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Newslinks for 2/16/2011

A Message From Alan M. Gottlieb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am running, along with four other well-known leaders in the firearms community, for a position on the Washington Arms Collectors Board of Directors. Those of you who are WAC members will easily recognize the names Kirby Wilbur, Dave Workman, Bill Burris and Rick Verzal."

"I encourage WAC members to vote for these gentlemen, and I ask for your support as well. We need to restore responsibility and accountability so that WAC can continue – as all productive grassroots organizations strive – to protect and perpetuate gun rights and the American firearms tradition for generations to come." ...

Media response to ‘Project Gunwalker’ story practically nonexistent
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "A paper with a 'conservative' reputation has finally noticed. It’s one of the few media outlets that have reported on this developing story, and focuses entirely on a major story that broke on Gun Rights Examiner a full six days ago. Other 'mainstream press' organizations covering this to date can be counted on one hand." ...

The Truth About Mexican Drug Cartels’ Arsenal: Follow the Grenades
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "For the last ten months, I've been trying to gather hard facts about the weapons used by Mexican drug cartels. The infamous 2008 ATF trace data, used by the ATF to justify Project Gunrunner, is thoroughly unreliable. All it tells us: how many weapons that the Mexicans submitted to the U.S. for tracing were traced to the U.S. As I've pointed out before, our neighbors to the South are hardly likely to ask for a weapons trace on firearms marked 'property of the Mexican military.' Or any other military, for that matter." ...

Gunfight in the Illinois legislature?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not literally, of course, but the speculation that gun laws just across the Mississippi will be changing this year (with the direction of the change depending on whom you talk to) has been the topic of some discussion lately. In the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, for example, we saw last week why some gun rights advocates are optimistic:" ...

The trilogy of rage has subsided
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The trilogy of rage began in 2000, when the wrath was not aimed at me. Gun nuts from all over were furious with The Morning Call because they thought — incorrectly — I had been fired for writing in favor of the Second Amendment and the right of individual citizens to be armed."

"There were hundreds of letters (my favorite was from Guam) and threats to organize protest demonstrations at the newspaper's entranceway, all resulting from an Internet-fueled rumor of my heave-ho." ...

January sees 9.7% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The January 2011 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 784,856 is an increase of 9.7 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 715,309 in January 2010." ...

"While not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted NICS data provides a more accurate picture of current market conditions. In addition to other purposes, NICS is used to check transactions of firearms sales and transfers on new and used handguns and long guns." ...

"Cops Win Gunfights Because They Show Up With Lots of Cops"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This morning, I read Paul Markel's column for Firearms Training Sanity Check; Why do we train the way we do? The answer: 'Rather than examine or address any deficiencies in the curriculum or training program, it's much easier to simply state, that's [the] way we've always done it. Well that’s great. We used to bore holes in people’s head to let the demons out. I'm sorry folks but we've always done it like that is a crutch. ...' Yes, well, what’s wrong with 'it'? How should police be training? Markel's article pulled more punches than a paid-off prizefighter. So I rang him up, expecting some carefully couched criticism. Nope. He let police firearms training standards have it, both barrels . . ." ...

The Incredible Importance of Re-Holstering
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am always amazed at the number of people I encounter at gun ranges who practice their draw. Excluding law enforcement officers, the current count stands at one. One young, Army-bound kid who’d been given a Level III retention holster for Christmas. His draw sucked. His ability to re-holster was worse. It was like my first sexual experience: fumble, look, fumble some more, look some more, success. When it comes to self-defense, knowing when and how to draw, and when and how to reholster, is more important that marksmanship (which is important just not that important). If nothing else, if you don’t reholster your gun at the appropriate time, you are in very real danger of being shot by the police . . ." ...

Gun Review: Model 1898 Krag-Jorgensen Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the first week of January, I bought my first official new gun of the year. It’s a model 1898 Krag-Jorgensen chambered in .30-40 Krag, and it’s 111 years old. That’s the same as Bilbo Baggins when he celebrates his eleventy-first birthday in The Lord of the Rings. That’s seven years older than the state of Oklahoma and eight years older than the Model T Ford."

"Unlike tens of thousands of its unlucky brethren, my Krag somehow escaped the saws and files of the sporterizers and the choppers who are today snarkily referred to as 'Bubba' by internet gunnies. ..." ...

The Right to Bear Arms for National Defense. Wrong!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ordinary citizens with personal guns were a major factor in the Continental Army's eventual victory in the revolution -- a fact that no doubt prompted the Second Amendment ... But based on the experience of the American Revolution, the amendment clearly stated that the intention of that right was for national defense ... The fledgling free America still faced threats from European armies that occupied areas of North and South America. Armed citizens would be essential for national defense."

"But does that provision for national defense make any sense today? Let's think of how the scenario of the American Revolution period would translate for 21st century America." ...

Giffords Shooting Sparks Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On January 8, 2011, [the shooter] walked into a Safeway store in Tucson, Arizona, and used a Glock 19 to shoot 19 people. [His] 19 shots managed to wound 13 – most notably Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and two of her staff - and murder six – one of which was District Judge John Roll. Officials later found out that Giffords was [the shooter's] main target, as he accused her of being 'fake' for a few years prior to the event. The tragic shootings have sparked both debate and action in politics." ...

Submitter's Note: No the shooting hasn't sparked "debate", it has sparked more calls for useless restrictions on lawful gun owners. "Debate" requires facts, which are noticeably absent in the antis' rants.

America Is the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "And although [Dr. King] uttered these words 44 years ago in a different era about a war that ended decades ago, his words are as relevant and clear as if he just spoke yesterday. America is the greatest purveyor of violence around. You only need look at the latest shootout massacre du jour on U.S. soil. These perennial bloodbaths occur so frequently that Americans have accepted them as a part of daily life, the price of doing business, as they say." ...

In Wake of Tucson, NRA Advocates Armed Militia Movement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the National Rifle Association's Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre told America, 'The guys with the guns make the rules.' After Jared Loughner ('You don't have to accept the federalist laws') took the NRA's advice to heart and shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and federal judge John Roll at Tucson--along with 17 other innocents--LaPierre took the stage at CPAC again on Thursday to deliver an angry, fear-mongering speech that seemed to call the very legitimacy of our government into question." ...

AZ: Wild west shoot-out bound to occur
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don’t know how kooky some of these legislators like Jack Harper can get. My wife says 'why don’t they just hand out guns to everybody?'"

"The people questioning the need for any civilian to have AK-47s or any other attack rifles/guns are absolutely correct. These legislators are even making it almost impossible for the regular people of this state to prohibit people from carrying weapons onto their own property, stores, etc. It’s insane." ...

Submitter's Note: Arizona Revised Statutes - Title 13 Criminal Code - Misconduct Involving Weapons: "Unless specifically authorized by law, entering any public establishment or attending any public event and carrying a deadly weapon on his person after a reasonable request by the operator of the establishment or the sponsor of the event or the sponsor's agent to remove his weapon ..."

UT: Judge hears Trolley Square victim’s case
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"A judge on Monday heard arguments in Trolley Square victim Carolyn Tuft’s lawsuit against the pawn shop that sold a gun to shooter Sulejman Talovic."

"... Tuft's attorneys argue Sportsman’s Fastcash illegally sold the weapon to the 18-year-old Talovic." ...

"'This is the type of gun the courts have said it’s a weapon of mass destruction,' [Brady Center senior attorney] Vice said. "It’s a pistol-grip weapon. It is meant to be fired from the waist ...'" ...

Submitter's note: Weapon of mass destruction? Federal law clear? Wow.

OR: Guns in homes increase risk of injury, death.
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"This newspaper recently ran an article about deciding whether or not to buy a handgun for security at home. Besides consulting local gun retailers, the paper should have checked in with public health experts on this topic." ...

CA: Gun 'rights'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The letter 'Attack on rights' (Jan. 31) is the old tired fallacy of gun hobbyists and lobbyists. It goes like this: Depriving citizens of the 'right' to acquire guns specifically designed to kill people will lead to the loss of other constitutional guarantees." ...

Using One Thug to Try and Prove The Right, Wrong.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pictured above: convicted murderer, Shawna Forde. In the press she's referred to as 'Arizona Vigillante Shawna Forde.' And that's certainly accurate. But the story goes deeper, and so does how it’s been covered in the press. Here are the facts . . ."

"Ms. Forde is a past member of the 'Minutemen' – the non-vigilante group of volunteers that patrol the Arizona/Mexico border, and calls U.S. Border Patrol agents when they spot illegals sneaking across the border. They are non-violent. They carry cell phones. Not Uzis."

"Ms. Forde was drummed out of the organization for being – how can I put this delicately – a whack job. So she formed her own, similarly-named group. Only this group was a bunch of thugs. ..." ...

Another Mistake in The New York Times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the tragedy in Tucson, the New York Times has started an all-out campaign for gun control, with a relentless number of pieces -- news, editorials, and op-eds. In its advocacy, even the news stories are heavily biased by selectively quoting only academics who support pro-gun control positions. These seemingly unbiased sources are then contrasted with opposing views from clearly biased people on the other side, such as an NRA spokesman or a right-wing politician. The implied conclusion: scientific evidence favors gun control, but self-interest stands in the way." ...

"Americans Want Background Checks" ... so say the media elite
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NEWS FLASH – There is a federal background check required on all purchasers of firearms sold through gun stores which hold a Federal Firearms License (FFL). And you can't operate a gun store selling firearms without an FFL."

"It seems that journalists, especially those associated with various Buckeye State universities and colleges, are coming out of the woodwork to attack the Second Amendment. If one were to believe in conspiracy theories, the flow of one-sided liberal editorials, thinly disguised as journalistic reporting, couldn't be a coincidence. If you don't believe in conspiracy theories, then the liberal journalists smell blood and are becoming embroiled in a feeding frenzy since the tragic shootings in Tucson. ..." ...

CA: San Francisco Police Call Norinco SKS a "Cannon of a Rifle"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun reportage is nothing new for left-coasters. Nor is anti-gun hysteria. The most recently outbreak: a proposed ban against open carry. This in a state where openly carried weapons must be carried unloaded, and hardly anyone does so. And nothing bad has happened as a result. Thankfully, that measure proved a damp squib. But the ignorance and animus generating the gun grabbers' fear and paranoia continues to infect the local media. 'Cops uncovered a 'cannon' of a rifle while making a pot bust in the Bayview district earlier this month.' How does know that this was no ordinary rifle? 'Cause 'the police said.' ..." ...

Campus carry: why not?
Submitted by: Richard Nascak

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"... Primarily, the argument against removing the restriction seems to be one of idealism, in that places of education are somehow hallowed ground and should be havens from the perceived hazards of guns on campus. Unfortunately, wishing for something does not necessarily make it so." ...

TX: Concealed issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week Student Senate approved a referendum to gauge the interest from the student body on the issue of concealed carry of firearms on campus, a referendum that has sparked a debate. The group 'Texas A&M Students for Concealed Carry' has been representing the opinion to support concealed carry, but not much has been done to articulate the argument against and I thought it important to do so." ...

NV: Heller crushes Ensign in poll
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A poll of likely Republican primary voters says Sen. John Ensign, R-Nv., trails Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nv., by 15 points." ...

"The memo [from Heller's staff] said 53 percent of voters would pick Heller and only 38 percent Ensign."

"It says Heller captures 62 percent of 'extremely conservative voters' — double the number who go for Ensign. He also took more than half the vote among tea party supporters, pro-life Republicans and Second Amendment backers." ...

GA: Guns in Church
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Georgia lawmaker says faithful church goers are sitting ducks, defenseless against a potential act of violence and some pastors agree. That's why they're pushing to repeal the state ban on guns in houses of worship."

"State Representative Bobby Franklin has introduced a bill that would give the faithful the option to carry a gun to their house of worship, but others say that's one place that should be off limits to weapons." ...

AR: Gun culture derailed for the moment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Rep. Denny Altes of Fort Smith handled this measure to provide that we could all carry guns openly without having to undergo the training and permitting required of those now allowed to carry their weapons in a concealed fashion."

"Freshman Republicans Matthew Shepherd of El Dorado and Kim Hammer of Benton, allied strangely in this case with legendary civil rights lawyer John Walker of Little Rock — now a freshman Democratic member — punched some obvious holes." ...

IL: Lawmakers push concealed carry proposals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a handgun ban in Chicago last year, lawmakers in Springfield started off this year by pushing to give people the right to carry concealed firearms in public."

"Similar legislation has been defeated in the past, but lawmakers have not given up. Some lawmakers in both chambers have introduced a slew of proposals to expand gun ownership rights." ...

NH: House OKs 'Made in NH' guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Made in New Hampshire' guns that are free from federal laws and taxes would be manufactured and sold here with legislation clearing the House of Representatives on Tuesday."

"This 240-120 vote was another clear signal that Second Amendment supporters are finding much to like in the Republican-dominated Legislature elected with the backing of gun owner rights organizations." ...

WV: Gun law reform bill enters House of Delegates
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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... "Key provisions of the bill would rescind local gun ordinances by Charleston and other cities grandfathered into current law and allow the carry of firearms in most government buildings. Attorney Jim Mullins, a lawyer who drafted the bill, said guns would still be prohibited in courtrooms under the legislation." ...

SD: Panel OKs bill to allow concealed carry permits for legal immigrants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that will allow legal immigrants to be issued concealed weapons permits successfully passed out of committee Monday in Pierre."

"The House State Affairs Committee unanimously approved the rule change that will strike a requirement that permit holders be U.S. citizens, as opposed to legal residents." ...

FL: PBC gun control advocates suffer more setbacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Palm Beach County's struggle to impose tougher local gun control measures suffered more setbacks on Tuesday."

"First, the County Commission did away with a long-standing prohibition against allowing guns in local parks, because the rule conflicted with state law. Then, commissioners delayed a proposal calling for state legislation to ban the sale of high-capacity ammunition magazines, like those used in the Jan. 8 Tucson shootings."

"County officials contend they only recently learned about the state law, approved during the 1980s, that allows concealed weapons permit holders to bring their guns to Florida parks ..." ...

Submitter's Note: As Lefties like to say: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

AR: Ark. Senate OKs bill limiting gun restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arkansas Senate voted Monday to prohibit local governments from restricting or confiscating firearms during a state of emergency, a move that backers say would protect gun owners' rights during natural and man-made disasters." ...

NJ: Another Anti-Gun Bill Introduced in New Jersey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Assembly Bill 3807, sponsored by Assemblyman Louis D. Greenwald (D-6) and Assemblyman Annette Quijano (D-20), has been introduced in the New Jersey Assembly."

"If passed, A3807 would reduce the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds from 15." ...

IL: Phelps sponsors legislation to limit local regulation of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In addition to his conceal and carry measure this spring, state Rep. Brandon Phelps (D-Harrisburg) is also sponsoring legislation that will help ease restrictions on gun owners by making the state the sole regulator of the ownership and possession of firearms in Illinois." ...

CT: Hartford Mayor Segarra wants stronger gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Efforts are being made on the state and national levels to restore the prohibition on high-capacity gun magazines, such as those used in the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, in order to reduce gun violence across Connecticut and across the country."

"Mayor Pedro E. Segarra, who is a member of Mayors Against Gun Violence, issued this statement in support of measures being introduced by the State Legislature and that of Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) on the national level." ...

Submitter's Note: And the blood dance continues . . .

ATF Gives Guns to Mexican Drug Cartels to Undermine Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oh what a tangled web bureauweenies weave when they attempt to use their power to acquire still more power by supporting statist canards with phony data. This time we're not talking about NASA and the global warming farce, but the ATF's practice of smuggling guns across the border so that it will look like the Second Amendment's fault that Mexican drug cartels are violent:" ...

Another ATF whistleblower asks -- "Senator Grassley: are you watching?" Waste, fraud and abuse, this time at ATF's Martinsburg facility.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
Investigations Division

"This is a new attempt in an effort to bring the misappropriations of funds and material to your attention. In the previous letters the abuse of work time and automobiles by ATF special agents was addressed. Personnel have continued with this abuse to the extent that letters of justification, for misuse, have been written by the agents in Martinsburg, WV ..." ...

"Go to the link and read the rest. It is obvious that after the Project Gunwalker scandal hearings are opened, that they need to be expanded to a thoroughgoing, wide-ranging hearing on other ATF scandals."

"Don't Resist": The Refrain of Rapists, Police, and Other Degenerates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Officer] Richards later admitted that he hadn't received any complaints about Briscoe's behavior, and that he did nothing that warranted an arrest. According to the former clinic staffer, Briscoe was known to be 'very kind and gentle [and] would never be aggressive.' Yet when the harmless and intimidated man refused to get into the police car, Richards committed an act of criminal assault by seizing and attempting to handcuff him." ...

NY: Stabbed in Rampage, Brooklyn Cabdriver Is Then Put in Jail
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"He sat in the emergency room at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center in Brooklyn, thankful he was alive after being ambushed by a stranger who seemed set on killing him."

"The unprovoked knife attack left Fitz Fullerton with gashes to his face, hand and neck, requiring dozens of stitches. He did not know then that his attacker was believed to be Maksim Gelman, a man in the midst of a 28-hour rampage that had already left four people dead."

"Mr. Fullerton, a livery-cab driver, also did not know something else: The police officers at the hospital had come not merely to interview him, but to put him behind bars." ...

NY: NYPD Detective Accidentally Shoots Herself in Thigh
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New York Police Department detective has accidentally shot herself in the thigh, but the injury isn't considered serious." ...

Submitter's Note: Another "Only One" graduate of the Lee Paige School of Weapon Handling.

OR: Public's Help Sought to Find OSP Detective's Missing Handgun from Portland-area Hospital
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oregon State Police (OSP) is asking for the public's help for information that will lead to the recovery of a department handgun that was left Wednesday afternoon in a restroom at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NY: Don't mess with mama Josephine Cagnino -- She guns down son's killer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"This was just another one of those slum murders; one young hothead offended another and it ended with bullets and blood."

"In 1920, there could be three or four each weekend, and no one paid much attention.
So when Andrea Ficarello, 34, a Sicilian career thug, shot longshoreman Ignazio Cagnino, 23, another Sicilian, it didn't make headlines. The death might have left no mark on the soul of the city, had it not been for one person: Josephine Cagnino, the dead man's mother. She saw her son's killer walking away with a smoking gun and it drove her mad." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Interesting historical story. Too bad the revolver in the illustration is at least half a century early.

WA: King Co. executive’s plan could pave way for NRA’s return to Seattle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"King County Executive Dow Constantine’s proposal (reported by KING 5 News) to re-direct tax revenues to allow for expansion of the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle could be a godsend for Pacific Northwest gun owners, because the larger facility might be able to attract the annual National Rifle Association convention." ...

CT: Berlin Connecticut Man Sentenced To More Than Eight Years In Prison For Amassing Arsenal Of Illegal Weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"David B. Fein, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that ALAN D. ZALESKI, 49, of Berlin, Connecticut, was sentenced today ... 101 months of imprisonment, followed by three years of supervised release, for illegally possessing machine guns and numerous other unregistered weapons, including a sawed-off shotgun, silencers, grenades and improvised explosive devices or 'IEDs.'"

"On March 27, 2009, a jury found ZALESKI guilty of 28 counts related to the illegal possession of those firearms." ...

"... ZALESKI also possessed dozens of how-to books on making bombs and IEDs; converting semi-automatic weapons to fully automatic weapons; and making homemade silencers." ...

KABA Note: Oh no! Not books!

NC: He's a Yankee who supports gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Way back in the 1950s, when I was a teen, many Southerners came north for jobs; we did not call them Rebs or Confederates. So let's get beyond the name calling. Vote for Second Amendment candidates and let's do some shooting, safely and friendly."

IA: Iowa City: Poor People Can’t Conceal Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Iowa City's taken the whole 'you have the right to bear arms except in the places where the government that acknowledges that right does business or teaches children or keeps library books' to the next level. Busses. reports that Iowa City is going to ban concealed carry on busses. So poor people who can’t afford a car can’t carry their gun to work. ..."

Submitter's Note: Robert intimates, but I will ask outright: What percentage of Iowa City's population is non-white, and what percentage of IC's bus ridership is non-white?

AZ: Legislators, heed warnings of campus police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Will Arizona legislators really put ideology above public safety?"

We're about to find out."

"The top cops at Arizona's three universities strongly oppose a bill that would allow anyone with a permit to carry a concealed weapon on campus."

"They warn that Senate Bill 1467 would increase the possibility of bloodshed. It would put more lives in danger. It would complicate police work." ...

Submitter's Note: The need for warrants complicates police work too, so let's get rid of them. And that whole "presumption of innocence" thing? That really complicates police work. Much easier if we throw that out too.

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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