owns an extended learning center in Lander and leases one in Jackson.

So committed are legislators to the idea so far that most are giving little weight to something that might ordinarily be considered an obstacle to the bill: The university and the colleges are against it.

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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