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Newslinks for 2/12/2013

School ‘safety’ logo contest illustrates utter hypocrisy on gun imagery
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"But here’s the hypocrisy: Students are encouraged to depict guns if it is useful to an anti-gun agenda being promoted by the government. But if a student simply draws a gun, has a gun photo on a laptop, has a gun-shaped piece of paper, wears an 'offensive' t-shirt or even points a finger, they’re likely to run afoul of the school’s 'zero tolerance' policy and find themselves suspended. That makes actually having a toy gun extra-double bad. And if bubbles are involved, the 'adults' in charge may just brand your five-year-old a 'terrorist threat'.”

‘Essential Liberty’ is a thriller with characters deserving of a deeper look
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Overall it’s a good adventure story that actualizes some of the darker ambitions being put forth by those bent on citizen disarmament, and the coercive motives and methods Olive establishes, and the way 'The List' could be used to prioritize targets for special 'Collections' teams and cow others into compliance, give his narrative a feel of authenticity."

WV: Anti-gun news anchor destroyed on air
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Ed.: Video story. Take the seven minutes to watch it.

Submitter's note: Great interview done by member of West Virginia Citizens Defense League

NY: Resident fires at armed robbers
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Police in the Town of Newburgh are investigating a home invasion robbery in which shots were fired. Residents of 109 South Plank Road told officers three men wearing mask and armed with handguns entered their home, threatened them and demanded money. One of the residents was on the second floor and was told there were masked men on the first floor. He grabbed a loaded shotgun and confronted on suspect in the stairway and fired one shot at him.

Liberal Gun Grabber Cant get his Head out of his…
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Alan Singer is trying to nuance his way into saying that gun control civilian disarmament is completely constitutional and should even be agreed to by the “Supreme Court’s right-wing activists” – his words; not mine… and yeah, those socialist-leftists on the court are not activists in the least… no sir-ree!

Submitter's note: Even when liberals get it right about the 2nd Amendment they still want to ban guns.

Maybe its Time for a Conversation About Banning LAPD from Having Guns?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This is what the carnage looked like after the LAPD got a little trigger-happy during their manhunt… for a former cop, btw.

Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a recent American Thinker essay the author encourages us to pose the following question to those who would undo the American citizen's second amendment protection for our natural right to self defense:

"Do you believe that all human beings have a natural and inherent right to defend themselves from violent attack?"

WA: Sheriff supports Chehalis homeowner who shot intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mansfield said he supports a homeowner's right to defend themselves with a deadly weapon.

"We live in a pretty dark world," said Mansfield, "And you cannot depend on law enforcement and your government to protect you in every aspect of your life."

The Gun Report: February 11, 2013
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Second Amendment absolutists continue to complain that this report is “one-sided” because we are not publishing examples of the many, many (oh-so-many!) instances of people who use guns to defend themselves, we throw down a challenge. My assistant Jennifer and I publish this report based simply on a daily Google search and occasional articles that we come across in the course of our day. If you send us examples of self-defense that you find, we will print them. You have to use the same rules we use: stick to simple online searches, and only use incidents that take place that day.

AR: Professor-Carry Being Amended Allowing Colleges to Opt In or Out
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The professor-carry bill by Rep. Charlie Collins, R-Fayetteville, is being amended to allow the board of trustees of colleges and universities to decide in an annual vote whether they want to opt in or out, Collins said Monday (Feb. 11).

HB1243 is set for a hearing Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the House Education Committee.

Collins also said the amended version would allow university and college boards to permit professors and staff members to carry concealed handguns in some areas of campus but not others.

CO: Protect your gun rights, go to Denver Feb. 12 & 13
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Committee hearings are being held on anti-gun bills on Tuesday and Wednesday (Feb. 12 & 13) in Denver, and you can attend.

The anti-gun legislation was announced on Thursday, Feb. 7, and House Bill 13-1224 and HB 13-1229 are schedule to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee in the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Capitol.

HB 13-1224 is sponsored by Representative Rhonda Fields (D-42) and included a ban on magazines that hold more than ten rounds. HB 13-1229 is sponsored by Fields and Beth McCann (D-8), prohibiting and criminalizing the private transfer of firearms. Both bills will be heard on Tuesday, Feb. 12.

Reflections on gun control by a Second Amendment advocate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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From the beginning, the battle for gun rights was structured as a three-step process. Step 1: Determine the meaning of the Second Amendment. That was accomplished by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment secures an individual right to bear arms, in part for self-defense. Step 2: Determine where the Second Amendment applies. That was accomplished by the Court's decision in McDonald v. Chicago, which affirmed that the amendment covers every state and locality—not just federal enclaves such as Washington. Step 3: Determine the scope and limitations of Second Amendment rights. That's the next major task.

MI: Police chief supports president’s call for tighter restrictions on weapons in wake of Newtown
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police Chief Ronald Haddad said he supports the right to bear arms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment — especially the right to defend oneself in their home.

But he also supports President Barack Obama’s efforts to reduce gun violence in the wake of the Dec. 14 shooting deaths of 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

“What the president has laid out is a critical and major first step in establishing a public policy that will begin to address solutions of the violent crime epidemic that our country faces,” Haddad said.

WA: WA sheriff: homeowner shot man in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The sheriff's office says the 24-year-old homeowner called 911 early Sunday when he heard someone outside his home. Armed with a pistol, he was waiting for officers to show up when a man entered the home and started walking toward him.

The homeowner told deputies he ordered the man to stop, but the man charged him instead. He fired one shot and wrestled with the man until he was able to get free and hold the man at gunpoint.

SC: Bill would allow S.C. hunters to shoot game in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A proposal in the state legislature would allow people to shoot gators, bears and other wild animals anytime they threaten people or pets.

The Senate Fish, Game and Forestry Commission has passed a bill allowing hunters who commit violations, such as shooting game out of season or at night, a way to claim self-defense or defense of another -- a designation which will include hunting dogs and house pets.

Why do civilians need assault weapons?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The two strongest reasons for civilians to own assault weapons are self-defense and defense against tyranny.

One self-defense situation that comes to mind is the L.A. riots. Who can forget the nightly news's live footage of thugs hurling rocks at passing cars, buildings on fire, and looters smashing storefront windows? Then there was the savage beating of truck driver Reginald Denny.

Australia: Bullet points
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two months on from Sandy Hook, the storm of pro and anti-gun comment has subsided. Barack Obama is due fly to Chicago this week to talk about gun control. It's hard not to feel, So what's the use? There's an estimated 300 million firearms in the country. This is one door that cannot be shut.

For instance, as seems to happen after every massacre, there's been a surge in gun purchases. After Newtown, FBI figures show that almost 2.5 million background checks were made in January – the second highest monthly figure in 14 years. In the one week after Newtown, almost 180,000 checks were made. It's not surprising gun fatalities are forecast to rise. There was a lull of 28,000 gun deaths in 2,000 from a peak of 37,000 in 1993.

NC: Should Teachers Train To Fight Shooters?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Gaston County martial arts instructor held a seminar a week ago for teachers about how to respond in a school shooting. First grade teachers, school nurses, and administrators practiced how to defend a classroom should a shooter try to enter, and how to fight back. Similar events have been popping up across the country, run by martial arts gyms, firearms training centers, and even schools, in the wake of Sandy Hook.

NJ: NJ’s Answer To Newtown: Ban Shotguns, Hunting Ammo, Have Nurses Seize Guns?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Among the 24 bills are measures that would ban one of the most popular shotguns in the Garden State, ban nearly all rifle ammunition, and give health professionals including nurses, social workers, and marriage counselors power to have firearms seized with no prior due process.

TX: Standoff ends at east Houston smoke shop after botched robbery attempt
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A standoff with Houston police officers ended around 7:15 p.m. Monday at an east Houston smoke shop where an attempted robber was believed to be inside.

The owner at the Northshore Video & Smoke Shop said three robbers tried to hold him up around 4 p.m. Monday afternoon. But he ducked behind the counter and grabbed his gun.

PA: Vice President Biden Speaks On Gun Control At Girard College
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the wake of a tragic shooting in his adopted home town, Vice President Joe Biden spoke at Girard College Monday afternoon to clear up the Obama administration's push for tighter gun laws.

He assured the media present that the administration was in no way trying to take away the right to own guns for hunting and self-defense purposes. The main purpose is to eliminate the sale of high-capacity assault weapons.

IA: Iowa Needs Tougher Gun Control, Advocates Say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A coalition of gun-control advocates made a pitch for tougher gun laws at a Statehouse news conference Monday.

Members of Iowans for Gun Safety, One Million Moms for Gun Control and the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa pushed for universal background checks, reduced magazine capacity, a system to flag people who purchase large amounts of ammunition and an assault weapons ban.

The plea comes a day before President Barack Obama’s scheduled State of the Union address, in which he is expected to hit on the topic of gun control. The Iowa group singled out Iowa’s Republican congressional delegation — Sen. Chuck Grassley and Reps. Steve King and Tom Latham — asking them to “put aside partisan politics” and support the control measures.

TX: Church sponsors handgun class
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“This is an opportunity to meet a real need in our county,” Brad Foster, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Dumas, Texas, explained in the church newsletter. Foster, a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary who has been at the church 13 years, described the event as part of a larger effort to break out of old traditions in order “to better represent the Lord Jesus through new and fresh wineskins.”

The 10-hour class taught by a state-certified instructor will touch on how to safely use and carry firearms. Foster told the Amarillo Globe News that the church isn’t making a political statement, “except we don’t mind being associated with being in support of the Second Amendment.”

FL: Free gun training offer attracts over 200 Pinellas County teachers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lenny Bogdanos is president of International Executive Protection, a Clearwater firm that provides body guard, self-defense and firearms training. He’s waiving the $75 fee he normally charges for a four hour class for Pinellas County school teachers. The class covers everything from how to load and unload a weapon, how to store the ammunition, carry a weapon on your person and the laws that deal with all of it, The response to Bogdanos’ offer has been so overwhelming he says he’s had to add additional classes, at his own expense.

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." --Col. Jeff Cooper

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