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Newslinks for 2/16/2013

Illegal Sheriff's exports reveal further justice double standards
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Call me cynical,' he added, 'but if someone not in law enforcement went to these extremes to disguise what they were doing, that person would be indicted faster than you can say 'ham sandwich.'" ...

Magpul Draws Their LIne In The Sand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Magpul has made it more than just talk. If the Colorado legislature passes the mag ban law, they will be moving. Going with them will be one of their major subcontractors Alfred Manufacturing. They made the official announcement a couple of hours ago on Facebook."



Submitter's Note: Can you still call them unintended consequences when you are warned ahead of time what the consequences will be?

Guns Save Life Rounding Up Boycott Contacts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reader Bob Colburn saw our post about York Firearms canceling sales to New York state agencies and LEOs and directed our attention to the efforts of John Boch at Guns Save Life to accumulate a list of contacts at some of the larger gun makers and get gun owners to contact them. The goal: persuade the bigger GunCos to follow the path taken by the Olympics and LaRue’s of the world . . ." ...

Raging (Pointlessly?) Against The Machine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[On Tuesday], Olympic Arms became the latest company to tell the state of New York they were fired as a customer. The dismissal began with a clear enumeration of the firing offense: exceeding the authority granted to the government of New York by its citizens and violation of the Constitution of the United States." ...

Demand for NSSF Safety Education Materials Skyrockets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the beginning of the New Year, demand for the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) safety and education materials has increased substantially. Orders for NSSF’s popular educational brochure 'Firearms Safety Depends on You' were up 110 percent in January compared to the same period last year. There were 217,486 copies of the brochure ordered during the month, up from 103,431 last January. Orders for NSSF’s firearm safety DVD compilation jumped 1,700 percent, with the majority of the 2,250 copies being ordered by educators and childcare professionals . . ." ...

LA Times: Dorner Killing Shows Armed Americans Can’t Resist Government Tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The nutty notion that a citizen can be heavily enough armed to fight off the government went up in smoke near Big Bear Lake,' George Skelton opines at 'This may sound crazy to most normal people, but there are some obsessed gun owners — although a minority, surely — who believe they need to arm themselves to perhaps combat government oppression.' Skelton proceeds to quote readers’ emails to paint gun owners as deranged right wing racists and proto-terrorists. Which doesn’t really matter because they’ve already lost the argument over the Second Amendment, apparently . . ." ...


Daily Digest: Indigestible
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When gun control advocates want a 'real world' example of civilian disarmament’s benefits they tout the UK. Never mind that The Land of Hope and Glory has the highest violent crime rate in Europe, far higher than the U.S. Never mind that Britain’s subjects are not citizens. That the North Sea islanders don’t have the right to silence or, for that matter, a written constitution protecting any of their natural or God-given rights. The Brits have less firearms-related fatalities than us Yanks so . . . there you go. ..." ...

TX: Texas Homeowner Shoots Intruder Four Times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man in Texas told an intruder in his home to stop where he was after coming into the home."

"However, the intruder kept advancing toward the homeowner, who was armed."

"The homeowner shot the suspect 4 times, including twice in the chest." ...

TN: 72 Year Old Great-Grandmother Holds 2 Robbery Suspects at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in TN believe a 72 year old great-grandmother probably foiled an attempted robbery attempt at a Dollar General store."

"The woman became suspicious when a strange car with two young men inside parked behind her business, adjacent to the Dollar General."

"When the woman confronted the men they tried to approach her and get something out of the car. Following her instincts that something was up, the woman drew her .22 caliber handgun and pointed it at the men, ordering them to put their hands on the car."

"One of the men tried to retrieve something from the car, but the woman fired a warning shot to stop them. When police arrived they found drugs, guns, and clothes meant to conceal the wearer’s identity in the car." ...

MI: Security Guard at Tax Prep Office in MI Uses AR-15 to Defend Himself, Customers and Owners (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pair of armed robbers stormed into a tax preparation office in Detroit, MI and put a gun to the receptionists head."

"That’s when a security guard at the business grabbed a stashed AR-15 and opened fire on the would be robbers."

"The robbers exchanged fire with the guard before fleeing the store." ...

SC: Armed Robber in SC Tells Woman, “You’re Dead!” Then Runs Off When She Pulls a Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman in Myrtle Beach, SC is glad she kept a gun in her car this morning when a man tried to rob her."

"The suspect demanded money from the woman as he opened the door to her car."

"The woman kicked at the man, and that’s when he told her, 'You’re dead!'"

"The woman was able to grab a gun from her glove box, point it at the suspect, and that’s when he ran away." ...

Gun ban bills in three states, including Wash., could make citizens criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrat lawmakers in three states, including Washington, have introduced legislation that would ban possession of so-called 'assault weapons' with criminal penalties under certain circumstances, and also provide for their surrender to law enforcement." ...

NRA-ILA Ad: "Ask Obama's Experts" (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA-ILA has released a compelling commercial in response to President Obama's State of the Union address, in which the former Joyce Foundation Board of Directors member called on Congress to pass draconian gun control laws that have been tried before, and which were allowed to expire because they did not work to curb crime."

IL: OMG! A Pro-Gun Dem! Running for Congress! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politics is the art of the possible and this is one possibility the President and his supporters just can’t let happen. Debbie Halvorson’s a Dem and avid past Obama supporter running for Jessie Jackson, Jr.’s House seat in the gun-free utopia of Chicago (500+ murders in 2012). She’s a former state senator and was a congresscritter for Illinois’ 11th from ’09 to ’11. But despite her past support for the President, there’s a fly in this Mrs. Smith Goes Back to Washington story. Halvorson’s pro-2A and carries an NRA A rating. And she’s said in no uncertain terms that she opposes an assault weapons ban and magazine capacity limits because they won’t do a damned thing to reduce crime. ..." ...

CO: BREAKING Colorado Approves “High Cap” Mag Ban Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'After an epic debate, Colorado Democrats advanced stricter gun-control measures Friday, ensuring that the state will be held up as an example in a national fight over tougher firearm laws,' reports. Late last night, the Colorado House passed HB 1224 (limiting magazine capacity to 15 rounds) and three other bills (after the jump) by voice vote. After a roll call on Monday, the package will sail through the Democratically-controlled Senate and land on Governor Hicklooper’s desk for signature. ..." ...

ME: Request for gun lists riles Maine GOP lawmakers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maine Republican lawmakers expressed outrage Thursday over a newspaper's request of police agencies across the state for their lists of concealed-weapons permit holders, but the paper said it never had any intention of identifying anyone on the lists."

"The Bangor Daily News has invoked Maine's Freedom of Access Act in asking police to release the information, a request police said they appear to be obliged to fulfill under state law. ..." ...

CA: CA Police Chief, “Guns Are Not Defensive Weapons”, Implies Officers Carry Guns to Intimidate People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emeryville, CA police chief Ken James, made some worrysome comments earlier this month. The chief says that guns are offensive, not defensive weapons that are carried to intimidate and show power, implying that is why police officers carry guns."

"'One issue that always boggles my mind is that the idea that a gun is a defensive weapon,' he said. 'That is a myth. A gun is not a defensive weapon.'"

"'A gun is an offensive weapon used to intimidate and show power,' James added. 'Police officers don’t carry a gun as a defensive weapon to defend themselves or their other officers. ...'" ...

AR: Lonoke Co. SO: Pine Bluff Police Officer Arrested for Felony Theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man the Lonoke County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) says is a Pine Bluff police officer has been arrested for felony theft."

"The LCSO says 24-year-old Cody Wayne Cummings was arrested just after noon on Thursday in connection with thefts that occurred in Ward and Cabot in early February." ...

LA: Police face misconduct allegations over Carnival incident (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'We were just sitting there laughing and out of nowhere, I saw two guys grab Ferd,' says Newman."

"'All of a sudden, I'm on the wall. A whole bunch of people just came up and threw me up against the wall,' says Hunt."

"Those people were plain clothes law enforcement officers, nine of them State Troopers and one NOPD officer. The two young men were taken down to the ground." ...

IN: Trial of Indianapolis police Officer David Bisard will be heard in Allen County (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The trial of Indianapolis police Officer David Bisard, who's accused of causing a fatal 2010 crash by driving drunk, will be heard in Allen County."

"The change of venue was announced at a hearing Thursday. Allen Superior Judge John F. Surbeck Jr. will hear the case."

"Bisard faces charges of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, reckless homicide and criminal recklessness in the 2010 crash that killed 30-year-old Eric Wells and seriously injured two others." ...

WA: Portland Police officer sentenced in harassment case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Portland Police officer pleaded guilty in Clark County court to reduced charges and has been sentenced in a harassment case that resulted from an incident more than one year ago."

"Officer James Botaitis was accused of breaking into his estranged wife's apartment in October 2011 and threatening to kill her boyfriend, ..." ...

IL: Police raid Illinois man's home for meth lab, find maple syrup
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Illinois raided a man's home to bust what they thought was a meth lab earlier this week."

"But, it turns out, there was no meth. Just maple syrup." ...

CA: S.F. police inspector's firing upheld
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state appeals court has upheld the firing of a veteran San Francisco police inspector for misconduct that included cashing a tenant's stolen checks and failing to comply with police orders during a confrontation at her home in Antioch." ...

WA: King County sheriff denies request from NY firm for names of CPL holders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"King County Sheriff John Urquhart has denied a request for the names and addresses of concealed pistol license holders in his jurisdiction, sought by a New York-based on-line video and news organization, citing a Washington state law that exempts such information from public access." ...

CT: Three Connecticut police officers caught on camera 'kicking and stomping on man they'd subdued with a stun gun' (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three Connecticut police officers have been put on administrative leave after they were caught on video brutally beating a suspect in a local park."

"Elson Morales, Joseph Lawlor and Clive Higgins, all 10-year veterans of the Bridgeport Police Department, are shown on the tape kicking and stomping on a man they had already subdued with a stun gun." ...

IL: Suburban police officers allowed to work 'half-drunk,' Chicago investigation reveals (video available)
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Do you think your police department has a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol?"

"Think again."

"Many suburban Chicago departments actually have clauses in their union contracts which prevent any kind of discipline for officers with substantial amounts of alcohol in their systems -- even those nearing the state definition of legally drunk, an investigation by the Better Government Association and NBC Chicago reveals." ...

Gun registration? Can we finally throw Bill O’Reilly Overboard?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Here is his direct quote (emphasis mine) from his appearance on Letterman the other day. Video and more after the jump:"

"'Here’s what you do with guns…you federalize all gun crimes, number one. You take it out of the local jurisdiction and state and you federalize it, right? So therefore if you’re caught in a gun crime holding up a 7-11, you get a mandatory 10 years if you’re convicted in a federal pen, on top of whatever Slurpee you stole…The second thing you do is, if you buy a gun, you have to register the gun ..." ...

Can our form of government, our system of justice, survive if one can be denied a freedom because he might abuse it? — HARLON CARTER

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