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Newslinks for 2/11/2005

CA: Bryant seeks arrest of three bear shooters
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"Three men shot and killed a family of bears - a mother and two cubs - Friday after they set up residence underneath a Chamberlands neighborhood home near Tahoma."

"Though the homeowners, Russell and Diane Tonda, obtained a depredation permit from the Department of Fish and Game to kill one bear, BEAR League Director Ann Bryant says killing the bears was unnecessary."

"What's also at issue is whether or not the three men were allowed to shoot more than one bear within the conditions of the depredation permit." ...

"Bryant... plans to seek legal advice in an attempt to have the three men arrested."

"Sgt. Langdon said since the killings were reportedly self-defense, any arrest would be unlikely."

Liberals, Conservatives Oppose New 'Anti-Immigrant' Bill
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"A controversial bill passed today by the House of Representatives has spurred a unique coalition between liberal and conservative groups who oppose the measure."

"Religious and immigrant rights groups, conservatives and conservationists are joining forces against the REAL ID Act, a bill introduced by House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)." ...

"The ACLU statement also cites Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, who wrote in a November Washington Times op-ed that the measure would force 'Christians and others fleeing persecution to provide written 'corroboration' from the very officials they are fleeing.' "

MS: Self-defense is not vigilantism (Letter)
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"Part of your editorial concerning crime in the Friday, Jan. 28, edition was rather disturbing. I refer specifically to your references to the resident who 'took the law into his own hands' and 'vigilantism of that kind is dangerous and is not encouraged.' "

"A 'vigilante' is one who acts outside the scope of the law, and, consequently, the authority granted to that individual by the law. The 'resident' in question has every right under the laws of the state of Mississippi to defend himself or a third party if he is in fear of serious bodily injury or death. The right of self-defense was considered to be a natural right by our nation's founders, but it has been codified into law for the benefit of those who would deny its existence."

National ID Card "Precursor" Bill Passes in House
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Republicans pushed the measure through on a 261-161 vote despite protests from governors and state motor vehicle departments that it would be too costly and would require them to take on the role of immigration officers."

"The bill also would make it easier for judges to deport immigrants seeking political asylum if they think they might be terrorists." ...

"The National Governors Association and a group representing motor vehicle department administrators said in a letter to House leaders that the measure is a 'massive unfunded mandate.' "

Unfunded, like the Brady Bill. Maybe this, too, will be struck down.


The Dormant Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Opposition to privately owned arms is one of the hallmarks of modern American liberalism, but the standard arguments against gun ownership are in serious disarray. In The Militia and the Right to Arms or, How the Second Amendment Fell Silent, Columbia University law professor H. Richard Uviller and William G. Merkel, an Oxford doctoral candidate in history, set out to rehabilitate them, despite the authors' professed indifference to gun control. Their core argument is that the Second Amendment cannot be read apart from the concept of the militia, and whatever any supporter of an individual right to keep and bear arms may say about it, the militia concept as understood at the founding is 'history.' "

KABA Note: TITLE 10 > Subtitle A > PART I > CHAPTER 13 > § 311. Militia: composition and classes:

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.


Armed Homes Are Safe Homes
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"John Lott is correct about guns and about gun control. Contrary to the hysteria put forth by the Left, including the so-called mainstream national media, it is absolutely true that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens equals less violent crime. The tragedy in Omaha is a perfect example. If Trevor Lee had been in possession of a firearm when he courageously tried to fight back, one or more of the criminals involved, rather than an innocent victim, might be in an early grave. Or perhaps the confrontation would have ended with the criminals being apprehended, which is what frequently happens when a law-abiding citizen is in possession of a firearm at the time of an attack."

MD: Fingerprinting of firearms just does not work (Letter)
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"After wasting $2.6 million of taxpayers' money and receiving zero return on investment, would you continue to fund a worthless program?" ...

"The Maryland ballistic fingerprinting scheme was an expensive failure."

"The political conspiracies are a figment of Mr. Barnes' imagination."

GA: Federal Cuts Could End Police Programs
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"They're the kind of police programs you see all the time: crime prevention, community outreach, even cops on the beat. But most of the money could be going away." ...

"Almost every police department in Chatham County would take a hit. In 2003, the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department received about $1.5 million. The money was used to hire more officers and fund programs like Project Ceasefire, which makes it a federal crime for a convicted felon to have a gun."

Canada: Airport screeners seize 800 explosives in 2004
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"Screeners at Canadian airports seized 800 explosive items from passengers who tried to take them aboard planes last year, according to newly released figures."

"The hundreds of explosives - mainly ammunition, blasting caps and fireworks - were among more than 738,000 prohibited objects intercepted by screening officers, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority said Thursday."

IL: Taser guns requested for Canton Police Department
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"When Alderman Bob Molleck was Canton police chief several years ago, he lost the services of two officers for a while after they had suffered broken arms while trying to restrain violent suspects. According to current Police Chief Don Edwards, the last three on-duty injuries to his officers were due to suspects resisting arrest. ..."

"Edwards also says two incidents in recent months involved suspects wielding knives. Both situations were resolved successfully but could have been tragic. They also could have been dealt with much more quickly and safely if local police had a better tool to use which is more effective than pepper spray but less lethal than a handgun."

"Such a tool would be a Taser stun gun."

VT: School board takes aim at weapons policy
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"School directors here are considering adopting a 'zero tolerance' weapons policy but some school officials want to make sure there's room for some reasonable exceptions."

"The school is adopting the policy to conform to the federal Gun Free Schools Act, which outlines a 'zero tolerance' policy toward weapons possession at school. However, the act includes exceptions to the policy which are spelled out in a sister document called 'weapons-procedures.' "

"Students caught carrying a dangerous device would be expelled from school for one calendar year under the policy, unless they can fit into an exemption."

Australia: Gun crime put in the firing line
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"THE daylight robbery of a man at gunpoint near a busy train station has renewed fears of a rise in gun crime in Sydney." ...

"Police Commissioner Mr Ken Moroney said more than 40,000 weapons were seized in major crackdowns across NSW last year."

"Mr Moroney said a major audit and compliance check of all firearms in NSW, combined with the State Governments gun buyback, had seized and destroyed 43,000 weapons."

"Several private security firms also had closed following a police audit of the industry and its weapons, he said."

MA: Town-wide hunting ban premature
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"Incidents of hunting accidents involving non-hunters are far and few between. In fact, there have been none in Boxborough in recent memory."

"Although some have suggested banning hunting in town, the Conservation Commission was wise last week to consider the ramifications of such an act. With the lack of natural predators, hunters are effective in keeping the deer population in check. Currently, according to the commission, it is estimated there is one deer in Boxborough for every 25 residents. An occasional gentle visitor to your backyard is always a treat, but when they begin populating the roads and moving in herds through your garden, the novelty wears off. ..."

PA: Federal agent assaults police officer
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A Secret Service agent who heads the agency’s Scranton office is charged with threatening and assaulting an Exeter Borough police officer when he arrived at the station to pick up his son, who was being held for alleged underage drinking.
William George Slavoski, 48, faces simple assault and related charges for the alleged Jan. 9 incident. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 2.

FL: NRA-backed deadly force bill gets support in Senate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A gun barrel to the head was enough to convince Sen. Jim King to favor broadening the state’s deadly force laws. Another senator on the Criminal Justice Committee also is a believer after twice facing intruders in her bedroom."

"The National Rifle Association-backed bill establishes a legal presumption a home intruder is there to do bodily harm. Any use of deadly force by a homeowner is then justified by definition. The same presumption applies to someone who forcibly enters a car."

MI: Marksmen shoot for club status
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The MSU Marksmanship Club is taking aim at a new goal - becoming an official club sport."

"The club, which was started about four years ago, has grown to 45 due-paying members. Club members participate in monthly activities including pistol night, women's handgun night and .22 rifle caliber competitions." ...

"Giving the organization a more serious feel and opening up funding opportunities are two reasons the group is seeking club sport status from Intramural Sports, said Phillip Delekta, former president and current member."

Australia: Museum wants its guns back
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"Nine guns confiscated by police from the Port Macquarie museum might never be returned."

"The Port Macquarie Historical Society has been trying to find out what happened to the weapons – five shotguns and four rifles – confiscated two years ago by police during a sudden audit of the museum's firearms display."

"The museum was told the guns were being examined by police ballistics experts in Sydney. Then in December society president Kevin Schubert was advised by local police that the guns had been destroyed."

"However, the News yesterday learned that while the guns were not destroyed, they may never be returned because of tighter gun controls."

NC: Sheriff Concerned That Weapons Are Getting Into Jailhouse
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"The Mecklenburg County jailhouse is perhaps the most secure building in Charlotte. The reminders about security start at the jailhouse door. But before the officers bring suspects to jail, they're supposed to search them -- at least once."

"The moment they get inside the jail, deputies search suspects again just to be safe. In the last few months, some of the things deputies have found in those searches have surprised even them."

"Mecklenburg County Jail's Major Felicia McAdoo said, 'We're finding the same kinds of things. We've found drugs. We've found knives. We've even had a gun to come in.' "

CA: Berkeley High student may face expulsion: handgun in backpack
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"A student might be expelled from Berkeley High School for bringing a handgun to class on Feb. 3, according to Berkeley school officials."

"The gun was spotted in the student's backpack by classmates, who immediately reported it to instructor Madalyn Theodore..."

"According to Brown, the student had been given the gun by her father for safekeeping. The student told officials that she thought she had emptied all the ammunition from the gun, but when BHS safety officer Craig White confiscated the weapon, he discovered there was a bullet still in the chamber. There were also several more rounds loose in the student's backpack. Brown said the student was very upset because she said she had 'forgotten' the gun was in her backpack."

VA: Norton police have recovered another gun that was inside a police vehicle stolen by three teens last month
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"A 12-gauge police-issued shotgun was found by the side of a road in Buchanan County, according to Norton Police Lt. Dennis Brummitte, who is investigating this case. He said the weapon was in an area where the boys claim to have ditched several guns."

"Six weapons were inside the unmarked 1999 Ford Explorer, which was issued to Norton Police Sgt. Eddie Bevins, a member of the regional drug task force. Two of Bevins' personal weapons - a .22-caliber pistol and an AR-15 assault rifle - also have been recovered."

IL: Lawsuit Reportedly To Be Filed After Police Taser Teen
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"Officials with the Illinois Department of Children and Family are reportedly filing a lawsuit against the Chicago police department, charging them with using excessive force in subduing a teenager."

"Medics called police to the Uhlich Facility... because the boy reportedly wouldn't allow them to tend to his bloody hands... The teenager is recovering at Children's Memorial Hospital after going into cardiac arrest as a result of being shot with a Taser gun. ..." ...

"The incident is the first time anyone has been injured after Chicago police used a Taser gun... Nationwide, though, 80 people have died as a result of having a Taser gun used on them. The company that makes the device said those deaths resulted from other complications."

OK: Friends of NRA Aid ODWC Program
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"Young hunters and shooters don't just happen by coincidence, they are taught and introduced to the shooting sports carefully. The Friends of the National Rifle Association (NRA) are doing their part to ensure the future of the sport."

"The Friends of the NRA have been a long standing financial supporter of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's Shotgun Training and Education Program (STEP). The program, designed for all skill levels, offers seminars for shooters to learn more about shotgun shooting, from the basics to shooting tough doubles on a clay target course. Approximately 6,000 people attend around 80 STEP events held each year and approximately 60 percent of those attendees are youth."

UK: Armed robber holds up betting shop
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"SHOCKED betting shop punters looked on in disbelief as an armed robber threatened a cashier with a gun and demanded money from the till."

"Armed police surrounded the William Hill shop, in City Road, Cardiff, in the middle of the afternoon, after the man pulled out what appeared to be a handgun and demanded the female employee give him the takings from the till."

"He then fled the scene just after 2.10pm yesterday, before police were called."

UK: Police chase armed man
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"A Birmingham man caught with a loaded gun he planned to use in a robbery has been jailed for ten years."

"Judge Alistair McCreath told Marcus Berryman, who had a revolver and spare ammunition: 'Your intention was to use it at some unspecified time in the course of a robbery.' "

"I bear in mind the gravity of the offence in itself and the increasing and well-justified concern both nationally and, importantly, locally about the spread of and use of firearms in this city and elsewhere."

MS: Group Aims to Reduce Gun Accidents
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A national safety tour visited the Pine Belt Thursday to raise awareness about gun safety.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has partnered with Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck and local law enforcement to distribute free gun locks in Mississippi.

It's part of the national Project Childsafe initiative, which is designed to help make homes with firearms safer. The program provides free cable-style gun locks and educational materials to local law enforcement officials. The locks are then distributed to the community free of charge.

OK: Lawmakers Provide Added Support For Gun Law
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"Oklahoma lawmakers provided added support Thursday for a state law that allows workers to keep a gun in their locked vehicles at work -- a law that is being challenged in court by national employers."

"The House Judiciary Committee passed a measure exempting businesses from legal liability if a gun is used at a work site after its author, Rep. Greg Piatt, R-Ardmore, said the bill addresses business concerns about Oklahoma's worksite gun law. The bill now goes to the full House."

India: Gun licence for doctors
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Doctors in Jharkhand will soon get licences to carry firearms.

Concerned over the increasing attack on medical practitioners in Jharkhand and Bihar, the home ministry has instructed all deputy commissioners to immediately act on applications of private and government doctors who have asked for gun licences.

Some doctors feel the licensing procedure should be completed in Ranchi to protect the identity of those who have applied.

Secretary of the Hazaribagh chapter of Indian Medical Association (IMA) Rajat Chakraborty said: “Criminals will easily track down doctors with firearms. If the government is serious enough for our security, they should issue licences from Ranchi.”

OH: LTE: Weapons ban would be inconsequential
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"Banning these types of firearms does not keep them out of criminals’ hands any more than not banning them. A ban does not affect the criminals who fire upon officers. It affects the law-abiding residents who legally own the firearms."

"Let’s face it: Criminals aren’t carrying Berettas. They don’t plop down $500-plus on a firearm at a store to legally purchase it. They buy Hi-Points and other cheap $100 9 mm’s off the street."

"The only thing a ban would do is give the false impression that Mentel is doing something to help the community and police force, when in reality he’s not doing squat except wasting taxpayers’ money."

OH: Teenage Student Takes Gun To School
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A 14-year-old Dater High School student is facing charges for bringing a gun to school Thursday.

Another student told the school's safety officer that the teenage boy had a gun in his pocket.

The officer found the unloaded weapon and the teen was arrested.

He faces charges for carrying a concealed weapon on school property.

The unidentified teen was then taken to juvenile detention.

IA: Family of man killed by deputy file wrongful death lawsuit
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"The family of a man who was shot and killed by a Shelby County sheriff's deputy has filed a wrongful death in the case. Dwayne Jens, 41, of Hancock, was shot once in the back of the head by Deputy Chad Butler after Butler had stopped him for speeding on Dec. 30."

"Jens had led Butler on a chase for about five miles before he stopped on a gravel road about a mile short of a police roadblock."

"A videotape from Butler's patrol car shows him breaking out the window of Jens' pickup truck before he fired his gun."

"Sheriff's office reports show that Butler saw an object he believed to be a gun in Jens' hand and shot him. The object was a cell phone, family members said."

I have not one doubt, even if I am in agreement with the National Rifle Association, that that kind of record keeping procedure [gun registration] is the first step to eventual confiscation under one administration or another. —CHARLES MORGAN, DIRECTOR, WASHINGTON DC ACLU

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