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Newslinks for 2/13/2013

Unnecessary 'compromises' help anti-defense forces advance
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Never surrender anything. Make the enemies of the right to keep and bear arms fight for every inch, because any beachhead you cede will be used to prosecute their next advance for more lethal laws."

"Go on offense. Make them be the ones who cede ground." ...

Editor's Note: Here is my suggestion for our "compromise" gun bill. Just some common sense, good first steps to curbing gun violence.

Gun companies urged to join with rights activists against oppressive states
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Advising that this means LaRue will no longer sell anything ordinary citizens can’t possess to the NYPD, the group identified the three companies that sell them firearms for duty carry, SIG, Smith & Wesson, and Glock, and is urging fellow rights advocates to contact these companies and ask them to adopt the same policy as LaRue." ...

‘Ghost’ Dorner provides cautionary tale as ‘black community’ seeks answers
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "And as for the ghost in the machine?"

"Is he dead? Or is he cornered? That damned elusive ex-cop Dorner…" ...

Against citizen disarmament tyranny, resistance is far from futile
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Over the weekend, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea has observed two more reasons to reject the 'resistance is futile' propaganda. First, the manhunt for one former Los Angeles policeman ... believed to have shot and killed three people, including a policeman, has become so desperate that jumpy cops have been blasting away at trucks that only vaguely resemble the suspect's ... One man's resistance against the government has nearly paralyzed one of America's largest cities, and prompted a $1 million reward offer ..."

"Secondly, it has now become apparent that President Obama has so little trust in one of America's elite fighting forces that he required that their rifles be disabled for his inaugural parade. ..." ...

Debunking the “Pro-Gun Myth” Debunker, Part 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Walker Bragman [above right] is back. Just a few days ago I tromped all over his The Culture of Guns and Misinformation. Now he’s back spewing more dis- and mis-information in Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths. My regular readers are familiar with the phrase undulating lies. For those who aren’t, an undulating lie is when someone tells you something that is factually true, but so misleading as to constitute a lie. I heard a perfect example of the undulating lie the other day from an anti who testified at the Minnesota legislature . . ." ...

Debunking the “Pro-Gun Myth” Debunker — Part Deux
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When we left Walker Bragman and his Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths, I had just spent some 3,000 words dissecting his first myth alone. I will, cross-my-heart-and-pinkie-swear, try for a little more brevity on this go ‘round, but it’s hard when the opposition piles the organic fertilizer that high and I get on a roll. So, for those with short memories (or who are too lazy to click over), what’s Walker’s second myth? . . ." ...

You Can’t Slap a Hippy with Nuclear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My position on gun control was challenged during a recent conversation. I believe gun control is keeping your rounds on target. I believe that the Constitution is my carry permit. The person I was talking to disagreed, though. He asked me if private citizens should be allowed to own nuclear weapons. I believe that whatever arms an infantry soldier would typically carry is roughly the space the 2nd Amendment contemplates. Does this include grenades? Good question. How about a grenade launcher? Another good question. How about a crew-served automatic weapon, like an M60 or SAW. Lots of good questions . . ." ...

This is How the DHS Seizes Your Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently raided one of our readers: a small-time FFL dealer who does everything—everything—by the book. He has, however, consistently criticized the ATF for its unconstitutional regulations and long history of extra-legal activities. This is his story. Update to follow after he consults with his lawyers . . ." ...

The Lesson of the Drilling Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the NRA national convention here in the Gateway City last year, I stopped by the booth of an organization dedicated to preserving drilling guns. Pronounced 'drelling' ... [a] typical drilling gun consists of two shotgun barrels and a rifle barrel, but they can be configured any way the shooter wants. Most drillings were made by small custom manufacturers. ..." ...

"What’s the connection between gun control and drillings? The collection of drilling guns on display at the NRA convention was made up predominantly of arms that had been imported into the US as spoils of war. After Germany surrendered in 1945, the Allies began disarming them. ..."

"But the confiscation didn’t end with just military arms. ..." ...

Mandatory Firearms Insurance is Racist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was reading over the new gun control proposals from California, and the one that stuck out to me as the most infuriating was the requirement for all firearms owners to carry liability insurance. 'Car owners carry insurance, why not gun owners?' was the refrain from the gun control advocates. It’s one of those analogies that seems to make sense on the surface, but once you understand what’s really going on it makes you want to kick the whoever’s saying it in the family jewels . . ." ...

In the Matter of Ending Private Transfers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To the general public, the proposal to end private transfers of firearms appears sensible and harmless."

"Professionals in the field know otherwise."

"My friend Steve Denney, host of the ProArms Podcast had the following to say in a blog comment here recently. Steve has decades of experience in public safety service – SWAT cop and police supervisor, among other things, and now manager of the ProArms Gun Shop – and his advice is born in wisdom. It bears repeating." ...

A Gun Owner’s Guide to Surviving Mass Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The content of this booklet was contemplated, written, rewritten, and endlessly modified in the very difficult weeks following a series of tragic, mass-shooting events. It deeply saddens me to write this. More to the point, it saddens me that we live in a society with so much senseless violence that something like this needs to be written. Truth be told, sad is not the best description of my state of mind. I started writing this when I was angry. I was angry when I completed it, and I am still angry . . ." ...

If right to keep and bear arms were treated like 'right to health care'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the many difficulties standing in the way of any kind of consensus between those of us who would die for the right to keep and bear arms (and--yes, kill for it, if necessary), and those 'progressives' who would kill to deny it ... is a fundamental difference in the very definition of rights."

"To most of us Constitutionalists, a right--no matter how fundamental--is violated only by active interference with its exercise. To so-called 'progressives,' though, rights (including some not explicitly protected in the Constitution) can be 'violated' by nothing more than the government's failure to require the taxpayers to subsidize the exercise of the right in q

Assault Weapons Ban Is An Irrational, And Futile, Response
Submitted by: Donald Bohlken

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"Is an 'assault weapons' ban a rational response to the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Many believe that it is based on the constant drumbeat of alleged 'facts' supporting such legislation."

"Included among these 'facts' are that the only conceivable use of these weapons, especially of 'assault rifles,' is to kill large numbers of people; that such weapons are a major factor in crime, especially homicides and mass shootings; and that legislating bans of such weapons would be effective in reducing or eliminating mass shootings."

"Are these assertions fact or fallacy?" ...

The 2nd Amendment Disarmed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charley Reese was a nationally known former Olney Daily Newspaper Contributor. He wrote an article a few years ago after a school shooting in San Diego California stating: 'The superstitious and the ignorant will, of course, try to blame the firearm. A firearm is an inanimate lifeless machine. It cannot do anything on its own but lie in a place until time and oxidation destroys it. To blame a gun for homicide is like giving credit to a hammer for a new house. One would think that, by the 21st century, we would have given up superstition and emotionalism.'" ...

U.N. Maps Show U.S. High in Gun Ownership, Low in Homicides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since 1998, John Lott's seminal work More Guns, Less Crime has been used to show that areas with the highest gun ownership in America experience the least crime on a per capita basis."

"It now appears that what Lott discovered as true for the U.S.A. is true for the world as well as."

"Maps made by the U.N. office on Drugs and Crime (circa 2007) clearly show that where gun ownership is highest in the world, crime is lowest on a per capita basis." ...

Canadian News Anchor Issues Ominous Warning to America: Gun Registration Will Lead to 'Confiscation' (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Living in Canada, Sun News Network anchor Brian Lilley has already seen where seemingly innocent gun control measures can lead. During a news broadcast this week, Lilley warned Americans that gun registration led to gun confiscation in Canada, and the same thing will happen in the U.S. if citizens don’t defend their Second Amendment rights."

"Lilley also told the story of Ian Thompson, who was charged for defending himself with a firearm against four men firebombing his home in Canada."

"'We are at a state in Canada where they don’t want you using firearms for anything. Ever,' Lilley said. 'That’s the push. And as we look at what’s happening in the United States, that’s what’s happening.'" ...

Mr. Colion Noir Needs More Firepower (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Confessions of a Modern Cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By LC Judas

Those who wish to disarm the civilian populace and remove their rights to resist authority or defend themselves on equal ground with any opponent do not fully consider the role of cops in this utopian society of unarmed civilians. Police are not infallible engines of justice. We are people too and we are just as flawed as the civilian inside . . ."

"No populace that removes the ability of the civilian to arm themselves as they see fit retains a non corrupt agency to enforce its laws. Cops are not voted in or out of office. Bad cops take years to flush out. Internal Affairs does a woefully inadequate job of protecting the populace from bad guys with badges." ...

RAS-12 AR-10 Shotgun Upper (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new company by the name of Intrepid Tactical Solutions is developing a 12-gauge-equivalent shotgun upper for AR-10 rifles. It uses a new type of shotgun shell designed to feed reliably and not deform when stored in detachable box magazines."

"The upper is designed to work with AR-10 lowers, which is sure to be a hit with both law enforcement and shotgun enthusiasts alike. The RAS-12 is a good fit for military duty as well." ...

Charting the Price of an AR-15 During the Great AWB Panic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I saw this analysis on Reddit yesterday, and I thought it was brilliant. Compiled by user RESHP1, it tracks the weekly price of a Colt LE6920 as determined by the lowest and highest price paid for a successful auction on Gunbroker. What’s really interesting is how there are two peaks in the price; one a few weeks after the panic started and another after president Obama announced his support for an assault weapons ban ... In general, though, the trend is a downwards one. People seem to be running out of money and supply is starting to catch up with demand. The incoming flood of tax refund checks will keep things hairy for a bit, but the worst may well be over. For now. Make the jump for RESHP1′s more detailed analysis . . ." ...

Self Defense Tip: Practice Magazine Management (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'USPA is free-style,' Chuck Anderson told TTAG this morning. 'You can do whatever you want with your magazines to get through the stage.' I called the United States Practical Shooting Association’s Area 1 Director 'cause I didn’t want to look like an idiot (as if) commenting on Gabby Franco’s magazine management. So, as you can see in the tail end of this video, the former Top Shot competitor has 'issues.' She takes a fresh mag for her Glock from the rearmost position on her belt. After she’s done with her string, the Gabster can’t find a place to reinsert the mag. Which raises a bunch of questions . . ." ...

Gear Review: Leupold Mark AR MOD 1 1.5-4x20mm SPR
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate rages on throughout the Internet about which optic is the best for your 3-gun rifle. Some say Swarovski, but I disagree. Others say Trijicon, and I tend to agree. But what if you don’t have $800 to spend on a scope? And what if you want something that will do a little better at long distance targets? Well then, Leupold has just the ticket . . ."

"Caveat: Leupold is now one of my sponsors. However, this review was written before that happened ..." ...

Gun Review: Ruger SR45
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whenever I hear the letter combination 'SR' I think of the SR-71 Blackbird, the sexiest object ever created by hand of man. While the Ruger SR45 doesn’t quite achieve the legendary spy plane’s height of horniness, it is, nonetheless, a deeply desirable ballistic battler. It’s the kind of gun that reminds a Glock guy why he’s like a happily married man; constantly reminding his high school buddies that looks aren’t everything. True dat. At the end of the day (or the muzzle) a gun’s got to git ‘er done. Does the Ruger SR45′s performance and utility match its suave demeanor? Yes and no. But first a little more about the Ruger SR45′s siren song . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Draw on a Drawn Gun. Unless You Have To.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Two men went inside the Café Chieu Tim in the 8200 block of Antoine, north of West Gulf Bank, about 3 p.m., staying there for 30 to 40 minutes. They spoke with the owner and other patrons,' reports. 'As they began to leave, one pulled a handgun and demanded cash from the owner. The owner, who was in his late 40s, instead drew his own pistol and began firing, but was struck by gunfire and fell dead.' Oh dear. In case you hadn’t figured it out, bringing your weapon to bear on someone pointing a gun at you is strategically inadvisable . . ." ...

New Ad Calling For Universal Background Checks (Which Would Not Have Prevented Any Recent Mass Shooting) (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords narrates an ad released on Monday calling for universal background checks for gun buyers."

"'We have a problem where we shop, where we pray, where our children go to school,' Giffords says in the commercial. 'But there are solutions we can agree on, even gun owners like us. Take it from me, Congress must act. Let’s get this done.'" ...

Leftist Democrat Gutierrez tips his hand: Handgun bans are next… (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not satisfied with trying to ban America’s favorite rifle along with many other long guns commonly used by Americans to defend their homes and families, leftist Democrats have spilled the beans on their next target: handguns."

"Luis Gutierrez, the champion of illegal aliens and all things far leftist, made the revelation in an interview with Rachel Maddow of msnbc." ...

MIT Prof: Ban Semi-Automatic Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'An assault weapon ban is purely window dressing,' MIT applied economics professor Christopher Knittel asserts at 'An assault weapon is merely a semi-automatic rifle that carries its bullets in a magazine and looks vicious. There is nothing, other than its looks, that necessarily differentiates an assault weapon from a semi-automatic rifle that also carries its bullets in a magazine but has a traditional looking stock and is used for big-game hunting.' Unfortunately, that's Professor Knittel’s jumping off point for his editorial Time for Real Gun Control, Not Just Window Dressing . . ." ...

Joe Biden – Guns Are “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ah, here we have some more words of wisdom with Joe Biden."

"Today, Joe is addressing a group of invited Democratic guests at a private gun control summit in Philadelphia."

"According to an article, Joe said, 'This is about restricting access to the type of weapons of mass destruction that these weapons are. They’re killing scores and scores of people.'"

"Maybe Joe and I have different definitions of 'weapons of mass destruction'. Personally, I go with Wikipedia’s definition ..." ...

See Gun Ban Advocates Stripped Of Camouflage & Subterfuge – Video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Rights Supporters:"

"'The Great Gun Debate' I just won in Winston-Salem was a sobering experience, and I came away from it both worried and energized."

"I say 'worried' because I saw more starkly than ever that what we face is not about semi-automatic firearms or even guns in general, but rather a full-on assault on individual liberty." ...

"When WXII created the panel, producers did their best to stack the deck in favor of gun control, but we knew that going in and we certainly didn’t expect to win them over."

"We did it to show you exactly what you face; the lengths they will go to and the lies they will tell in order to take not only your guns, but your freedom. ..." ...

Students Being Encouraged to Make Drawings of Guns in School
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As you can imagine, it is an anti-gun propaganda stunt…. either that or the people charged with keeping our kids safe (and educated) are dumber than we thought." ...

IL: Supt. McCarthy: “Chicago Does Not Have Strict Gun Laws”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Windy City PD Superintendant Garry McCarthy has it all figured out. Finally. He’s looked at his city’s murder rate and discovering that it’s higher than New York, a city with three times the population. His boys have confiscated 109 illegal guns since January 1. Garry’s also apparently been combing through the FBI’s uniform crime reports because he’s found that — shazam! — gangs, drugs and illegal guns are intertwined. I know, right? This is evidently why The Godfather pays him the big bucks. Garry has that unique ability to peer through the miasma of chaos that parts of Chicago has become and he’s put his finger right…on…the…problem. But wait! He has a solution, too . . ." ...

PA: OMG! Pro-2A People! On the Radio! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pittsburgh’s 105.9 The X morning drive host Tim Benz walked out of the studio during his imaginatively named X Morning Show Friday. What could have caused the radio jock to abandon his mic mid-broadcast? Did the station’s program director dictate a Barry Manilow marathon? No, nothing quite that unsettling. Instead, Benz bailed because of the, um, negative feedback he was getting from his listeners as a result of the anti-gun views he’d been spewing over the western Pennsylvania airwaves . . ." ...

Olympic Arms cuts off business to New York over gun restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Olympic Arms – the Washington-based manufacturer of AR-15 type rifles and semiautomatic pistols – announced Tuesday that because of legislation passed recently in the state of New York, the company 'will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York.'"

"Olympic joins other companies that have recently cut off business to various state agencies due to the adoption of firearms regulations. ..." ...

Olympic Arms Stops All Sales to NY LEOs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following in LaRue Tactical’s footsteps, Olympic Arms has announced that police and other government entities in New York are now customers non grata in their store following the passage of new York’s firearms ban. It’s unknown exactly how much business OA does with NYS entities, but I get the feeling that it’s the sentiment that matters the most. Presser after the jump . . ." ...

Daily Digest: If It Saves One Child
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carrying a gun in Rhode Island means I can’t slip into Condition White. If nothing else, I have to be aware of who might be aware that I’m carrying a gun in case they freak. I find that particularly ironic when I’m in a target rich/gun-free environment, especially one filled with children. There I am, the only armed first responder should a maniac pull a Newtown, worrying about being mistaken for a bad guy. Still ... I need to protect my daughter. So I protect my daughter. It’s the same primal urge that led parents to subsidize an armed officer at a Scottsdale school ... Truth be told, it’s the same primal urge that drives civilian disarmament supporters. The crucial difference: we only have to be right once. ..." ...

Olympic Arms, Inc. Announces New York State Sales Policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Due the passing of this legislation, Olympic Arms would like to announce that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee of such an entity - will no longer be served as customers."

"In short, Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York - henceforth and until such legislation is repealed, and an apology made to the good people of the State of New York and the American people." ...

Magpul’s Open Letter to CO Lawmakers – Pass Gun Control, We Leave & Take Our Jobs With Us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Magpul, the maker of one of the most popular AR-15 magazines, the PMAG, along with other AR-15 accessories has posted an open letter to their customers and Colorado lawmakers."

"The company basically says if CO passes a proposed law that would ban magazines over 10 rounds in capacity, they would be forced to move their operation to another state in order to stay in operation." ...

The Killer Ghost in the Machine. Dorner's one-man guerrilla war against the LAPD is a cautionary tale for citizen disarmament advocates.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"But forget about Dorner and look at the lessons his personal war teaches. One man -- ONE MAN -- has for almost a week frightened and tied up the law enforcement resources of an entire state (and I'm sure the Feds are making their contributions behind the scenes too). This is a cautionary tale for any citizen disarmament advocate who blithely assumes (as stupidly as the LAPD was last week) that the 'authorities' are up the challenges of the 4GW civil war that their appetites seem bent upon creating."

"If the ghost in the LAPD machine teaches anything, it is that the resources of the modern surveillance police state are not even up to the challenge of one madman, let alone a determined, thinking minority." ...

Medal of Honor citation, Staff Sergeant Clinton L. Romesha
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On that morning, Staff Sergeant Romesha and his comrades awakened to an attack by an estimated 300 enemy fighters occupying the high ground on all four sides of the complex, employing concentrated fire from recoilless rifles, rocket propelled grenades, anti-aircraft machine guns, mortars and small arms fire." ...

"... Staff Sergeant Romesha’s heroic actions throughout the day-long battle were critical in suppressing an enemy that had far greater numbers. His extraordinary efforts gave Bravo Troop the opportunity to regroup, reorganize and prepare for the counterattack that allowed the Troop to account for its personnel and secure Combat Outpost Keating." ...

WA: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Neighborhood Watch Edition (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Deputies say a 51-year-old man broke into the home where a 24-year-old man and his wife were sleeping. The owner called 911, then armed himself with a pistol while waiting for deputies to arrive.' So far so good. But the intruder, a new renter in the Chehalis, WA neighborhood, was determined. reports that, 'At one point, the suspect charged down a hallway toward the homeowner, who fired a shot, hitting the suspect. ...'"

TX: Houston Homeowner Confronts Multi Home Burglar And Fires Shots at Him (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The homewowner grabbed his gun and chased the would be intruder out of the home and fired two shots at him as he was fleeing the home. Texas law does allow firing at fleeing suspects in some situations."

"Three other homes in the area were burglarized earlier in the day."

Nugent to attend State of the Union address Tuesday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Rights Examiner has confirmed that rocker and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent will attend President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address before Congress Tuesday evening in the House chambers."

"Nugent, who has been an outspoken critic of the president’s gun control position, was invited to the event by Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX), according to the Washington Times and Vanity Fair." ...

Gun Owners Message to the U.S. Senate: Defeat Every Word of Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Owners of America today submitted testimony at the request of the Ranking Member of the Senate Constitution Subcommittee."

"GOA took a strong stance against all the gun control legislation on the table and urged the Senate to put forth real solutions to school violence — like letting teachers and principals protect their students." ...

CCRKBA On State Of The Union Speech Guests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms points out that visitor's gallery will be packed tonight with gun control supporters thanks to the efforts of gun control backing Democrats. This correlates with a tweet this morning from North Carolinians Against Gun Violence congratulating one of their backers for being invited to the State of the Union speech." ...

Gallup Poll: 54 Percent of Americans Disapprove of Obama’s Job on Gun Policies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few things to keep in mind. Americans’ right to keep and bear arms does not depend on popular support per se. It is protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. If gun control advocates want to spike the 2A there’s an app for that. Second, the Gallup poll finding that 54 percent of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s job on gun policies doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t support those policies (i.e. some of them do). A percentage of those respondents feel the President isn’t doing enough about guns. And third, the majority of Americans don’t have a clue what Mr. Obama’s gun policy is. ..." ...

WV: A-Rated Joe Manchin is Against an Assault Weapons Ban. For Now. Really. (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Poor Joe. The Hamlet of The Mountain State has been having a little trouble making up his mind on this whole gun control thing. As someone who just loves to tout his NRA endorsement, he was against it before he was for it. Only now he’s against it again. Honest. As reports, he told an MSNBC talking head that 'I do not support an assault weapon ban because the definition of assault weapon is still hard to come by. So I am not going to comment on people’s legislation. I do not support that approach right now.' For today anyway. ..."

MN: Alice Hausman Schooled On US Constitution Feb 6, 2013 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Representative Alice Hausman (DFL) District: 66A gets some needed refreshing on what the United States Constitution Second Amendment is really about. Correcting her misconceptions with US Supreme Court decisions is Law Professor Joseph Olson. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: This, BTW, is the Rep. who couldn't be bothered to present her own bill!!!

My favorite part is when Prof. Olson tells her "I actually had one of my articles cited in Heller, so I know Judge Scalia is familiar with my work."

MN: Author of gun and ammunition bills misses much of testimony
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two bills that drew the strongest opposition during this week's gun hearings at the Legislature would ban assault-style weapons and the higher-capacity ammunition magazines."

"Both were sponsored by Rep. Alice Hausman of St. Paul, and both drew lengthy and emotional responses from activists and professionals on both sides. Supporters of gun-owners-rights were far more numerous and lined up to speak for hours until the meeting wound up at 10 p.m. Thursday."

"But Hausman was mostly absent during the hearings, leaving the job of defending the bill to gun-control lobbyist Heather Martens of Protect Minnesota. That is an extremely unusual practice for a legislator seeking to get bills passed in the Legislature." ...

3rd District Court Upholds NJ’s One-Gun-a-Month Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'New Jersey’s law that limits handgun purchases to one per month was just upheld by the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals creating a federal law foundation for other states to follow,' Larry Bodine writes at [Click here for the ruling.] ..."

MA: Comm2A Goes To Federal Court Against Four Police Chiefs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Commonwealth Second Amendment, the Massachusetts gun rights organization, has filed suit in US District Court for the District of Massachusetts against four Massachusetts police chiefs. They allege that the chiefs have violated the Second Amendment rights by imposing unreasonable and unlawful licensing restrictions on the plaintiffs." ...

And Your Little Dog, Too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Washington politicians aim to restrict the Second Amendment, they should look in the mirror. The time to control government’s guns is now. Overarmed federal officials increasingly employ military tactics as a first resort in routine law enforcement. From food-safety cases to mundane financial matters, battle-ready public employees are turning America into the United States of SWAT." ...

"These 'ninja bureaucrats,' as Hillyer calls them, run rampant. They, and often their local-government counterparts, deploy weapons against harmless, frequently innocent, Americans who typically are accused of non-violent civil or administrative violations." ...

Question Of The Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The editorial staff at Investors Business Daily have noticed the Department of Homeland Security's exceedingly large ammunition purchases as well as their solicitation for 7,000 select-fire personal defense weapons. It prompts them to ask this question."
"To what purpose is a civilian agency arming itself to the teeth at the same time the administration has been making war on the Second Amendment ..." ...

Only Police Should Be Trusted, Huh?
Submitted by: Bryan Sampsel

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"With the string of recent public shootings, the Press, its talking Heads, and many politicians are all telling the Public that only Police and Military should have guns ... Current events in California are providing a wonderful example of why the Public needs to question such 'wisdom.' Specifically, since Christopher Dorner disappeared after promising violence, the Police themselves are making catastrophic mistakes."

"... while heading into the office, David Perdue was pulled over by police, questioned, and sent on his way. His pickup truck matched the description of Mr. Dorner's truck. Seconds after pulling away, a police cruiser crashed into his vehicle and the officers opened fire. ..."

"... Mr. Dorner is black and ... Mr. Perdue is white, as well a significant height and weight difference between the two." ...

CO: Former Boulder police officer pleads guilty to stalking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Boulder police officer accused of stalking and plotting to kill a fellow officer pleaded guilty in a county courthouse Monday morning."

"In exchange for the remaining charges against him being dropped, Christian McCracken pleaded guilty to one count of felony stalking Monday. Per the plead deal, prosecutors agreed to drop the first degree murder and felony menacing charges." ...

OH: Mock disaster training exercise in Scioto County pits school employees/Second Amendment advocates as "terrorists"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, WSAZ (NBC Huntingon/Charleston, WV) reported recently that Scioto Co., OH held a mock disaster drill in conjunction with Scioto County first responders and the Ohio Army National Guard 52nd Civil Support Unit."

"The training exercise's mock 'enemy?' Second Amendment advocates." ...

"Really? A 'timely' scenario depicting Second Amendment advocates as terrorists is the 'reality of the world we live in?' And isn't it interesting that this 'timely' scenario depicting school employees as potential threats occurs in the midst of a major national push to arm teachers and other school employees to defend against mass murderers who are killing our kids?" ...

OH: Shelby Co. Sheriff's office implements concealed carry/ firearms training course for school administrators and select teachers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shelby Co. Sheriff John Lenhart's office has announced that it is implementing a concealed carry/ firearms training course for school administrators and select teachers."

"Following is the press release, dated Feb. 5, 2013:" ...

GA: Metro police officers arrested in federal corruption investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ten current and former law enforcement officers across several metro Atlanta agencies have been charged in an undercover police corruption investigation." ...

NY: NY state trooper hit with 3rd rape charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state trooper charged with raping two women in northern New York has been charged with attacking a third woman."

"Local media outlets report that 32-year-old Trevor Donah was arraigned Monday in a Plattsburgh court on additional rape charges in an indictment unsealed last Friday. Three days earlier, state police announced they had arrested the 5-year veteran on charges that he raped two women." ...

NJ: Irvington police officer found guilty of kidnapping, official misconduct in split verdict
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Faced with unraveling what had been described as a 'wacky' tale, a jury today handed down a split verdict to an Irvington police officer for his alleged role in the robbery and beating of a teenage girl in a Raritan parking lot in October 2011."

"Officer Herne Lacoste was found guilty of kidnapping, aggravated assault, hindering apprehension and official misconduct. He was found not guilty of robbery and three weapons offenses." ...

MS: No Bond For JPD Detective Charged In Baby's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bond was denied on Tuesday for a Jackson police officer charged in connection with the death of his 1-year-old daughter."

"Charges against Jackson Police Department vice and narcotics Detective Natyyo Gray, 36, were upgraded from felony child abuse to capital murder on Monday after an autopsy confirmed that Aubrey Brown died of internal hemorrhage after suffering blunt-force trauma to the abdomen." ...

IN: Former Rushville police officer charged with misconduct over relationship with teen girl
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Rushville police officer has been arrested after state police say he had an inappropriate relationship with a teenage girl."

"State police said the investigation started in August 2012 after the Rushville City Police Department contacted them about allegations against the officer, 28-year-old Cale Worley."

"Worley was arrested late Friday on a warrant for felony official misconduct (class D felony) and contributing to the delinquency of a minor (class A misdemeanor). According to court documents, Worley sent the 15-year-old girl messages on Facebook and via texts." ...

PA: When Only Police Have Guns . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They shoot each other. Pittsburgh’s tells the tale. 'Allegheny County police Superintendent Charles Moffatt said the girlfriend told 911 dispatchers that her boyfriend had a gun and was distraught. She then locked herself in a bedroom and said that her boyfriend had calmed down. When the three Baldwin officers and a Whitehall officer arrived at the home, Miller went to the door and ordered the man to put his hands up. He [the man in the house] had a milk jug in one hand while his other hand was behind the door. Moffatt said the man tried to close the door and one of the Baldwin officers fired two shots, one striking Miller just below his bulletproof vest . . ." ...

NBC begins week-long series on ‘gun violence’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NBC is kicking off a week-long series of reports about firearms-related violence with Monday’s edition of the 'NBC Nightly News,' and it is not likely the firearms community is going to like what they see as reporters zero in on what it calls 'gun deaths.'"

"This column has already viewed the first two segments. The first installment focuses on the crime problem in New Orleans and how police are dealing with it. The second report looks at one weekend during which several people were killed." ...

Is Reuters helping Obama push gun prohibition?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Fifteen percent hardly makes the president's gun policies a 'top concern,' but the Reuters piece appears to be putting emphasis on what will likely unfold Tuesday evening. President Obama is expected to press his gun prohibition agenda during his State of the Union address, starting at 6 p.m. for West Coast residents. For full effect, several anti-gun House Democrats have invited victims of 'gun violence' to be in the House chamber during the speech." ...

Another Modest Gun Proposal: Firearm Safety Training
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Obama pushed his controversial gun-control agenda and, in an emotional gesture, invoked the blameless victims of firearm violence, a number of whom had been invited to the speech by the White House. A bitter fight lies ahead in Congress over Obama’s proposals for an assault weapons ban, restrictions on large ammunition magazines, and an expanded criminal background check for potential gun buyers."

"Strangely, there are other gun-control possibilities, which lack Second Amendment radioactivity, yet receive little to no attention. ..." ...

If we lose one right, others may be next
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have read everyone’s views on gun control and concluded after reading letters from lawyers, teachers, students and even prisoners that I’m glad I didn’t waste money going to college."

"People think if it looks like something the military uses, it’s a military style weapon. ... Anything the military has should not be in the hands of civilians."

"Shouldn’t we include certain type of computers — the ones that can hack into military sites and steal sensitive information or cause children to commit suicide from cyber-bullying."

"Do we really need high speed Internet. How about military style clothes — cargo pants (to hide stolens items?)" ...

Well Over 65 Million Guns Sold Since Obama Took Office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, since February 1, 2009 there have been over 65,000,000 background checks for gun purchases in the United States."

"That number is probably a good bit lower than the actual number of guns sold though since many states allow purchasers to show their state carry permit to purchase a gun without a background check and one background check can be good for multiple guns." ...

Second Highest Adjusted NICS Checks On Record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has posted their adjusted NICS checks for the month of January 2013 and they are astounding. Not only does this mark the 32nd straight month of increases compared to the prior period the year before but the numbers for January constitute the second highest month on record. Only the previous month of December eclipsed the January numbers." ...

IL: GSL is on Chicago Police Chief’s radar, and under his skin…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’re pleased to say that we are on Chicago Police SuperNintendo Garry McCarthy’s radar."

"In fact, we’re under his skin too."

"He whined at a news conference yesterday for media to quit 'adopting the rhetoric of the gun advocates' in writing that Chicago has strict gun laws. His Orwellian comment was about as laughable as his tenure as Chicago’s Police Chief." ...

Shooting Like a Girl
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On this cold February morning, I’m walking around the 'pits' – three sided enclosures created by giant concrete blocks. These are shooting bays at the Arnold Rifle and Pistol Club south of St. Louis. I have spent the last hour or so developing numb fingers in pursuit of setting up six 'stages' for an International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) match. Most of us are some form of old fat white guy, so when the slender figure wearing a black, white and red letter jacket rolled up towing a red collapsible cart, I knew it was either a young woman, or a very slight man. It was, in fact, high school senior Emily, here to compete with the boys . . ." ...

OH: Hunters Harvest Nearly 219,000 White-Tailed Deer in Ohio in 2012-2013
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Deer-archery season ended Feb. 3, bringing the white-tailed deer season to a close. Hunters harvested 218,910 white-tailed deer during Ohio’s 2012-2013 hunting seasons for all implements, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Hunters checked 219,748 deer in 2011-2012, a difference of less than 1,000 deer this season."

"'Ohio has become one of the nation's top destinations for hunting white-tailed deer,' said ODNR Director James Zehringer. 'We would like to thank the nearly 500,000 outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen that participated during this hunting season. It is their efforts in the field that help us provide some of the best outdoor recreational opportunities in the country.'" ...

OH: ODNR proposes eliminating bonus deer gun weekend in favor of new early deer muzzleloader weekend, extended hunting hours & more
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An October antlerless-only white-tailed deer muzzleloader hunting season, extended hunting hours and new bag limits were proposed to the Ohio Wildlife Council on Wednesday, Feb. 6, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)."

"The proposed antlerless-only muzzleloader hunting season would be Oct. 12-13 and scheduled for the second weekend of October in subsequent years. The proposal includes making the October muzzleloader season for antlerless deer only, regardless of the method of take, and eliminating both the bonus gun weekend in December and the early muzzleloader season at three public hunting areas (Salt Fork Wildlife Area, Shawnee State Forest and Wildcat Hollow)." ...

They should have stopped with "Congress shall make no Law..."

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