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Newslinks for 2/17/2003

MD: Stokes to serve eight months at home on gun convictions
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Dontee D. Stokes, the West Baltimore barber who last May shot a Roman Catholic priest he says molested him as a teen-ager, was ordered to serve eight months of home detention yesterday by a city judge." ...

"A Baltimore Circuit Court jury convicted Stokes in December of three minor handgun violations in connection with Blackwell's shooting, but acquitted him of attempted murder and five other counts that could have sent him to prison for life. Stokes told the jury that he shot Blackwell during an 'out-of-body' experience and that he had no control over himself at the time."

NC: Gun shops busy amid terror talk
Submitted by: Pablo Sanchez

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"Valentine's Day is usually slow at Hyatt's Gun Shop, but Friday business was so brisk owner Larry Hyatt had to bring in extra help."

"Rarely were there fewer than a dozen customers in the westside store, and Hyatt believes some of that activity is related to recent terrorism warnings."

" 'When the government tells you to buy duct tape and stock up on water, they don't tell you to get a gun, but everybody knows you need one,' he said."

NY: War in the air? Gun show at fair runs normally
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Code Orange belonged to a different world."

"This was one of hunters and gun collectors; a world dedicated to lovingly preserved world war memorabilia – W. Points, Savages, Rugers and Colts."

OH: Supreme Court sets arguments April 15th on CCW challenge
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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"The Ohio Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments April 15th in a lawsuit from Hamilton County seeking to overturn as unconstitutional a state law which prohibits the carrying of concealed weapons. Justices included the case (02-0585) on their most recent oral argument calendar covering the period through June 3, 2003."

DC: New 'status symbol' in D.C. Bodyguards
Submitted by: Eric Williams

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"The era of terror has spawned a new 'status symbol' in the nation's capital: bodyguards."

"If you don't have them, you're not considered important, say career federal employees who find the post-Sept. 11 trend both amusing and disturbing."

"Even the low-profile director of the relatively small, 3,600-employee Office of Personnel Management now has a protective detail."

The average citizen in DC is disarmed by the government, but even the pettiest government bureaucrats are using taxpayer dollars to ensure they're protected by armed guards. Guess it pays to be the ruler, presiding over disarmed serfs.

CA: Robber killed in shootout with store owner
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"A midday armed heist of a south Stockton convenience store Friday turned into a fierce shootout that left one of the robbers dead, the owner, a neighborhood icon, seriously wounded and a clerk shot in the hand."

CA: Campo Seco area to host hikers, shooters
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"A Bureau of Land Management official said this week that a stretch of federal land near this tiny Calaveras County enclave could accommodate two very different types of recreation -- hiking and shooting."

CA: Officer charged in assault
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"Felony assault charges have been lodged against a Ceres police officer accused of attacking a man after citing him for two bicycle violations."

"The Stanislaus County district attorney's office filed the complaint Friday against Richard James Fisher, 32. He is charged with assault and battery by an officer, and assault with a semi-automatic firearm."

AK: Man who preyed on teen boys will soon be out of jail
Submitted by: John fansler

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"A notorious sex offender will soon be out of prison, and there will be no way for the public to officially track him." ...

"The 67-year-old is set to be released Monday, but is not required to register on the sex offender registry because his crimes occurred about a decade before the law was passed."

IA: Advocates push for tighter gun laws
Submitted by: Donald W. Bohlken

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Second story on the page.

"A coalition of advocates urged the Legislature on Tuesday to tighten the state's gun laws to ban unregulated sales."

"At a Statehouse news conference, the advocates pushed for legislation to expand the requirement that those purchasing guns be subjected to background checks."

"Congress has approved legislation that requires background checks for those purchasing guns from federally licensed gun dealers, but the advocates say the measure has glaring loopholes."

IA: Iowa Coalition to Prevent Firearm Injury Asks State to Regulate Secondary Gun Sales
Submitted by: Donald W. Bohlken

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"Studies show that most criminals do not buy their guns from federally licensed firearms dealers. A 1999 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) study found that of guns used in crimes, only 11 percent could be traced to the original gun purchaser from a licensed firearms dealer with a background check. The other 89 percent of crime guns had changed hands at least once after the original purchase. That is, the person who committed the crime obtained the gun from secondary markets."

About 40% of guns used in crimes were stolen and another 40% were obtained from a family member or a friend. How is regulating a private transaction between two people going to stop criminals from obtaining guns?

Australia: Record number of police face criminal charges
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"More than 50 Victorian police have been suspended, forced to take leave or transferred while being investigated for a range of serious offences - a record number in the history of the force."

"Police have been stood down after being charged with offences including rape, drug trafficking, burglary and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Three have been suspended for shoplifting."

"Some suspended police are under investigation - but yet to be charged - over child sex offences and incest allegations. Six police have been charged or are under investigation for drug trafficking."

UK: Police winning battle against gun crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police are winning the battle against gun crime on the streets of London, says Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens."

"After large rises in handgun crimes last year, Sir John said that the start of 2003 had seen a dramatic improvement in the situation, with firearm use down 28%."

Is it so hard to believe?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...the actions of our government have been rife with totalitarian measures to secure cooperation and stifle public dissent for the actions of power-hungry would-be dictators. Why, then are we so shocked that our elected officials sailed through the PATRIOT Act and the Homeland Security Act with relative ease?" ...

"Why is it that current abhorrent legislative acts are so difficult for us to stomach? After all, this is the logical conclusion to a historical reality that began long ago."

FL: Man sentenced to 17 years for possessing gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A St. Augustine man was sentenced by a federal judge to more than 17 years in prison this week for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon." ...

"Anderson was arrested in Jacksonville on Jan. 1, 2002, by a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office deputy after he was stopped for a traffic violation, according to the U.S. Attorney's Middle District of Florida office."

"Officials determined that his criminal history qualified him for a tougher sentence, according to the middle district office."

"The case was prosecuted as a part of the Department of Justice program 'Operation Safe Neighborhoods.' "

CA: Panel of professors talks about gun use, abuse and regulation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Rick Ruddell, a criminologist teaching in the political science department, said the concern about school shootings is a 'misplaced priority.' " ...

"Troy Jollimore, a professor in the philosophy department, said he was put on the discussion panel to be the one in favor of gun control, and while he can defend the idea of gun regulation, he is unwilling to advocate the banning of all firearms." ...

"Peter Gross, a journalism professor and the third member of the three-person panel, said the central issue was one of freedom."

"He claimed the idea of gun control is largely spurred on by an elite group of individuals who want to limit the freedom of gun owners for the 'greater good.' "

"He charged that most Americans who want to give away some other person's freedom for a greater good, 'have no idea what freedom is.' "

IL: Hunters need to separate themselves from gun nuts
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"So I watch with more than passing interest when an anti-gun person such as Mayor Daley steps into the political arena with gun legislation." ...

"Then I picked through the highlights."

"As a hunter and human being, I agreed with almost all of them."

"As hunters, we must learn to separate ourselves from the gun nuts, those who would oppose every firearm restriction. Otherwise, we'll be lumped in the crackpot pile."

As human beings and human rights advocates, we must separate ourselves from wolves in sheep's clothing such as this, who claim to be gun owners, claim to "love" guns, and yet insist there's nothing wrong with limiting freedoms and putting human rights under the control of the state.

UK: Driver shot in bungled robbery
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Smethwick man was shot in the arm while he sat in his parked car during a bungled robbery in the town."

"Two raiders jumped into the back of the victim's parked car as he sat in Wellington Street."

"The pair shot the man, aged in his 30s, in his arm after demanding money but fled on foot empty-handed."

Control fear in U.S. by controlling guns (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Unlike countries such as Great Britain, France and Australia, where deaths from guns total under 200 lives per year, in America it is approximately 11,872 lives per year."

"I wonder why in Canada, where there are more guns per person than America (according to Michael Moore), they only have about 165 gun deaths per year. The gun control in America is not under control. If two high school students can get M-16s, over 500 rounds of ammunition and kill 11 people, there is something wrong."

"If the government and many American citizens didn’t feel war was the only way to protect our nation, we could spend less money on the military and more on controlling guns, which then could result in safer schools."

Isn't it just like a hanky-wringer to make lies and propaganda a basis for beliefs about gun rights?

Smith and Wesson's new guns conform with company history
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"But, the birth of the new firearm has the executive director of the Violence Policy Center apparently wringing his hands. The director, a man named Tom Ortiz, said the decision 'boggles the mind' and that the gun would create 'a new order of threat to law enforcement.' "

"Such a comment -- or perhaps mindset -- illustrates ignorance about the Smith and Wesson company."

Is it any surprise that a gun story contained mistakes?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Now let's consider the validity of his pronouncement about the gun being a 'threat to law enforcement.' As AP points out, S&W's new gun weighs 42 (4 and one-half) pounds. It has a barrel 8a (8 and three-eights) inches long.

"AP says the barrel is 82 (8 and one half) inches long, but as so often happens with AP, they got it wrong again."

"The point, though, of my listing the dimensions and weight of the gun is to demonstrate that no criminal would have a hope of concealing such an unwieldy weapon. To contend, as Diaz does, that S&W's new gun is a threat to law enforcement is simply preposterous."

"If AP had been as eager to talk with someone on the pro-gun side as on the anti-gun side, they might have found that out and avoiding printing a statement that has no validity."

FL: Officers' use of force down, police report says
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Officers are using force less in making arrests and fewer people are complaining about them, according to a new police report." ...

"There were 54 incidents where force — which can range from simple restraint to use of a weapon — was used in 2002, a 35 percent drop from 83 cases in 2001. According to the report, 94 officers used force on 53 people last year. In some instances, two different types of force might have been used against a single person."

NY: Hunter safety always an issue
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"An optimist might summarize New York's 2002 hunting-safety report by noting that more than 600,000 licensed hunters went afield, and only 61 of them were involved in shooting accidents."

UK: Police step up hunt for Aberdeen gun raider
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police today stepped up the hunt for a man, who held up an Aberdeen shop with a gun. The raid happened at RS McColl's news agency in Castle Street yesterday."

Canada: At Lombardy School, you can spell gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Grade 1 students at Lombardy Public School near Smiths Falls will be able to learn to spell the word 'gun,' after school officials reversed a decision to ban the word from the class's curriculum." ...

"If a parent objects to a particular word on his or her child's spelling test, the teacher will have discretion to remove it from that child's test. But the rest of the class can still be tested on the spelling of the word."

FL: Former state official faces gun charge
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Early Wednesday morning, Tampa police arrested Ross at a $35-a-night motel in a seedy stretch of N Nebraska Avenue. The charge: carrying a concealed firearm."

"What Ross was doing there remains unclear. But a spokeswoman for the Crisis Center gave part of an explanation Friday. She said Ross has been suffering from clinical depression, with the recent holiday season inflaming the longstanding pain of his 22-year-old son's suicide in 1987."

Justice Department's double standard
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Reports that federal investigators may file criminal charges against celebrity homemaker Martha Stewart raise a troubling question, Libertarians say: Why aren't Dick Cheney and Terry McAuliffe facing criminal charges as well? After all, both the vice president and the head of the Democratic National Committee have been accused of selling millions of dollars in stock before its value plummeted and ordinary investors lost their life savings."

DC: As man died, witnesses turned away
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At a time when homicide detectives are struggling to solve cases, police officials said the tape depicts the astounding levels of meanness and indifference they confront on the city’s streets. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, police and prosecutors watched numerous cases collapse as witnesses were shot or intimidated. In this instance, several people at the gas station did not appear to be frightened but seemed not to care after the shot was fired and the gunman ran."

Total police state takeover
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Patriot Act II bill itself is stamped 'Confidential -Not for Distribution.' Upon reading the analysis and bill, I was stunned by the scientifically crafted tyranny contained in the legislation. The Justice Department Office of Legislative Affairs admits that they had indeed covertly transmitted a copy of the legislation to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, (R-Il) and the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney as well as the executive heads of federal law enforcement agencies."

"It is important to note that no member of Congress was allowed to see the first Patriot Act before its passage, and that no debate was tolerate by the House and Senate leadership. The intentions of the White House and Speaker Hastert concerning Patriot Act II appear to be a carbon copy replay of the events that led to the unprecedented passage of the first Patriot Act."

When I needed my weapon!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Let me tell you why I am so upset with the gun grabbers. More upset with the female gun grabbers who are just not thinking. How do they expect to protect themselves when, and it will happen, a creep tries to do them bodily harm? Talk to them? Offer to pay them? Reason? Don't think so. The morgue is full of the unarmed females who became

The risks of a home invasion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Those of you who have taken my course know that I teach the 'have it or not' mindset. Simply put: you either have the gun with you at all times while at home (yes even in the shower), or, secure it and not have it with you at all. If you do have it with you while you are at home, it should be concealed."

"If you choose to carry concealed while at home and you are confronted by intruders, comply with them and give them what they want." ...

CA: Local case could blaze trail in drive to control weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"States and cities have reaped billions of dollars over the years by suing cigarette companies. Many municipalities around the country are now focusing their sights on another target – the gun industry." ...

"So far, the gun industry has been fairly successful in defeating these lawsuits in other parts of the country. Similar suits have been thrown out in cases brought by cities in Delaware, New York, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., among other places."

Japan: Officer hid guns to appease his boss
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former police inspector shot holes in his gun-control team's record Thursday by admitting he planted weapons in train station lockers for his colleagues to find."

"The admission at the Sapporo District Court by Yoshiaki Inaba, 49, is yet another black mark for the former officer."

"Inaba is on trial over allegations he bought guns from Russian sailors and sold them to gangsters. He has also been indicted on a charge of possessing amphetamines."

"He has pleaded guilty to both charges."

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least." — HENRY DAVID THOREAU

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