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Newslinks for 2/16/2005

Gun Control Fails Again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense wishes to express our sincere regrets to the victims of the Kingston NY shooting incident, and to remind citizens they should not judge 180 million American gun owners by these isolated incidents."

"Every day that events like Kingston occur, there are an estimated 5,479 other crimes successfully deterred nationwide by armed Americans who were prepared to defend life and limb with a firearm. For those of you who wonder if there just may be some bias against guns and self-defense in the media, kindly note that almost never are any of those 5,479 daily instances where guns are used in self defense reported in the newspaper." ...

The Klan's Favorite Law -- Gun control in the postwar South
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you believe everything that Michael Moore says in Bowling for Columbine and his books, then you would think that 'pro-gun' people are white racists, and that 'gun control' would be a wonderful way to help minorities. But a look at America's past reveals what historian Clayton Cramer has accurately called 'The Racist Roots of Gun Control.'"

"After the Civil War, the defeated Southern states aimed to preserve slavery in fact if not in law. The states enacted Black Codes which barred the black freedmen from exercising basic civil rights, including the right to bear arms. Mississippi's provision was typical: No freedman 'shall keep or carry fire-arms of any kind, or any ammunition.'" ...

Gun Control in Canada Today. The U.S. Tomorrow?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Canadians firearms owners, like their American countparts, view their guns as symbols of tradition and independence. Unfortunately this is where any similarity ends. Americans are blessed with the Second Amendment. We in Canada have no such protection. In fact Canadians possess no gun Rights at all." ...

"The new Firearms Act (C-68) was so voluminous, complicated and ill conceived, that lawyers could barely decipher it. Firearms owners became second class citizens -- citizens under extreme scrutiny by the State. One senior Justice Department official was quoted as saying, 'Firearm ownership and use is a highly questionable activity that demands strict controls.'" ...

MN: If he can't carry a gun, who can?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If the Minnesota Court of Appeals is having trouble deciding the fate of the Minnesota Personal Protection Act [MN's 'shall-issue' permit law], they should consider the story of Matthew Dirks. The 23-year-old East Side native served 15 months with the Army in Iraq at Baghdad International Airport and Camp Dogwood. Last week, St. Paul Police Chief John Harrington denied him a carry permit." ...

"Clearly, two things should happen as a result of Dirks' ordeal. The Court of Appeals should realize that regardless of its legislative genesis, the MPPA is a far better system than what we had before. And Harrington should give Dirks his permit."

TX: City passes rule banning guns from some public buildings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City Council passed an ordinance Monday declaring four areas off-limits to handguns."

"The council voted 4-0 — Councilmember Celestino Ramirez was not present — to ban handguns from the Public Safety Building, City Hall, Speer Memorial Library and the Mission Parks and Recreation Department office."

"The Public Safety Building houses both the police department and municipal court."

"'I have to look after the welfare of our citizens,' said City Manager Isauro Treviño. 'I don’t think having a handgun around any city building is safe for any person.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Isauro ignores the fact shown by DPS figures that permit holders are significantly more law abiding than non-permit holders.

WI: Police: Beware When Making Night Bank Deposits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This past weekend marked the third time within a week that robbers struck outside a bank in Green Bay late at night."

"Just over a week ago, a Domino's Pizza employee was robbed at gunpoint at Associated Bank on Fisk and West Mason streets."

"Four nights later, just blocks away, a robber snatched a money bag from the hand of a business customer at M & I Bank on South Military Avenue."

"This past Saturday, another Domino's Pizza employee said he sped away as two men, one carrying a handgun, approached his car at the Associated Bank on Main Street."

"All three business customers were making night deposits at their bank depositories." ...

Submitter's Note: WI prohibits concealed carry and while open carry is allowed, the weapon must be unloaded and locked up while in a car.

NY: Gun control advocates speak out on assault weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last weekend's shooting spree at the Hudson Valley Mall in Ulster County has gun control advocates renewing calls for a ban on all assault weapons."

"They are asking the governor and the state legislature to quickly pass an assault weapons ban on the state level. They said the gun that was used in Sunday's shooting was a Model 47, which is a copy-cat of an AK-47. Model 47s are legal, but activists said they are equivalent in strength to banned AK-47s." ...

"Statewide representatives from the National Rifle Association said they share the grief of the community over Sunday's shooting. However, they said trying to control criminal behavior by restricting the freedoms of citizens is not an effective way to control crime."

CA: Microstamping for Macroinfringement
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"California Assemblything Paul Koretz (D-West Hollyweird, etc.), has introduced a bill that 'would, commencing January 1, 2007, expand the definition of unsafe handgun to include semiautomatic pistols that are not designed and equipped with a microscopic array of characters, that identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol, etched into the interior surface or internal working parts of the pistol, and which are transferred by imprinting on each cartridge case when the firearm is fired.'" ...

"This will, of course, stop and/or solve no violent crimes (as if that's justification for infringing on our rights). That’s not the point." ...

IN: Assault weapons are no more dangerous than the average pistol [letter]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I read John Tsolakos' opinion on why the ban on assault weapons should remain in effect. Since then, I have been rereading the federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, thinking I must have missed something. I now am certain I haven't."

"The bill defines 'assault weapon' as a semi-automatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of these: a folding or telescoping stock; a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; a bayonet mount; a flash suppresser or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppresser; and a grenade launcher. Nowhere is this firearm described as "continuous-fire," as Tsolakos has stated." ...

CT: Briefs from the state Capitol [second story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawmakers are debating whether to prohibit the sale of .50-caliber rifles to private citizens."

"Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney said he proposed the bill in the interest of protecting homeland security."

"'A .50-caliber sniper rifle is not a hunting weapon. It is a military weapon,' Looney, D-New Haven, told the Public Safety and Security Committee. 'It does not have any place in the hands of civilians.'"

"The bill would not let people, firms, businesses or organizations sell or deliver the weapons. It would also require people to obtain permits to possess a .50-caliber weapon." ...

NH: Judge: Denying yearbook photo not unconstitutional
Submitted by: Glenn Douglas

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"A federal judge yesterday rejected Londonderry High School senior Blake Douglass’ request for a preliminary injunction to compel school officials to publish his submitted yearbook photo, which features a broken-open shotgun slung over his shoulder." ...

"In January, the school board passed a district-wide policy that bans all props in portraits, including musical instruments, pets, athletic equipment or vehicles, and prohibits students from wearing clothes with slogans or political statements." ...

VA: Two BB guns found at Bayside Middle School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Va. Beach sixth graders face expulsion after being charged with having BB guns at school."

"Police said the students had the guns Monday at Bayside Middle School."

"A student apparently told a teacher that another student was showing them off in a rest room. The school resource officer found the students and got the guns."

"Authorities said a 12-year-old brought the two BB guns to school and gave one to a 13-year-old student, who they say concealed it. Police said the guns look like a semi-automatic handgun." ...

"Both students were charged with possession of a firearm on school property. The 13-year old also was charged with having a concealed weapon." ...

CA: BHS Student Faces Hearing on Gun Possession
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Berkeley High School student accused of inadvertently bringing a gun on campus in her backpack is entitled to an expulsion hearing before the school board which could limit her punishment, expel her for a full year, or find her innocent, according to a youth rights expert."

"Two weeks ago, a BHS student, whose name has not been released, was detained by school safety officers and then arrested by Berkeley police after classmates saw the gun in her backpack. BHS Vice Principal of Discipline and Safety Denise Brown said that the student’s father told Brown that he had given the girl the gun for 'safekeeping.'"

"The gun had one bullet in the chamber, although the student told school officials she thought she had emptied the gun." ...

MI: Rape prevention education
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is no greater sense of reality as a woman to the threat of a sexual assault than when it affects someone that is closely linked to you. This could be a co-worker, sister, friend, or classmate. The orchestra of emotions that comes together when sexual assault and/or rape occurs hardly does justice to understanding the problems that occur within college communities against women."

"After an incidence of sexual assault occurred close to my social circle, I started to ask myself a lot of questions regarding how to deal with the situation, and support my friend. I started asking questions like, 'Why did this happen?' and 'How can I prevent this from happening to me?'" ...

Submitter's Note: To start with, lobby your school to discontinue its 'rapist protection' disarmament policies.

MD: Tape Shown of Officer Allegedly Beating Handcuffed Man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prince George's County prosecutors on Tuesday showed jurors a videotape that allegedly shows a county police officer kicking and striking a handcuffed suspect after a police chase."

"The tape, shown on the second day of Cpl. Bryan K. Addis's trial for second-degree assault and making a false entry on a public record, is central to the prosecution's claim that the officer used excessive force while arresting the carjacking suspect Oct. 5, 2003."

"However, Addis's attorneys argue that the officer's use of force to subdue Vernon Bullock after a high speed chase was justified because he didn't not know whether Bullock was armed when he crashed a stolen van after exiting the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Greenbelt." ...

OH: Police chief suspended for leaving loaded gun in library
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police chief will be suspended for a week without pay, a punishment she recommended for leaving her purse at a library with a loaded pistol inside."

"The Columbus suburb's mayor issued the punishment Monday for Chief Jeanne Miller after other officers confronted the chief about the Jan. 3 incident at the Reynoldsburg Public Library."

"Miller said she realized after she drove off that she left her purse slung on chair at a computer terminal. She said she radioed other officers for help and raced back to retrieve it. The chief was off-duty at the time."

"During an internal investigation, Miller volunteered that she had left her 9 mm gun at a restaurant five years earlier, Safety/Service Director Sharon Reichard said." ...

PA: Man Charged with Burglarizing Police Department
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man now sits in Susquehanna County jail, accused of breaking into the Forest City Police Department and stealing guns and badges.

Timothy Abuiz was brought to Susquehanna County from New York state. He faces charges there too.

Police said Abuiz is the man who broke into the Forest City police department last year and stole the guns. When he was arrested in New York last February, he had a rifle that belonged to the Forest City police.

Abuiz is being held on $25,000 bail.

AL: Police Officer Heads to Court, Accused of Murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer who's charged with murder heads to court tomorrow."

"Wednesday, Young himself prepares to head to court. This time, he's the suspect accused of murder."

"Investigators believe young shot Curtis Anderton in a fit of rage January 15. The two were reportedly arguing over an alleged affair between young and Anderton's wife. Young has said the shooting was in self-defense."

"Regardless, the officer was arrested, charged and placed on administrative leave following the shooting. He's since hired Huntsville defense attorney Robert Tuten. Tuten has been gathering evidence in Richard Young's defense." ...

LA: SWAT Weapons, Equipment Stolen In Rash Of Jefferson Burglaries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rash of burglaries at an apartment complex parking lot included the theft of weapons, body armor and other equipment from a member of a state police SWAT team." ...

"Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputies said the stolen items included a .223-caliber sniper rifle, a .308-caliber sniper rifle, a semiautomatic assault rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun, a .38-caliber revolver and several boxes of ammunition. Also taken were body armor, an assault helmet, a night-vision system and goggles, handcuffs, two scopes for the rifles and several holsters."

"The gear, not standard issue for patrol troopers, is used when the SWAT team is mobilized to handle volatile assignments such as stand-offs or hostage situations." ...

NC: Shooting Leaves Man Critical -- Fight at Benson home revolved around woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Sunday shooting at an Elm Street home in Benson left a man in critical condition and the 70-year-old gunman in jail, according to Benson Police ..."

"... Benson Police Det. Randy Beasley said Marvin Jethro Parker shot 37-year-old David Wayne Cox during a confrontation outside Mr. Parker’s house. ..."

"Det. Beasley said Mr. Parker shot and killed a man in Cumberland County in 1995, but was not prosecuted."

"'I know he’s been charged previously with shooting and actually killing someone, but he got out of the charge because it was self-defense,' Det. Beasley said." [emphasis added]

Submitter's Note: Now there is an interesting attitude for a cop to have about self-defense.

VA: Old Guard Soldier Charged in Slaying of Friend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michael Kenagy's parents knew their son was putting his life on the line when he joined the Army. But they said they never imagined his death would come over a fight about loud music. And they never thought their son's best friend would be charged with killing him."

"Kenagy, 24, a specialist in the Army, was shot through a bedroom door and killed Sunday night by his roommate, Wayne S. Grimm, in their Annandale apartment, police said. The two men were members of the Army's prestigious Old Guard unit, based at Fort Myer in Arlington."

"A spat over loud music may have led to the shooting, family members said." ...

Submitter's Note: But according to Sarah and her ilk, men like this are an 'elite' who can be trusted with guns.

AZ: Aw, shoot: Contest offers Old West fun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Step back in time, back to when cowboys dressed up in big belt buckles, boots with spurs and a brace of Colts holstered on their sides."

"This late-1800s scene is being re-created starting today at the north Valley's Ben Avery Shooting Range, where thousands of mock cowpokes will congregate from nearly all 50 states, Canada, Europe, Australia and Japan."

"More than 700 shooters will compete for five days in more than 12 different scenarios in this year's Winter Range National Old West Shooting Competition Encampment and Frontier Exhibition."

"'This is a family sport,' said Tim Coker, Winter Range's president and a 10-year participant."

"'We have multiple generations, from grandfather to grandchild.'" ...

Mexico: U.S. Hunters Flock To Mexico's Deserts To Bag Trophy Game
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There were men carrying antlers everywhere."

"Dozens of them, all hunters from the United States, shuffled forward in lines in the tiny airport here, checking in for flights to Arizona and California. All of them wore camouflage gear and carried rifles in locked cases, and nearly all were toting big racks of deer antlers, their sharp tips wrapped in bits of garden hose and duct tape to protect them in the luggage hold." ...

"Drawn by plentiful wildlife, warm winter weather and an eager host government, a fast-growing number of American hunters are heading to Mexico to shoot deer, doves and desert sheep in what Mexican officials say has become a $300 million a year industry." ...

VT: Public hearings begin on deer herd proposals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Fish & Wildlife Board begins a series of four public hearings this week on proposals to limit the deer kill."

"The proposals come on the heels of last fall's disappointing deer season. The 16-day firearms season generated the second-lowest buck kill in more than 50 years. The kill was down in every county."

"The hearings kick off at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Springfield High School. The second one is Thursday night at Rutland Intermediate School." ...

"Under the proposed hunting regulations, deer hunters would be allowed to take only one buck a year. In previous seasons, hunters could take up to three buck between the archery, rifle and muzzle loading seasons." ...

OH: Has ridiculous 'plain sight' provision claimed first victim? (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" in Dayton is reporting today that a man with an Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) accidentally shot himself while entering his vehicle." ...

"Police told WHIO-TV the man was carrying a two-shot Derringer in his coat pocket. Officers said when the man sat down in his van, the weapon fell, discharging one round and striking the man in the elbow."

"The man was not seriously injured. He was taken to a local hospital, treated and released."

"A Few Observations:

The exact circumstances of this incident are not yet known.

OFCC recommends a proper holster and quality firearm be carried whenever possible.

It is highly possible this man injured himself while fumbling for his firearm in effort to comply with the unsafe 'plain sight' provision in Ohio law." ...

GA: Sketch Released in Boy's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Witnesses to the fatal shooting of a 2-year-old boy in Forest Park, Ga., helped a sketch artist come up with a composite of a suspect in the case."

"A gunman broke into a family's apartment Thursday and held Xavier Miranda while demanding $1,000 from a recently-cashed tax refund check. When the boy's father grabbed his own weapon, shots were fired and one bullet struck Xavier in the neck. He later died."

"The gunman fled the apartment empty-handed. Ballistics tests are being conducted to find out which weapon fired the bullet that killed the child. Authorities believe it came from the intruder's weapon, which is believed to be a smaller caliber than the father’s pistol." ...

OH: 2nd Amendment among Betty’s website 'keywords', but content nonexistent (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As gubernatorial-hopefuls jostle for position in preparation for what could be a bruising 2006 primary season in both parties, pro-gun Ohioans have begun to take note of who among the candidates have a record of true support for self-defense rights, and which of them may be more likely only to pay lip-service to support for the Second Amendment, as a means of getting votes."

"As OFCC PAC has reported recently ... State Auditor Betty Montgomery opposed the restoration of Ohioans’ constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense, and continues to express a fear of CHL-holders ..." ...

LA: Sales Increase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For ten years, it was illegal to manufacture or import semi-automatic weapons in the United States. That law expired back in September and now, five months later, sales are soaring."

"Greg Ware with Southwest Gun and Knife Shop says he's definitely seen a hike since the ban expired. He sells five to six AK-47's a week and demand is so high, he says, he sold out of them last weekend. Ware says, 'Mainly they want to get one while they can. That's the big deal, they're legal now, people want to get them while they can. People are afraid they're going to reinstitute a ban again and not be able to purchase them.'"

"Earl Gothreaux with Hunters Supply and Pistol Range says he's seen an increase in the purchase of high capacity magazines. ..." ...

UK: Shopkeeper chases gunman from store
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The robber, who was in his 20s, had entered the shop minutes before Mrs Kesh was due to close up at 6.30pm on Saturday. He then pointed a handgun in the face of a young woman who was working on the tills." ...

"'He pointed the gun at my head and told me to open the till. But I told him I couldn't do that without a key.'"

"'Then I started shouting at him because I was just so annoyed. I couldn't believe a young man, who could work and earn his own living, could do this to us.'"

"She added: 'I grabbed a vodka bottle and started waving it at him. I don't think he expected that response – it must have shocked him. Maybe that's why he turned and ran out the door.'" ...

South Africa: [Another] Hijacker shot dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A would-be hijacker was shot dead in the parking lot of a block of flats in Hillbrow early on Tuesday morning, Johannesburg police said."

"A security guard at California Mansions on the corners of Kaptein and Catherine streets had just allowed a taxi through the gate when he was accosted by two armed men, police spokesperson Sergeant Sanku Tsunke said."

"One of the men held the guard at gunpoint while the other walked towards the taxi."

"The driver saw the commotion at the gate, got out of his vehicle and drew his firearm. The other man fired a shot at him and the driver returned fire."

"One of the assailants was shot twice in the head and died in the basement, while the other managed to escape." ...

Thailand: Experts can't Link Bullets to Britons' Accused Killer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Forensic experts have not been able to tie the bullets that killed two British tourists to the Thai policeman accused of murdering them, a court has heard." ...

"'The evidence is not sufficient to indicate who shot the two, as the gun has not been found,' Voravit said, adding that the accused killer had earlier said he had thrown the gun into a river." ...

" [Sergeant] Somchai denied the murder charges but police said he confessed to the killings immediately after his arrest."

"He allegedly said he drew his pistol and shot Adam Lloyd in a fit of fury after the Briton spat in his face during an argument, but that he had not intended to kill Vanessa, whom he unwittingly hit with his car as she tried to stop him from fleeing." ...

Mozambique: Police Apologise to Nampula Students
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Mozambican police in the northern city of Nampula have acknowledged wrongful behaviour in their violent dispersal of a peaceful demonstration by students of a community school on 8 February ..."

"The students were demonstrating in protest against the delay by the management of the school in publishing the results of last year's exams, which makes it difficult for them to plan for the school year ahead. The students have been waiting for the results for the last three months."

"Although the students had notified the education authorities of their intention to demonstrate, and although they were doing nothing more dangerous than chanting and banging on tin cans, members of the riot police attacked them with batons and rifle butts." ...

Canada: Fantino concerned after weekend of gunplay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The latest violence brings Toronto's homicide to six since the beginning of the year." ...

"On Friday evening, within hours of the first shooting, a woman in the passenger seat of a car, beside her husband, was shot in the head several times by her ex-boyfriend in the underground parking garage of a north-end apartment building. Szilvia Veres, 35, was dead when police arrived. Her husband, Kemenczy Miklos, 46, was shot as he jumped out of the car, and was discovered by police on the pavement behind the vehicle."

"He identified his wife's killer as her former boyfriend, 52-year-old John Kovacs, who had been under a restraining order to stay away from the couple." [emphasis added] ...

Australia: Gun put to man's head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A teenager put a pistol to a man's head when his request for a cigarette was refused.

The 29-year-old victim was sitting on a platform at Birkdale station in Brisbane's bayside when he was asked for a cigarette, police said.

When he refused, the teenager pulled a pistol from his pants and put it to the man's forehead.

The victim pushed away the gun and his attacker just as the train arrived and both men boarded it.

The victim told the train driver about the incident and police were called.

A 19-year-old Brisbane man was charged with going armed in public, threatening violence with a firearm and dangerous conduct.

He was bailed to appear in Cleveland Magistrates Court on March 15.

UK: Appeal to find armed attacker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 19-YEAR-OLD woman has been attacked by a gunman."

"She was walking along Abernethy Road, Lewisham, at 9.30pm on February 7 with three other women when a car pulled up alongside them."

"A black man got out of the car and began attacking one of the women with a handgun, which went off during the assault but did not hit anyone."

"The suspect got back into the burgundy coloured car and drove towards Lee High Road."

"Detective Sergeant Gareth Rees believes the attack may be linked to an argument which took place earlier that night."

"He said: 'I would like to appeal to anyone who witnessed this assault, or anyone who possibly saw the suspect or the car in Lee High Road, or the surrounding roads, to please contact me.'" ...

Jamaica: Big weapons, ammunition find - Over 400 rounds and 15 illegal guns intercepted at Kingston wharf
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SHIPMENT of 15 illegal guns and over 400 rounds of ammunition was intercepted at the Kingston Wharf by members of the Organised Crime Investigation Division (OCID) ."

"While details about the cache remain sketchy, reports reaching The Gleaner are that six rifles and nine handguns were seized. It is alleged that the guns and ammunition were detected in a false compartment at the bottom of a crate."

"According to a high-ranking source at the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ), one of the rifles was fitted with a telescopic lens. The PAJ is the agency charged with the responsibility for providing security at the Kingston Wharf." ...

Australia: Bank robber escapes [second story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man armed with a handgun evaded security systems to hold up a bank in suburban Melbourne yesterday.

Police said a man wearing a balaclava entered the bank on Old Calder Highway in Keilor about 3.30pm (AEDT).

He demanded money from one of the tellers and received the cash before the security shutters were activated.

Police believe the robber drove away in a white Ford utility.

The man is described as Caucasian, about 175cm tall with a medium build.

Anyone who has information about the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 000 333.

Australia: Pair charged over alleged armed robbery [third story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Melbourne detectives have charged a man and woman over an alleged armed robbery almost two weeks ago.

Police said the robbery, in which a man was allegedly assaulted and had his mobile phone and cash stolen, occurred in Argyle Street, inner-suburban Fitzroy, on February 3.

A 37-year-old Coburg man and a woman, 35, from Brunswick East, have been charged with armed robbery, robbery, theft and intentionally causing serious injury.

They have been remanded in custody to appear at court at a later date.

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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