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Newslinks for 2/11/2011

Federal and American Eagle Recall .45 Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Certain lots of recently manufactured 45 Auto ammunition may contain an incorrect propellant charge. Use of product from these lots may result in firearm damage and possible serious injury."


"38X628 through 38X765
38T401 through 38T414
" ...

Mexico's Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects to watch has been the way in which the Mexican government has tried to deflect responsibility for the cartel wars away from itself and onto the United States. According to the Mexican government, the cartel wars are not a result of corruption in Mexico or of economic and societal dynamics that leave many Mexicans marginalized and desperate to find a way to make a living. Instead, the cartel wars are due to the insatiable American appetite for narcotics and the endless stream of guns that flows from the United States into Mexico and that results in Mexican violence." ...

Canadian [Not Shown] Perplexed by High Cap Mags
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now obviously I am an outsider when it comes to US gun issues. As a Canadian, I have a different perspective on the firearm debates, and some posters are right when they say that Canada is an over-regulated country-a nanny state with some restrictions on freedom of speech. Consequently some of the fight may have been beaten out of me because of my place of birth in a forgive-him-for he knows not what he-does (or says) kind of way. But the beauty of a Farago site is that even foreigners can enjoy a freedom of expression, as long as they don’t turn into name-calling a***oles. Anyway, the debate about mega-clips caught my attention. The concept of anybody outside of a war zone that actually needs a 30 round clip plumb evades me . . ." ...

A few ideas for you to shoot at
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Last week, I learned something."

"People who own firearms or at least understand that they are a useful tool will probably tell me I'm late to the party with this little insight, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway:"

"I learned that people who are deathly afraid of firearms and wouldn't dream of handling one, much less owning one, actually may be incapable of seeing them as defensive weapons." ...

Second Amendment is not ‘senseless'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Mr. Volz, I am the owner of several handguns. Where permitted, I have legally carried a handgun for self-defense. I am not a criminal, nor mentally deranged. I am not a vigilante."

"I simply understand that the police are not available to protect me around the clock and that I, and other citizens of this country who choose to legally carry a handgun for self-defense, are choosing to take steps to ensure our own safety." ...

Why Obama's Silence on Gun Control Pleases No One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some issues Democratic Presidents can't seem to win, and gun control is one of them. As a legislator, Barack Obama backed tighter gun laws; as a presidential candidate, he pledged restraint. ... Last year the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, citing 'extraordinary silence and passivity,' graded Obama an F on gun control."

"During his tenure, the President has also expanded gun rights by signing laws that allow the possession of firearms in national parks and on Amtrak. And yet, he can't get a nod from the National Rifle Association because those measures were tucked into broader bills Obama liked ..." ...

Gun control too far reaching
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On-campus shootings are rare enough to make national headlines when they do occur, but lately the issue of gun control has been brought up again because of the recent shooting of a congresswoman from Arizona."

"Political reactions have ranged from assigning blame to calls for more civility. However, the most disturbing reactions have called for tighter gun control across the nation, with one proposed bill making it illegal to have a weapon within 1000 feet of an elected official."

"Knee-jerk reactions like this, while well meaning, do more to harm this country than any madman with a gun ever could ..." ...

Second Amendment for Mexico
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Federal Bureau of Investigation ranks St. Louis as the most dangerous city in America given its 142 murders last year. That’s small caliber compared to the violence found in Mexico."

"Just across the border from El Paso is the most dangerous city in the world: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Last year 3,075 persons were murdered in that city, mostly from violence related to drug-running. In Mexico it is illegal for private citizens to own firearms or ammunition. The average person in Mexico is unarmed and defenseless, rendering him an easy target for crime." ...

Question of the Day: What’s the Worst Holster You Ever Owned?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I reckon a handgun owner without a drawer full of discarded holsters isn’t trying hard enough. Actually, my abandoned holsters live in a shoebox. Just sitting there. Unloved. Uncomfortable. Unnecessary. ... Anyway, what’s the worst rig upon which you’ve ever pissed away your money?"

Kahr Arms Introduces CM9 Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As many members of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia predicted, the fashionability of .380 calibered pistols is starting to wane. Not [to] wax lyrical, but in its stead we have the perfectly pocketable crop of small nines from Ruger, SIG SAUER and now Kahr Arms. Their new CM9093 is based on Kahr's most popular 3" barrel 9mm handgun, the PM9093 ..." ...

Springfield XD-M Cracks Under Pressure. What Now?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The most common reason semi-automatic handguns suffer catastrophic failure: hand-loaded ammo. The main reason they have an FTF (failure-to-fire)? Magazine-related issues. Then it’s operator error, including poor maintenance. After that we’re into the realm of freak accidents. And then mechanical or materials failure. It is, of course, the last item on that list which worries so many gun owners. Before we assign blame in this case, let’s not forget that neither we nor the gun’s owner know why this Springfield XD-M cracked. All we have is the owner’s description of events, which is as follows ..." ...

Cuban Gunners: Democracy No. Marksmanship. Si.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dave Johnson used to be the University of Alaska Fairbanks rifle coach. He’s now the US Olympic Rifle team’s coach. In an article written a few years ago (lost even to the mists of the Internet), Johnson cited the excellence of a female Cuban shooter. She won the Pan-Am Games rifle competition with hand-me-down 30-year-old equipment and clothing. She had to borrow ammo from a fellow competitor. Johnson's point: too often American shooters try to improve their scores by 'turning the wrench.' Adding gee-gaws and doo-dads to their equipment, instead of focusing on fundamentals ..."

Gun Review: Yugo Tokarev M57 Semi Auto (7.62×25)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rabbi taught me to insert a magazine into a pistol in no uncertain terms. This “take no prisoners” approach to loading/reloading is not without its consequences. For one thing, I can’t carry a compact semi. You have no idea how many nerve endings are in the palm of your hand until you pinch the palm of your hand inside a mag-well at full throttle. Unless, of course, you’ve already done it; in which case I’m willing to bet you don’t carry a compact gun either. For another, on older pistols like my Colt Hammerless or this Yugo Tokarev M57, a forceful mag injection will release the slide. In extreme cases, the M57 will discharge. What’s Yugoslavian for oops?" ...

Karl Lippard NCO A2 1911 Post of the Day: Alright Albright Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our man Martin and Karl Lippard have scheduled a get-together for a test of Karl’s NCO A2 1911. You may recall that Karl’s pitting his gun [CQB version above] against Colt and Springfield 1911s in the contest to become the next official Marine sidearm. Not that Karl thinks the other makers offer any real competition for his weapon, or gives a rat’s ass whether or not the military beancounters do the right thing and sign a contract with the Colorado gunmaker. In anticipation of Martin’s visit, I asked Karl for some pictures. I received more than a dozen images and the following comms from the man himself . . ." ...

Just Some Harmless Punditry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... What I want to talk about is what the Republicans are going to do next, because it seems to me like they want to go backward rather than forward." ...

"So, what will they propose next? Here's a couple of guesses:" ...

"2. Eliminate every gun law. First off, it would help every big gun company, and I've already explained about how Republicans love big businesses."

"It would also cut through all of the bureaucratic red tape involved with background checks and safety precautions, which would also save the government money and help to eliminate that huge deficit ..." ...

Did Arizona’s lax gun laws lead to Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s death?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whether or not the Second Amendment means any and every gun should be available for purchase by any and every person is a debate left for elsewhere."

"One thing that is repeatedly true, however, is that it is these guns purchased under the protection of the Second Amendment that are used to kill our law enforcement." ...

Submitter's Note: As pointed out later in this piece, however, it was the protection of the ATF, not the Second Amendment, that allowed the purchase of the rifles that killed agent Terry.


No such right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I do not have a gun in my home. Statistics show that homes with guns are more likely to have family members wounded or killed1."

"I do understand that my neighbor or friend has the constitutional right to own a rifle for hunting or a handgun for self-defense, if he so chooses."

"I do not, however, feel that there is a constitutional right for my neighbor to have an Uzi, an AK-47 or a Glock with a 30-bullet clip. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: 1Actually the statistics show that in home without a gun you are twice as likely to be killed without a gun as people in homes with guns are to be killed with a gun.

Consequences of Attitude
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tucson has become another painful chapter in our history. In the aftermath of the tragic events we’re frantically trying to figure out why this happened. Some say guns are the root problem. Others say it’s the sad state of our mental health system or the anger that pervades our public discourse."

"Could a gun ban have prevented the tragic events in Tucson? I don’t know." ...

CPAC 2011 - NRA's Wayne LaPierre Addresses CPAC - Less Government, More Freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the leader of one of America's most conservative organizations, the NRA, Wayne LaPierre stepped to the podium to address CPAC about the gun industry, the second amendment and American freedom."

"Because of the last election, people are reading the Constitution like never before." ...

CPAC's First Day Highlight's Ron Paul's Popularity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first day of the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) set the stage for what could be a raucous weekend of exciting events in Washington, D.C. Though the attendees of this year’s conference are of a broad spectrum, it appears that the majority is youthful and energetic ..." ...

"Likewise, an array of discussion panels took place throughout the day, regarding a spectrum of issues ranging from Second Amendment rights to the restoration of traditional family values." ...


NRA's Wayne LaPierre: "Government Policies Are Getting us Killed"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"National Rifle Association president Wayne LaPierre harshly criticized gun control advocates, the Obama administration and members of the media at the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday, arguing that they are lying when they say bans on certain firearms or ammunition clips will protect Americans."

"LaPierre said U.S. gun laws provide more protection to killers like the Virginia Tech and Tucson shooters than to the victims of their attacks, and suggested the current environment puts women at risk for rape. ..." ...

PA: Home invasion intruder killed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Witnesses told investigators three masked people -two males and a female - entered the home around 11:39 a.m. prompting an exchange of gunfire."

"'Right now, we're treating it as a home invasion with shots fired,' said Kelly."

"The female victim shot the intruder, police said. She was taken to an area hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries."

"The two other alleged intruders fled in a car and remain at large." ...

Gunwalker Scandal Blows Up. Senator Grassley Releases Smoking Gun ATF Trace Data
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Holy frijoles, there is it in black and white: the ATF traces on the guns used to murder Customs and Border Protection Agent Brian Terry. They reveal unequivocally that the ATF met the enemy and it was them. ..." ...

ATF Whistleblowers to Senator Grassley: "Welcome to the party, pal!" But remember, the fight against this evil is an open invitation to YOU as well.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That was then. What a difference a couple of days and a letter makes. When the anonymous source provided David Codrea with Senator Grassley's reply to Eric Holder containing the 'Rosetta Stone' documents, the agents whose careers and liberty have been hanging out there, twisting in wind, suddenly found an ally whose determination seems to equal theirs."

"I don't know what Eric Holder intended by having his minion write that insulting letter to Grassley, but I rather suspect that he wasn't expecting what he got ..." ...

More silence in Seattle on ‘Gunrunner’ inquiry, while Ceasefire eyes gun shows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Washington Ceasefire focuses on gun show restrictions and Seattle’s news agencies remain oblivious to a major story discussed here, a briefing was scheduled today in the 'other Washington' with members of Sen. Charles Grassley's staff regarding the 'Project Gunrunner' sting operation that now appears to be linked to the murder of a federal Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agent." ...

666: Sen. Grassley exposes BATFE's Mark of the Beast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Sen. Grassley goes on to describe the DoJ's flat denial of any such scandal, and then counters with the fact that the allegations are backed up by extensive documentation. Some of that documentation (redacted to protect sensitive information) is made available in the appendices."

"The '666' and 'Mark of the Beast' in the title of today's column are not really intended as a theological reference--it's just a handy coincidence that 'six hundred threescore and six' happens to be the number of firearms going to Mexico that BATFE's operation seems to have 'lost' (just as part of "Operation Fast and Furious") ..." ...

Sen. Grassley: Time For ATF To Come Clean
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The death of [CBP] Agent Brian Terry should have been an accident quietly disposed of in the silence of the Arizona desert. Everything was easily explained away, a CBP patrol came across a nefarious band of characters in the desert, a firefight erupted that left Agent Terry fatally injured. It could have been easy. The only trouble with the cover story was that the weapons held by the suspects were supposedly being tracked by the [ATF]."

"How assault weapons sold with full knowledge of the ATF wound up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels has become the pertinent question in the scandal dubbed Gunwalker by David Codrea of ..." ...

"Call your congressperson!" - A guide to HOW
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Please call your congressperson, and do so regularly, about the issues important to you."

"For example: Today, I had a very lengthy conversation with the Legislative Director for my congressperson ..."

"Interestingly, the person I usually communicate with, when I identified myself to him (I call them a lot) and asked about the specific issue (a hot issue involving potential scandal and a likely executive-branch cover-up1), they couldn't get me to the legislative director's phone fast enough. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: 1Hmm, Operation Gunwalker perhaps?

Mark on the Final Day With Representative Marino of PA (Muchas Gracias)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hey all,"

"Today was day 3 in DC for me, and I had two scheduled appointments. The two major issues I wanted to discuss at both meetings were healthcare and 'Project Gunwalker'." ...

"The second meeting was with Congressman Tom Marino (see attached pic, look at my right hip, you can see my empty ... holster)."

"Anyway, Marino is a former US District Attorney who spent 18 years working with the ATF and prosecuting straw purchasers and so on. He said that he considers himself law enforcement and as such, he takes the death of BPA Terry personally, and if the allegations are true that ATF facilitated the transfer of the weapon that killed him and they are trying to cover it up, he won't let them get away with it. ..." ...

Wouldn't it be Terrible?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm very worried about the state of affairs over at America’s finest law enforcement agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The BATFE."

"I was thinking how terrible this whole 'Project Gunwalker' is going to become for the BATFE. It appears that this sterling group of freedom loving American bureaucrats may have smuggled as many as 3,000 firearms into Mexico in an effort to catch the people who supposedly smuggle firearms into Mexico." ...

KSL 5 Investigates: Danger in public places
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"One in three Utah women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. One in eight will be raped. The statistics from the Utah Department of Health highlight a big problem in the state -- sexual assault."

"Assaults can happen at any time, in any place -- even in public. That's an important point to remember. A KSL 5 News investigation reveals what can happen when you're not paying attention and how you can protect yourself before an attack occurs." [emphasis added]

Submitter's note: Wanna guess if the best tool for self defense is even mentioned? It's amazing when female writers essentially promote and foster gun ignoring attitudes that ensure future victimization of women.

White House says no to emergency AK-47 regulation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The White House says tracking the bulk sale of high-powered rifles from border states gunshops which legally sell thousands of assault weapons that end up in Mexico each year is not an emergency, and has rejected a request from the U.S. agency that monitors weapons sales to do so without public review." ...

IN: Every Day's Take Your Gun To Work Day in Indiana
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just because your assistant keeps an AK47 in her car, doesn't mean you can fire her—at least, that's what Indiana legislators are gunning for ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Let's try a variation on that:

"Just because your assistant keeps a Bible (or Koran or Talmud or Molly Ivins or Glenn Beck tome), bottle of Scotch or pack of cigarettes in her car, doesn't mean you can fire her—at least, that's what Indiana legislators are gunning for ..."

MN: Endorsement: For House 5B: Melin’s Readiness and energy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For generations, young Northlanders have been moving away, taking their energy, creativity and talents with them. ..."

"Carly Melin moved away, too. She went to college in Bemidji, Minn., and then to law school in the Twin Cities. But she never strayed far from her roots. ..." ...

"Then, this fall, when state Rep. Tony Sertich was picked by Gov. Mark Dayton to run the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board, she jumped at a chance to help other young Iron Rangers. She filed for Sertich’s vacated State House District 5B seat. ..." ...

"A grouse hunter since age 14, Melin is pro-hunting and pro-Second Amendment rights. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Hey, editors! It ain't about grouse hunting either!

How the numbers shifted against gun control
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... "Even last year and in 2009, when Democrats had control of both houses, Congress showed more support for protecting and expanding the rights of gun owners than for restricting them."

"Why? Look at the numbers." ...

Did the National Rifle Association Buy Congress (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Howard Nemerov, writer for Pajamas Media about his article entitled 'Did the National Rifle Association Buy Congress?' – NRA News" ...

New York’s Publicity Hound Mayor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a press conference last week New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg congratulated himself on having masterminded a sting operation wherein he sent undercover NYC agents to a gun show in Tucson, Arizona. ... The fact that the gun show was officially sanctioned, that firearm ownership is legal in Arizona, and that the Second amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects private gun ownership apparently escaped the mayor's notice. The concurrent fact, statistically proven, that relatively few Arizona gun show patrons travel to New York, in a given year, to commit felony offenses also merited no mayoral attention." ...

WY: House Bills passed on third reading
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bills are flying or dying this week as the Wyoming legislature hits turnaround week and bills are either killed or passed out of their house ..." ...

"HB 167 – Castle doctrine modifications – passed with amendments on Feb. 2, Harvey said. The original bill allowed citizens to use force in self defense when they were the legal resident of an occupied structure. The amended bill allows citizens to use force against a person, but only when the person is entering their home or semi-permanent dwelling." ...

IL: Beiser pushes for conceal and carry gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Rep. Dan Beiser said he is working to bring Illinois in line with 48 other states in co-sponsoring legislation allowing responsible gun owners to carry concealed weapons in public."

"... 'For too long, [said Beiser] we have been preventing law-abiding citizens from being better able to protect themselves and their families by denying them the opportunity to have permits to carry concealed weapons.'" ...

MD: Lawmakers Work to Clarify Justification Needed to Legally Carry Handgun in Md.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Delegate Michael Smigiel, a Republican from Cecil and a concealed-carry permit holder, is working with Delegate Tiffany Alston, a Democrat from Prince George's, to clarify language in the state's handgun carry law that Second Amendment advocates have long complained infringes on their rights." ...

"If Smigiel had his way, the state would shift away from 'may issue' standards and toward a 'shall issue' system for handgun carry permits. That would require authorities to provide a license to applicants who meet specified criteria ..." ...

OH: Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix and Restoration of Rights bills scheduled for hearings in House & Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Both chambers of the Ohio General Assembly have scheduled hearings next week on pro-gun legislation supported by Buckeye Firearms Association." ...

FBI Agent Turned ACLU Counsel: Feds Spy On Citizens Based on Religion, Politics
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The police are watching you. If you're the wrong religion, they'll spy on your every move. If you voice the wrong political opinions they'll be watching you. According to Mike German, a 16-year veteran with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations, this is happening right in the U.S."

"Mr. German has become the FBI's worst nightmare ..." ...

Was It Something I Said (Wrote)?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I just had an intimidation meeting with my local IRS agent. He is looking to put me in jail for failure to pay Social Security Taxes for the past two years totaling some $20,000 over the period of 2008-2010. ..." ...

"I don't mind going down for exposing the ATF, or for my stance against this administration, that is the price one must pay for spouting off, but it should not and will not go on in the darkness the federal government has so long been able to employ on their behalf. Wherever there is a computer and a keyboard, I will utilize it to expose them for the thugs they are and the tactics they use." ...

WA: SPD officer under investigation for kick to assault suspect's head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Seattle Police Department confirms it has launched a criminal probe into an incident in which an off-duty police officer kicked an assault suspect in the head."

"And a witness says Officer Garth Haynes threatened several people with his gun before kicking the man who was lying on the ground under police watch." ...

AR: Former school resource officer at Searcy, Ark., pleads guilty to sexual assault of 16-year-old
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer who had been assigned to Ahlf Junior High School at Searcy has entered a guilty plea to a sexual assault charge that accused him of 'deviant sexual activity' with a 16-year-old girl." ...

CA: Jeremy Marks' Home Searched
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mother of Verdugo Hills High School student Jeremy Marks, accused of 'attempted lynching' of a campus police officer after he used his cell phone camera to record the officer striking another student, is calling foul after her home was searched for three hours by nearly 20 investigators, many with guns drawn." ...

NC: Raleigh police officers at center of sexual misconduct probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several Raleigh police officers are part of an ongoing police department internal investigation after allegations of sexual contact with a prostitute, sources told WRAL News Tuesday." ...

MA: Ex-cop’s new job surprises chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Walpole police officer, who resigned after being accused of stealing repeatedly from a supermarket, was hired recently by the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Department because the sheriff believes he 'deserved another opportunity.'"

"The hiring of David Haddigan, who resigned from the Walpole Police Department in the summer of 2009, had come as a surprise to Police Chief Richard B. Stillman." ...

Canada: Toronto Cop threatens taser use on genitals
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"This week, a Provincial Court Justice Hugh Fraser released the videos of Const. Christopher Hominuk, 37, threatening to Taser two handcuffed prisoners in two separate police cruisers unless they helped him catch a suspect."

"Christopher Hominuk was charged with two counts of threatening bodily harm, two counts of assault with a weapon and one of assault."

"On Jan. 31, he pleaded guilty to just one count of threatening bodily harm." ...

PA: Trust the government?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The public's and politicians' outcry over crime conviction rates across the country because of witness intimidation is ridiculous."

"The way to solve this is to allow common, decent, law-abiding, registered citizens to carry weapons at all times."

"Anywhere the gun laws for registered citizens have been relaxed, the crime rate has dropped."

"Yet, politicians are constantly trying to decrease law-abiding citizens' rights to bear arms. ..." ...

PA: You can keep your guns, but keep them off our campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We're not debating our Founding Fathers' intentions with the Second Amendment. We're not running for positions in the National Rifle Association either."

"But we do think that guns should be limited in a collegiate environment for the safety of students, professors and faculty."

"In our community, we're located across the street from SR middle and high schools. We think given that added factor, the idea of safety should be even greater." ...

OH: To the Editor: Professor's anti-gun column was poorly researched
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following letter, written by Buckeye Firearms Foundation Board of Directors member Gerard Valentino, was published on February 4 in response to an anti-gun column written by a professor at Ohio University." ...
"Richard Scamehorn's recent anti-gun article that supposedly set the record straight on gun control was a one-sided hit piece hidden behind his academic standing." ...

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. — Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998)

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