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Newslinks for 2/15/2005

An interview with a lethal man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Massad Ayoob is arguably one of the most lethal men around, in fact he even trains others in the use of deadly force. Many people cannot distinguish the difference between 'dangerous' and 'lethal.' When they hear that someone is an expert in handgun combat, urban rifle, knife/counter-knife, close-quarters battle and stressfire shotgun, they automatically think of someone to be feared. ..." ...

"Q: In your book, The Truth About Self Protection, you say we have the right to protect ourselves. How do you respond to those who say it only promotes the 'cycle of violence'?"

"A: I refer them to Biology 101. When the predator chases down, destroys, and consumes its prey without intervention, the cycle of its violence continues. When the given predator is taken out of circulation, then by definition, its cycle of violence is ended for the duration. The criminal is the actor, his prey merely the reactor, and the cycle is dependent on the action of the predator." ...

Just Another Day in America, Says Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence United with the Million Mom March
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Robert Bonelli, 24, a troubled young adult with a collection of Columbine memorabilia in his home, opened fire Sunday on shoppers at a mall in New York with an AK-47 clone assault rifle."

"Where did he get the gun? Wherever he wanted to. On the same day he walked into the Best Buy store at the Hudson Valley Mall, gun sellers across America were offering weapons so powerful and advanced that they have been the subject of recent global security complaints by the United States government." ...

KABA Note: New York State has its own state level 'assault weapons' ban.

Remington 700 Classic Deluxe -- A bolt-action classic gets a tasteful facelift
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever had an interest in designing your own rifle? Ever think about changing the look and feel of one you already own? Most of us have thought about it, and a lot of people have done it. I used to imagine the "perfect" Remington 700, a rifle that has stood the tests of time and trends. It's been available in nearly 50 different variations, the most successful of which has remained the 700 BDL."

"It's an ordinary-looking rifle in a classic design, including a raised cheekpiece and comb, ebony fore-end tip and grip cap and barrel-mounted iron sights. They tend to shoot very well right out of the box, and I've always been fond of them. But I've never kept the ones I've owned for very long; I've traded them or had them customized." ...

Under sail in the frozen north
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are nearly at 80 degrees north, well inside the Arctic Circle, when we spot a polar bear. We edge the yacht closer to the solitary granite rock where, under the soft glow of the midnight sun and framed by purple peaks, wide blue glaciers and a cold black sea, we gaze at this fearless creature tearing at a seal. Occasionally it turns its great head and gives us an icy stare."

"No amount of National Geographic Channel will prepare you for your first encounter with a polar bear in the wild. Your first response is likely to be a pump of adrenalin, followed by a loosening of the bowel." ...

"In Svalbard, off the coast of which we are sailing, polar bears and how not to get eaten by them is taken seriously. Attacks are infrequent but nearly always fatal and you are required by law to carry a high-powered rifle when venturing outdoors." [emphasis added] ...

Pocket Rocket -- The tiny but terrific .204 Ruger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hornady and Ruger, which have combined to give us such excellent cartridges as the .480 Ruger and the new .17 HMR, have come up with yet a third, and it is a true delight for varmint hunters of all stripes (although not for varmints of all stripes; they will probably detest it). Called the .204 Ruger, it’s a .20-caliber cartridge."

"The .20 caliber is not a new idea. Back in the 1960s, there were .20- and .17- and even .14-caliber wildcats. These were loosely referred to as sub-calibers. If you turn to page 260 of P.O. Ackley’s Handbook for Shooters and Reloaders (published in 1962), you will see a wildcat called the .20/222 and this comment: 'An even better cartridge might be made by necking down the .222 Remington Magnum.' And that is exactly what Hornady has done." ...

AZ: 'Guns in bars' bill back for 2nd shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pistols, rifles, shotguns - Arizonans soon could load them up and tote them into the bar or nightclub of their choice."

"In a latest tribute to the Wild West, Arizona legislators have come up with a plan to legalize loaded weapons in places that serve alcohol."

"Senate Bill 1363 breezed through the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 5-2 vote Monday and appears headed toward a promising future in the full Senate and House."

"To help ease its passage, lawmakers have added a twist: Arizonans would have to avoid actually drinking an alcoholic beverage while carrying the loaded weapon."

"The measure would apply to restaurants, bars and nightclubs that served alcohol." ...

NH: Arms continue to evolve
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A postcard from the Ithaca Gun Company outlining some new products brought to mind a flood of memories owning and using an Ithaca Model 37 for more years than I want to admit."

"Most repeating shotguns, pumps and semi-automatics eject spent shotgun hulls horizontally to the right. This is a major disadvantage for the left-handed shooter. This is well beyond the nuisance and distraction factor, as the hull is crossing in front of the left-handed shooter's line of sight. Both right- and left-handed shooters benefited from Ithaca's bottom loading and ejecting action." ...

NY: Assault rifle was legal, even before ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anybody could have bought that gun."

"It's not illegal to buy it or to own it."

"Authorities say Robert Bonelli Jr. bought the Soviet AK-47 knockoff about four months ago at a gun show somewhere in the area."

"Typically, he would have spent between $250 and $275 for it."

"That's cheap, experts say."

"Police say Bonelli used a Hesse Model 47 semiautomatic rifle to terrorize patrons Sunday at the Hudson Valley Mall."

"Sources said Bonelli, 24, from Glasco, bought the gun in October, a month after a federal 10-year ban on assault weapons expired."

"Town of Ulster police said Bonelli fired between 50 and 60 rounds inside Best Buy and the mall Sunday. He reloaded once. He used 30-bullet magazines, officials said." ...

Submitter's Note: Best Buy company policy prohibits employees from being armed, or even having weapons in their cars in the parking lot.

NY: Store Owner Shoots Would-Be Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jewelry store owner takes action after some would-be robbers put a gun to his head, but instead of handing over the jewels, he pulled out a gun."

"The owner of Estate Jewelry thought he was about to make a sweet Valentines day sale but instead, he became the victim of a horrifying ordeal. His store was about to be robbed, but the tables turned quickly."

"'They came in with guns and pointed a gun to my head. They wanted to rob my store. It is as simple as that. I defended myself,' says Barry Fixler, the would-be robbery victim." ...

"With not one but two assault rifles pointed at his head, Fixler says he was able to lunge away grabbing hold of his personal handgun firing off several rounds. Once the smoke cleared, one suspect was hit and the second man got away." ...

Submitter's Note: Too bad this store wasn't located in the Hudson Valley Mall.

CO: Murder suicide shocks a Colorado Springs community
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Colorado Springs men are dead after what police are calling a murder suicide. Around 11:30 Sunday morning a man showed up at his estranged wife's home in the Cragmoor Trailer Park, armed with a rifle or a shotgun."

"Lieutenant Rafael Cintron of the Colorado Springs Police Department explains, 'The suspect eventually retreats away from the trailer, runs back to the first trailer, where um we think that he positioned himself towards the rear of the trailer, it appears that he shot and killed himself.'"

"Family members say their relationship ended a year ago, but neighbors say they'd seen him around until last month when his wife filed a restraining order." [emphasis added] ...

DE: Burglary suspect shot near Smyrna
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A burglary suspect, already wanted on drug and weapons charges, was shot in the face while trying to stab a Smyrna-area resident and his neighbor, police said Monday." ...

"A 58-year-old man saw a stranger inside the shed next door and armed himself with a .38-caliber revolver before going to alert his neighbor, said state police spokesman Cpl. Jeff Oldham."

"The neighbor and the resident, who is 43, went to the shed and were confronted by the intruder, who was armed with a knife, Oldham said." ...

"With his upper body outside the door, the intruder kept jabbing the knife at the men, Oldham said. They told the man repeatedly to drop the knife, but he kept trying to stab them, Oldham said."

"The neighbor then fired his gun once, hitting the intruder in the face, Oldham said. ..." ...

South Africa: Hijacker shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A hijack victim critically wounded his hijacker in Esther Park on Saturday night, North Rand police said on Sunday.

Superintendent Eugene Opperman said the man was in his driveway when a car with three hijackers stopped near the gate.

The robbers approached the man and threatened him with firearms before demanding the keys to his car.

"The victim then managed to draw his own pistol and fire shots at the robbers. One robber was critically wounded in the head. The other two jumped into their vehicle and sped away from the scene," he said. [emphasis added]

The injured man was taken to hospital.

IN: Cops: Gavit student arrested with loaded gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Gavit High School student was arrested Monday after carrying a loaded gun in school, police said."

"Javier Solis Jr., 16, of 7529 Howard Ave., Hammond, was arrested on a felony charge of possession of a firearm on school property, said Lt. Richard Hoyda, Hammond police spokesman. Hoyda noted that the Lake County prosecutor released the suspect's name due to the pending felony charge."

"Solis also may be charged with theft, Hoyda said, as the gun had been reported stolen from East Chicago on May 16." ...

TN: Teen facing gun charge, expulsion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 16-year-old, accused of bringing a loaded gun to school and telling police he wanted to shoot a teacher, is undergoing a mental evaluation and facing expulsion."

"The Milan High School student told police Thursday that a teacher made him mad Feb. 4 and he was going to shoot her, according to a Milan Police Department report on the incident. He also told police he was upset with some students who had been making fun of his family and he was going to put a stop to it, the report said."

"Police removed a .22-caliber revolver from the student's book bag with 'one unspent .22-caliber hollow point in the chamber,' the report said." ...

Australia: Teens face knife charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE said two teenagers will be charged after entering a school in Brisbane's southern suburbs and threatening students with a number of knives." ...

"In the lead-up to the incident, one of the boys – a student of the school – made threats via e-mail to his former girlfriend against her new boyfriend. He told her he owned a 9mm pistol and intended to use it." ...

"The pair were remonstrating when a teacher became involved. It was then a large black knife which was concealed beneath the boy's shirt was produced."

"The two 15-year-old boys were later found in a nearby street, allegedly in possession of a number of knives but no firearms."

"They will be charged with going armed in public and threatening behaviour."

MA: Ex-officer cites stress in shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a desperate moment four years ago, Brockton police Officer David Alexis fired a bullet through his leather jacket and frantically yelled into his radio that he had just confronted a suspicious person. 'I've been shot!' he said. 'I've been shot!'"

"Alexis later conceded that he made the bogus call while on duty March 1, 2001, but not before it triggered a massive hunt for a nonexistent shooter, ultimately leading to the arrest several days later of Clifford Montrond, then 19, who spent nine days in jail before being exonerated."

"'I wasn't thinking straight,' Alexis told a federal court in Boston yesterday, in the opening day of testimony in a civil case Montrond has brought against him, three other officers, and the City of Brockton." ...

MO: Thirty East Saint Louis auxiliary police officers fired after background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than half of East St. Louis' 58 auxiliary police officers have been fired after background checks uncovered a range of problems, from traffic tickets to misdemeanor criminal offenses."

"The 30 unpaid, volunteer officers were ordered to turn in their badges and identification cards, Acting Police Chief Marion Hubbard said Saturday."

"'So many of them had different types of convictions, we had to do a purging of the rolls,' Hubbard said."

"Officials also are conducting background checks on the department's 65 regular police officers to ensure all have high school diplomas or the general equivalency diploma and no criminal offenses or major misdemeanors in their background, Hubbard said." ...

VA: Boy killed at Sussex deputy’s home, police say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The accidental shooting that left a 12-year-old boy dead Sunday happened at the home of a Sussex County deputy sheriff, a police spokesman said Monday."

"The deputy’s 13-year-old stepson was handling a pistol at his Surry County home when it discharged, striking the other boy in the upper body."

"The deputy was on duty and not at home, said Sgt. D.S. Carr, spokesman for the State Police."

"The two boys were in the deputy’s yard on Rolfe Highway near the Surry County Courthouse when the shooting happened at 9:15 a.m." ...

"The shooting is still being investigated by the State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation. No arrests have been made." ...

NY: Officer's Acts Before Killing of Immigrant Are Examined
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An undercover officer who came upon an unarmed man during a police raid in a Chelsea warehouse in 2003 aggressively drew him into a conflict that ended with the officer fatally shooting him, a prosecutor said yesterday."

"The officer, Bryan A. Conroy, was quick to aim his gun at the man, Ousmane Zongo, an African immigrant, when the two encountered each other during the raid on a counterfeit CD operation, said the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Armand Durastanti." ...

"'The defendant chose to initiate this encounter with the unarmed Mr. Zongo,' Mr. Durastanti continued, 'not by saying, 'Excuse me, sir,' or 'Hi, how are you doing?' but by standing in a combat position and 'drawing his Smith & Wesson semiautomatic pistol and pointing it at the man.'" ...

NJ: Airport Screener Misses Butcher Knife
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"A security screener at Newark Liberty International Airport failed to spot a butcher knife in a passenger's pocketbook and was removed from the post for retraining, officials said."

"Katrina Bell, 27, had cleared security and was waiting with her sister to board a flight on Saturday morning when she discovered she was carrying a knife."

Submitter's Note: I am from the government and I am here to protect you .. uh... me ... uh ... somebody .... Never mind .... fill out this form ... wait in line for a number and somebody may contact you.

TX: Concern raised by government officials whose misdeeds draw little penalty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Rio Grande Valley has had a rash of government officials caught apparently driving drunk. Or not."

"Many of them enjoyed reduced or even dismissed charges after their respective arrests, meaning the sentencing structure created to make people think twice about drinking and driving won’t be invoked." ...

"Like any legal issue, each of these cases deserves to be reviewed separately. Their frequency, however, raises concerns in two ways."

"First is the frequency of government officials and employees who apparently are willing to hit the road after hitting a few highballs. To be sure, these people are just as human as anybody else, but one would hope that a person who takes a job in public service wishes to set an example for others to see. ..." ...

Canada: Toronto police address rash of gun attacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Toronto's police chief is pushing for tougher sentences for criminals who use firearms after a wave of gun violence swept through the city over the weekend."

"Since Friday, there have been a total of five shootings across Toronto that left two people dead and at least seven injured."

"At a news conference Monday, police Chief Julian Fantino announced seizures of a "frightening arsenal of firearms" in recent weeks -- including shotguns, sniper rifles, military armour-piercing ammunition rounds and a small amount of explosives."

"Fantino said these weapons are just a small example of what's still in the hands of 'hardcore gun crazed gangsters' on Toronto streets." ...

Submitter's Note: But what about your $2 BILLION gun registry? Isn't that helping?

ID: Concealed weapons permits: What you need to know
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are more than 40,000 active concealed weapons permits in the state of Idaho."

"A concealed weapon is defined as a dirk, dirk knife, bowie knife, dagger, pistol, revolver or any other deadly or dangerous weapon."

"Those wishing to apply for a concealed weapons permit can pick up an application packet at the records division of the Twin Falls County Sheriff's Department at the courthouse or at the DMV."

"Capt. Ike Maxson handles the applications and conducts local criminal background checks."

"More checks are performed on a state and federal level." ...

"Permit holders are not allowed to bring concealed weapons into certain places, such as courthouses, schools, post offices and any business that posts a sign stating firearms are not allowed." ...

SD: Bill would remove waiting period for pistols sold at gun shows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The 48-hour waiting period for pistols should not apply to sales by those who are not federally licensed firearms dealers, a Senate panel decided Monday.

The bill would clarify language in an existing law that requires any gun dealer to wait 48 hours after a sale before delivering a pistol. Supporters of the bill have said the waiting period places an undue burden on private sales between gun owners.

The measure would mean people who are not licensed dealers could sell guns, even at gun shows, and not have to wait 48 hours before delivering the weapons to buyers.

The Judiciary Committee unanimously sent HB1189 to the full Senate.

Submitter's Note: No, that headline isn't misleading at all!

MT: Anti-federal bills move forward in House
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawmakers in the Montana House of Representatives collectively thumbed their noses at the federal government Monday by approving two bills exempting guns from federal regulations and driver's licenses from national standardization requirements."

"The bills by Reps. Diane Rice, R-Harrison, and Roger Koopman, R-Bozeman, do different things but are driven by the same concern: the erosion of personal liberties by the federal government."

"Koopman said Monday his gun bill, House Bill 366, would inspire a home-grown industry of gun-makers who produce firearms to be sold in Montana. It also sends a message reaffirming states' rights." ...

"Koopman's HB 366 would exempt guns made in Montana from federal regulation under the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution, as long as the guns remain inside the state." ...

MD: Shooting range definition debated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A change has been proposed to the definition of shooting ranges in Accomack County, but hunting enthusiasts worried about how new county regulations might affect their sport may be able to rest easier."

"The Accomack County Planning Commission voted 7-1 last week to move forward on a preliminary definition of a shooting range as 'an outdoor area designed for the safe discharge of rifles, shotguns, pistols and similar firearms at targets (including skeet and trap) for recreational use and/or firearm education and training.'"

"A 7 p.m. public hearing on the proposed definition and requirements for shooting ranges will be held March 9 at the Board of Supervisors' chambers." ...

United Arab Emirates: Glock to set up assembly line for pistols in UAE
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Glock, an Austrian company has unveiled plans to set up an assembly line for pistols in Dubai to meet the growing demand from several markets in the Middle East. The announcement of the company’s plans was made at IDEX 2005 – the 7th Internatio0nal Exhibition & Conference being held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE."

"'We have begun negotiations with the Dubai government and some private companies to set up an assembly line for Glock’s pistols,' Marcus Klausner, Director, Glock Middle East, FZE told reporters at a news conference at the IDEX venue. ..." ...

Australia: 94 firearms seized in raids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 33-year-old man has been arrested in raids targeting illegal gun trafficking in Darwin, the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) said today.

The was charged with 14 counts of cross border firearms trafficking, with more charges likely, the ACC said.

Some 94 weapons were seized in the weekend raids.

Nine of the seized firearms were prohibited, including a Colt revolver, four semi-automatic rifles and a World War II F1 machine gun. [emphasis added]

Authorities also seized a large amount of ammunition during the joint NT Police-ACC investigation.

The investigation, called Operation Pinnmore, began in the NT in September 2003, ACC chief executive officer Alastair Milroy said.

Australia: Police push for semi-automatic guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE Victorian police union has flagged industrial action as part of a push for all frontline officers to be issued with semi-automatic pistols."

"The Police Association also today condemned any attempt by police command to wind back the issue of guns to operational members."

"Workplace delegates at a meeting in Melbourne today unanimously endorsed the introduction of semi-automatic weapons and expressed outrage at a proposal to go before Victoria Police's corporate committee tomorrow to remove weapons from some members." ...

"Victoria and South Australia are the only states where police are not issued with semi-automatic pistols. But SA is currently trialling semi-automatics." ...

Australia: Group watches cowardly attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"UP to 12 people were involved in an unprovoked, brutal attack on a 14-year-old boy on Saturday night."

"About 10 of them watched as two others took turns kicking and punching Brendan in the head until he bled." ...

"Two cars, with about six people in each, pulled up near them and the boys began to walk away."

"In a vicious attack Brendan was pushed to the ground and beaten as Scott ran home to raise the alarm." ...

"The boys' mothers, Julie and Jenner, yesterday called for witnesses to help track down their sons' attackers."

"'Who gets pleasure from beating up a kid?' Julie said. 'We want anyone out there who has a conscience to tell the police. We want the streets to be safe for our kids again.'" ...

Submitter's Note: But wasn't banning guns going to 'make the streets safer'?

Abu Dhabi: Russia takes part in Abu Dhabi arms show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pistol shooting right through a full level bulletproof vest, state-of-the-art tank and aircraft weapon sights and electronic warfare devices are on display in the Russian pavilion at the IDEX-2005 international arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi. As always, the show attracts many visitors."

"About 900 companies from 50 countries are presenting their products in the UAE capital, more than 40 of them from Russia. Almost all kinds of weapons, from small arms to artillery pieces and armoured vehicles are on display." ...

"Some Russian products have been bought by the British Ministry of Defence."

"The stand with Kalashnikov assault rifles attracts the most attention. The famous weapon designer himself was demonstrating them."

Tanzania: Robbers now use legally owned arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Tanzanians strongly disputed the private sale of firearms a couple of years ago, they probably had in mind the fear of ‘wrong hands’ grabbing the weapons and their worry is now justified."

"An investigation carried by The Guardian has established that legally owned firearms are hired to criminals and have become a 'good' source of income in Dar es Salaam."

"Our investigation has also established that information leading to clandestine deals on the misuse of firearms, has already reached the police, who are now spending sleepless nights, trying to work out stringent measures before any ownership of a firearm is approved." ...

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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