FL: Men Followed From Shooting Range, Robbed Of Guns
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Oviedo police think two people may have been followed home and robbed after they left a local gun range. The man and his friend were robbed in the driveway of a home on Lullwater Drive in the Kingsbridge West subdivision on Sunday. ... "As far back as I can remember, this is the first time we've had anybody robbed for their guns at gunpoint," said Det. Adam Egert, Oviedo Police Department.... The stolen semiautomatic handguns are a .45 caliber Kimber, worth $1,200, and a .40-caliber Sigsauer, which gun shops sell for about $600.
COMMENT: With a .40 and a .45, what were they at the range practicing for, an invasion from Cuba? They obviously need to obtain and carefully study Jeff Cooper's classic "Principles of Personal Defense." |
WA: No Charges For Kitsap County Deputy's Shooting Mistake update
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The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office says a deputy will not face criminal charges for accidentally shooting a man with her gun instead of her Taser.
Sheriff Steve Boyer said Friday he received word that the Attorney General's Office had declined to file charges against Deputy Tiffany Dobbins. Dobbins shot the mentally distraught man in the leg last June 22th after he refused to climb down from a tree. Boyer says Dobbins has been reassigned to administrative work and the sheriff's office will now conduct an internal investigation of the shooting. |
Brazil: Rio Slums Violence Continues
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O. Milic
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Submitter O. Milic writes: "This one is classic. Bullets flying everywhere, killing innocent, citizens organize armed patrols, peace and quiet. Governement [sic] declares this is not acceptable (armed citizens, of course) and that it will deal with it. Funny thing is that this is ultra-liberal BBC which wants to spin the story as anti-militia. I love Brazil!"
Ed. Note: This is a video link. |
NY: Fake cop had own 'police station'- now real prisoner
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Henry Terry had all the right accessories to impersonate a police officer, prosecutors say: authentic-looking uniforms, a car with lights and sirens, a pair of handcuffs. But Terry took it a step further, setting up a personal police station where he kept records of possible crimes and sometimes interrogated "suspects" who were handcuffed to a chair, said Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota.
MI: Rod & Gun Club offering African safari
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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An African big-game hunt is something most people will never experience. One lucky bidder will get that chance of a lifetime on Feb. 17 at the North Ottawa Rod and Gun Club. The club will host a free social hour and pig roast, followed by a silent auction for an African safari going to the highest bidder. The event begins at 6 p.m. The winner receives a seven-day hunt in the Eastern Cape of South Africa for one hunter and one observer with professional hunter Andrew Harvey. |
NM: Gun club organizing
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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A meeting for anyone interested in organizing the "Malpais Gun Club," is set for 10 a.m., Saturday in Milan. Organizer Mike Gregory said the meeting will be at the Milan Volunteer Fire Station at 619 Uranium Ave., near the Grants-Milan Municipal Airport. "We had a meeting a year ago,"he said, but a club did not materialize. Gregory said he is hoping to see about 30 people show up. |
Second Amendment Freedoms Aided the Civil Rights Movement
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Prominent and indispensable among our rights is the "right of the people to keep and bear arms." Second Amendment rights, never to be infringed, were posited by our nation's founders as among the most essential tenets of the free and just republic they sought to establish.
The empowering freedom of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is particularly timely during Black History Month, for its role in the victory of civil rights for all is sorely overlooked.
As Gun Owners of America President Larry Platt shared with me this summer and wrote in 2004 regarding the Deacons, the history of gun control appears to have been one of controlling people rather than reducing violence. |
FL: Men jailed for being on public sidewalk passing out Bibles
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Two men who are members of Gideons International, the Christian organization that is famous for, among other ministries, placing Bibles in motels and giving them to children, have been arrested after trying to hand out Bibles on a public sidewalk in Florida, according to a law firm.
Officials with the Alliance Defense Fund have confirmed they will be representing Anthony Mirto and Ernest Simpson, who were arrested, booked into jail and charged with trespassing.
"Officials cannot use fear of arrest as a means of bullying law-abiding Christians into silence," ADF Senior Legal Counsel David Cortman said. "These men broke no laws when they decided to communicate their message on a public sidewalk." |
Letters of Delegates to Congress, "a number of the Citizens...without any other than a few side arms", April 19, 1788
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"...attempt was made to turn out the Militia and about forty were collected with Arms, who, with a number of gentlemen, march'd up to the Jail amidst a shower of paving stones and brick bats. Mr. Jay was very badly wounded in the forehead...."
"...The Governor, after trudging about all day . . . and in the afternoon to assemble a body respectable enough to preserve the goal and to restore peace and good order, advanced about dusk with a number of the Citizens, but without any kind of order or without any other than a few side arms and canes, while the Adjutant-Gen'l of the militia, about 300 yards in his rear, led up in very good order about 150 men, tho' not more than half with firearms...." |
UT: Drunk Intruder Shot by Tenant's Son
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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A man who kicked down a door in a Salt Lake City apartment unit early this morning is now on life support after being shot by the tenant's son. Police told us Rudy Vigil had too much to drink, barged into the apartment at around one this morning and started attacking a man inside. The man's son grabbed a gun and shot Vigil several times. Police have not charged the son. They say he acted in self defense. |
Virginia and Pennsylvania Delegates, "...all bodies of armed men...", July 25, 1775
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"...But as representatives of two of the colonies united, among many others, for the defence of the liberties of America, we think it our duty to remove, as far as lies in our power, every obstacle that may prevent her sons from co-operating as vigorously as they would wish to do towards the attainment of this great and important end...."
"...For this desireable purpose, we recommend it to you, that all bodies of armed men kept up under either province be dismissed; that all those, who, on either side, are in confinement or under bail for taking a part in the contest be discharged; and that until the dispute be decided every person be permitted to retain his possessions unmolested...." |
Journals of the Continental Congress, "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union; "for their common defence, the security of their liberties", Aug. 20, 1776
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"THE Name of this of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America."
"The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their liberties..."
"...The Inhabitants of each Colony shall henceforth always have the same Rights, Liberties, Privileges, Immunities and Advantages, in the other Colonies, which the said Inhabitants now have, in all Cases whatever..."
"...But every Colony shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined Militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred..."
"...Motto. EPluribus Unum..."
"...Motto. Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God...."
'Unspeak' and the Gun Prohibitionists
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A completely partisan argument can be packed into a sound bite. This is Unspeak. Unspeak represents an attempt by politicians, interest groups, and business corporations to say something without saying it, without getting into an argument and so having to provide justification. At the same time, it tries to unspeak – in the sense of erasing or silencing – any possible opposing point of view by laying a claim right at the start to only one way of looking at a problem. As an Unspeak phrase becomes a widely used term of public debate, it saturates the mind with one viewpoint while simultaneously making an opposing view ever more difficult to enunciate. |
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, "their skill in the fire-arm, and deadly aim, give them great advantages over regulars", Feb. 11, 1815
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"...We must sacrifice the last dollar and drop of blood to rid us of that badge of slavery...."
"...The victories of the last year at Chippewa, Niagara, Fort Erie, Plattsburg, and New Orleans, the capture of their two fleets on Lakes Erie and Champlain, and repeated triumphs of our frigates over hers, whenever engaging with equal force, show that we have officers now becoming prominent, and capable of making them feel the superiority of our means, in a war on our own soil...."
"...that our militia are heroes when they have heroes to lead them on; and that, when unembarrassed by field evolutions, which they do not understand, their skill in the fire-arm, and deadly aim, give them great advantages over regulars....." |
WA: Legislator takes aim at gun show sales
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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Oregon and California require background checks when people buy guns at private shows, but Washington doesn't -- making the state a "de facto gun center for the region," says freshman Sen. Rodney Tom. The Bellevue Democrat wants to change that with a bill that calls for only licensed dealers to handle transactions at gun shows and run background checks on all buyers. Washington now has a five-day waiting period for handgun purchases, but not at gun shows. The bill also defines a gun show as any place or event where three or more people gather to display, sell, lease or transfer firearms to the public or where 10 or more firearms are offered. |
NV: SHOOTOUT NEAR STRIP: Injured LV police recruit dies
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Doug Huffman
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"We go through very extensive background checks and a screening process to ensure suitability for police work," he said.
This is the second officer-involved shooting of 2007. The first occurred on New Year's Day, when four Las Vegas police officers fired at Ivan Ariza at a condominium complex at 2700 Rainbow Blvd., near Smoke Ranch Road.
Witnesses and police said Ariza asked police to shoot him and lunged at officers with a knife. The 31-year-old died at the scene.
Submitters comment: Either we are equal or we are not. |
NY: Officer wounded, another arrested in New York shootout
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A New York police officer was arraigned Sunday on charges she tampered with evidence to cover up her husband's crime, prosecutors said. Jacqueline Melendez-Rivera, 37, is married to Officer Jose Rivera, 31. He was arraigned and charged with attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon in Saturday's shooting of Officer Andrew Suarez. |
OH: Party In The Park 4
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Mark your calendars! The fourth annual Party in the Park, Ohioans For Concealed Carry's family picnic, will be held on August 4th at Liberty Park in Liberty Township. |
WY: Panel: Allow bowhunters to carry firearms
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CHEYENNE -- Bowhunters would be allowed to carry firearms for self-defense during archery-only hunting seasons if legislation unanimously endorsed by a House committee Friday becomes law. The bill now moves to the full House; it already has been approved by the Senate. |
"America’s mayor" - Rudy the uniter
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Giuliani says he supports the Second Amendment. Yet, as mayor of New York he admitted that he was in favor of the Brady Bill, considering it necessary to reduce murders, then at 2,000 a year in his city. Giuliani says the Second Amendment must be protected against unreasonable restrictions and favors states’ rights on gun laws. |
The Debates in the Several State Conventions, (New York), July 26, 1788
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"...We, the delegates of the people of the state of New York..."
"...That all power is originally vested in, and consequently derived from, the people, and that government is instituted by them for their common interest, protection, and security."
"That the enjoyment of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are essential rights, which every government ought to respect and preserve."
"...That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, including the body of the people capable of bearing arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state...."
"...Well, well, well. What do you think of that Herr Bloomberg, Guilliani, and Schumer? ..."
Giuliani: Gun Control has 'No Effect on Hunters'
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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Rudy Giuliani addressed a potentially troublesome issue with conservative voters, saying his policies as mayor to get handguns off the street helped reduce crime in New York. "I used gun control as mayor," he said at a news conference Saturday during a swing through California. But "I understand the Second Amendment. I understand the right to bear arms." He said what he did as mayor would have no effect on hunting. |