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Newslinks for 2/12/2004

CA: Los Angeles police chief lobbies against gun industry immunity
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An eight-year-old boy was shot in the face in a school playground when he got caught in the crossfire of a Philadelphia gun fight today."

"Police Chief William Bratton has lent his name and face to a campaign against a bill coming up for a vote in the U.S. Senate that would immunize the gun industry from lawsuits arising from use of weapons in crimes."

Oh, this is the same Bratton who went to Britain to tell their police officers that they should remain disarmed against the violent armed thugs. Did anyone actually expect this guy to be objective?

Feds seize family's ranch, Sheriff intervenes on behalf of locals
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When Kit Laney answered a knock on his door Saturday, law enforcement officers from the U.S. Forest Service handed him a piece of paper announcing his Diamond Bar Ranch in southwest New Mexico would be shut down Wednesday and his 300 head of cattle grazing there would be removed – one way or the other." ...

"[Local sheriff Cliff Snyder's] memo also says 'I intend to enforce the state livestock laws in my county. I will not allow anyone, in violation of state law, to ship Diamond Bar Cattle out of my county.' " ...

Padilla Allowed Access to Attorney
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Jose Padilla, who is being detained as an enemy combatant, will be allowed access to a lawyer subject to appropriate security restrictions, the Defense Department announced Wednesday. The DoD is allowing Padilla access to counsel as a matter of discretion and military authority, but such access is not required by domestic or international law and should not be treated as a precendent. The department announced a similar decision Dec. 2, 2003, giving Yaser Esam Hamdi access to an attorney. Padilla, who is being held at the Charleston Consolidated Naval Brig in Charleston, S.C., is a U.S. citizen, but he is not eligible for trial by military commission under the president's military order of Nov. 13, 2001. Detention as an enemy combatant is not criminal in nature but is permitted under the law of war to prevent an enemy combatant from continuing to fight against the U.S. Under the law of war, enemy combatants may be detained until the end of hostilities.

The nebulous War on Terror, like the War on Drugs, will never end, so Mr. Padilla may never see freedom. Are US citizens no longer INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?

AZ: Ex-SWAT boss is arrested in domestic case
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"A one-time training instructor and SWAT team commander was arrested by his peers on suspicion of hitting his daughter in a squad car and cutting her lip."

"If convicted, the 13-year veteran could lose his job. Under federal law, no one convicted of a domestic-violence assault is allowed to possess a firearm. The department would have to find a position for Ebert that did not require a gun."

CO: Bills to ease gun rules shot down
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two of the year's highest-profile gun bills were defeated this week, leaving little chance that looser firearms rules will be passed this legislative session."

"Key legislators agreed that the gun measures were killed, at least in part, because Republican leaders don't want to vote on such a divisive issue in an election year."

"Last year, lawmakers passed uniform rules for carrying concealed weapons and prohibited local communities from enforcing tougher gun rules than the state has."

FL: Immigration Officer's Badge, Gun Stolen From Car
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A federal immigration officer's badge and weapon were stolen Tuesday after he left them in his vehicle, according to Local 6 News.

James Shedd said he parked his car outside a health club in Sanford, Fla., and went in to exercise.

He reportedly placed his badge and gun under the passenger seat but when he returned an hour later, they were gone.

Investigators said they were able to get a partial handprint from the damaged door.

Watch Local 6 News for the latest.

VA: Senate rejects gun show bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Senate voted along nonpartisan lines Wednesday to reject legislation that sought to require background checks on all purchasers of guns at gun shows in Virginia."

"Sen. Henry Marsh's bill surprisingly passed out of two committees after several Republicans switched their votes, only to be turned down in the full Senate, 24-15. Six Republicans joined the nine Democrats voting in favor of the measure."

MD: Gun Control Debate Continues In Annapolis
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Gun owners showed up in force, many wearing bright red badges that remind lawmakers that gun owners vote, during a hearing at the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee members. The hearing discussed a bill that would ban sales of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. There were few supporters of the bil compared with the number of gun owners at the hearing. The bill is sponsored by Democratic Senator Rob Garagiola of Montgomery County. Garagiola says the bill is supported by a majority of Marylanders and he believes he will be able to get the six votes needed to get the bill out of committee, along with the majority of the Senate floor.

Australia: Husband killed by vase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"YEARS of beatings and mental torment ended in a woman killing her husband by hurling a heavy crystal vase at his head, a jury heard yesterday."

"Jennifer Besim admits throwing a 30cm vase at her husband David, 42, on September 24, 2002, as her son, 11, looked on."

"The vase shattered as it hit Mr Besim's head causing him to stagger around his kitchen before collapsing."

"He died from the wound the next day."

"But moments after the vase hit him Mr Besim had recovered consciousness and, bizarrely, forced his wife to hang up on an ambulance dispatcher."

Vase control! Why are the cops not knocking on Australians' doors demanding to see if vases are stored safely?

CA: Folsom Police Giving Away Gun Locks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The Folsom Police Department is giving away free, cable-style gun locks Wednesday.

The giveaway is part of Project Child-Safe.

The department will also be passing out educational materials to help promote gun safety.

Officials said more than 1.2 million locks will be given away in California this year.

The locks will be available at the Folsom Police Department at 46 Natoma St. from noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday.

KS: Former Trego County sheriff indicted on drug, gun charges
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A federal grand jury has indicted former Trego County Sheriff Curtis L. Bender and two others on drug and gun charges following a yearlong investigation, during which the sheriff stepped down."

"Bender, 37, was indicted on one count of conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute cocaine; two counts of distributing cocaine; one count of distributing more than 500 grams of cocaine; one count of possession with the intent to distribute cocaine; and one count of possessing a handgun to aid drug trafficking."

NY: Plastic gun causes a scare
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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With school officials and parents still a little bit on edge after the Columbia shooting there's been another scare at an area school.

Authorities were called to Scotia-Glenville High School Tuesday after reports that a student brought a gun to school.

Investigators later determined that it was a plastic toy gun. Charges are pending.

South Africa: Security guard murdered teen for bike and R20
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A security guard from Khula Village was jailed for life in the Mtubatuba High Court on Tuesday for the brutal murder of 13-year-old Daniel Opperman in his parents' flat in St Lucia last August."

"Sithembiso Lucas Mabika, 27, an unmarried father of two, was also jailed for 15 years for aggravated robbery. He showed no emotion and no remorse when he was sentenced and led handcuffed from the courtroom."

"Daniel, who was alone at home finishing off a school project in the garage on the night of August 2, was bludgeoned to death with a four-pound masonry hammer and his body was found in the shower cubicle."

But only "the elite" - cops, security and governments - should have guns, right Sarah?

TX: Gun-carrying student detained at DISD school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A teenager who tried to carry an unloaded handgun into school was detained Wednesday by police, officials said.

Classes continued as usual on the campus of Seagoville Middle School, which is part of the Dallas public school district.

The .25-caliber weapon was discovered early Wednesday after a metal detector went off as the 14-year-old boy entered the school, district spokesman Donnie Claxton said.

The school has 762 students.


CO: Dead teen's mother testifies for passage of firearms bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The father at the sentencing never even took responsibility for his son's action... He said, 'Eric did a stupid thing. I don't know why everyone is upset with me.' "

"That is why Colorado needs a law like the one Sen. Ken Gordon of Denver has introduced, she said. SB 158 says adults who fail to safely store their guns from children, and the weapons cause someone's death, face a misdemeanor charge. The maximum penalty is six months in jail."

"Gordon said his bill doesn't tell people how to store the guns - it doesn't require locks, it doesn't require a safe and it doesn't even require that a gun be unloaded. It lets adults decide what is the best way to handle it."

"The committee, which delayed a vote until today on the bill, heard from opponents as well."

"Irving Newton, chairman of the Firearms Coalition of Colorado, said rape, robbery, burglaries and other violent crimes have increased in the past five years in 15 states that have laws requiring people 'to keep guns locked up one way or another.' "

"Dave Gill of the Colorado State Shooting Association said education was the only effective way to reduce gun deaths."

CO: Political fears kill concealed-handgun bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Election-year fears beat out Second Amendment beliefs Tuesday when Republicans killed a bill that would have relaxed qualifications for obtaining a concealed-handgun permit."

"It was the second time in two days the GOP pulled the plug on a gun bill. Republican leaders don't want legislators voting for controversial bills for fear that their voting records will be used by challengers in the November election." ...

"House Bill 1281 would have gutted Colorado's concealed-weapons law, allowing anyone but those convicted of a felony or under any domestic-violence restrictions to carry a handgun."

NY: County legislators take stand against gun laws, free trade
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Allegany County Legislature took a stand against new gun laws and free trade issues Monday in a full board session."

" 'It really slaps the face of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,' Brent Reynolds, R-Alfred, said. Reynolds believes a new gun certification fee will price average buyers in Western New York out of the market."

"New York Gov. George Pataki, R, has included a bill in his executive budget requiring handgun licensees to pay $100 certification fee along with $25 for each handgun owned to the state. If passed, the certification will expire after 5 years as opposed to the lifetime coverage now."

"Reynolds encouraged county residents to call Gov. Pataki at (518) 474-8390 or write to Governor Pataki at Executive Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224."

NY: New York City hates gun owners
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New York City Mayor Michael 'Nanny' Bloomberg, he of the smooth hands and Nurse Ratched smirk, made international headlines with his selective war on smokers. Now, Bloomberg and the city's ruling class are preparing to 'cure' the Big Apple of another politically incorrect constituency: ordinary gun owners."

"Last week, Democrat City Councilwoman Gale Brewer introduced a resolution calling on the Republican National Committee 'to repudiate the irresponsible and dangerous policies of the National Rifle Association,' i.e., supporting the constitutional right of individuals to bear arms and defend their lives, family and property." ...

So what does Republican In Name Only Mayor Bloomberg think of all this? He told New York magazine that all of the NRA leaders' comments were "reprehensible." ...

"Nanny Bloomberg continued: 'I am against people carrying guns. Guns kill people. One of the great scourges we have in the city is that too many people are carrying guns.' "

IL: Police outline rapist's method
Submitted by: Chris Covert

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"As officials warned North Side residents to be vigilant, police Tuesday described the chilling methods of a repeat rapist who most recently struck last weekend in Lincoln Park."

Be vigilant?! How about arming yourselves? Oh wait, that's not an option in the murder capitol of the nation! Better just lay back and take it!

TX: Police say Uptown attack rare; upscale area is generally safe
Submitted by: william rodgers

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"In a narrow walkway between a law office and a tapas bar in Uptown, a woman was left beaten, her face bruised, her body partially clothed, and everything – including her rhinestone ring and the one brown boot she still had on – covered in blood."

"Dallas police say the crime is out of character for this upscale neighborhood, known for its bars, restaurants and apartments. They say the McKinney Avenue area is extremely safe, even when compared to other popular Dallas nightspots such as Lower Greenville and Deep Ellum."

Hey DiFi, maybe there is a need for the weak to have the most effective protection available. We're still waiting for you to give up your license and pistol.

An interview with US Rep. Ron Paul
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"JWW: You are quoted as saying: 'Man’s nature is unchanging, and so are the principles of liberty. And when I raise my hand to swear to Almighty God that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, I mean it with all my heart, as you would. That’s why, before every vote I take, I ask if the legislation under consideration is constitutional. Of course, it virtually never is. That’s why they call me ‘Dr. No.’ I will not support any bill that violates the Constitution.' Are you a lone wolf in Congress?"

"Ron Paul: Yes, most of the time. My emotions range from the extreme feeling that I’m totally alone to working with almost everybody. There are times when neither side will agree with me and I will be voting by myself. I understand that I vote by myself more times than everyone else in Congress put together. So, there are times on economic issues where I will have many close and enthusiastic allies from both sides on war issues and sometimes on civil liberties issues. There are principled people from both sides that I ally with. Thus, in one way you could paint me as being totally alone. However, in another sense, I have a chance to work with almost everybody at one time or another."

NH senators consider non-permit conceal/carry bill
Submitted by: gary g

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"State residents no longer would need need permits to carry concealed handguns under a bill considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee."

" 'Society is safer when criminals don't know who is armed,' said Norman Bernier, of Concord."

"Right now, a woman who is threatened could be forced to wait up to 14 days to get a license to carry a concealed weapon, Bernier said Tuesday. Her attacker could kill her before then, he said."

"Making it harder to carry guns legally 'creates a safe working environment for the robber and rapist,' he said. 'Why should we put obstacles between people trying to protect themselves?' "

"Laurel Redden, state coordinator for the Million Mom March, disagreed. Making it easier for people to carry hidden guns would not make her feel safer, she said."

MD: Doctors Who Carry Guns and Make Arrests?
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"The General Assembly is considering a bill that would let physicians carry guns and make arrests as members of county homeland security teams."

"The bill, sponsored by two Frederick County senators, was proposed by Frederick County Sheriff James Hagy. He said the Maryland Police Training Commission and sheriffs throughout the state support the measure."

"Hagy said Wednesday the bill would ensure that someone schooled in biological, chemical and radiological weapons is among the first responders to a terrorist attack."

PETA chicken-free-diet campaign features guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Those "gentle vegetarians" at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have an ad campaign with well-armed chickens threatening "If a mad cow doesn't get you, I just might.

Wonder where they got the AR-15 and the .44 Magnum revolver the guys in chicken suits are threatening the viewer with? I thought they didn't believe in guns.

Germany: Army tank confiscated in online auction
Submitted by: A. Cers

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"German police seized a 10-ton armored personnel carrier that two men had put up for auction online, authorities said on Tuesday."

"The men bought the tank from the Greek army and brought it to Germany. They were evidently looking to turn a profit..."

"The 24.5 foot long amphibious Russian BTR 60, found in the town of Raunheim, no longer had guns but was still fully armor-plated, which meant it contravened German law."

It seems that in Germany the only vehicles allowed to have armor plating for protection are the cars of government officials and state military vehicles.

UT: Keeping campus 'well regulated'
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"Upon frequenting the local shooting range, Weber State University automotive students Shawn Austin and Kevin Bishow found there was a way they could get more involved in campus activities. Together with advisor Nickie Sawyer of Academic Advisement, they formed the Students for the Second Amendment on campus last week."

Decode the Bar Code on Your Driver's License
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The SWIPE Toolkit is a collection of web-based tools that sheds light on personal data collection and usage practices in the United States. The tools demonstrate the value of personal information on the open market and enable people to access information encoded on a driver's license or stored in some of the many commercial data warehouses."

You can quietly and privately find out what's in the bar code on your driver's license, to help determine whether or not you're willing to allow anyone to ever "swipe" your license during the course of various transactions.

NC: Union Chapel man shot by SBI agent
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Jacobs said two people approached her home about noon and began banging on the door. She was scared and called her mother, her grandmother and Bailey, she said. Jacobs said the men never identified themselves."

"Bailey arrived about 15 minutes later, but the men were gone, Jacobs said."

" 'Buddy had a gun when he got out and was checking things around the house,'she said. 'He started coming in the house backwards. He asked me where they were. I told him that they were gone.' "

"Jacobs said the men returned a few minutes later. Bailey opened the door and was shot. He still had a gun in his hand at his side, she said." ...

"I didn't realize who they were until they kept telling me to get down and whether it was clear. That was when I saw a badge around the man's neck."

OH: Tale of Two Cities: Toledo couple dead; Sacramento woman shoots intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Man, wife found dead in home in N. Toledo

"A man and his wife were found dead last night in their house in North Toledo, and police were investigating their deaths as possible homicides."

"The body of Mr. Griffin, who used a wheelchair, was found in the bathroom."

"The body of Mrs. Griffin was found in a bedroom."

"Both were in their 40s." ...

"Meanwhile, in a home where the occupants had taken the precaution to arm themselves for self-defense, a different outcome resulted when this home owner was attacked by a parolee during a home invasion..."

PA: NRA convention coming to town
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The National Rifle Association has yet to name the main speaker for its national convention in Pittsburgh this spring, but the organization is touting that 'a special keynote speaker' will be there."

"As many as 50,000 people are expected to participate in the April conference -- the NRA's first Pittsburgh convention. The NRA, which lobbies for gun owners' rights, has 4 million members nationally."

"The convention is expected to be the largest this year at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Downtown."

"Vice President Dick Cheney has been mentioned as a keynote for the 133rd NRA members' banquet on April 17 at the convention center, although that's not final, an NRA spokesman said Monday."

IRS confiscates $170M from offshore trusts
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Internal Revenue Service announced Tuesday it had collected $170 million in taxes and penalties on money hidden offshore and has shared with state tax agencies information about 20,000 taxpayers using scams and shelters to avoid taxes."

"Both efforts stem from the agency's move to curb the growth of tax shelters among high-income taxpayers."

"The IRS uncovered the money hidden offshore by offering a three-month amnesty last year to taxpayers who came forward. More than 1,300 taxpayers took the offer to avoid criminal prosecution."

"In all, 479 promoters who sold the offshore schemes were identified. More than half were previously unknown to the IRS, the agency said." ...

LA: EBR schools tighten security to combat gun problem
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In response to the number of guns found at local schools in the past year, the East Baton Rouge Parish school system is planning some security changes while simultaneously asking its staff and parents to increase their vigilance."

"So far in the 2003-04 school year, 10 guns have been found on school campuses, the latest discovered Tuesday by officials at Westdale Middle School. The gun was found in a student’s backpack."

"Superintendent Clayton Wilcox said most of the guns were found by faculty members or reported by students, and in the wake of the rash of recent findings, school security is his No. 1 priority."

NM: High court to decide gun ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Still seething over rules banning law enforcement from carrying guns into Metro Court, Albuquerque Police Department and Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department officials are taking legal action."

"The Albuquerque Police Officers Association, Police Chief Gilbert Gallegos and Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White filed a writ Friday asking the New Mexico Supreme Court to overturn Chief Metro Court Judge Judith Nakamura's gun ban." ...

"Citing numerous state laws and the New Mexico Constitution, law enforcement leaders argued they have an inherent right to bear arms and are exempt from laws precluding firearms in state buildings."

Injustice American style: These crimes don't pay
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"To the average person these sentences are incongruous. Even granting that Janklow and Kennedy are powerful politicians who exerted their influence in the justice system, there is no doubt that these cases are typical grotesqueries. In the worst-case scenario, it's likely that Kennedy and Janklow would have drawn sentences of five to ten years. Nunn's sentence will likely stand and, if Simkanin's verdict is upheld, he will likely spend at least ten years behind bars and possibly more than twenty. Neither of them is unusual."

"In the collectivist world, they are entirely consistent. Kennedy and Janklow were menaces to the people while Nunn and Simkanin are menaces to the government, a far graver danger in government's eyes. And there was likely far less attention to the fine points of constitutional rights in Simkanin's trail than ever would be tolerated in the violent cases of Kennedy and Janklow."

IL: Legislators weigh exemption to local gun bans
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The shots Wilmette resident Hale DeMar fired at a home intruder echoed through the state Capitol on Tuesday as gun rights advocates pushed legislation to spare homeowners like DeMar from being prosecuted under local handgun bans."

"The measure, which advanced out of the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 6-4 vote, would allow residents in communities that prohibit handgun ownership to use handguns in their home for self-defense, even though local law may bar them from owning the weapons in the first place."

" 'I believe in circumstances like this, an individual should be afforded the right to self protection, and no government at any level should interfere with that right,' said Sen. Ed Petka (R-Plainfield), lead sponsor of the bill."

OH: Sheriff's office looking at CHL list inaccuracies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IMPORTANT NOTE: The following parody was adapted from a recently-published Ohio news story about reports of significant errors in the Attorney General's new sex offender database."

"Since some liberal newspaper editors are promising to publish the lists of law-abiding citizens who choose to bear arms for self-defense, could stories like this about CHL-holders be far off?"

"Shirlye Monger likes her home on Battery Park, but she doesn't like sharing an address with a CHL holder. Although the man in question doesn't live in her home, the Gore County newspaper thinks he does."

" 'I don't want people to associate this man with my home,' she said. 'There are no men living at my house, especially not someone known as a gun nut.' "

SD: Gun scare at Lincoln High School
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two students face lengthy suspensions, and criminal charges, after bringing what looked like a real gun to school Tuesday. As they were leaving class Tuesday, a Lincoln High School student saw a classmate flash a handgun in the parking lot. That student told school officials immediately. Within a matter of minutes police surrounded a car and started searching for a weapon." ...

"Bill Smith with the Sioux Falls School District says, 'We can't tolerate any of those things because of the climate we have in our country and the number of people that have been seriously injured or killed on school grounds as a result of firearms.' "

"The weapon turned out to be an air gun that shoots plastic BB's..."

NY: 7th Grader Brought Gun To School
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"A seventh-grader was arrested yesterday afternoon for taking an unloaded gun to his Bedford-Stuyvesant school, police said." ...

"A schoolmate at PS/IS 25 on Lafayette Avenue apparently saw two students playing with the gun and alerted school staff, who then told the principal, officials said."

"When police arrived at 1:13 p.m., they found a .38-caliber gun in one student's backpack, police said."

"That student said the gun belonged to his classmate, who was then determined to have ammunition in his pocket and was arrested, Education Department spokesman Paul Rose said."

VT: Federal Gun Law Push Could Mean Jail
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"Under federal gun laws passed during the Clinton administration, a Vermonter who plea bargains to a misdemeanor charge of domestic simple assault can lose the right to own a firearm for the rest of his life."

"This was discussed Tuesday during a meeting at the Caledonia County Sheriff's Office in St. Johnsbury. About 30 people, including a federal prosecutor, an ATF agent, sheriffs, members of the state police, probation and parole officers and representatives of domestic violence groups attended the 11/2-hour presentation."

"Under the federal law, a person convicted of any domestic violence is prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm or ammunition. The penalty for violating the law can be up to 10 years in prison."

MD: Cecil County gun owners testify against ban bill
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"A group of Cecil County gun owners joined the outcry of opposition to a bill to prohibit assault weapon sales in Maryland at a Senate hearing Tuesday."

"Buddy Cather of Rising Sun and Norris McMullen of Port Deposit teach Firearm's Safety and Hunter Education three times a year at American Legion Post 194 in Rising Sun. They are both gun owners and hunters who each own a gun that would be banned if the bill is passed."

"Almost any hunter has a gun that would be banned by this law... The wording of the bill is too broad."

Canada: NB ignores Ottawa's gun law
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"Justice Minister Brad Green is defending his government's decision to stop prosecuting federal gun registry offences, even though he doesn't know how much time or money the province is saving by ignoring the rules."

"Last August, the New Brunswick government announced it would no longer prosecute violations of the federal gun registry law, because it was too time consuming and too expensive."

"CBC Radio asked the Department of Justice for statistics to back that up. But it turns out there hadn't been any prosecutions to consume the department's time and no way to measure the projected cost savings."

OR: Gun statements dubious (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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So, Ms. Currie thinks we have a manmade disaster in the making regarding weapons in state universities (Feb. 3). Please. I would like to hear of any incidents in which a concealed weapons permit holder committed a crime on campus, with or without a weapon.

Dr. Philip Conn says that he has “powerful reasons to believe that concealed weapons do not protect student safety.” Yeah, right.

Ms. Madarieta says this is not about gun ownership, but rather gun violence. I beg to differ.

MD: Ban on assault weapons is a law worth keeping
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's good news that Gov. Robert Ehrlich seems willing to consider a bill that would ban assault weapons in Maryland."

"What's puzzling is why some others won't." ...

"The guns in question have no use in hunting or personal protection." ...

The Second Amendment is not about hunting, folks. And the Korean business owners who used these weapons to defend themselves against thugs in the 1992 L.A. riots would beg to differ with your assessment about their use for personal protection.

SD: Toy Gun - Real Consequences
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two high school students have been arrested for 'brandishing a weapon on school grounds', even though the weapon was a toy. Around 4:30 Tuesday afternoon a 911 call was made from the Sioux Falls school about a man in the parking lot with a gun. A fleet of police cars, dozens of curious students and a handful of very concerned administrators were drawn to the Lincoln High School parking lot because of the toy gun that looks a lot like a 9 mm pistol."

When liberty is taken away by force, it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default, it can never be recovered. — DOROTHY THOMPSON

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