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Newslinks for 2/12/2002

SC: Reb warns The Post and Courier editor
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Reb Sutherland, a SC gubernatorial candidate, was attacked by a liberal editor of The Post and Courier newspaper located in Charleston, S.C. The family who owns the Charleston newspaper also happens to own The Aiken Standard of Aiken, S.C. and The Star of North Augusta, S.C. Reb lives in Aiken County. Reb sent the following letter to associate editor, Frank Wooten:...

My Home Defense
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Dear Criminals,
Don't worry about learning the high technology alarm systems on the market today with an eye towards disabling them.
I am a Computer Network Administrator in a VERY HIGH TECH WORLD and knowledgeable about differing types of high tech home defense systems including ADT and others of that type. The reason I mention this is because of my choice for burglar alarms and home defense. I choose the low tech home safety devices..."
by The Gun Deacon

Security Over Freedom?
Submitted by: Rodney L. Hendrix

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"If we fail, then the populace will demand security over freedom. Then surely we will have lost our Constitution and the freedoms that go with it. My fellow citizens, the clock is ticking..." - Paul M. Weyrich, President, Free Congress Foundation

VA: 'Have gun, will boycott' group warns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Valley View Mall management has never seen such a flurry of negative feedback.

More than 20 gun-rights activists have called, written e-mails or sent letters vowing to boycott the mall until it reverses its policy forbidding guns, the mall manager says.

The reason: the mall and other businesses, including Paramount's Kings Dominion amusement park near Richmond, appear on a Web site's list of so-called "gun owner unfriendly establishments."

SC: Palmetto Exile plan 'a balanced approach'
Submitted by: Doug Huffman

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NRA state affiliate says, "Palmetto Exile is a balanced approach that attacks the real problem while protecting the rights of gun owners."

-- Note that this citizen fails to explain HOW the rights of gun owners will be protected. If a legal gun owner acquires 'felon' status, post facto, will he be protected?

Remember, it is their objective to make felons of all citizens and thereby legally disarm and disbar US of our 2A rights.

~The conspiracy of ignorance masquerades as common sense.~

Campaign Finance Reform: Vote to be 'Tight'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Campaign finance reform's success or failure this week will come down to what kind of coalition Republican leaders can build to derail the bill, which party leaders see as endangering their control of Congress.

"Wednesday's going to be very, very tight. Super Bowl tight," Rep. Roy Blunt, Missouri Republican and his party's chief deputy whip, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" yesterday.

Emory professor Bellesiles's book 'biased', peers say
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Historians who reviewed an Emory University history professor's controversial book on America's gun culture raise serious questions about his scholarly competence, according to David Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Emory law professor and political historian.

The four essays to be published this week in the William and Mary Quarterly do not accuse Emory professor Michael Bellesiles of deliberate deception, Garrow said after reviewing advance proofs obtained by the Journal-Constitution.

Campaign Finance Reform: Silencing Freedom to Gain Power
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Like to think your opinion counts? Under the guise of reforming election funding, Sen. John McCain and others are attempting to muzzle your voice concerning critical national issues--including the Second Amendment. And with the mainstream media trumpeting his cause, the truth isn't seeing the light of day.

IL: Public School Thought Police Strike Again
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"According to Patrick's lawyer, Steve Glink, police found a doodle of a gun, a photo of two swords, an essay defending the right to bear arms and another writing assignment that mentioned weapons. School officials say that Patrick's love of guns shows he's emotionally disturbed and he needs to be in a "special" school. On these grounds, they are still refusing to following the judges order...." - Theresa Harmon, The Wilson County Parents Coalition,

The Leftist War on the Individual – Continued
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"I've been telling you for years that there is a war against individualism and the very concept of the individual going on in this country. The left simply doesn't like the idea of individualism.

Individuals, after all, have individual rights; and among those individual rights would be the right to their own life, the right to the control of their own body and the right to property..." - Neal Boortz

You Don't Know Me, and I Have a Gun!
Submitted by: Rodney L. Hendrix

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"I could be your neighbor, doctor, clergyman, nurse or just another nameless, faceless stranger in the crowd. Though you don't know me, there are a few things, however, you can know about me for certain."

-- A great article from a gun-rights activist and patriot - along with a permission to reprint. Good to use for letters to the editor, or just to pass around to anti-gunners and those "sitting-on-the-fence".

A primer on how to talk to reporters
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"The sad truth is that too often the only knowledgeable callers bothering to contact journalists are environmentalists, gun control advocates, abortion supporters and other liberal activists. It's not enough to know the issues: Conservatives must learn to make the call and send the email." - Mark Tapscott

VA: Old rule sparks controversy for no guns mall
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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ROANOKE, Va. -- The rules of conduct haven't change at Valley View mall for some time, but the one forbidding shoppers to carry guns has sparked a spate of objections from consumers after it was brought to light on an Internet site.

Since the Virginia Citizens Defense League included Valley View on a list of "gun owner unfriendly establishments" on its Web site, mall management said it has received more than 20 e-mails, phone calls and letters complaining about the policy.

WI: (Pro-)Gun activist dismisses background check bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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MANITOWOC – An area gun rights advocate predicted Friday that proposed legislation requiring background checks of all handgun buyers at gun shows would do little to prevent crime.

New legislation by Sen. Brian Burke (D-Milwaukee) that would require background checks for all handgun transactions is still being drafted...would close the so-called gun show loophole, said Burke aide Bob Allen.

The Incidence Of Gun Use For Self-Defense
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Gary Kleck points out in the book he coauthored with Don Kates, Armed, that it was not until 1993 that a survey was conducted to find out how many times a year a gun is used in self-defense.

Kleck gives the layman a glimpse of the care that is needed in how to ask questions, and how to evaluate the answers that are given. There are so many different things to keep in mind, it is easy to see how a careless or unscrupulous researcher can get almost any result he wishes..." - Larry Pratt of GOA

Terror could 'tilt' High Court on States Rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Law scholars are debating whether the "war on terrorism" may prompt the high court's conservatives to "rethink" seven years of constitutional precedents.

The governmental structure designed by the Founding Fathers was intended to foster competition between dual sovereigns rather than subservient states seeking instructions and handouts from Washington.

"The issue is significant because it could mark the last whimper of the Reagan revolution against big government."

UT: Brady Campaign: 'What's Happening in Utah on Guns?'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Even though the state has forbidden concealed-weapons licensees from carrying their guns into Olympic venues, the Utah legislature is considering measures that would make it easier for people to carry hidden handguns virtually everywhere else."

CO: Testimony Needed Regarding Colorado Gun Bills
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Physicians for "Social Responsibility" urges residents to come to the Colorado State Capitol to testify regarding gun bills on one or both of the following two afternoons. If you prefer, you can simply audit the proceedings as a show of support. [Also] please make a few phone calls to key State Senators.

KABA NOTE: See RMGO's alert, A busy week coming for Colorado gun rights

No Whistleblowing Protections For Airport Baggage Screeners
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Federal airport baggage screeners will not have the same whistleblower protection enjoyed by other federal government employees who disclose waste and fraud," transportation security chief John W. Magaw said, and he believes "full whistleblower protection could be harmful to security operations."

The federal whistleblower statute guarantees confidentiality and other protections to federal employees who report what they believe to be waste, fraud or other violations in the workplace.

CO: BB gun law debate begins
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Is a BB gun a deadly weapon?
Colorado lawmakers will begin a week of legislative fighting over guns today with that issue on their plate.

Sen. Mark Hillman, a farmer and former Daisy BB gun owner from Burlington, will try to convince the Senate Judiciary Committee that a BB or pellet gun is not a deadly weapon unless it's used to cause death or bodily injury.

Gun Control's New Language
Submitted by: Andy Kellett

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"As the new congressional session gets into gear, a freshly invigorated gun control movement is preparing to act. Armed with a few questionable studies, some acid-tongued rhetoric, and vague allusions to the War on Terrorism, the anti-gun lobby is expected to hammer away relentlessly at the capital’s most prominent Second Amendment stalwart, Attorney General John Ashcroft..." - Sam MacDonald

IL: 2 charged in scheme to sell guns in Chicago
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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For the second time in less than two years, federal and local police say they have broken up a gun-running scheme that placed relatively inexpensive pistols bought in Indianapolis in the hands of Chicago criminals, often within days.

Campaign Finance Reform: Putting a Muzzle on the 1st Amendment
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Campaign finance reform, especially under the guise of S.27--the McCain-Feingold legislation that passed the U.S. Senate in April--is a direct attack on every individual American's First Amendment right to use political speech to protect the entire Bill of Rights.

The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... — Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

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